
How To Use Energetically In A Sentence

  • Marcus Aurelius's hair stands energetically up, a nimbus of corkscrewing locks, not a bit like the conventional signs for hair that plaster so many Roman marble crania. The Forever City
  • Therefore "energetically" don't we just offer up more emotional violence into the soup? Time to Re-Assess How We Celebrate Presidents Day
  • A young Indian girl, in supertight jeans, in modern makeup, is gabbing energetically on a public pay phone. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • No one savaged the law's delays and inequities more energetically than Dickens, yet no one worried more about the results of revolution and lawlessness.
  • The repulsion between the electrons makes it energetically more favorable for the electron to each other.
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  • Lewis was one of the first to popularize this ‘lexical turn’ in applied linguistics, and he did so energetically, if, at times, contentiously. September « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • Hence a solution of chondrin seems to act far more quickly and energetically than pure gelatine or isinglass; but I am assured by good authorities that it is most difficult, or impossible, to know whether chondrin is pure, and if it contained any albuminous compound, this would have produced the above effects. Insectivorous Plants
  • The obvious solution - to move into more capital-intensive highly skilled work - is being energetically pursued.
  • Robert Browning is credited as the "precursor of Modernist technique" for he "energetically hacked through a trail that has subsequently become the main road of twentieth century poetry".
  • While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak, Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon.
  • There can be no judgment until the arguments are laid out clearly and energetically.
  • She had a straw clomped between her teeth and was chewing it energetically.
  • She has worked energetically on her own portfolio of photography, sculpture, installation art and film.
  • It was strongly influenced by the contemporary art movement known as Constructivism, which was being energetically pursued.
  • The greater the disorder, the energetically easier it is to produce further disorder.
  • He hopped about energetically, did the trademark Edwin moves, played congas and really worked the crowd.
  • Obviously, much of this is not accomplished by 5 in the morning, and as an observer, I must note that the "energetically" part no longer holds true for 80% of the runners by the time they reach Disney's Boardwalk. No, not dead.
  • Robert threw himself energetically into building a complex polygonal motte and bailey fortress out of wood there.
  • In contrast, mice with high levels of ghrelin swam energetically in deep water, looking for escape. Hunger Can Make You Happy « Isegoria
  • Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.
  • But I am learning something every day, and I am determined, "energetically," to fight my way up! Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes
  • He shouts, rattling the handle energetically - Energetically enough that I hear the sound of some unoiled hinges squeaking immediately before the crash of a whiteboard swinging down off the wall…
  • When Sabin developed his attenuated strains of polio he energetically pursued his goal of making them widely accepted as vaccine strains.
  • His fair locks, which the Russian was used to wash every morning, he was now bidden to bedaub with grease and flour, while he energetically cursed the black spatterdashes which it took him an hour to button every morning. Historic Tales, Vol. 8 (of 15) The Romance of Reality
  • When Luther, in the domain of religion, characterized as unevangelical the conception of merit and reward, and energetically banished the huckster-spirit from religious feeling, he opened to the Gems (?) of German Thought
  • A short drive brings you north to Florence, or south, more energetically, to Bologna or Sienna.
  • If you elect Jessica, you may be sure she will present our views forcefully and energetically. She is a very dynamic speaker.
  • Stevie Crawford, with 10 goals in 13 games to his credit, bustled energetically, twisting and turning the Morton defenders repeatedly.
  • This last point went well with the listeners who applauded energetically.
  • While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak, Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon.
  • Some polar dinosaurs, particularly larger taxa such as the duckbill Edmontosaurus Lambe, 1917, were biomechanically and energetically capable of migrating over long distances, up to 2600 km. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • I began to smile, and she shook her head energetically, sending her ringlets and curls darting in every direction.
  • One can do a fair bit of damage energetically hectoring someone to speak them, but perhaps just as much damage by pretending they don't exist.
  • There was no existing prospect of eliminating the greater part of the sulphur discharged from industrial and domestic chimneys, but research was being energetically pursued.
  • Genova" refers to Lisa Genova, who achieved New York Times best-seller status with Still Alice, self-published and very energetically self-marketed. Publishing and reading round-up
  • It's what I call downright Radical nonsense," said Mrs Low, nodding her head energetically. Phineas Finn
  • More exposed microsites receive more insolation, which may be energetically advantageous to incubating birds.
  • Forget all about rowdy post-wedding dances where an eightsome is an excuse to throw women around, reels are danced energetically but correctly.
  • Through their last days afloat, the crew continued to exercise energetically, especially in damage control. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • It upheld the wounded snake, 'anaconda' system, it opposed the using of contrabands in any way, it urged, heart and soul, the protection of the property of rebels, it warred on confiscation in any form, it was ready with a negative to every proposition to energetically push the war, and finally its press is now opposing the settling our soldiers on the cotton-lands of the South. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • The burden of haven enterprise also is reduced energetically.
  • He campaigned energetically and acted more like an opposition leader than a president, making implausible promises about tax cuts.
  • On the ground they all bustle about energetically as they hunt for food in the grass. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the disco floor, she energetically bumped, rocked and bopped; I tripped, stumbled and flopped.
