How To Use Energize In A Sentence
He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble.
Stuart began offering what he called hillbilly rock,'' an amalgam of energized honky-tonk and rock 'n' roll that he rode well into the '90s. Top Stories
Multiple devices may well have to be de-energized in an emergency, often at different locations.
The change in current is detected and the sensor's output is energized.
As the pioneer in the battery market, "Energizer" alkaline battery has always been accepted by the consumers of products of providing with longer lasting and more power.
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As Nigel just said, Jerry retired from the telethon this year, but of course, he's here with us in spirit and in heart, and we will continue to be energized and inspired by what I like to call his towering example," Carl said.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The pretext to begin circulating Perry's name for a presidential run will be easily established, and the Tea Partiers that he energized with his irresponsible talk of secession will slowly turn pragmatic and confront the question of who can win in 2012.
James Moore: Yo, America. It's Texas. We Got Another One for Ya!
Today with the battle lines between the red and blue states, the Christians and versus the secular, there is this constant drumbeat from the right wing that "the liberals hate us and we welcome their hatred because it energizes us.
April 2005
Like the astable multivibrator, one transistor conducts and the other cuts off when the circuit is energized.
The lower energizer refers, generally, to the portion located below the stomach, including the small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, urinary bladder. etc.
Intense heat from gunpowder's pyrotechnic flame energizes electrons in the metal atoms and metal-containing molecules.
The term excimer is derived from excited dimer, a term coined by physical chemists in the 1960s to describe short-lived energized molecules with two identical components.
Sure, you can turn it on and off, but it requires more will power - you have to de-energize something.
To iPod or not to iPod...
So, as Tea Partiers and newly re-energized Republicans take up the term anew, now's a perfect time to ask: What is freedom, anyway? Main RSS Feed
But talking about the series again energized me to get to work on the prequel and I wrote almost a thousand words forward last night.
Day in the Life of an Idiot
The representativecanget energizedby leveragingpopular sentiment against the warand a realneed for change by opening the debate to unseatthe veryunpopularVP.
Getting Reps to Vote "No" to Tabling the Resolution on Impeachment
We made our way to the front driveway, where I saw a carful of boys, energized with youthful high spirits.
Summer Party Advice, From Father to Son
Once the faceplate and the baseplate are attached to each other, the capacitor are de-energized and the electric field is dissipated.
They will go home energized and talk about what they heard and saw in Dili and let me tell you, there are some driven people in this country and they aren’t all foreigners.
Global Voices in English » East Timor: Thoughts on Abortion A Few Days Before Law Approval
This cable route tracer can trace and determine the depth of any conductive line and trace energized or de-energized lines through inductive or conductive coupling.
The secret of decorative patterns is that the dynamic of part-whole relations within them seems to energize them.
His true believers, with the steadfastness that comes from monomania, are energized by anger about the war.
The dramatic false-color image also highlights the contributions of hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen, energized by intense ultraviolet radiation, to the nebular glow.
By working out, you improve your physcial appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive.
Energize is formed from energy the same way that apologize is formed from apology.
These silly processes and front loading the process and opening up the process has done nothing but confuse the voter and de-energize them.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Super Tuesday: Gore Sweeps Bradley; Bush Scores Decisive Victories Over McCain - March 7, 2000
The actuator is then de-energized and the switching contacts return to their starting positions.
I think I had a lingering sense of ennui that wasn't helping me stay energized and positive about my job.
New Urban communities provide designed public realms whose purpose is to re-energize public discourse.
Patala is symbolic of gold and the earth's minerals which energize the terrain and fertilize it.
You could sort of say that this is a very energized version of the conservative side of the Republican Party, or you can see it that this could be something that could just fractionate the Republican Party, tear it into fiscal Republicans and social Republicans, and whatever there is left of old mainline Republicans.
Who Is The Tea Party? There's No Short Answer
Energizer has initiated discussions with Asia Thai Mining (Pan African Mining), one of two companies that are developing the large Sakoa coalfield, which is located approximately 30 kilometres northwest of the Green Giant Vanadium Project.
Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
Free exchange of trade in goods and services, and trying to energize a more market oriented set of arrangements in countries.
I think it was a two-edged sword, but I think he would have energized a lot of people who right now are not energized.
This portable battery-operated and plug-in unit can energize your home, office, seminar or classroom.
A jet of highly energized particles, called a coronal mass ejection, was spotted billowing away from the sun a short time later.
Space Diary: Sun
The term scoop students refers to young people -- many of them are aspiring journalists, by the way, who get their news and information from the web, share it with one another and they are politically energized.
CNN Transcript Jun 1, 2008
In the hands of these powerful musicians the hurdy-gurdy, Baroque lute, bouzouki, electric mandora, viola d'amore, and percussion combine to incite an ecstatic, energized state.
World Music Central
The clasp makes contact with the other terminal of battery to energize the light source.
Consider whether you need to re-energize your growth strategy planning process with your key managers.
The win energized legions of White Sox fans, whose team often took a back seat to the crosstown Cubs.
History lesson for Super cities
A 30-year-old employee in an elevated basket came in contact with an ungrounded incoming power line energized by induced voltage from a nearby conductor.
In a large galaxy, the black hole can reach a greater size before its surrounding gas is energized enough to stop falling in.
Once again, my paisan, Bishop Martino, shows why he has earned my nickname of the Energizer Bishop, when it comes to standing up for the Catholic Church's Pro-life teachings, he just keeps on going & going.
Now people are saying we're pumped, we're ready to vote tomorrow, we are really energized by this election.
Neutral colors in their cubicles would soothe them, while sharp, vibrant colors would energize them in the public areas.
And if he wins, he allows the free market to energize and renew a huge creaky behemoth.
Everyone felt connected, energized, and enthused; the team was ready to move forward.
But not somebody who goes from being an introvert to an extravert (because a true introvert is exhausted by being around people, and extraverts are energized by other people, and that just doesn’t change in real life) or from being a couch potato to loving exercise and training (because that’s an incredibly difficult change in real life too).
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Which Origin Stories are Plausible?
“Often when we feel depleted we reach for a cup of coffee, but research suggests a better way to get energized is to connect with nature,” he says.
Spending Time Outside in Nature Makes People Feel More Alive | Impact Lab
To energize ( a storage battery ) by passing current through it in the direction opposite to discharge.
We need to energize and build the movement by sharing resources and strategizing to work pro-actively in ways that cross-support a diverse array of approaches, networks and campaigns.
He's a great guy, a phenomenal player, and he's energized us.
The right foods nourish, protect, and energize your body, and keep your digestion and metabolism youthful.
When the highly energized particles collide with atmospheric gases.
Motivation Forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts.
Just what I needed – after flat dusty humid (yes, dusty and humid) Battambang, the mountainous breezy cool Pailin refreshed and energized.
Though you might hear laughin’, spinnin’, swingin’ madly across the sun « Planning the Day
The product fits in to the need to reenergize sales.
The knowledge of a shared destiny energizes and sustains many of us, enervates and defeats others.
I am completely energized and feeling terrific.
Terminal pair 1-2 must be continuously energized from an a. C. supply line of electrical characteristics shown on the data plate.
Repub voters being more energized is just a reflection of that - they had a solid chance to go from zero to 20% representation, while for the Dems the only question was whether their majority would be 5-0 or 4-1.
Caravati, Schilling Win Council Election at
While the main characters are in as much competition with each other as with the exploitative economic and entertainment systems, the music is energized by communal ideas that move forward in a responsively searching way.
SEC is not my favorite regulator and their fines on the big Wall Street banks have not been commensurate with the crimes, but compared to the U.S. Justice Department, SEC regulators have been veritable energizer bunnies, extracting billions in fines.
Mary Bottari: As Zuccotti Park Is Cleared, Congress Moves to Gut Financial Reform
Through the intervention of radiation-trapping pigments, they were energized by the Sun.
