
How To Use Engraved In A Sentence

  • B.C.,) the Dynasty in which lived the Amen-em-hats and the Usertsens, the great early art period of the Egyptian empire, [26] the Egyptians engraved on amethyst, jasper and rock crystal, and at that early period did some of the most beautiful work remaining to us of their glyptography. Scarabs The History, Manufacture and Symbolism of the Scarabæus in Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia, Sardinia, Etruria, etc.
  • Dated 196 B.C., the stone is engraved with Greek and hieroglyphic texts that enabled scholars to decipher ancient Egyptian writing.
  • The shapes and engraved decorations of these pieces are typical of medieval Islamic glassware.
  • One with his band's name engraved on it? Times, Sunday Times
  • He installed a granite gravestone engraved on one side with solemn portraits, and on the other with a tender group picture. Times, Sunday Times
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  • She had a small silver plaque engraved and fixed to the instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.
  • An actual glass trophy engraved with my name. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the first half of the eighteenth century ebony rosewood, and padouk were inlaid with floral designs ivory that was then engraved and highlighted with lac.
  • In the 19th century, numerous banks were set up throughout the country and were often engraved with a design identifying the locality.
  • The first examples had painted wood or engraved and silvered dials similar to those of long case clocks.
  • She wore a ring engraved with the words 'Sa douçeur m'enchant' (Your sweetness enchants me). Frances Burney (1752-1840)
  • He installed a granite gravestone engraved on one side with solemn portraits, and on the other with a tender group picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The shops, each retaining many original 1920s art-deco features such as tiling, 'sunburst' lights and engraved glass features are time capsules of suburban shopping from nearly a century ago. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Tradition holds that a great emerald on which was engraved the Great and Sacred Name adorned the Ephod of the High Priest as recorded in the Book of Exodus. Zolar’s Magick Of Color
  • Symbolizing the Twin Towers, the walls will be engraved with the names of each victim in 4-inch letters.
  • The bracelet was engraved with his name and date of birth.
  • (Nov 07 2009 21: 18 GMT) flower style engraved 24k pure gold loop earrings set eardrop leafstyle engraved 24k pure gold loop earrings 999 gold eardrop We Blog A Lot
  • The winner would receive a cup engraved with their name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Camden society what the old church at Jamestown probably was, may be seen the tomb of a Tazewell, who died in 1706, on which is engraved the coat of arms of the family, -- a lion rampant, bearing a helmet with a vizor closed on his back; an escutcheon, which is evidently of Norman origin, and won by some daring feat of arms, and which could only have been held by one of the conquering race. Discourse of the Life and Character of the Hon. Littleton Waller Tazewell
  • A stone floor, engraved with both Egyptian hieroglyphs and Roman numerals, occupies the ground between them.
  • The murder is engraved on our memories… and goes against everything that is dear to us in the Netherlands.
  • The gravestone will be engraved with the name Gwen.
  • Her silver fork with the monogram engraved on the handle, her silver napkin ring.
  • In _Civil Architecture_, by Chambers, it is mentioned that the plates were engraved by "old Rooker, old Fourdrinier, and others," thus seeming to imply that there was more than one Fourdrinier then in England. Memoir and Letters of Francis W. Newman
  • The first character of the signature is badly engraved and hesitantly formed.
  • The Indian furniture was usually of ebony, padouk, or rosewood with the floral borders and motifs either inlaid or engraved on ivory veneer.
  • Since pipes played an important role in the lives of the Indians, many are elaborately carved or decorated wood, with bowls of finely engraved soapstone.
  • Even some of the techniques used - the silver plaques engraved with copperplate script, the use of embroidery - hark back to these two artists.
  • A while ago I learned to engrave copper, and I enjoyed doing it so much I was also pleased with myself for having acquired an anachronistic and highly specialized skill that I engraved every hard surface I could find. Brian D. Cohen: Things
  • Their names are engraved in plaques on this monument, as are the names of our Aboriginal men who paid the supreme sacrifice during the Second World War.
  • The poem was engraved on a tablet of stone.
  • On the brass binnacle containing the compass were engraved the words, ‘I am the Way, the Truth and the Life’.
  • They are engraved on the political landscape, unchanging, perhaps unchangeable, and the current round of violence and mayhem is no exception.
