How To Use Engagement In A Sentence
Range selection is dependent on the anticipated engagement range; it is affected by terrain intervisibility, weather, and light conditions.
FM 71-1 Chapter 2 Battle Command
When a first-class work of literature is made into a movie, one always feels that some essential quality has been lost: an engagement with language, a reflectiveness, a guiding intelligence.
It includes strategies for promoting high academic achievement as well as off-setting problems of alienation, disengagement, and emotional distress.
Please accept my warmest congratulations on your engagement.
Non-lethal weapons have inherent characteristics of precision effects, selectivity of engagement, and versatility.

While the generally liberal-leaning U.S. foreign policy establishment was quick to equate Obama's ascent to the presidency with a "new area of international engagement," the realities of realpolitilk has not only forced the President into a "straightjacket" with limited policy options vis-à-vis Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.
Sigurd Neubauer: Tea Partiers, Watch Out: Obama's Iran Policies Echo Bush's
They selected a diamond engagement ring.
He made a notation on his engagement calendar.
You have to have some sort of engagement, some sort of a carrot that not only entices that actual government but makes sure that other forces within Iran know there's an alternative.
A Firmer Hand
Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown
Unlike in other areas of life, in warfare disengagement can be seen as a positive outcome of the application of technology.
Yet there is the possibility of an engagement, whether official or unofficial for John Brown.
They took a disc pendant on a gold chain that the father had given his wife on their wedding day and also his wife's engagement ring.
Their very name connotes hope, and engagement with the culture around them.
Even given this broad re-engagement with Jewish culture and history, the nostalgia for and interest in the shmatte business over the past decade has been overwhelming.
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Something pledged, especially an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.
His car was outside your house the morning after Bob's engagement party.
BLANTYRE, MALAWI — Officials in Malawi say they have arrested two men for celebrating their engagement to each other in the conservative southern African country ....
Annabelle Gurwitch: The Year End Round-Up in Marriage
But the engagement among smaller businesses is patchier.
Times, Sunday Times
I write about Cuny not just because he became a friend who touched all who knew him, but because his world was the world in which I am interested here, and his engagements on some of the battlefields of what is often called post-modern warfare show the scope and complexity of finding international solutions to local or regional crises.
A substantial body of research now proves student satisfaction and engagement in learning increase with participation in the arts.
Inside the container was a box with an engagement ring.
Times, Sunday Times
They've called off their engagement .
But the FA claim his absence will not be a regular occurrence and insist this is just due to a prior business engagement.
The Sun
The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by _commendation_ or _infeudation_ came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted.
Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
To develop the tools of social transformation she convened an activist community of pastors, preachers, biblical exegetes, theologians and theology students, laymen and laywomen to develop tools to guide the Christian churches in an engagement with the pandemic.
Karen Torjesen: Feminist Theology In The 21st Century
She is sometimes seen by his side but wears no engagement ring.
Being a first-class citizen is about that kind of civic engagement.
His recuperative perception, in other words, is the substantive basis of a dramatic engagement.
But it certainly didn't feel like it at the time", referring to the unrequited loves, an ill-advised brief engagement and other romantic incidents that fill her diary when she was in her twenties. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Although it was a very important engagement, it was relaxed and she was friendly and chatty.
Times, Sunday Times
They listened with rapt attention to his exploits in the recent engagement.
Man of Honour
Due to appear in court, she chose instead to fulfil a speaking engagement at the public hall.
The client should identify those objectives as a matter of course in the relevant engagement documentation.
A comprehensive check list for matters to be dealt with in the terms of engagement letter is set out in Section 03.
Their resulting activities are community driven, and they advancer peer-led models of engagement.
Marcia G. Yerman: "No to Violence Against Women" Summit Points to Economics
The authors of the report appropriately place primary blame for the breakdown in professionalism on former attorney general Alberto R. Gonzales, who showed a breathtaking disengagement from the process of disposing of nine presidential appointees.
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Marriage is a very real commitment and is devoid of the romantic notions and premonitions we have about it, and that we carry before engagement.
Eating under the watchful eye of Chloe, the engagement party lunch was fabulous.
I remind the House that couples in the intimate atmosphere of engagement sometimes find that pregnancy arises and the shotgun marriage follows.
This is why the current engagement between my interlocutors and myself is particularly valuable.
But how does the letter of comfort help on that because, as Mr Cowdery points out, it is posited on the footing that he has no engagement in this group of criminal activities?
