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How To Use Energetic In A Sentence

  • Marcus Aurelius's hair stands energetically up, a nimbus of corkscrewing locks, not a bit like the conventional signs for hair that plaster so many Roman marble crania. The Forever City
  • For local entertainment you would have to hire the raucously energetic rock group that rehearses in the village hall.
  • They were energetic, bright eyed, and cheerful.
  • Therefore "energetically" don't we just offer up more emotional violence into the soup? Time to Re-Assess How We Celebrate Presidents Day
  • Bands, dancing and Gurkha storytelling will also feature, while the more energetic visitors can have a go at an Army climbing wall or aerial ropeway.
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  • The music swings and the professionals perform elaborately energetic movements.
  • Areas on the surface of the Sun called coronal holes, where the magnetic field is quite open and highly energetic charged particles stream out and hit the earth's magnetic field and interact with it.
  • Pickles has earned widespread plaudits since taking office for his energetic and radical approach to reforming local government. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, with chemical reactions as your energy source, you can't really use hydrogen as your exhaust gas, because it isn�t the product gas of the energetic reactions you'd like to use, always assuming that you don't actually have tanks of monoatomic hydrogen lying around. Faster
  • A young Indian girl, in supertight jeans, in modern makeup, is gabbing energetically on a public pay phone. Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • For the energetic, pedal boats, rowing boats, canoes and rafts, will be available for hire throughout the weekend.
  • Although, thinking about it, I'm sure my vocabulary has been enlarged in previously unexplored directions by the energetic neologists of spam.
  • Energetic, adaptable, never tiring airmen are at the core of the Air Force.
  • Stephen Kane is ex-Director of the Institute for Advanced Health Research, which pioneered new bioenergetic techniques for overcoming allergy-related illnesses and their associated chronic infections and environmental stresses.
  • Whether it is movement therapy or kinesiology or nutrition, energetic exchange always underlies the therapeutic process.
  • However, we're talking about a very energetic material composed, usually, of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine.
  • His speech is staggered and halting, hers an energetic staccato.
  • The theory was that great nations start out tough-minded and energetic. The American Daydream
  • Murataliev, from the laboratory of Vladimir Skulachev, a respected leader in bioenergetics. Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
  • There is no foundation for ascribing an energetic quality to a crystal simply because it has a particular appearance, colour or name.
  • They're equally comfortable with energetic rock as they are with slow, moody and melancholy tunes.
  • Slick, ultraviolent advertising campaigns and an energetic presence on social media have added to the group's allure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tremain's novel is altogether jauntier, more various and energetic than these quotations imply.
  • Leading the service, the reverend described Mr Jackson as ‘the most energetic of people’ with a passion for life.
  • One side of the painting is covered with energetic dabs of white and black over soft blue oblongs on a yellow ochre background.
  • Though as I've noticed, doing auric repairs on someone even without their involvement will cause their physical body to repair itself to match the change in their energetic body.
  • Age seems to have made him more energetic in pursuit of his dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although most optical light is unpolarized – consisting of light with an equal mix of all polarizations – the extreme bending of energetic particles around a magnetic field line can polarize light. World-wide Campaign Sheds New Light on Nature's "LHC" | Universe Today
  • There are two paintings already on the wall and they are huge, and incredibly energetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the most energetic protectionist measures are erected against agricultural products in all countries.
  • The elderly man is quite energetic.
  • The long, hot dusty afternoons, where time hangs still, and dry leaves fly in sad whirls before collapsing to the ground, the inertia and sloth that drives even the most energetic into a huddle, the sense of despair.
  • With this, we can produce energetic dysprosium, atomic mass 162.5, heavy enough for nuclear reactions.
  • Here you recall a memory of when you felt incredibly energetic and relive it as vividly as possible, thereby accessing all the energetic feelings. Times, Sunday Times
  • He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader.
  • Though no longer in the first flush of youth she's still remarkably energetic.
  • I don't associate him with energetic sports.
