How To Use Engorged In A Sentence
Sometimes the beating of her heart was so violent that everyone around could observe it; at autopsy it was seen to be engorged with fresh blood.
One pictures lazy afternoons engorged on and sticky with pulpy, overripe South Pacific fruits.
That taut feeling in your muscles when they're engorged with blood and fluids, where you can see every vein and you think that you muscles may explode - it's inspiring, right?
Or perhaps water reminded them of floods, torrential rain, or raging engorged rivers.
His head was abnormally large; other parts of his body were similarly engorged.
Not sure what is more pathetic - a fully engorged carrot-top or the completely flacid bike lane funeral.
The Weird World of Bike Advocacy: Mourning Becomes Electrolux
He fits the description of a Romantic Poet perfectly, wandering dazed by nature and inactivity through sun-dappled fields, his sad eyes melting before the passionate couplets forming in the wellspring of his engorged imagination.
Following blood feeding, fully engorged mosquitoes were separated and thereafter continuously supplied with sucrose-saturated pads.
Her menses ceased; her mammæ became engorged and discharged a serous lactescent fluid; her belly enlarged, and both she and her physician felt fetal movements in her abdomen.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The fully engorged adipocytes begin to die and leak their contents into the bloodstream, including saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid.
New Scientist - Online News
If the pressure is not equalized by a larger volume of gas, the space will be filled by tissue engorged with fluid and blood.
Menopause, premenstrual period, veteran stage , engorged breasts before emmenia, breast nubble.
The bandages substitute for the elasticity lost by tissues engorged with edema.
Cal slipped easily through traffic that sat idly waiting to be engorged from one slow moving lane into another.
Circulatory failure, evidenced by definite symptoms such as breathlessness, pain, and signs of congestive failure (engorged neck veins, enlarged liver, edema, as well as dyspnea).
Anterior segment changes include chemosis and engorged episcleral and conjunctival blood vessels and anterior segment ischemia.
Or perhaps he had taken a notebook with him and it was lying engorged somewhere at the bottom of the lake.
Police evacuated residents of Prague's Old Town as the rain-engorged Vltava River crested yesterday, threatening the historic city centre with unprecedented flooding.
Veins which are not designed to handle so much blood so become engorged and dilated, and occasionally burst.
One patient, a Portland woman, had come to his clinic with a blood count that had risen to nearly thirtyfold the normal number; her blood vessels were engorged with leukemia, her spleen virtually heaving with leukemic cells.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Her menses ceased; her mammae became engorged and discharged a serous lactescent fluid; her belly enlarged, and both she and her physician felt fetal movements in her abdomen.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Except when engorged by spring meltwater and ice, the Severn River empties serenely into Hudson Bay.
His shaft was throbbing under her fingers… he seemed in torment, his expression agonized as she worked his engorged flesh.
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Feeding by the chigger creates scabby, reddish lesions that require two to three weeks to heal after the engorged mites leave the bird.
So, unless the viewing in the Michaud pissoir was of an engorged and distended “Scottie” — which it plainly was not — then Papa was offering Fitzgerald a surrogate form of consolation.
Hemingway's Libidinous Feast
Not by any stretch of the imagination was that swollen, engorged face the same one I'd seen in Buxton and later in Cheetham's office.
If your biceps are getting engorged with blood, you're not fully working your back.
This helps promote a pump - the full muscular sensation you get when your target muscles are engorged with blood and fluids - by ‘opening up’ your circulatory system.
Her mammæ were engorged with a lactescent fluid, and she felt belly-movements like those of a child; but during all this time she had regular menstruation.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
You want to use all brown jimmies, so that you can fashion a cake resembling an engorged wood tick?
And the heart, which has no resemblance to an anatomical heart, is a simplistic illustration of an aroused and engorged vulva, a holy yoni.
Donna Henes: On Valentines And Vulvas
If not engorged, prolapses can reduce spontaneously or be rolled back using a cold pack.
If you have your patient strain, you can often recognize an external hemorrhoid as it is engorged with blood and everted.
Your liver specialist may prescribe a drug called propranolol (Inderal) to decrease your risk of bleeding from these engorged veins (see chapter 9).
If he doesn't say yes, I promise myself, I will stab him through his engorged and overstrained heart, and put us both out of our misery.
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Yes, we had one day on a forest trail where we learned their nasty habit of attaching themselves to our skin and sucking our blood until they were so engorged that they dropped off, usually into our boots.
The bandages substitute for the elasticity lost by tissues engorged with edema.
BoB says: looking at patriot act, Google “lil Red Book” get harassed due to their College work? while aei boobs from bohemia run the state dept freely? and that atta was known of well before 9/11? that many have died. that millions have been lied for what, political ideology? while ignoring other issues for your greed neo-kooks what have you done? that 8 billion was “lost in IRAQ” that aegis is shooting at civilians? that more billions have been lost? that Halliburton has engorged itself? mercenaries?
Think Progress » Bush Caught on Tape: “A Wiretap Requires A Court Order. Nothing Has Changed.”
Her mammae were engorged with a lactescent fluid, and she felt belly-movements like those of a child; but during all this time she had regular menstruation.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
The entire upper arm becomes engorged with oxygen-rich blood, creating a positive growth environment for both muscle groups.
Once feeding is complete the tick is engorged with blood and will fall off.
The tumor that you see here is my own blood vessels, my own veins, all swollen and tangled, engorged, and mixed together that bulge out like this.
That map would be cooler if the lardier states were graphically engorged.
Fat State, Thin State, Red State, Blue State