The intramural squabbling and partisan agendas of the past thirty-five years have often inhibited the discerning engagement with the culture that is imperative for a community of disciples called to be salt and light.
During the summer before my junior year of college, my sister announced her engagement to a man she had met in college.
I've broken off my engagement to Arthur.
Who would blame them for resisting engagement in this project?
He broke off the engagement in a fit of jealousy.
Some of our machines were flying higher than the enemy, and plunged headlong to join the engagement.
Times, Sunday Times
I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement.
At closing, a fee of one percent (1.0%) of the face value of the instrument, and one percent (1.0%) of the gross proceeds of any indebtedness drawn down over the course of the engagement.
A Very Long Engagement tells the story of Mathilde, a young woman from a small farming community in France who falls in love with her childhood sweetheart.
Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.
No doubt you will both treasure your choice of a vintage engagement ring for a long time to come as they ooze character with a wide variety of styles, shapes, stones and carats that will certainly bedazzle, shimmer and shine.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1031
she made certain that her engagement ring was in evidence
Such engagements are not to be avoided, but rather treated as goads to creative thought and practice.
We felicitated John on his engagement to marry.
Your cappuccino will be there for you, as reliably as the way an out-sourced defense contractor in Kandahar Province uses his copy of the Army's Rules of Engagement to paper train the dog he's stolen from the son of tribal elder.
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They could have ten birthdays, an engagement and two weddings all taking place within a seven-day period.
Janus-faced nature of Romanticism's engagement with secularism and cosmopolitanism.
About This Volume
After the initial excitement of announcing the engagement and setting a date, planning the event begins.
Captain John Frankford, commanding the 18-gun privateer Belvedere out of Philadelphia, had several spirited engagements with French xebecs and privateers off the Spanish coast in the spring of 1799 during the Quasi-War with France.
The devaluation was recognized as more than a technical adjustment: it was a clear sign of French disengagement, portending withdrawal a year later.
Many now argue that the reporter is needed to provoke engagement with the viewer.
The conditions of employment which accompanied Mr. Claydon's letter of engagement made clear that the Authority reserved the right of transfer.
These have huge potential but will only succeed with proper funding and real engagement by ambitious businesses.
Times, Sunday Times
But it is only through dialogue, through genuine human engagement, that one can really understand what alonely person's condition really is.
Loneliness study: Help! I need somebody
He would drive around with a carload of stuff, selling everything from underwear and socks, to refrigerators and engagement rings.
A prior engagement will preclude me from coming.
The prince of boring helicopters has carried out only two engagements since the new year.
Times, Sunday Times
This is the first exhibition devoted to Ruskin's engagement with printmaking examining his use of various methods, etching, woodcut, mezzotint and steel and copper engraving.
On the one hand, for instance, Al Fayed says the couple visited a jewellers and chose an engagement ring.
Read in studio A court has heard how four men murdered the host at a party held to celebrate his own engagement.
The engagement has been called off.
The annual St George's Day parade was her first weekend of public engagements since the end of the official period of mourning following the death of the Queen Mother and the memorial service for Princess Margaret.
Till it gets them, troop disengagement, withdrawal and the final demilitarization of the glacier is not on the cards.
If not, your only other option will be to dismiss and offer re-engagement on the new terms.
Times, Sunday Times
Pro. Wilson has a speaking engagement for this weekend.
But it's almost too slick for emotional engagement and beyond its generalised political overtones the play lacks solid ideas.
Times, Sunday Times
It was my mother's very own engagement ring.
City sources said that any engagement between the companies was at a very preliminary stage.
Times, Sunday Times
A strategy of disengagement would require bold, risk-taking statecraft of a high order, and much diplomatic competence in its execution.
An engagement at your age would be totally rash and unjustifiable; and moreover, alliances between first cousins are undesirable.
Daniel Deronda
We should never lose sight of the fact that it is engagement in a real economy that underpins reciprocity in society.
It is affirmed that the aumils and renters exact from the proprietors of the actual harvest a large increase in kind on their stipulated rent: that is, from those who hold their _pottah_ by the tenure of paying _one half_ of the produce of their crops, either _the whole_ without subterfuge, or a _large_ proportion of it by a _false measurement_ or other pretexts; and from those whose engagements are for
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
First, we see the imperative to view this work in cycles with multiple points of entry and modes of engagement.