  • Like all gun dogs, and hunters, this breed needs lots of energetic exercise to remain fit and healthy.
  • This kind of action needs precise timing and director Mike Alfreds and his 14 strong cast provide the elegantly energetic execution required.
  • His tail drooped limply and she noticed that though he usually looked quite joyful and energetic, it now seemed that almost all his energy had run out.
  • The amphetamines made him feel healthy and energetic. Christianity Today
  • Differential expression of seasonal energetic adaptations generates a continuum in the trophic status of endotherms during winter.
  • We seem to be hard-wired into receiving streaming images from TV, film, print and our social media, fiercely flashing before us at strobe-light speed, yet never quite lingering long enough for us to take a really deep look into the energetics behind the images. Heather McCloskey Beck: Creating Peace Through Conscience and Creativity
  • The energetical selection (lit. b) and the economic cost-benefit-approach (lit. a) will both limit the energy-options to a few; to narrow further down the remaining alternatives, some more general criteria might be helpful. 1. BASIC APPROACH a) Cost-Benefit-Approach for Socio-Economic Selection
  • No one savaged the law's delays and inequities more energetically than Dickens, yet no one worried more about the results of revolution and lawlessness.
  • As the rays of this month's Sun turn your fleece gold, you'll be energetic little chili peppers: sizzlingly physical, wickedly witty and hot as a hangi - positively smoking!
  • Apart from being a super talent, the energetic Mr. McIlroy will relish the team camaraderie, while a likely partnership with close friend and fellow Ulsterman Graeme McDowell is a pairing the U.S. will fear. Tip of the Day
  • These days the area has an energetic, friendly feel, largely because of the presence of so many students. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is this energetic feedback and element of anticipation that gives jazz its incredible dynamism.
  • The repulsion between the electrons makes it energetically more favorable for the electron to each other.
  • But the WEA leadership, uncomfortable with political comment, preferred a blanket adherence to official neutralism, exacerbating strained relations with their energetic editor, William Emrys Williams.
  • However, the two chapters on bioenergetic analysis (one by Resneck-Sannes, the second by Robbins) provide worthwhile information for the hypnosis clinician and are fairly well focused.
  • Lewis was one of the first to popularize this ‘lexical turn’ in applied linguistics, and he did so energetically, if, at times, contentiously. September « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • They strung a net between two palm trees and bobbed about in an energetic game of four-a-side volleyball.
  • Peter Manso: erm, I was using "sprightly" as a compliment - as in, "energetic" etc. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • All feelings are energy and the way to release them is through energetic activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The question of how stars die is currently a major focus of stellar research, and is particularly directed toward the energetic explosions that destroy a star in one cataclysmic event.
  • She was bubbly, energetic, and had her way of doing things.
  • The unravelling of its structure and bioenergetic role in glycolysis clearly stands out as a major scientific accomplishment. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • Painting functions here like a terrifying energetic machine, absorbing, destroying, recycling, recomposing images of vastly different origins.
  • Hence a solution of chondrin seems to act far more quickly and energetically than pure gelatine or isinglass; but I am assured by good authorities that it is most difficult, or impossible, to know whether chondrin is pure, and if it contained any albuminous compound, this would have produced the above effects. Insectivorous Plants
  • The obvious solution - to move into more capital-intensive highly skilled work - is being energetically pursued.
  • An energetic display was capped with a goal on his debut to banish his injury nightmare from last season. The Sun
  • One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Q. How many times a week do you do mildly energetic activity such as gardening, light housework or repairing things? The Sun
  • A synchronised swimmer holds her breath for 60 per cent of a four-minute energetic routine. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took it luxuriously because he believed in his fortune, a kind of natal star, the common heritage of the adventurous, that brought him his good things in time, in return for energetic strivings in a higher direction apart from his natural longings. The Tragic Comedians — Complete
  • Until the past year Mr. Leigh had been the kind of stoutly energetic older man you call _hale, hearty. The Devil's Bedpost
  • We need to be more energetic in promoting ourselves abroad.
