- eating ravenously or voraciously to satiation
congestion with blood
engorgement of the breast
How To Use engorgement In A Sentence
- The fullness and tenderness you experience when your milk comes in is sometimes called engorgement, but these feelings aren’t symptoms of true engorgement, which is a more serious condition caused by unrelieved breast fullness. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
- But try to dry up at night if engorgement is a problem for you. Endymion’s Sleep | Her Bad Mother
- Heart size is normal, and there are no findings of engorgement.
- During this period the uterus undergoes what we call involution; that is, it goes back to the size and shape it had before pregnancy, and it is best not to disturb this process by sexual excitement, which causes engorgement and congestion. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
- Common during the first weeks of breastfeeding, engorgement occurs when breasts are filled to capacity, often causing discomfort. Be Prepared
- These factors either impede blood circulation around the anal area or weaken the surrounding tissues, resulting in blood vessel engorgement and swelling and protrusion of vascular tissue.
- engorgement of the breast
- By day seven, I was feeling less engorgement in my right breast.
- The blood vessels through the whole pelvic area also swell, causing engorgement and creating a feeling of fullness and sexual sensitivity.
- The almost-immediate muscle engorgement (and subsequent strength and endurance increases) many bodybuilders experience with creatine can be the best motivator for improved workouts.