S.UART ROTHENBERG, "THE ROTHENBERG POLITICAL REPORT": It certainly confirms what we believe, that the Democrats are energized, excited and angry, and that that could mean -- could well mean that they will turn out in big numbers in November to give Democrats big gains for the U.S. House and the U.S. S.nate.
CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2006
Electro-magnetism is the force which lights up our cities and energizes our household appliances.
In Chicago the natural light bathing her room helped to energize and refresh her.
Also, students and postdocs have noted that outreach work re-energizes them and rekindles their excitement in bench science.
It is thus generally much BETTER to NOT directly "combust" the hydrogen --- but, rather, to use it CLOSED-CYCLE to energize FUEL CELLS which will then DRIVE ELECTRIC MOTORS.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
A militant suffragist, she energized the movement through her hunger strikes and her fiery rhetoric.
Amy felt intimidated and energized by her in equal proportions.
It is mostly the latent heat from condensation of the water vapor that energizes the storm.
Mr. Bloomberg's postmidnight raid on the camp at Zuccotti Park swept the protesters from their spiritual home, but it re-energized the movement, too.
Bloomberg's Bum Rush Backfires
Mitch Daniels For Republicans to do anything to de-energize this voting bloc would amount to political suicide.
Americans Don't Want a 'Truce' on Social Issues
In a Los Angeles Times article about the so-called "Gang of Six" senators, we're treated to this doozy, which is such conventional wisdom that no source was thought necessary: "Democratic senators up for reelection next year are particularly interested in debt-reduction strategies, an issue that has energized independent voters.
Arianna Huffington: By Accepting the Conventional Wisdom on the Deficit, Obama Is Ignoring the Lessons of 2008
Click here to download two PowerPoint decks, along with PDF documents, that depict the Certeon solution and how they used it for Energizer across a global WAN and in over thirteen countries.
Their sound is of the vintage of rock 'n' roll's dawning days, raw but tight, energized but not unduly aggressive.
His striking of the ball is excellent for a relative novice and his enthusiasm for the game seems to energize those around him.
Turning off the ignition de-energizes the spark plugs.
We are energized by love if we put our energy into loving.
The cartridge consisting of multiple mesh electrodes arranged transversely to imposed water flow electrolyzes passing water when energized.
It was discovered, however, that the physical body could be re-energized.
Michael's experiences left him energized, excited, and eager to apply his newfound knowledge to his own enterprise.
So tonight we settled in happily expecting to learn about shark repellents made by the Pacific sole -- a long and fascinating subject if you are a Pacific sole, and rather dull if you're aren't -- only to be energized by the professor's discussion of how he had isolated a particular toxin from a gorgonian those pretty, wavy soft corals that you see in various marine pictures.
Mornings. Grumble
Patala is symbolic of gold and the earth's minerals which energize the terrain and fertilize it.
Much like Urth or Pastis, this café would become the morning, noon, and night energizer bunny of Melrose Place, a constant touch point of bustling and contagious life on the street.
David Dixon: Melrose Place: Almost Famous
Class C extinguishers are used for energized electrical equipment.
The renascent movement, energized by the urgency of climate change, argues that it is entirely feasible - financially and technologically - for Germany to secure its energy needs solely from renewable sources but only if the federal government invests in it.
Tina Gerhardt: Germany's Burgeoning Anti-Nuclear Movement Promises to Derail Merkel's Energy Policy
For Avon, multilevel selling has helped reenergize a flagging U.S. sales force.
He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble.
Energized by their victory, the marchers strolled downtown, then across town, then uptown again without incident.
Energize is formed from energy by analogy with apologize from aplogy.
I envisioned returning from my vacation energized and looking fantabulous.
He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble.
Such doubts energized the smaller community of demographic revisionists, who emerged to do battle with their Malthusian brethren.
To do that, he says, scientists must understand how a cell self-destructs, which means understanding how mitochondria send out signals that kill cells as well as energize them.
No, we don't need time to recover or reenergize.
Suffice it to contend that about thirty minutes in to a movie a entire assembly was visibly activated as well as energized by this stone-cold classic-for-eternity.