  • The Second Show - with the bigger crowd and less interference from the TV people - is the superior performance; it's far more energetic and rip-roaring.
  • They used energetic particles in a plasma to knock, or sputter, carbon atoms from a graphite surface, forming a carbon vapor.
  • Kane, who is three and a half, has been in care since birth and is an energetic youngster who loves running and dancing and is always ‘on the go’.
  • May I be strenuous, energetic and persevering !May I be patient! May I be able to bear and forbear the wrongs of others! May I ever keep a promise given!
  • Somewhere along the line, I fell in with the charismatic megafauna, and now I work on the physiology, bioenergetics, behavior, and bioacoustics of marine mammals.
  • The energetics of proton transfer can be envisaged as a double-well potential where the proton is transferred from a donor to the acceptor.
  • You've also got to make TV ads where you say things like "I am you", which isn't as easy to understand as "this butter is nice", which is, in fact, and particularly if you don't get your hair blow-dried, extremely confusing, but you probably can't say it's not energetic. Christina Patterson: Why We All Need a Rally to Restore Sanity
  • Though generally perceived to be an energetic and volatile character, he has yet to show anything but easy charm in dealings with Scottish journalists.
  • His poems display a vigorous and energetic fascination with nature.
  • It is said that the Qi, informatory energy or energetic information, is emitted from the meridian point of the therapist's palms and transferred to the patient's body via a meridian point of the body.
  • Ideally, I would like to work in an energetic workplace with fast turnaround and lots of get-up-and-go.
  • Some of the very energetic ions and electrons which reach the Earth and which we observe as cosmic-rays probably originate from Jupiter.
  • Robert Browning is credited as the "precursor of Modernist technique" for he "energetically hacked through a trail that has subsequently become the main road of twentieth century poetry".
  • The most energetic thing he had to do in that mauvais quart d'heure was light his cigar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The existing pool offered too little genetic diversity to support energetic research, they said.
  • This possibility was addressed by Humphries et al. who used a number of experimental and modeling approaches, based on bioenergetics, to predict effects of climate warming on the distribution of northern mammals.
  • The Games were marvellous but talk of a legacy of swelling enthusiasm for energetic pursuits was always unconvincing defiance of Olympic history. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chris and Giovanni turned towards the energetic voice, eyebrows lifted.
  • From rumba to bolero, Felip will explore the energetic and sensual roots of Latin songs and rhythms.
  • General Marmora -- a thin, shabby, energetic man -- was everywhere; for the new order of things seemed a little hitchy. Shawl-Straps A Second Series of Aunt Jo's Scrap-Bag
  • While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak, Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon.
  • Their initiative was followed, once again, by a spell of energetic fundraising.
  • But here his energetic, knockabout humour is totally infectious. The Sun
  • This is not a complaint about the dancers: they were talented, compliant to the choreography, energetic and committed.
  • Anyway, he is very industrious and energetic in his sweeping.
  • After an energetic day outdoors, Nicole and her friends can relax their muscles in the hotel's whirlpools, sauna, and steam room.
  • After 1976 and until the late 1990s, the weather here became notably more zonally energetic, cooler in the summer, very rainy, and featuring a seemingly almost regular pace of alternating El Ninos and La Ninas, with El Ninos being particularly strong. Road Map #3 « Climate Audit
  • The picture provides evidence that supernovae are one source of cosmic rays, highly energetic particles that bombard the planet, passing through us in their thousands every day.
  • The ionization is produced by solar uv radiation and by energetic ions and electrons from the magnetosphere.
  • The English springer spaniel truly is an energetic, outgoing breed, and most springers exhibit a gregariousness, warmth and sweet-temper that makes them a joy to know.
  • For having the capability to release kundalini energy is precisely analogous to being able to detonate an atomic bomb; it's a secret weapon of mass consciousness destruction/creation, only on a bioenergetic level.