I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement.
Earlier this year, I had similarly outscooped everyone, this time by three months, with my exclusive report that Catherine had secretly been learning Welsh -- something that no one else found out about until their first public engagement in Anglesey and she started singing the Welsh national anthem!
Yvonne Yorke: Official: William and Catherine California Bound!
Gravesham Borough Band is busy with its season of summer bandstand engagements but desperately needs a dedicated permanent conductor and cornet, trumpet and clarinet players.
These divisions were placed in the Bloody Lane because they had been heavily attrited during the engagements at South Mountain.
Not only does a journal provide a storehouse of material, and encourage sharp observation and profound reflection, but also it is developing the habit and skills of writing through regular engagement.
Political engagement is second nature to us.
Times, Sunday Times
They held that their country was under a precontract to the Most High, and could never, while the world lasted, enter into any engagement inconsistent with that precontract.
The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
Again, we remind you that this is offer without engagement.
Love which was implied in Christ's engagement to "baptise" all His followers "with fire," and the services should above all else, be such as would ensure the immediate conversion to God of all who came under their influence.
The Authoritative Life of General William Booth
Only Alfred Grant made trouble, presuming on what he termed our engagement, and endeavored to force my brother to join the
My Lady of Doubt
He had been prepared to cancel an engagement at London's Victoria and Albert Museum if a satisfactory outcome was reached.
Pioneers of bushwalking and advocates of national parks were the harbingers of an engagement with nature that at last offered respect for and restitution of the environment.
He had amended and improved the new Graham clock, called the 'dead scapement,' or 'dead-beat escapement' (the origin of our modern word _dead-beat_, signifying a man who does not meet his engagements, whereas the original
Tales of the Chesapeake
Sixth, the absence of any engagement with Iran leaves the United States over-dependent on Pakistan for influence in Afghanistan.
Intuitively, one would expect to find a significant correlation between employee engagement and what a business produces.
‘They steer away from anything that looks too engagementy, so solitaires, three-stones and clusters are out but we do sell a lot of solitaire necklaces and diamond crosses,’ he says.
By a cruel irony, it was the sixth anniversary of their engagement.
Down through the garden came servants and foster daughters carrying the cases of engagement presents and the engagement jewels.
He fought in most major engagements of the Mexican war.
She broke off their engagement only a few weeks before they were due to be married.
I used a shabby trick to get out of the engagement: I can't blame her for feeling aggrieved.
Coaches says the scrum is all about the engagement.
Times, Sunday Times
By simple definition, meditation is engagement in contemplation, especially of a spiritual or devotional nature.
One saw rescue from chaos through engagement with and commitment to life's processes.
First they announce their engagement and then they tell me Angie's pregnant - it's all a bit sudden really.
Some of our machines were flying higher than the enemy, and plunged headlong to join the engagement.
Times, Sunday Times
the engagement of the clutch
Automated capabilities such as multivariable testing (MVT), segmentation and targeting, product recommendations, and advanced analytics provide advanced functions that increase conversion rates, sales, customer engagement and lifetime value while automating processes to lower costs and increase marketing agility.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
I mentioned the engagement as a mere matter of course to somebody, and though I mentioned it confidentially, it started this slander about Malcolm Cromarty and Cicely Farmond conspiring to murder -- to _murder_, Lilian!
The softly-softly diplomacy of constructive engagement has no effect on President Mugabe.
Accumulate all the possible circumstances which shall re-enforce the right motives; put yourself assiduously in conditions that encourage the new way; make engagements incompatible with the old; take a public pledge, if the case allows; in short, envelop your resolution with every aid you know.
An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy
The term main enemy was dropped in 2004 under South Korea's "Sunshine Policy" of engagement with North Korea. -- Top News
A partial answer to this is that mere things only present themselves to mere beholding, but mere beholding is only a deficient mode of concern or engagement.
His final official engagement abroad was an audience with the Pope, at which he sought benediction for a formal conversion to Catholicism.
But all this was only a prelude: the true celebration came Saturday night, when forty or so of my parents' friends joined us to fête David and Carée's engagement.
Engagement with the world creates jobs and growth while a policy of economic isolationism destroys them.
This paper was based on the theory of indexing cam, applied the theory of engagement of plane conjugate curve, established the geometrical model of plane cam reducing mechanism.
The postwar operations will also require heavy engagement of Army forces for an unknown period of time.
