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How To Use Engraft In A Sentence

  • Next to these the largest masses are a circular tablet, forming part of the splendid sheathing of one of the ambones in the Church of San Lorenzo; and two elliptical tablets, still larger, engrafted upon the pilasters in front of the high altar of St. Paul's. Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
  • Contending angels may shake the regions of heaven in blank verse; but the flow of equal measures, and the embellishment of rhyme, must recommend to our attention the art of engrafting, and decide the merit of the redstreak and pearmain. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • The transplanted stem cells engrafted and differentiated into human neurons and glia that intermingled with host brain counterparts.
  • God's expectations of right behaviour are engrafted into the human heart because we are made in the moral image of God.
  • Engraftment testing utilizes PCR of microsatellite markers, also known as short tandem repeats (STRs). Immunogenetics
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  • Be it understood that the shocking thing which we know as Comstockery, goes back into the centuries for its origin; being, indeed, the perfect flower of that asceticism, which was engrafted on the degraded Mother Earth, Vol. 1 No. 1, March 1906
  • In a successful transplant the new bone marrow migrates to the cavities of the large bones, engrafts and begins producing normal blood cells.
  • Human bone marrow CD34 - cells engraft in vivo and undergo multilineage expression including giving rise to CD34+ cells. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • They inject me with the new bone marrow and hopefully it will engraft and start to make new, healthy cells instead of cancerous ones.
  • This is transition period raises political thought to engraft the actual demand of effectiveness.
  • We must agree with certain principles, but the main thing we think about is Jesus - how His work and life and promises engraft into us. TEXAS FAITH: Is wickedness soluble in good deeds? | RELIGION Blog |
  • Harriette gives the honour of her introduction into the mysteries of Cytherea to the Earl of Craven; but it is well known that a certain dashing solicitor's clerk then living in the neighbourhood of Chelsea, and near her amiable mamma's residence, first engrossed, her attention, and by whom she exhibited increasing symptoms of affection, which being properly engrafted on the person of the fair stockinger, in due time required a release from a practitioner of another profession; an innocent affair that now lies buried deep in an odd corner at the old churchyard at Chelsea, without a monumental stone or epitaph to point out the early virtues of the fair Cytherean. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • Can you imagine the difficulty of separating humanity from the imprint of the serpent, and trying to re-engraft the race into a lineage directly and unblemishedly connected to God, as God originally intended it to be, thus bringing humanity back into the garden? OpEdNews - Diary: The Story of Adam and Eve Revisited
  • This court would radically depart from the well-established limits of the judicial function were it to engraft such a restriction onto the Constitution in the absence of an explicit constitutional provision limiting the amendment power. In the Fold: Small Bikes and Fancy Pants
  • Human bone marrow CD34 - cells engraft in vivo and undergo multilineage expression including giving rise to CD34+ cells. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • He had been in isolation for weeks, because the chemotherapy and drugs they used to make his new bone marrow engraft left him with no immune system. CSS: Christmas Cheer
  • This Thenardier female was like the product of a wench engrafted on a fishwife. Les Miserables
  • The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by _commendation_ or _infeudation_ came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • Christ and in his mediatorial office, the brightness of his own glory and the express image of his person, he glorified his own name and manifested his nature, to all those at least who, being engrafted into Christ and baptized into his Spirit, enjoy both the Father and Son. A Dissertation on Divine Justice
  • But the cases on which the district court relied do not engraft a rigid procedural/substantive distinction onto Section 2(b)(2). USPTO Files CAFC Appeal Brief: Tafas v. Dudas
  • This would be bad, and inflammatory enough on it own, but when engrafted upon a very angry electorate, people whose good works have been lost in a flash of greed and mismanagement, and who feel powerless, it is like shouting fire in a crowded theatre. Paul Abrams: McCain, Media & Meltdown: A Witches' Brew for Election Violence
  • Honesty is engrafted in her character.
  • And the little man was so pleased with the idea of having his name engrafted on that of the Toodleburg family, that he promised a fat turkey and the best pig of the litter for the christening dinner. The Von Toodleburgs Or, The History of a Very Distinguished Family
  • It was unnatural for God to "engraft Gentiles onto the Jewish olive tree" (Romans 11: 24) and unnatural for women to have short hair, or for men to have long hair. Linda Seger: Should We Fix the Gays or Fix Ourselves?
  • College since the latter's establishment had been more or less nominal; it was at least indefinitely hazy, other than in the mere fact that it was "engrafted," and in the imprimatur of its degrees. McGill and its Story, 1821-1921
  • Tables, we find a variety of rules engrafted on the Roman Civil Law with the view of limiting the disinherison of children; we have the jurisdiction of the Prætor very actively exerted in the same interest; and we are also presented with a new remedy, very anomalous in character and of uncertain origin, called the Querela Inofficiosi Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • Engraftment monitoring, also called chimerism testing, by DNA utilizes methodology commonly used in human identity testing. ResearchChannel On-Air Schedule
  • The conditions upon which was engrafted this compact were of great antiquity, had indeed been brought across the Rhine by the German conquerors; but the Northmen were the impelling cause of the swift development of feudalism in France. A Short History of France
  • § 284 "The court may increase the damages up to three times the amount found or assessed.", and because there is no principled reason for continuing to engraft a willfulness requirement onto section 284, I believe we should adhere to the plain meaning of the statute and leave the discretion to enhance damages in the capable hands of the district courts. In Re Seagate - CAFC Clarifies Attorney-Client Waiver, and then Some . . .
  • Once the new marrow had engrafted, the recipient ran the risk of that foreign marrow turning and attacking his or her own body as well as any residual leukemia left in the marrow, a deadly complication termed graft-versus-host disease or GVHD. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • They had been engrafted on the tower.
  • These cells were separated from other cells and then engrafted into mouse kidneys.
  • “I take the liberty to enclose a copy of the amendments recommended by this Convention,” he wrote Washington from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on June 22, 1788; “they were drawn up more with a view of softening & conciliating the adoption to some who were moderate in their opposition than from an expectation that they would ever be engrafted in the Constitution.” Ratification

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