  • The Neck was described as an officers pistol from 1790, all original, with ‘WHH’ engraved on a brass nameplate at the wrist of the stock.
  • The stone memorial centrepiece is engraved with lines from William Shakespeare's 30th sonnet.
  • One of them depicts a winged victory and on the obverse side are engraved the words: ‘The Great War for Civilisation’.
  • The second figure (XXIX), which wants the leg armour, is of the kind known as a tonlet, and has a skirt of horizontal lames engraved. Authorised Guide to the Tower of London
  • I'm having "John Law" engraved on the cap.
  • Engraved on her gold necklace are the words Amour dure sans fin. The Memory Palace
  • One with his band's name engraved on it? Times, Sunday Times
  • It had the initials P.S.P. engraved onto the quillon. Dance Of Death
  • The Winchester Model 21, which is by no stretch of the imagination a fine gun, brings very serious money, and the engraved and inlaid versions command princely sums, even though the engraving and inlaying is done at a third-grade-art-class level. Why Big-Dollar Guns Are Worth The Money
  • For a more elegant look, these engraved glasses will do the trick.
  • Ed had had it engraved inside with Forever --- I emitted a mirthless laugh. RESCUING ROSE
  • What is lacking is afflatus, the breath of life that sends a thrill down the spine and gets engraved in the memory.
  • On the steel buttplate, Welch engraved a big horn sheep and a mountain goat and surrounding these two fine animals, he added his exquisite scroll along with gold line inlay.
  • He engraved my name on the silver plate.
  • Internal space was organized around the fireplace below the roof opening, and a richly engraved central column played both a functional and a sacral role.
  • The alphabet has also been engraved to several sizes, and is used for the initial letters in the various official books and art publications relating to the museum, which are published by the Science and Art Scientific American Supplement, No. 484, April 11, 1885
  • The top of the bluestone doorframe is a vast transversal stone upon which the building's name is engraved, along with other fancy basso-relievo serving as decoration.
  • It's not a mere scratch disrupting the emulsion, but it's engraved on one side, and embossed on the reverse.
  • She engraved the ring in a floral pattern.
  • A new and tantalising mystery emerged too, prompted by a set of initials found engraved on one of the cannon. Times, Sunday Times
  • His work is known for the high quality of workmanship and the use of filigree, granulation, and engraved gemstones.
  • Jones was formally honored by the King, presented with a gold-hilted sword, engraved, Jones happily recorded, “with these extremely flattering words: Vindicati Maris Ludovicus XVI remunerator Strenua Vindici reward from Louis XVI to the valiant avenger of the rights of the sea.” John Paul Jones
  • In one of the workshops, veteran metalworker Kemal Hidic was turning old tank shells into engraved vases. A new look at Bosnia Herzegovina
  • His head, close-shaven at the sides, had wavy lines engraved in the stubble. The mission song
  • A third of all Roman brooches found in Britain have some applied decoration, and most of the rest have relief decoration that is cast in, chased, punched or engraved.
  • Over the ears of this beast of heavy burden is engraved in hieroglyphic characters, "The great ass that carries his wife; Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.
  • It includes a bandanna, sold as a souvenir, with the design of the first engraved map of Washington and an 1810 copperplate that was used to print money for the Bank of Columbia in Georgetown. Albert Small to give Washington-history archives to George Washington U.
  • If we trust Le Pautre, the figure was covered by a vine, but both Simon Thomassin, who engraved the figure in 1689, and Gabriel de Saint-Aubin, who drew it in 1774, record him in a state of total dishabille.
  • He engraved my name on the silver plate.
  • Engraved on his tombstone is the legend "First Comes the Word"—his frequently stated core truth, pointing to the primacy of the writer in all narrative forms. Hard-Nosed Hollywood
  • It has been engraved with personalised, white paint filled, and then linished for a clean finish.
  • In their spare time, Fulani women make handicrafts including engraved gourds, weavings, knitting, and baskets.
  • This picture has been recently wretchedly engraved in mezzotinto; all that is in the picture firm and hard, is in the print soft, fuzzy, and disagreeable. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 328, February, 1843
  • More than 10,000 microdots, each engraved with the vehicle identification number, would be sprayed on all major parts of a vehicle using the Datadot system.