Archive 2009-11-01
Again, Mr. McCain sidestepped, saying only that we have a lot more work to do to energize our base’’ and that he would select a person who shares his values.
McCain Mum on Veep Prospects - The Caucus Blog -
But now, with the national economy leaner and personal budgets tighter, an energized public is demanding more accountability.
It would really, I think, reenergize a lot of conservatives.
Adults will not suffer the boredom often caused by the brain-dead blandness of too many ‘family films,’ but they won't be challenged or energized, either.
South Carolina looked energized from the beginning, beating Tennessee's press with easy layups. - Scores
His striking of the ball is excellent for a relative novice and his enthusiasm for the game seems to energize those around him.
You will come away energized and motivated and networked and connected and ready to push your company to places it wouldn't go before.
That's particularly true of Stark, who supplemented his failing heart with an atomic-powered energizer that also powers his Iron Man suit.
Marshall Fine: Movie review: Iron Man 2
He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble.
Sending you lotsa good thots fur yr diss.defense, wo you r alert nd energized, eggsited but nawt nervus.
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The experience has, among other things, re-energized an old belief of mine.
With repeal of health-care reform and the rest of the Obama agenda on the line, the president hopes that a newly energized base of public employee unions, minorities, and the poor will overmatch the coalition of “haves” trying to take their new benefits away.
This empowers and energizes you to move forward in life.
If there's a good fit right away, then they experience a sense of recognition and are energized to move on.
Also, studies show, you're more likely to feel good about yourself, and not only that, being considered an "energizer" makes you more likely to win a positive work evaluation.
Gretchen Rubin: 8 Tips for Boosting Your Energy, Right Now
But to say that you'd rather lose the White House and continue the same policies that have Democrats so energized is S-T-U-P-I-D.
A Clinton backer turns to McCain
Today's oceans and continents are thus transitory features produced by incessant geotectonic processes that are energized by three sources of the earth's heat: energy conducted through the lithosphere from the underlying hot mantle, radiogenic decay of heat-producing crustal elements, and convective transport by magmas and fluids during orogenic events.
Global material cycles
Super-energized particles from the radiation belts and from auroral storms can damage the sensitive electronics of satellites.
The deeper appreciation will motivate and energize you.
The congresswoman friends called "the energizer bunny" has had a full week:•On Sunday, she and her husband, Mark Kelly, released the first public photos of Giffords since the shooting.
Gabrielle Giffords returns to Tucson for visit
Chapters devoted to how the biosphere is energized and how that energy powers biogeochemical cycles follow.
He has been endorsed by influential conservatives, was fawned over by superstar commentator Glenn Beck on Fox News and has a deeply energized base of supporters.
POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Monday, April 26, 2010
A huge section of the state has been energized by the casino and its spillover.
The chief pettifogger and Energizer Bunny for the pro-Clinton forces was political strategist James Carville, whose official title was Senior Political Adviser to the President.
Blood Sugar
By working out, you improve your physcial appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive.
Rather than wasting multiple gallons of energized water I should think it would be profitable, if not philanthropic, to bottle it and take it to market.
There should be a visible light and audible warning when the treatment electrode is energized.
If it gets a hold of PHM remains it will kick the energizer bunny's ass and keep going and going and ...
The Best and Most Terrifying Headline You'll See All Year
For year round tree trimming, DME contracts with and supervises a professional arboricultural service to prune all parts of the trees and other vegetation within a minimum of at least 10 feet of DME's energized [electric] lines. stories
The cars' electric motors are energized by solar cells.
She is a writer who energizes whatever she gives her attention to, an orange shriveling in the sun, an ink stain on a table, the white porcelain of a salad bowl.
This citrus fruit has an invigorating scent that energizes while helping to relieve tension, frustration, irritability and moodiness.
If you're one of those souls who is blessed with gym discipline or a YMCA membership, then you know how satisfying the lingering burn of energized muscles can be.
