How To Use English people In A Sentence
- Not only was Nicky royal but he also clearly moved in much more gilded circles than anyone Nelson and I knew, and between us, we knew some of the crustiest, tweediest English people alive. The Little Lady Agency and the Prince
- It is too much associated with a truckling, subservience to English people and English ideas and the silly swagger of the hop-o'-my-thumb junior officer. Education and Empire Unity
- The spirit of the English language, the tragedy and comedy of the condition of the English people, spoke through him as the god spoke through a teraph-head or brazen mask of oracle. What I Saw in America
- These were Normans: for (as partlie ye haue heard) king Edward brought with him no small number of that nation, when he came from thence to receiue the crowne, and by them he was altogither ruled, to the great offending of his owne naturall subiects the Englishmen, namelie earle Goodwine and his sonnes, who in those daies for their great possessions and large reuenues, were had in no small reputation with the English people. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) The Eight Booke of the Historie of England
- Some English people are familiar with that peculiarly Welsh communal emotional mood identified by the name hwyl.
- You must not take this attitude as typical of English people.
- Many English people see us as whining ingrates.
- English people share a sensibility. Times, Sunday Times
- Though there may have been some in the past who cavilled at Britain, and though probably the period when the United States withdrew from Britain might have produced in some minds the belief that the English people had lost their power of colonizing, I believe that today Canada, standing side by side with the United States as one of a large number of related dependencies, is a proof that Britain has not lost her power for colonizing; that there is still the adaptable spirit in Britain, and that she is still able to weld into one, divergent nationalities. Canada as a Field for the Solution of Imperial Problems
- English people are supposed to be very reserved, but Pete is the exception that proves the rule — he'll chat to anyone!