How To Use Enforced In A Sentence
Not that I'm denigrating the effort - I'm good for a few quid once I've got a few beers in me later tonight - but the enforced jollity does occasionally grate.
Although I have finally been given a small piece of work to do (nothing crucial, generous deadline), I'm finding it hard to apply myself after such a long period of enforced inactivity.
Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands.
The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
He is determined to see the Act enforced more stringently.
The dichotomy between “forwardness” and “backwardness” is a scale constructed and enforced by the civilizer to validate his civilizing/colonial project.
Hartzell and Lin lose on appeal

While there is a legal working age of eighteen, this is not enforced, and many children are engaged in farm work and street vending.
I identified the frightful ingredients masking the mixtures of tannin and powdered carbon with which the fish was embalmed; and I penetrated the disguise of the marinated meats, painted with sauces the colour of sewage; and I diagnosed the wine as being coloured with fuscin, perfumed with furfurol, and enforced with molasses and plaster.
In "Sunset Park," Auster is more interested in the neighborhood's vast semi-industrial stretches peppered with nondescript houses, all the better to endow the proceedings with an enforced sense of dreariness.
Paul Auster Paints a Dreary Picture In 'Sunset Park'
We have forgotten how important enforced isolation is in the control of infectious disease.
Times, Sunday Times
Success attended him, and the pacha, his predecessor, having in his opinion, as well as in that of the sultan, remained an unusual time in office, by an accusation enforced by a thousand purses of gold, he was enabled to produce a bowstring for his benefactor; and the sultan's "firmaun" appointed him to the vacant pachalik.
The Pacha of Many Tales
It was an enforced absence from work, but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before the final push.
We had a high opinion of his mechanical genius, and generally held that the Chief ‘knew something bad of him,’ and on pain of divulgence enforced Phil to be his bondsman.
Reprinted Pieces
Boats fostered unusually intimate encounters because of the enforced idleness of travel and because of their physical isolation.
Classical criminology did not assume that existing legal definitions of crime and the way they are enforced necessarily constitute this objective category.
Civil injunctions are enforced by the court staff and not by the police, but there is no means of calling out the tipstaff or bailiff at midnight on a Saturday night to deal with a drunken partner.
Violence itself becomes a means of reassurance, a fortuitous opportunity through which the strength of re-enforced steel is tested.
At his junior seminary in Cumbria, the outwardly pious enforced a regime of physical and sexual abuse.
The ban cannot be legally enforced.
The ban will be enforced by beach lifeguards.
The Sun
It was an enforced absence from work, but at least it gave me a little time to catch my breath before the final push.
Murders are frequent in Dagestan, in parts of which Islamic sharia law is enforced.
The looming enforced removal of Mr Ozberk, 30, has the makings of a diplomatic incident.
After all, as the Home Office coldly points out, the law must be enforced.
Many of the 240 environmental treaties enacted over the past 80 years remain unratified and unenforced.
Both managers resisted the current fashion for making unenforced changes after the hectic seasonal programme.
Times, Sunday Times
Strict restrictions on vehicles moving between farm holdings will be enforced for the next month.
On the one hand, there is the approach of enforced equalisation, meaning in practice that high standards, that have been achieved through hard work, have to be downgraded to a lower level so that all can become equal.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Enforced spay/neuter laws reduced unwanted litters …
Inubaka: Crazy for Dogs Book 14 » Manga Worth Reading
After a period of enforced idleness, she found a new job.
The real test will come when we see how the ban is enforced.
Times, Sunday Times
In the meantime it is sufficient to note that the position where the rules are barely enforced at all is far from satisfactory.
Even the old parliamentarians hailed the return of Charles, notwithstanding it was admitted that the protectorate was a vigorous administration; that law and order were enforced; that religious liberty was proclaimed; that the rights of conscience were respected; that literature and science were encouraged; that the morals of the people were purified; that the ordinances of religion were observed; that vice and folly were discouraged; that justice was ably administered; that peace and plenty were enjoyed; that prosperity attended the English arms abroad; and that the nation was as much respected abroad as it was prosperous at home.
A Modern History, From the Time of Luther to the Fall of Napoleon For the Use of Schools and Colleges
The domestic law of France can properly determine what judgments may be enforced in that country.
Radical change cannot be negotiated by governments; it can only be enforced by people.
The demands of survival have enforced a form of anarchism on Anarres.
We improved our policy to stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startups, and enforced the minimum wage system.
We have a sad history of enforced treatment of people who've committed crimes but now treatments like electrotherapy, electric shock treatment, and psychosurgery are very strictly regulated.