  • The only cheater I am willing to forgive is Eliot Spitzer (of course I'm not married to him) – he was energetic, driven, strong and very smart! Details of Sanford book deal to come this week
  • As Obi-Wan Kenobi browses the dragon corral, he sees a particularly energetic dragon toss aside a diminutive wrangler, dropping him into a pool of mucky water.
  • It is never quiet, and cool guys and gals walk with an energetic gait while window-shopping, relaxed in casual dress, some of them even walking barefoot.
  • Deputy minister of industry, energetics and fuel life Gulbarchyn Asanova told that there was a significant recession in the production of the building materials had a According to her words, the reason is Kazakhstan's rejection to buy the Kyrgyz production. Global Voices in English » Does Global Financial Crisis Affect Kyrgyzstan?
  • It tends to make users feel more energetic. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • There can be no judgment until the arguments are laid out clearly and energetically.
  • Ambitious, energetic, and very able, Faulkner was clearly positioning himself for the succession to Brookeborough.
  • The main residue of these energetic performances was documentary photographs. The Times Literary Supplement
  • An energetic builder and engineer, he made use of innovative designs and newly available materials, such as india rubber.
  • It was amazing how vital and witty and energetic and downright cocky he was.
  • A third factor contributing to elevated swimming energetic costs, particularly in semi-aquatic mammals, is the efficiency of the propulsor.
  • More energetic sports could prove hazardous for prisoners on meagre rations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The less energetic can take the 20-minute bus ride up to the lighthouse from the ferry terminal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Daisy May was an irrepressible, hugely energetic dog and a real pleasure to be with. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • She had a straw clomped between her teeth and was chewing it energetically.
  • The dances are not energetic in the sense that a barn dance or a ceilidh is.
  • She has worked energetically on her own portfolio of photography, sculpture, installation art and film.
  • Depending on which elements are being tested for, the samples are irradiated with energetic neutrons.
  • The energetic come down on ropes or slide into view at about thirty miles an hour. The Times Literary Supplement
  • You have to be pretty creative and energetic -- you have to be quite kind of plucky, to a certain extent. Toby Young Can't Resist One More Prank at Soho House
  • These voltages would also explain the radio emission from energetic electrons observed near Jupiter by the Ulysses spacecraft.
  • As an additional consideration in butterfly, the lower the shoulders are to the water (good for bioenergetics, but bad for impingement biomechanics), the worse it is for recovery impingement.
  • Accordingly, in pre-empting neuronal glucose utiliztion by the neuron, ketone bodies may compromise neuronal energetic efficiency and, together with both endogenously generated and diffusible ROS exported by the fatty acid-oxidizing astrocyte, promote cell injury. Metabolism and ketosis | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It was strongly influenced by the contemporary art movement known as Constructivism, which was being energetically pursued.
  • Banks are sinking because they are the pooling spots of energy, like an adhesion aka knot in a muscle, it is a traffic jam to flow, the cause of pain and limited range of motion, banks are energetic blockages to the flow of energy, where greed stagnates. Evening Buzz: Bank Bailout
  • The Arien personality may be energetic, enthusiastic, and intrigued by excitement, but the Virgo inner nature holds some of those passions in check.
  • Her tongue was younger and more energetic than mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are two paintings already on the wall and they are huge, and incredibly energetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Practitioners included healers from Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Native American, and shamanic traditions as well as graduates of secular schools of bioenergetic and meditative healing.
  • It is chilled enough for when the lights go out, and energetic enough for the morning.
  • Look for ambitious, energetic individuals, but steer them. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is considerably more energetic with the camera than her da.
  • Consequently, animals have evolved intelligence systems that function, first and foremost, as predictive bioenergetic cost/benefit analysis systems.