  • As the poetry of Chaucer corresponds, in its wealth and intimacy of decoration, to the illuminations and tapestries of the middle ages, so the epigrams given under this section constantly recall the sculptured reliefs and the engraved gems of Greek art. Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology
  • Some Latin words were engraved on the plaque.
  • Luckily, I had a gift for him as well—a new silver engraved hairbrush. Exit the Actress
  • The inscription was engraved in the stone of the memorial.
  • At the end of the hallway I was pushed through a large metal door engraved with pictures.
  • The armor is engraved with scenes of Roman days to come: Romulus and Remus, the founding of the republic, the sack of the city by Gauls.
  • They were engraved with inscriptions, and often buried with the dead.
  • Professor of barricading," was a title honored at the Cafe de Seville, and one that they would willingly have had engraved upon their visiting-cards. A Romance of Youth — Complete
  • The nib is chased, nielloed and engraved with scrolls while the blade on the opposite side has a niello decoration with the word KAVKAZ in Cyrillic letters.
  • Another, chicken-egg sized bezoar is beautifully mounted in an engraved and enameled gold framework that was apparently designed to be suspended from a chain. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Upon payment of the required amount of stamp duty, the blank paper was embossed with a red stamp, ornately engraved with the rose and thistle emblem of Queen Anne.
  • He designed and engraved the plates for the first paper money in Massachusetts and established the first mill for rolling copper sheets.
  • Bizarre bazaar: The classic and 21st-century head shop gear included a $500 sterling-silver, ruby-and-sapphire-studded belt buckle engraved with Jerry Garcia's image; tie-dyed Bill Blass Jeans-label smocks, $50; hemp wallets, $14; and packs of Zig-Zag rolling papers, $2. Expecting Rain
  • The dog's name was engraved on a little metal disc attached to its collar.
  • The award, an engraved, two-handled traditional Scottish drinking bowl known as a quaich, was presented to Aiden by Mrs Jane Jones in the presence of Commodore RFA, Commodore Peter Lannin, at RFA HQ in Portsmouth.
  • This has excellent reflective and refractive properties, and so it is used to make ‘cut’ glass, engraved so as to reflect and refract light.
  • For that personal touch, each piece can be engraved with a name or initials for just 12 extra. Times, Sunday Times
  • If she has indeed been chosen, the plate will already be engraved with the same information as each of yours.
  • Mr Smith was buried at Eastbrookend Cemetery, Dagenham, and his name was engraved on the headstone of his family plot at Dagenham Parish Churchyard.
  • A pair of rock crystal goblets engraved with the cipher of Peter the Great.
  • And riding swiftly on horses and managing them 'dexterously' the princes began to hit marks with shafts engraved with their respective names. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa Translated into English Prose Adi Parva
  • She rubs pigment into engraved lines and allows this to produce a slick aureole around the image.
  • The large marble fireplace, which was engraved with the images of climbing vines, still retained its blackened cinders.
  • No wonder kids were so prone to throwing temper tantrums in the toy aisles - these idiotic products were engraved in their little brains.
  • She says she plans to have it engraved with the name of her new album. Times, Sunday Times
  • His name was engraved on the silver cup.
  • Portia, and engraved; but I think no one, without the label underneath, would have imagined in it even the intention of my portrait. Records of a Girlhood
  • This particular knife was her pride and joy, a replica Knight's parrying dagger whose blade was finely engraved and sharp as a razor.
  • Awards made during and after World War Two have the year of the award engraved on the reverse lower limb.
  • Our glass was engraved and painted.
  • Charles Darwin once visited, and his words about the view have been engraved on a rock.
  • Photon - used a strobe light and a series of lenses to project characters from a spinning disc onto photographic paper, which was pasted onto pages, then photoengraved on plates for printing. NYT > Home Page
  • The Indian furniture was usually of ebony, padouk, or rosewood with the floral borders and motifs either inlaid or engraved on ivory veneer.
  • Her profession seems almost engraved in her form as she holds the distaff under her arm, draws the thread skillfully from it, and winds it on the bobbin with her other hand, all the while looking fixedly, eyes not quite focused, at us.