  • She says this all very fast and energetically like she has held it in there for so long, and needs to tell someone.
  • And that doesn't even include Camby's energetically youthful presence on a Knicks team that's old, older, oldest, playing at a pachydermic pace that borders on the geriatric.
  • You just play with him kind of energetically and he gets real tired. Part Two: Talking with Dr. Temple Grandin, Author of "Thinking in Pictures"
  • As President Clinton's Treasury secretary, Rubin, the former cochair of Goldman Sachs, led the fight to free the financial markets from regulation and then went on to a $15-million-a-year job with Citigroup, the company that had most energetically lobbied for that deregulation. 'The Great American Stickup': It Was The Economy, Stupid
  • He works energetically and selflessly to convey the wonder of science to the public, including to underprivileged groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • People gaze in wonder whenever he dashes energetically from one side of the field to the other, racing past his fatigued opponents.
  • Toward that end one resolves to listen to, reflect upon, and meditate on the teachings energetically.
  • As a consequence, in his life he energetically fought many battles.
  • But royal watchers looking for signs the Duchess was pregnant were thrown off the scent on Friday after she was seen energetically playing hockey in high heels. The Sun
  • They energetically claimed celestial blessing.
  • Its juice acts energetically on the kidneys, and dissolves the calculous formations of earthy phosphates which frequently form in the bladder. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • I think it's the sort of piece where if the diction is really energetically articulated, it carries a lot of the musical line with it, and the mezzo's diction was particularly clear. Magna Carter (3): The stuff that dreams are made of
  • In lyophobic colloids the particle-solvent interaction is energetically unfavorable and the suspension will sooner or later separate.
  • The geometric ordering of atoms in crystalline solids as well as the different kinds of magnetic order, are examples of general ordering phenomena in nature when systems find an energetically favorable arrangement by choosing a certain state of symmetry. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Dancing energetically in sync demonstrably raises people 's pain thresholds as well as making them feel closer to one another, they claim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Matching the audience in age, the young, international cast played briskly and energetically, using simplified staging on a nearly bare stage.
  • State and local governments also energetically promoted railroads.
  • If there is a moth egg anywhere it will hatch and nibble away energetically inside the bag. Times, Sunday Times
  • It makes sense to enquire as energetically as possible into the greatest conceivable truth.
  • Whatever the make-up of the next Government is, it must seriously and energetically tackle the health problem.
  • But it won't be until after the Olympics are over when it can "energetically" come back to the standing contingency force concept. posted by BBS at 8:04 AM Archive 2007-03-01
  • At present we must energetically encourage the practice of making investigations and studies.
  • He works energetically and selflessly to convey the wonder of science to the public, including to underprivileged groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • Toure said Ngongi had "energetically" denounced the attack, saying: "To target MONUC is to pick the wrong target, unless it's part of a hidden agenda to prevent or impede the UN force from setting up operations in Kindu. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Dancing energetically in sync demonstrably raises people 's pain thresholds as well as making them feel closer to one another, they claim. Times, Sunday Times
  • Civil bodies vowed to "energetically" monitor a 2001 commitment made by African heads of state to work towards spending at least 15 percent of their national budgets on health. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • An energetically wielded editorial scalpel should have removed all this low-lying fruit and made what is an important manifesto as punchy as it deserves to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Briefly, if pests attack infrequently and defense chemicals are energetically costly, selection should favor low basal levels but high inducible levels.
  • If they can get lie-down awhile after lunch, they will usually energetically devote themselves to work.
  • I was confined to my bed, and it was then that my mind, dwelling for hours together on the experiment about to be made, suggested that instead of trying to decarburise the granulated metal by forcing the air down the vertical pipe among the pieces of iron, the air would act much more energetically and more rapidly if I first melted the iron in the crucible, and forced the air down the pipe below the surface of the fluid metal, and thus burn out the carbon and silicum which it contained. James Nasmyth: Engineer, An Autobiography.
  • It is at the roadside vendor's that they energetically launch themselves into some tough wrangling.
  • The sky is an energetically brushed jubilation of blobby stars, comet showers and the Hale-Bopp comet itself.
  • White lather covered the horses' flanks and shoulders, but they tossed their heads energetically, eager to run so hard again - running was such fun for them!
  • Whether he is writing about the Renaissance necromancer John Dee or the religious visions of Thomas More, Ackroyd energetically reanimates his historical personages, and insists their spectres are still tangible here and now.
  • He works energetically and selflessly to convey the wonder of science to the public, including to underprivileged groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make his intentions clear he will point energetically at your car and then poke himself in the eye.
  • That impresario in his palmy days was once faced with a press complaining vociferously that too many of the new American plays he was energetically producing were clinkers.