Douglas has been involved in a busy range of engagements in his first month in the office.
Summary campaign and individual viewer engagement and response data is captured in real-time by individual email address in a reporting dashboard - including the number of flimp views, time watching video, overall engagement time, response actions taken, and forward to a friend activity.
In fact, it was precisely a real engagement in the faith that led me to be reconverted later in my mid-twenties (but that is another story).
Even at first skim, what becomes abundantly ambiguous is the question of whether crisis is a state of objective being or a mode of engagement.
Surely, some engagement with the obvious shortcomings of the book might be reasonably expected from your reviewer?
The Times Literary Supplement
Besides my amusement in actually relating a current writing to Plato, I think the column astutely voices a deficiency of student engagement in classes.
As such it may promote self-directed learning, facilitate communication with students, enable active engagement with the course content, and create opportunities for students to be knowledge builders.
One saw rescue from chaos through engagement with and commitment to life's processes.
His academic background, previous employment, professional organisations and committee memberships, publications and speaking engagements are so extensive that he must be the catman of medicine -- he has to at least have lived nine lives.
Effects of Family Stress on Children
The latter, therefore, would be a more likely engagement than the former when leisure is chaliced be hostile economic forces that make it costly.
On That ASAUK Paper
The paper proposes some typical decision models of tactical activities in two-vs-two engagement: the cooperation of leader and wingman, defense and offense, weapon launch etc.
This was his last official engagement in Sligo before Monday's mayoral election.
Their secret engagement was finally revealed. I always say murder will out.
Sixth, the use of air cushion landing craft in the course of an amphibious assault operation seriously complicates the effective engagement of marine striking echelons as they approach the coast.
There is, however, one class of married man that should be free to mislead and philander as they wish: guys who were strong-armed into buying expensive engagement rings for their wives.
Within the political class, it is standard fare to bemoan lack of engagement among the unenlightened masses.
Sounds came at length -- harsh and startling; -- the unmistakable note of the jezail; answering shots from his own men; -- proofs incontestable that a sharp engagement was in progress up above.
Captain Desmond, V.C.
Mutual obligation is therefore seen as a social or political value that can be enforced without reference to whether it involves engagement in a reciprocal economy.
Bishop and rector expected him to serve his minimum engagement as a curate.
In this engagement they successfully combined civil administration wisdom and anthropology.
The main flaw of this show - designed to be a crowd-pleaser in many ways - is its lack of critical engagement with the photographer's own claims about her work.
When Obama called him on how he would maintain stability with an absence of any security in the region, he responded that he believed it was important to *work with* the region to build stability, to support that with regional force when necessary, and minimal US engagement - as policing - if necessary.
He Said, She Said, and a Third Wheel in the Corner
As recognised by the conditions of engagement, the report is made to the borrower and the valuer accepts liability to him.
The troops are said to have been initially shocked by McChrystal's cashiering, but now are embracing change, and looking for changes to the rules of engagement -- which is great news in a place where the consensus is that a military solution is impossible.
TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
As Shadow Foreign Secretary, he will be able to keep lucrative directorships and after-dinner speaking engagements.
As if a tanked economy, ongoing foreign engagement, potential war in the not so distant future at our Southwestern borders, and exploding costs of government were not enough, the Washington theatrics andpolitical powermoves at the citzens 'expense continue.
An Inconvenient Truth: Science Advisor Banned From Hearings
First, the postwar boom in college enrollments raised levels of civic engagement, offsetting the generational trends.
Cavalry engagements fought in mud proved very costly and from a military point of view, hopeless.
Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame's is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement. Brene Brown
But it does require far more engagement with the world and reality.
Physician practices, healthcare systems, and hospitals usually use some sort of healthcare reservation system to improve consumer engagement, increase operational efficiency, and decrease costs.
We will make ourselves known through speaking engagements, webinars, videos, and interviews, all the while delivering the same level of quality and excellence we strive towards.
But this show is about far more than mere technicalities or intellectual engagement.
Times, Sunday Times
He has cancelled all his civic engagements for the remainder of the week.
The simple yet sophisticated lines of marquise diamond engagement rings make them one of the most popular choices for bridal sets as well as other accented rings and solitaires.
Our growing military engagement in Guatemala, Cuba, and Vietnam created a counter-insurgency mentality among political and military leaders who hoped to stifle spreading "brushfire" wars through the deployment of counter-guerrilla forces of their own.