Current leakage and direct coupling when an energized metal active electrode tip comes in contact with another metal instrument or object potentially can damage or cause injury to the device or tissues.
I'm going to assume that you were so energized by my last piece about wardrobe basics and how to rebuild a pared-down closet that you have enough stamina to complete the task at hand.
The Building Blocks of a Smart Wardrobe
He fortified himself with a good meal, filling up with bland foods that would energize his body without making his stomach rumble.
From there, these negative ions will be energized to about one billion electron volts in a one-millisecond long pulsed beam and injected into an accumulator ring.
Motivation Forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts.
Much like Urth or Pastis, this café would become the morning, noon, and night energizer bunny of Melrose Place, a constant touch point of bustling and contagious life on the street.
David Dixon: Melrose Place: Almost Famous
‘The advantage to Deep Sleep is that is fully de-energizes the power bus on the vehicle and de-energizes that heater overnight and allows us to save that energy,’ he continued.
Often aerobic activity like walking or dancing will energize you and make sexual contact more appealing.
The brisk November wind made him feel awake and energized.
Yashin energized the sellout crowd at the Nassau Coliseum with his early goal.
National Hockey League - Rangers vs. Islanders
It was as if Karl Rove himself had been directing McCaskill and the Democratic Party to de-energize its base.
What if Health Care Reform is Defeated?
It is thus BETTER FOR YET ANOTHER KIND OF REASON AS WELL to NOT directly "combust" it --- but, rather, to use it CLOSED-CYCLE to energize fuel cells that then drive electric motors.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
The dramatic false-color image also highlights the contributions of hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen, energized by intense ultraviolet radiation, to the nebular glow.
She returned to her hotel late that afternoon, footsore but energized and excited by all she had seen.
Bound for Mexico, a short story
Maxey said he will avoid in-your-face confrontation that is certain to energize amendment supporters.
His expectation is that the line is de-energized, but it's still energized by the solar panels.
E-mail alerts and text messages will be sent in the coming days to re-energize supporters.
One minute he is as good as dead from cancer, and the next he is the Energizer bunny on an ergometer. - Armstrong's heroics worthy of attention
She began investing everything in her music which stimulated and energized her.
Once the faceplate and the baseplate are attached to each other, the capacitor is de-energized and the electric field is dissipated.
It's still energized by the solar panels.
When I feel rejuvenated, I feel enlivened, energized, connected with the world around me, and all of those qualities are ones that we notice in children.
When they analyzed networks of co-workers, knowing whether someone was considered an "energizer" and a "de-energizer" shed a great deal of light on how networks worked, and how productive various people managed to be.
Gretchen Rubin: QUIZ: Are You an 'Energizer' or a 'De-Energizer' at Work?
That gathering, U.S. officials said, underscores the group's ability to re-energize itself andcould convince Pakistan of a need to continue its military operations in the tribal region. - News
Many of these emotions energize greater effort but others negate effort and lead to dissatisfaction, stress and withdrawal.
The time these activities currently occupy in your schedule would be better used for something else because they bog you down, make you feel bad about yourself, de-energize and deplete you.
SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
Out of this combined critique and celebration has evolved a contemporary Chicanismo with academic and artistic actions energized by the creative transculturation processes, and the renewed imagination of equality and democratic potential in our post-Y2K U.S.A.
Include breaks in your day, which will allow you to re-energize yourself.
Which of course, I promptly realized, is exactly what will pay off as one ages: beauty fades, but a mind constantly energized will shine even brighter with age.
Paulina Porizkova: Aging
This month of December has totally re-energized me to start 2010 in the best mindset possible.
Don't miss your chance to be inspired and energized by what Tom has to say about the future for business.
They take about three to five minutes to come to full brightness after they are energized.
The relay stays energized until time out and then it deenergizes ready for the next operation.
Once energized, the dye forms singlet oxygen, a reactive molecule that kills bacteria.
* CVS chooses Duracell, private-label alkaline batteries * Chain says will still sell Energizer lithium batteries By Jessica Wohl - Articles related to Popular Mom Bloggers Pen New Humor Book About Modern Motherhood, Hit The Road To Meet Real Moms
This Italian mud unclogs pores, hydrates, nourishes and energizes - basically everything one is looking for in a mask.