  • Although a nova is much less energetic than a supernova, if recurrent novas are not violent enough to expel more gas than is falling in, mass will accumulate onto the white dwarf star until it passes its Chandrasekhar limit. Dawn Before Nova | My[confined]Space
  • They feel less competent, and they are less energetic and less actively engaged in parenting. Divergent Realities: the Emotional Lives of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
  • All feelings are energy and the way to release them is through energetic activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proton pumps are a family of membrane proteins that play a pivotal role in the bioenergetics of the cell.
  • He stomped the country in the weeks before polling day giving energetic speeches, described by some as 3-hour harangues.
  • It had been an energetic and ingenious exercise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The greater the disorder, the energetically easier it is to produce further disorder.
  • Horses he only mentioned in connexion with racing, and when Mr. Linton inquired mildly if he were fond of dances, he was met by raised eyebrows and a bored disclaimer of caring to do anything so energetic. Mates at Billabong
  • This is one of the reasons why you generally feel refreshed and more energetic after exercise.
  • How might an energetic and resourceful air force leadership deal with this situation?
  • He is a boisterous, loud, energetic man, completely at odds with the surroundings.
  • But here his energetic, knockabout humour is totally infectious. The Sun
  • Moore was admired and envied by 40-year-old women around the world for capturing the heart of an energetic beau 15 years her junior.
  • The critical resource is personnel - dedicated and energetic and perseverant - with a vision for a thriving undergraduate physics program.
  • Fish bioenergetics model output demonstrates that this criterion accounted for [greater than] 96% of annual mean fish consumption of benthos during this study.
  • Perhaps the voiced bilabial plosive suggests the last and energetic verb (I know the withheld verbs create suspense). God’s Grandeur « Unknowing
  • Inoffensive, energetic and pleasantly silly comic froth, David Dobkin's jaunty Shanghai Knights serves up robust verbal cut and thrust from the ever willing Chan and his charmingly dippy, English-baiting foil, Wilson.
  • Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer.
  • Aaron Copland was an energetic promoter of American music.
  • Young, bright, energetic with strong career-ambition.
  • Further data of the energetic cost of breeding for males and females of other ratite species would be valuable for testing that hypothesis.
  • A stimulus thrusting towards one is more energetic and aggressive than a similar stimulus moving away.
  • Opposing lines - the cross A vertical line is highly energetic in its defiance of gravity.
  • He hopped about energetically, did the trademark Edwin moves, played congas and really worked the crowd.
  • A South American gaucho is an expert horseman, but here he has leapt to the ground and challenged a rival to equal or defeat him in ever more energetic and virile stamping movements.
  • No wonder that in Lydgate's energetic nature the sense of a hopeless misconstruction easily turned into a dogged resistance. Middlemarch
  • Obviously, much of this is not accomplished by 5 in the morning, and as an observer, I must note that the "energetically" part no longer holds true for 80% of the runners by the time they reach Disney's Boardwalk. No, not dead.
  • The other document described ‘bioinformation’ such as telepathy, precognition and clairvoyance and bioenergetics like psychokinesis and telekinesis.
  • As a result blue light is more energetic than red light and hot flames from well adjusted Bunsen burners emit blue rather than yellow light.
  • Such a scenario is quite likely as the bioenergetics of transfers, particularly across endo-membrane systems is quite different to that found at a root plasma membrane.
  • O'Neill is intense and energetic yet, having briefly trained as a legal student, is almost always subtle and diplomatic.
  • The ionization is produced by solar uv radiation and by energetic ions and electrons from the magnetosphere.
  • The existing pool offered too little genetic diversity to support energetic research, they said.
  • An energetic youngster, she dabbled in countless sports before finally concentrating on hockey.
  • Robert threw himself energetically into building a complex polygonal motte and bailey fortress out of wood there.
  • For the really energetic among us, there is also hydra-energetic roll-on, advertised in the same break by more stubbly types, this time wearing open-necked shirts, looking mean and guarding their cards in a poker game, for "when your nights are long, and you don't want your eyes to betray you". Magical weekend in Cardiff is in a league of its own
  • As far as audio goes, the Dolby Digital 2.0 mono track is pleasingly energetic, distinct, and easy to discern.