  • Such are heraldry, or armorial science; glyptics, which deals with engraved stones; ceramics, or the study of pottery in all its epochs. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.
  • Her image is engraved upon my heart.
  • We do not accept returns on any customized items, such as engraved or debossed items, for refunds or merchandise exchanges.
  • Trouble arose most frequently in maintaining the delicate visual balance between the engraved image and the transparent layers of watercolor applied over it.
  • The chromo itself cost sixty dollars, and when surrounded with a plush or engraved frame, it fetched one hundred dollars or more, a figure comparable to that of a framed copy of a ‘Raphael’ Madonna painted on porcelain.
  • All ten finalists were presented with a specially engraved Arabic coffee pot. The Sun
  • Each will sit on a breadboard engraved with text matching European with African languages in what Boshoff sees as a futile but poignant attempt to claim a common humanity.
  • Faces engraved in the pages of history have been a favourite subject of the artist.
  • In the crown cavetto of the cornice is an Egyptian winged globe, entwined with serpents, emblematical of time and eternity; and on the faci below is engraved the following line: -- The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 273, September 15, 1827
  • Nab some of this West Coast jeweler's gear in advance of their NYC showroom opening, with fresh offerings including the monogrammed vintage franc with a studded 14kt gold chain & lotus pearl clasp, and a chunkily chained, engraved nameplate bracelet called the Bastille Double Wrap, also a move recommended by health professionals to ensure you don't get guillo-peened. Thrillist: Girl Friendly Gifts For The Holidays
  • The gnomon is pierced with the letters I. C., and the arms of Mr. Conduitt, the owner, as granted to him in 1717, are engraved on the plate with his motto: "Cada uno es hijo de sus obras. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • It is engraved in the centre with an Old Testament scene, surrounded by a broad band of mermen and sea monsters.
  • He has a predilection for wallpaper and wrapping paper, to which he applies repetitive motifs using stamps made from cut and engraved blocks of wood dipped in printer's ink or paint.
  • Two celery glasses made for them have the same pelican imagery engraved above a wide band of diamonds and diagonal blaze cuts.
  • These were unique and engraved with the name of each country. Times, Sunday Times
  • A looping ‘V. E. D.’ was engraved onto the smooth surface of the compact, revealing the compact's owner.
  • Pewter was used to make cheap jewellery and was cast in moulds made from antler, engraved Roman tiles and clay, although stamped pewter jewellery was also made.
  • PM published an article on the morning of the event where Sinatra (who is described as toying with a gold St. Christopher medallion, on the back of which was engraved a Star of David) said that he was "Going to lay it on the line" during his talk at Franklin. Political Affairs Magazine
  • She didn't remember much but the last night was engraved in her mind.
  • Towards the end of the 16th century in Germany, wine glasses are sophistically engraved as decoration.
  • The plaques, many shaped like letters of the alphabet and engraved with serpentine figures, knives and guns in addition to names and dates of birth and death, can be found on utility posts around the city.
  • Next comes a corridor where a miscellany of drawings, a small but exquisite textile and two engraved gems, one of Lorenzo the Magnificent and one of Savonarola, are displayed.
  • A single pear-shaped diamond was set in the middle, and their initials were engraved on either side.
  • Faced with the impossibility of obtaining traditional end-grain boxwood blocks to engrave, Mr. Moser found a modern substitute—his striking designs were engraved on polymer resin. Four Centuries of Love and Suffering for the Word
  • At Aberdour Castle, Fifeshire, a vertical dial in a circle engraved on a square slab is set in a kind of niche cutting across the corner of the building and facing south-west. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • And before he could even talk, these melodies had been engraved in his memory.
  • The silhouette is engraved by a laser, which removes a small layer of sapphire glass, and then the enamel is applied. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has a predilection for wallpaper and wrapping paper, to which he applies repetitive motifs using stamps made from cut and engraved blocks of wood dipped in printer's ink or paint.
  • An actual glass trophy engraved with my name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Engraved on a metal plate next to the door was the name Entertainment Room.
  • In the first half of the eighteenth century ebony rosewood, and padouk were inlaid with floral designs ivory that was then engraved and highlighted with lac.
  • By 1580 he had established a high reputation in Haarlem for miniature portraits in which sensitive faces, soft beards and crisp ruffs are drawn in metalpoint or engraved with delicate precision.