He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation.
But at the very least, tai chi should calm and energize you by untethering you from cell phones, traffic, and what he calls ‘the internal chatter of the busy mind.’
And so when you get a movement that energizes a whole lot of people who haven't been previously involved in politics, when you get an inrush of hundreds of thousands or millions of previously uninvolved people into political activity, you get two things.
Is There A Sarah Palin Effect?
After all, Francis of Assisi and Dominic Guzman, not Innocent III, energized the mendicant movement that swept Europe in the thirteenth century.
Point being, between one thing and the other, I found myself to be a big draggy, loggy, unenergized and in desperate need of a lift.
Janice Taylor: Stress Relief: Quick Video Fix: 21 Ways to Reboot, Recharge, Refresh
At least one of the tray and label is flexibly depressible at the separator and cell for pressing the other lead against the cell to temporarily energize the LED.
When we breathe normally we find the action caused by the breathing is at the centre of the body, and the respiratory muscles are energized.
Public Speaking
Palin's burst onto the national political scene energized the Republican base and she quickly became known as a feisty "hockey mom" who throughout her short political life was known as a reformer not afraid to take - Articles related to Lawyer says Iran clears French woman of spying
But he is finishing strong and seems energized as the regular season turns into the postseason.
We needed to de-energize those to protect the public.
CNN Transcript Dec 14, 2008
A launch abort can of course be structured to de-energize the SRB debris using the 2nd stage.
Ares V - Ares 1 = Ares IV - NASA Watch
After signing with Zoë, a division of roots label Rounder, they returned re-energized with Open in 2001.
These celebrations become the time-release motivators that re-energize your determination to complete the journey.3.
Globe and Mail
The outdoor winds swept up from the Thames and had that brisk, stirring coolness that can energize even a weary theater-binger.
London Theater Journal: The Power of Wind in Two Master Classes on Class - ArtsBeat Blog -
But the summer of 2008 proved too much for even me and the onslaught of superhero movies (Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, The Dark Knight) re-energized me and I once again dismantled “The Black Maverick” and began to build it from the ground up.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Trek Fan’s Review Forum
The playbook is to turn out the white "base", and de-energize or mislead African-American voters (rather than make an honest appeal to them, as Jindal did four years ago).
Archive 2007-10-01
If it still thinks there is power on the excitor wire then the alt has a kinda dead short if its not spinning and trying to energize so it will drain a battery in a day give or take.
Lincoln vs Cadillac
Energized by hosting a Monday night game, the Eagles will exact some prime-time revenge against the team that routed them in Week 5.
But if it deenergizes when a source other than radio is selected, your sub amp will not come on when you listen to CD's or an AUX source.
Classic plaids and florals in a bouquet of colors energize the suite while remaining compatible with the 1929 architecture.
Yet I do believe these occasions present a great opportunity to reenergize the movement.
This idea is a comforting one, and also an energizer and a stimulus to personal growth.
Hopefully the team building activity after lunch will re-energize me.
This Wednesday: Quiz -- Are you an "energizer" or a "de-energizer" at work?
Gretchen Rubin: QUIZ: Are You an 'Energizer' or a 'De-Energizer' at Work?
Once energized, the dye forms singlet oxygen, a reactive molecule that kills bacteria.
Bethany had felt energized before the meet, but now she felt nervous and queasy.
Without the generators on, the backup pump takes approximately three seconds to energize the servo.
The vote reenergized a grass-roots organization called Canton Pride, which urged passage of the override.
Alpha lipoic acid - a brain 'energizer', according to Dr. Summers, the maker of Stemulite.
Improving Your Health
Refreshed and energized from a week in the mountains.
Behind the News
It is a stimulating nervine and is considered an energizer for sexual inability.
The cartridge consisting of multiple mesh electrodes arranged transversely to imposed water flow electrolyzes passing water when energized.