A Special Supplement: Anthropology on the Warpath in Thailand
Even if an engagement ring comes with a certificate authenticating the stone, this is no guarantee of the market value.
Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
So hard work does not prevent civic engagement.
Nor is the opinion of Hannibal opposed to this who, when he saw in the engagement at Cannae that the Consuls made their horsemen descend on foot, making a mock of a like proceeding, said: Quam malem vinctos mini traderent equites, that is, I would have more concern if they would give them to me bound.
Strangely, I just realized I kind of need an eeeeee engagement wedding doot doot doot sort of LiveJournal icon, but I'm too finicky to delete the current 15 I'm allowed to have.
Featured on Pop engage!
by the end of which Courtnay had been given the sack from the confectioner's and Doreen had severed their engagement.
Accountability, and the political engagement it encourages, is always irksome to governments.
I was absolutely astonished by the reaction to our engagement. Everyone started congratulating us.
Their thinking cannot be based on wide reading or a deep and sustained engagement with issues.
He talked about the civil rights movement, the need for political engagement, careful analysis, honest leadership.
The method of reporting back to the client should be specified in the terms of engagement letter.
He toured a 17th century fort in blazing heat as he made his first official engagement in Oman after a tour of India.
She backed out of her engagement.
To further thwart engagement, a LACM could employ relatively simple countermeasures such as chaff and decoys.
The snub sent a clear signal that the pair's engagement is off.
The Sun
Most of all I wondered about the Prince's engagement to Eleanor - for such an engagement was sure to occur erelong - and what such an arrangement would do for the kingdom.
Part of their family lore was the story of the lost engagement ring.
Christianity Today
The rules of engagement for police marksmen are deliberately simple and unambiguous.
The most amusing thing about the period of my engagement to Karen was the degree of role reversal involved.
People usually marry after a period of formal engagement that can last several years.
Colleges provided the opportunity and social support to develop the habit of civic engagement.
Dublin jewellers are experiencing a drop in engagement ring sales, as romance pays the price for Luas roadworks and a weakening economy, according to the city's jewellers.
He announced his engagement to his long-time girlfriend.
Because all they want is attention and engagement to distract and deflect from the topic.
Think Progress » FBI Issues Warning About Threat From Yet Another Anti-Government Group With Ties To The Radical Right
But when combined the right way with visual elements, your content's shareability and engagement can go through the roof.
She said she remains satisfied with what she termed their "robust" commitment to democracy and broad engagement with Libyans from across the political spectrum.
Clinton: No Decision to Arm Libyan Rebels
The discovery that anxiety is linked to slower disengagement from threatening stimuli raises as many questions as answers, observe the study's authors.
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PLEASE give me a break... just a little one
We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.
The most important engagement of that first campaign was the fiercely contested battle at Freiburg against Bavarian forces.
That is, while Connolly holds on to Taylor's vision of a plurality of goods and principles, he abandons the idea of overlap itself and the picture of the state as its guarantor, substituting instead a deconstructive absent center that is the result of epistemic modesty and the never-ending project of subject-formation: "The key," Connolly writes, "is to acknowledge the comparative contestability of the fundamental perspectives you bring into public engagements" (8; emphasis in original).
Underachievement often leads to unemployment and long-term disengagement, which is a vicious cycle and it is difficult to come out from such an entrapment.
Tower Hamlets: Labour produces its intriguing new mayoral shortlist
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement.
He had been prepared to cancel an engagement at London's Victoria and Albert Museum if a satisfactory outcome was reached.
But leaving settlements gives us the legitimacy to use all force necessary to act militarily after disengagement.
That is why we have what we call blended delivery model, which encompasses onshore, near-shore and offshore engagements from different locations.
Daily News & Analysis
A comprehensive checklist for matters to be dealt with in the terms of engagement letter is set out in Chapter 03.
The Collector watched this brief engagement in the dazzling circle of crystal but could no longer understand it.
He pretexted an early engagement in town the next morning.
The prime minister may have to choose soon between staying in power as a lame duck or pressing ahead with disengagement by collapsing the government, which is opposed to the plan.
He exploits his wealth, smooth manners, and sometimes intimidating aspect to secure an engagement with the protagonist's true love, a Southern lady whose "Haytian" servant is secretly a voodoo priestess with some impressive supernatural talents of her own.
Archive 2006-10-15