The Dharma Shastras are smritis, written by men who had vested interests and enforced as laws.
The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
This law is seldom enforced, but the next morning the authorities agreed to confiscate our little chimpanzee.
These requirements must be enforced at all costs.
Times, Sunday Times
Prof. Bluma Goldstein of California University, who grew up as a child of an aguna, vividly describes in Enforced Marginality, the "galeriye fun farshvundene mener - Gallery of Vanished Husbands" which appeared several times weekly for decades in the New York-based Jewish newspaper The Forward - Forverts. - Front Page
The other is that the signing of the pledge was a form of indirectly enforced good behaviour.
It was not capable of being enacted into law, let alone put into operation or enforced.
The ban on hunting is not strictly enforced .
‘There was a little bit of punishment enforced because they were more interested in the fact that I had been mitching from school.’
Tight security measures were enforced outside the court yesterday, in a hilly area overlooking Amman.
Times, Sunday Times
Strict censorship is enforced in some countries.
Between 1830 and mid-century, colonial licensing laws were repealed, temporary, or rarely enforced.
Despite the enforced closure of schools throughout the football World Cup, hosted by South Africa, followed by a three-week teachers' strike, the pass rate for the 2010 school-leaving "matric
The Economist: Correspondent's diary
To be sure, the laws against recusants were not uniformly enforced; papistry in favourites and friends of the king was winked at, and the rich noblemen, who were able to pay fines, did not suffer much.
English Travellers of the Renaissance
These were the canons of Socialist Realism enforced in Stalinist Eastern Europe, as late as my visit in 1967 to Weimar, one of the most decorative of cities.
The system would be enforced by speed cameras mounted along the managed sections of motorway.
Times, Sunday Times
The rules were strictly enforced.
the Taliban enforced a strict Muslim code of behavior
The rules enforced by sanitarians, are justified as public policy.
In practice, the regulations are rarely enforced.
'Cleon' belongs to a grand group of poems, in which Browning shows himself to be, as I've said, the most essentially Christian of living poets -- the poet who, more emphatically than any of his contemporaries have done, has enforced the importance, the indispensableness of a new birth, the being born from above
An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning's Poetry
How exactly will this law be enforced, and who will be liable if someone lights up in a bar?
Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.
Their speech codes, and how they were enforced, made it clear that opinions about certain ‘highly charged topics’ were verboten.
I know the mode has been chicaned upon; but it was substantially obeyed, and much better obeyed than I fear the Parliamentary requisition of this session will be, though enforced by all your rigor and backed with all your power.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12)
I would think that the general rule, if evenly enforced, would be sufficient.
They enforced the necessity of uniform assentation, in order to lull the Mirabeau party, who were canvassing for a majority to set up D'ORLEANS, to whose interest Mirabeau and his myrmidons were then devoted.
Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 6
My natural identifier is my MAC address, and I would love the world to have a MAC-based Wifi for all, including an automated enforced return of stolen property: it would be safer, more secure, more convenient, obviouly more intuitive and easier.
Responding to criticisms about OpenID: convenience, security and personal agency | FactoryCity
The ensuing difficulty in tracing such ownership is now at the heart of the courts 'objections and the compelling argument for a government-enforced national moratorium on home foreclosures to provide sufficient time to sort this mess out.
Robert Scheer: Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers
The ban will be enforced by beach lifeguards.
The Sun
But suffice it here to offer a non-lawyer's view that a law that is almost never enforced is either unneeded or useless.
Slave patrols, rather than being desultory or inadequate, turn out to be one of the chief ways that the southern states enforced their peculiar institution.
Mutual obligation is therefore seen as a social or political value that can be enforced without reference to whether it involves engagement in a reciprocal economy.
As is often the way, his legend grew in his enforced absence.
Times, Sunday Times
Enforced changes aside, the overall selectorial prescription may well be: same personnel, better performances.
Times, Sunday Times
As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping for whatever reason would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel.
DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
In the aftermath of the attack yesterday concrete ceilings and enforced walls lay folded on the floor.
Times, Sunday Times
All that fake jollity and enforced contact, not forgetting all those sprouts, has put the relationship under the most intense pressure.
Times, Sunday Times
Housing Associations are now responsible for helping fill the gap created by local government's enforced withdrawal from property development.
Jeff Groscost actually wanted the Legislature to determine whether a species was truly endangered before the state enforced federal protections.
Thiadora rebels against her floater past and goes to the military academy to join law enforcement, knowing that the law was often enforced upon renegade floaters.
The craft brotherhoods of railway men, founded in the last decades of the nineteenth century with only-white membership clauses in their constitutions, enforced the racially segmented order of railroad work.