  • He began and ended the performance energetically enough, but his movements were seriously constrained for much of the evening: He wasn't cueing and exhorting the players with his usual verve. Lee Rosenbaum: Fright Night at the Opera: Met's "Die Walküre" Enthralls, Despite Mishaps
  • As the firmest enemy of modern ethics based upon scientific knowledge of natural laws, there stands the Christian religion, the outspring of the Jewish one, which former, resting upon the principle of the necessary subordination of woman to man, in consequence thereof energetically combats the attempts for equal rights to both sexes, and, as far as lies in its power, ever will and must combat the same. The Woman's Bible
  • The decision after investigation and study, expand line of business of my area milk cow energetically.
  • Seizing what seems to be an ordinary domestic appliance, he energetically attacks the prostrate form on the table.
  • Grummet waved his flag energetically from the crest of the beach, and the coastguardmen busied themselves in making such slight preparations as were in their power to assist the crew in escaping from the wreck. For Treasure Bound
  • It is staged traverse, with the cast energetically wheeling a bed back and forth, and singing from either end. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the front and at home bitter differences of opinion are rife as to the offensive against the Central Powers demanded by the Allies and now also energetically advocated by Kerenski in speeches throughout the country. Im Weltkriege. English
  • Will he take the next step, as our Antipodean friends are recommending: to engage “more energetically” with popular websites such as Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and YouTube? Let’s do that Australian thing « pwcom 2.0
  • Nasif, photolytic, radiolytic – are these reactions energetically favorable, or do the products quickly recombine? Unthreaded #21 « Climate Audit
  • Once your patrons eat it, it will be broken up about as much as anything organic can be, and then burned up in the metabolic process and released energetically.
  • He was to carry the idea back to the capital, where it was energetically taken up by his colleagues at the commune.
  • Normally ET from a ground-state donor to a ground-state acceptor is energetically not favorable.
  • He is remembered now as the most energetically inventive prose stylist of the 16th century.
  • A letter from the State Department to Sen. Richard Lugar, the ranking Republican on the Sen.te Foreign Relations Committee, states that the U.S. "energetically" opposes Mr. Zelaya's June 28 ouster. U.S. Decides Not to Impose Sanctions on Honduras
  • Energetically, it gets quite complicated because some infections are considered hot while others are cold and are caused by long-term debilitation. The Last Chance Dog
  • Does he run around energetically first thing in the morning to get you ready for school?
  • Because large proteins are energetically expensive to make, such proteins are disadvantageous if shorter proteins can perform the same function.
  • I peer through the window to the side of the door and a mime is in progress, a woman energetically vacuuming.
  • In lyophobic colloids the particle-solvent interaction is energetically unfavorable and the suspension will sooner or later separate.
  • Kerry, whose family glory lies in an illustrious and historic past, has worked energetically to secure his place in the upper reaches of American society, and twice married heiresses.
  • Some polar dinosaurs, particularly larger taxa such as the duckbill Edmontosaurus Lambe, 1917, were biomechanically and energetically capable of migrating over long distances, up to 2600 km. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • The key to its success was a revolutionary new control device, a kind of electronic wand that players waved energetically like a tennis racket. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, guangdong still will develop next generation Internet energetically.
  • They energetically perform everything from synth-pop to punk-metal-influenced country tunes.
  • Superelectrophiles are the de facto reactive intermediates of many electrophilic reactions in superacidic systems (including those involving solid superacids) and even some enzymatic systems and should be differentiated from energetically lower-lying, thus much more stable intermediates, which frequently are observable and even isolable but are not necessarily reactive enough without further activation. George A. Olah - Autobiography
  • Yet his blank verse is lively and energetically handled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breed a batch to walk along connotation type to develop viatic energetically at the same time " only, essence of life, special, new " enterprise of contemporary publication medium.
  • It is staged traverse, with the cast energetically wheeling a bed back and forth, and singing from either end. Times, Sunday Times
  • Advance pasturage industrialization process energetically, the radiate that strengthens pasturage bibcock business drives capacity.
  • Forget all about rowdy post-wedding dances where an eightsome is an excuse to throw women around, reels are danced energetically but correctly.
  • In 1938-9 Britain and France rearmed energetically and began to face the serious prospect of war with Germany if Hitler could not be deterred.
  • Its slender green stems and leathery leaves sprawl energetically over the ground, and gardeners greatly dislike it because it is very difficult to pull up. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet his blank verse is lively and energetically handled. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the ground they all bustle about energetically as they hunt for food in the grass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although energetically advantageous when swimming near the water surface, both wave-riding and porpoising have been described for only a limited number of marine mammal species moving at high speeds.
  • When I first saw this gas station though, and red lights out here," Beatrice recalls energetically, her voice rising in pitch and volume, "I must have screamed and hollered like I was at a football game ... East of Tragedy
  • Richter was out of the door in a flash, almost toppling the coat stand as he energetically wrenched his overcoat from it's wooden knob.
  • The interior is less shouty but energetically sumptuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's what I call downright Radical nonsense," said Mrs. Low, nodding her head energetically. Phineas Finn
  • On the ground they all bustle about energetically as they hunt for food in the grass. Times, Sunday Times
  • Energetically, the fundamental limitation of these solvent-screened electrostatic potentials of the unbound molecule is that they ignore the important desolvation effects incurred upon binding.

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