  • But amongst the trinkets, including a $500 sterling-silver, ruby-and-sapphire-studded belt buckle engraved with Jerry Garcia's image, $50 tie-dyed Bill Blass Jeans-label smocks, $14 hemp wallets and packs of $2 Zig-Zag rolling papers are a range of lavish books produced by Macworld UK News
  • The gold of the ring is massive at the face, making a strong setting for the carnelian, which is engraved with the figure of a female bearing corn and fruit. Rambles of an Archaeologist Among Old Books and in Old Places Being Papers on Art, in Relation to Archaeology, Painting, Art-Decoration, and Art-Manufacture
  • Perry, who sports a well-coiffed mane and sometimes wears golden cufflinks engraved with a lone star, has a tough, don't-mess-with-Texas persona — whether shooting a coyote with a laser-sighted pistol to protect his dog during a jog, or suing the federal government over environmental policies he believes will kill jobs in the state. In Heat of Contest, Incumbent Is Cool
  • She expects the completed memorial to have a commemorative plaque engraved with the names of the deceased.
  • All ten finalists were presented with a specially engraved Arabic coffee pot. The Sun
  • Here, the area of the rock engravings is delimited, at its ends, by two big cupels engraved in the platforms of the rocky bank; both have been carefully engraved and are deep and well finished.
  • Designed by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827), engraved by P. Simon, aquatinted by Francis Jukes (1747-1812). Museum Blogs
  • In 1783 Revere made twenty-four spoons engraved with the Swan crest - six large spoons, twelve large teaspoons, and six tablespoons.
  • It is an exact duplicate of the regular stove, except that this one is all hand-made and chromium-plated and has my name engraved on it.
  • Except for Memorial Hall, with its frontage carrying engraved names of the local heroes of the Second World War, the place was most suited for the carnival.
  • Sometimes decorative motifs are seen, as distinct from engraved geometric signs around the rim or marginal notches.
  • These pieces are engraved with the delicacy of a fine line pencil drawing.
  • Once engraved, the medals and/or clasps are sent to commanders for presentation.
  • The face we call the obverse is entirely occupied by the body of a fantastic quadruped, partly chiselled in slight relief, partly engraved. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • This scarab is invariably engraved with a special formula (chap. xxx., Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • All have applied ornament as well as etched or engraved decoration on a spot-hammered ground.
  • Worn smooth by years of inclement weather and pollution, the engraved lettering was still legible. CHAMELEON
  • The winner would receive a cup engraved with their name. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cast and engraved bronze, partly inlaid with niello, 44.3 cm. Cosmophilia: Islamic Art from the David Collection, Copenhagen
  • I had this engraved glass partition installed, to separate my office from the rest of the passenger seats.
  • Round the top of the scale, at D, are engraved four different draughts, and under these are the metacentric heights. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Gold seal-rings are a feature of the 15th century BC, and their engraved oval bezels are notable for showing rituals - such as dance or tree pulling - designed to summon a divine epiphany.
  • The grand stone buildings with the engraved inlays and elegantly dressed people shared the same street as the dirt besmeared street urchins who dodged in and out of the traffic.
  • cabalistic symbols engraved in stone
  • engraved the trophy cup with the winner's name
  • Many of the stones are engraved with ornamentations such as spirals, interconnecting loops, lozenges, and circles with lines emanating from them.
  • These grangerized copies, including both letterpress and engraved material, were presented to the Bodleian in 1837, but were transferred to the Ashmolean Museum in 1951.
  • The door was engraved with carvings of dead and live roses with long stems and sharp thorns.
  • On each table was an engraved lead crystal glass.
  • They may be beaten with the hammer, shaped by the chisel, or engraved by the burin; their surfaces may be either dead or polished; the variety of shades of which they are capable, and the brilliance of their reflections, are among the most valuable resources of the decorator, and the colouring principles they contain provide the painter and enameller with some of his richest and most solid tones. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • A classic-looking leather belt is around my waist, its buckle engraved with two simplified, overlapping trees.
  • OUR RELIEF PLATES are engraved by photo-chemical means; are mounted on blocks type-high ready for use on any ordinary press, and will wear longer than the common stereotype plates. Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • The antique pool table is a mahogany beauty, six feet by 12 feet, with the words "Northwest" engraved on the underside of the pool table's bed.