It further provided that our civil rights have no dependance on our religious opinions, any more that our opinions in physics of geometry; and it concluded that no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whasoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief.
Denis Lacorne: Rick Perry's War On The Founding Fathers
In the boat we were compelled to loll about between heaven and the cool coral groves, and compare enforced inactivity with the blithesome freedom of the weakest butterfly.
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
It must be subject to strict controls enforced by a tough proactive regulator.
Times, Sunday Times
Migration, for example, may be an enforced personal tragedy following persecution or a voluntary choice for a more prosperous life.
The game was goalless at half time despite Royal having made three enforced changes.
At the beginning of the war, patrol and legislative enactments were rigidly enforced.
Collier outlined that equal pay within salary grades is enforced by the University.
Exile, be it enforced or self-imposed, tends to test individual resolve.
Unenforced law is a pernicious thing; resentment between neighbours is stirred; and nobody knows what to do.
Times, Sunday Times
The strict religious adherence that can be enforced by theocracies has, at times, resulted in evil and unreligious behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
As for “degraded performance all over the place”, enforced net neutrality and a ban on traffic-shaping (for whatever reason) would concentrate the “degraded services” to those which are time-sensitive, such as streaming video and remote stuff like telesurgery, AND put the State in a position to mandate how fast/slow packets are “permitted” to travel.
DPI is GOOD for you: ‘Um – crap’
It is very evident that the rigour with which merger control is enforced depends in part on the agenda of the Minister.
There is also a danger that, if too rigidly enforced, the existence of copyright could become a tool for censorship or a bar to the free circulation of ideas.
Situations of enforced anonymity; being compelled to wear uniforms, clothes chosen by others that offend your aesthetic sense.
If young people are going around toting weapons, then that is because the laws already in existence are not being enforced.
Who can, without respect and admiration, contemplate the sturdy integrity, and simple zeal with which this rustic moralist enforced his laudable though mistaken notions? who can help reflecting with some surprise upon the fact, that before he ceased to apothegmatise and advise his young friend against having anything to do with the actors he was actually the first who put him seriously in the notion of going directly upon the stage as a public actor?
The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor, Vol. I, No. 4, April 1810
Australia are also pondering at least one unenforced change.
Times, Sunday Times
Best of all, it is an easily enforced regulation - either a dog is wearing a muzzle or it is not.
Times, Sunday Times
The reasons for introducing these measures remain valid and the parking restrictions are now being enforced by the city council on an impartial basis.
On the ones that were inhabited, they most likely encouraged enforced group activity, with nowhere to hide from the conga line.
Times, Sunday Times
What about price inelastic sectors where bad, light or unenforced regulation would create unimaginable misery?
The Times Literary Supplement
Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws.
The ban will be enforced by beach lifeguards.
The Sun
Overpopulation has led to harshly enforced limitations on procreation.
I was enforced to beat a retreat before I was altogether unrigged.
First, Saul had zealously enforced Torah's prohibition against necromancy as king of Israel, yet he is now so desperate for guidance that he consults a medium - one who is a criminal by his own laws.
He enforced strict rules: a nightly curfew and a mandate to earn top grades in high school.
The mystery cults usually enforced certain dietary rules and also required participation in various rites.
The ban will be enforced by beach lifeguards.
The Sun
But finally the state enforced better emissions standards, and the talc disappeared, except for traces here and there.
The basic problem is of course that parking regulations are not enforced.
In the real world, the laws go unenforced and impunity is the norm, " she said.
They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers.
Times, Sunday Times
The scheme will be enforced by cameras which read number plates and are connected to a computer system which deducts the fee from a pre-paid account.
The new Prayer Book of 1552 was avowedly Protestant; altars were turned into tables, clerical vestments were downgraded and religious orthodoxy was enforced by a new and more stringent Act of Uniformity.
So, it seems these lawgivers are indeed above the laws that are so vigorously enforced on unpopular public figures who are supporters of the wrong political party.
Whilst we welcome and congratulate the Minister and his Department on the new legislation we are worried about how exactly it is going to be policed and enforced.
They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers.
Times, Sunday Times
How rigidly people follow the rules may depend upon how strictly the rules are enforced.
Even the introduction of the mildest sanction - a nominal, barely enforced fine - seems to persuade citizens to turn out.
Minutes from the meeting conclude that the scheme will only work properly if it is enforced across all government departments.
Times, Sunday Times
She had pulled them apart time and time again, had enforced extra rest periods in separate rooms, had hit out at Liddie, the older, twice.
I think we can also find common ground that immigrants who abuse their opportunity by driving drunk, committing violent crimes, and the like, should be dealt with with no lenience whatsoever -- probably a permanent expulsion enforced by biometric identification would be appropriate, and/or extremely long prison sentences.
Borjas: What's His Problem?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws.
The list of such unenforced judgments is, however, long.
Times, Sunday Times
The enforced vacation time will be spread over the next five months, the company said.
Another problem with restrictive covenants is that they must be monitored and enforced.
Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
The duty may be enforced by either civil or criminal proceedings against the parents.
As it is a basic principle of contract law that a contract cannot be enforced against someone who is not privy to the contract, one might foresee difficulties arising.
Sure, jaywalking is illegal, but nobody expects that it’ll be enforced all the time.
Disorderly conduct. « Love | Peace | Ohana
This may be enforced by law, with a clause in the legislation to set up regulation of care providers.
The failure of the Government to control the explosion in public pay could yet rebound on the private sector as enforced cutbacks hobble the ability of employers in the private sector to meet pay demands.
Examination and comparison of these sources of information would help to resolve many cases of enforced disappearance.
Fagging was the enforced tradition whereby younger students would do the bidding of senior students, be their freaking slaves as it were.
In both occupied France and the unoccupied zone, anti-Jewish laws were enforced zealously.
The law takes over, enforced by sanctions and punishment.
THE SCOTTISH ENLIGHTENMENT: The Scots' Invention of the Modern World
The ban on hunting is not strictly enforced .
Both criminal and civil laws are enforced by a national police force.
He said that legal requirements for trusts to provide quality care would now be enforced with tougher regulations.
Times, Sunday Times
So she went out to do this, and the Queen, turning to him, conversed with him in friendly fashion, and enforced herself to reassure his awe of her and do away his shame with speech blander than the zephyr, saying, “Art thou content to be to me baron and I to thee feme?”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Very seldome do the state of Venice send any Ambassador otherwise, then enforced of vrgent necessity: but in stead thereof keepe their Agent, president ouer other Marchants of them termed a bailife, who hath none allowance of the Grand Signior, although his port and state is in maner as magnifical as the other aforesaid
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Parking restrictions in parts of Oxford are no longer being enforced because road markings have worn away.
But what would transform it from an externally enforced to a moral obligation?
The state's redistricting plans cannot be legally enforced until either the Justice Department or the panel of judges in Washington certifies that maps comply with the Voting Rights Act, a requirement known as preclearance.
Homepage CP Container
The trouble is that each new tax and each new allowance has to be administered and enforced by a government department.
The Sun
The speed limit must be rigidly enforced.
This enforced secrecy is a pity, because Lalonde might have some useful advice to offer his cousin.
If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.
To Coleridge himself, however, his enforced departure from Ottery seemed like betrayal.
How strictly this requirement was enforced is hard to determine but the intent of the law was clear - if the need arose, the Crown could turn-out a formidible force/militia in relatively short order and the longbow was as revolutionary in its day as the firearm was in its day.
Our Supreme Moment
Whether this should be enforced by law or not is a moot point.
The main proposal of the ‘Edict of Restitution’ was to ensure that the ‘Ecclesiastical Reservation’ was enforced and it affected the secularised archbishoprics of Bremen and Magdeburg, 12 bishoprics and over 100 religious houses.
One widely accepted definition describes poverty as ‘an enforced lack of socially perceived necessities’.
Two weeks of this enforced idleness nearly kills me.
What damages unit cohesion is the enforced secrecy, if anything.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Relative Risks of HIV Infection Among Gay and Bisexual Males
So I stepped on to the floor, reeling dizzily from my enforced recumbence, and knelt by the side of the bed.
Tell England A Study in a Generation
Certain norms are formalized by translation into laws which are enforced by official sanctions.
Collections such as these enforced a natural inclination to conservatism on the part of their founders.
The Times Literary Supplement
However, laws governing medicinal drugs are either obsolete or not enforced.
Almost since that Act was passed, American farmers and cattlemen have been asking for it to be properly enforced.
Miscegenation, he says, is "essentially unnatural and destructive", and mixed-race children "are the most tragic victims of enforced multi-racism".
There was a seldom-enforced restriction set by the state to some number of acre-feet of water per year per acre.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Wow! An Article on Water That Actually Focuses on Price
When ticket touting is allowed to go unchecked, the law of the land unenforced, we are asking for trouble.
The Sun
They are not typically enforced when a pedestrian is caught jaywalking, or driving 35 mph in a 25 mph zone, or driving the wrong way on a one-say street.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Arizona Law is Much Worse than the Federal Law It is Supposedly Based On
too many unenforced laws can breed contempt for law
This meant that states - especially in the South - would no longer be able to justify laws which enforced segregation along racial lines.