  • Last week, Fukuda took home another award - an engraved silver bowl from Tiffany.
  • Ed had had it engraved inside with Forever --- I emitted a mirthless laugh. RESCUING ROSE
  • I'd like to finalize as soon as possible, but don't think that the bottom line here is engraved in stone. THE SERPENT'S MARK
  • That image is engraved on my mind.
  • They entered service with engraved foil type recorders, usually fitted in the landing gear bay.
  • Mr Buttery wants to make more of the site, now barely more than a couple of park benches and an engraved stone.
  • The ancient Egyptians either engraved the hieroglyphs in the stonework of their temples or painted them on the walls of the burial chamber or inscribed them with a reed pen on rolls of papyrus, the antecedent of our paper.
  • She says she plans to have it engraved with the name of her new album. Times, Sunday Times
  • The initials OH, in red italics, were engraved across both doors, just as they had been when he had last seen them. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • This is a adult, heavy - duty, solid brass cremation urn, beautifully engraved all over.
  • The employee's name is engraved on the plaque, and it is prominently and permanently displayed in the plant. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost.
  • Trouble arose most frequently in maintaining the delicate visual balance between the engraved image and the transparent layers of watercolor applied over it.
  • An elderly woman wearing a hairnet, apron, and a nametag with DORIS engraved on it in big black letters worked behind the cafeteria counter. Show Stoppah
  • Both sets in Plate X display many of the fashionable features of the day they are engraved in the popular chinoiserie style, and some pieces have trifid ends.
  • Ed had had it engraved inside with Forever --- I emitted a mirthless laugh. RESCUING ROSE
  • Engraved in the Corpus Hippocraticum and the Galenic writings, these hypotheses formed a medical ideology that remained influential for millennia of medical history.
  • A cold sensation ran down the warrior's spine when his volcanic blue eyes espied the coiled serpent engraved upon the face of the amulet. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Now naught is left of Ukraina save her songs – but in that song she still lives, engraved in the heart of the people. Songs of Ukraina, With Ruthenian Poems
  • The passage and chamber stones are also richly engraved with spiral, lozenge and zigzag motifs.
  • Death was the great and old man had warred against it so fiercely and so long that was engraved on the deepest of the chromosomal was the other side of the battle, and the war was called And the universe didn't give a damn about either side. In Alien Hands
  • The Indian furniture was usually of ebony, padouk, or rosewood with the floral borders and motifs either inlaid or engraved on ivory veneer.
  • It will be engraved in the memory of its children in future as the bloodiest war in history.
  • Ornate gold necklaces, heavily engraved gold bangles and gold sovereigns - eight grams of pure 22 - karat gold - dance across the television screen.
  • They not only show fine workmanship but also bear engraved marks.
  • Nevertheless, many contemporary artists were having their drawings and paintings photographed rather than engraved and sold in different formats.
  • ‘The names engraved in gold inside it’, he notes acerbically, ‘are supposed to inspire veneration and awe, not to motivate the young to examine the lives of the named individuals with curiosity and patience’.
  • He watched with intense interest the progress of the picture, calling the artist's attention to all Corwen's good points as though he were appraising her at a cattle sale, and an hour passed away quickly both to the artist and Shoni; but to Cardo and Valmai, what a golden hour! to stroll away together over the soft grass studded with buttercups, down to the edge of the cliffs, where they sat among the gorze bushes looking out at the rippling blue bay, silent from sheer happiness, but taking in unconsciously the whole beauty of the scene, for it was engraved upon their minds and often recalled in after years. By Berwen Banks
  • Besides many pious foundations, he engraved on rocks and pillars throughout his empire in true Achaemenid-style edicts in vernacular Prakrit exhorting respect for animal life, reverence, and truth, and appointed censors to enforce these injunctions. C. Early Civilizations and Classical Empires of South and East Asia
  • They presented him with an engraved watch to mark his retirement.
  • (Nov 07 2009 21: 18 GMT) hot sale 24k pure gold loop earrings new fashion eardrop gift engraved 24k pure gold loop earrings new fashion eardrop gift We Blog A Lot

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