But the warrant is unlikely to be enforced in Israel.
In Global Hunt for Hit Men, Tantalizing Trail Goes Cold
Penal law enforcement and its impact on Catholics was highly variegated, and modern scholars have emphasized the patchy and unsystematic way in which the laws had been introduced and enforced in the 18th century.
So did the enforced exile, the separation from his family, and the impossibility of seeing the mother he adored.
Times, Sunday Times
Animal welfare laws are strictly enforced in the countries abroad and the press also publicises animal abuses very widely, owing to which cases of cruelty to animals are very few, she says.
Later on, he was wont to say that this poverty had been the best possible thing for him, its enforced abstinences having come just at the time when he had begun to "wallow" -- his word for any sort of excess; and "wallowing" was undoubtedly a peril to which Norbert's temper particularly exposed him.
Will Warburton
This can be enforced through the courts, but they almost certainly will need a report from a chartered surveyor or structural engineer that identifies the risks.
Times, Sunday Times
The restlessness of enforced inactivity is setting in.
One foot up and the other foot down--
A no-fly zone is reported to have been enforced so that paparazzi cannot take surreptitious snaps from helicopters.
The enforced name change imposed by EMI brought with it a golden opportunity to extend the reach of their music beyond just Irish boundaries.
An image eventually begins to appear (based on a boatload of research and an eon of enforced intuitive reflection).
Minimum wages are determined by Congress and enforced by the Department of Labor.
Speed limits are enforced by digital cameras which can scan all lanes at the same time.
Times, Sunday Times
So I hope that, if part of the message of Lambeth '08 is that we need to develop covenantal commitments, and that one aspect of this may be what you could call covenanted restraint, this will be seen in the context of a unity not enforced but given in Christ.
Concluding Presidential Address to the Lambeth Conference
A text of Modestinus also ends abruptly with the remark that the judge will ensure that the testator's instructions are enforced.
They write that the law should be more rigorously enforced by the Government and by internet providers.
Times, Sunday Times
The trouble is that each new tax and each new allowance has to be administered and enforced by a government department.
The Sun
As is often the way, his legend grew in his enforced absence.
Times, Sunday Times
Under this standard, a subpoena that is peripheral to the case, or that is drawn too broadly or vaguely, is unlikely to be enforced unless it is focussed and narrowed.
He had observed their altar dedicated to an unknown God; he knew their vague and imperfect notions of the Creator; and he enforced his argument by showing that these Stoic authors had written better than they knew.
The speed limit is strictly enforced on urban roads.
The real motive for the enforced resignations remained unclear.
Compliance with the Building Regulations is enforced by means of site inspections during the progress of the work.
It used to be that the mainstream media did not have 24/7 cable news, the Internet, and tabloid newspaper and television competition — which does not necessarily stick to industry standards, and certainly not industry standards voluntarily accepted newsroom by newsroom but not enforced in any kind of industrywide regulation or law.
Duke Case: Should the Media Be Broadcasting Anyone’s Name?
Another instance of so grossly unjust, so palpable, so general an evil that it has occasionally aroused some protest even from our dull conciousness is this: the enforced attitude of the woman toward marriage.
Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
Law can nerver be enforced unless fear supports it.
This may be enforced by law, with a clause in the legislation to set up regulation of care providers.
The sessions last approximately three quarters of an hour, and are enforced by the Cab Office.
Preventive care prevent long periods of standing or sitting that impair venous return elevate legs when sitting, dorsiflex feet at regular intervals to prevent venous pooling if edema occurs, elevate above heart level regular exercise program to promote circulation avoid crossing legs at the knees avoid wearing constrictive clothing such as tight bands around socks or garters use elastic stocking on affected leg do leg exercises during periods of enforced immobility such as after surgery explain purpose of bed rest and leg elevation use elastic stockings monitor pt. on anticoagulant & fibrinolytic therapy for signs of bleeding monitor for signs of pulmonary embolism - sudden onset of chest pain, dyspnea, rapid breathing, tachycardia
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The legislation was enforced by a dictation test, which could be applied in any European language, effectively barring virtually all non-whites.
This enforced separation might make him feel her loss.
Nowadays, strict regulations are enforced, banning any type of fishing in the immediate area.
Pollution is legally controlled and enforced through various federal and state laws.
In the case of a crofting community, for instance, all salmon fishing that borders the in-bye and grazing land can be bought by the crofters in an enforced sale.
Frequently theatrical and melodramatic, it captured the tensions of wartime Britain, thriving in enforced isolation.
a life of enforced inactivity