  • As a man he is high-spirited and energetic, always ready to fight for his Sultan, his country and, especially, his Faith: courteous and affable, rarely failing in temperance of mind and self-respect, self-control and self-command: hospitable to the stranger, attached to his fellow citizens, submissive to superiors and kindly to inferiors — if such classes exist: Eastern despotisms have arrived nearer the idea of equality and fraternity than any republic yet invented. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It's the most energetic part of the body which is physically working all the time and it's also an outgrowth of the brain.
  • Sylvian embodies an energetic, hybridized spirituality, and the burden of this essay is to track and note some of the major signposts on his ongoing pilgrimage.
  • On the contrary, James A. Levine and his colleagues maintain "that to reverse the energetic impact of mechanization is readily within the grasp of all of us" — by adding more physical activity, such as walking, to our daily lives. 10.03
  • I'm feeling great - energetic, zippy, happy, sparkly and glowing!
  • An energetic andante segues quietly into the third and final movement.
  • When this happens it becomes clear that the migraines, in this particular case, are not the real issue but an expression of an underlying bioenergetic imbalance. Larry Malerba, D.O. : What Is the 'Green' Medicine Revolution? (Part II)
  • Energetic fundraisers have gone a long way towards meeting their target and well ahead of time, too, because work on the church has to be delayed.
  • Where Good was an energetic collection of unique bouncing melodies, Fiji Baby simmers down with mellow ballads.
  • Ten year-olds are incredibly energetic.
  • He, as well as Yarchenko, knew well the value of popularity among the studying youths, and even if he did look upon people with a certain contempt, from above, still he never, by as much as a single movement of his thin, clever, energetical lips, showed this. Yama: the pit
  • He suggested that in the first split second after the beginning, the vacuum of the Universe existed in a highly energetic state, as allowed by the quantum rules, but unstable.
  • He composed his life, as Leon Aron put it, “not in long, elaborate blocks but in short, energetic and bold paragraphs followed by empty spaces.” The Return
  • In contrast, mice with high levels of ghrelin swam energetically in deep water, looking for escape. Hunger Can Make You Happy « Isegoria
  • However, we're talking about a very energetic material composed, usually, of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine.
  • Back then, he was just beginning his career as a DJ, playing his brand of energetic, driving trance music at small raves around Ottawa.
  • -- The part employed is the fruit pulp, official in all the pharmacopoeias as a very energetic hydragogue cathartic. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Folk dances from the Punjab were a delight to watch, and the energetic youngsters who performed, did much to make the evening memorable.
  • Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.
  • My grandma, after whom I am named, was said to be a cheerfully energetic thin wisp of a woman.
  • But I am learning something every day, and I am determined, "energetically," to fight my way up! Wired Love A Romance of Dots and Dashes
  • It is an energetic performance, note-perfect. Times, Sunday Times
  • The finale was energetic with all the dancers rolling on the ground.
  • 'Euphotide' and serpentine, containing sometimes crystald of augite and uralite instead of diallage, are thus nearly allied to another more frequent, and I might almost say, more 'energetic' eruptive rock -- augitic porphyry. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • He shouts, rattling the handle energetically - Energetically enough that I hear the sound of some unoiled hinges squeaking immediately before the crash of a whiteboard swinging down off the wall…
  • [UNEDITED] mouth cancer radiation therapy/clinical linear accelerator the video of a mouth cancer patient being irradiated - with the original sounds. i only turned up the sharpness a bit so you could see the highly energetic photons striking the camera CCD a bit better. notice how the cam's microphone is disturbed by the rays, too. for more details not only about this very radiation treatment and the isodose chart, but also about the story in general, see my flickr photostream: www. - Articles related to 'Safe' ciggies as hazardous as tobacco
  • With her bubbly and energetic personality, Heldt shows all the enthusiasm for hairstyling today that you would imagine at the height of her career a half-century ago. The Woman Behind The Beehive
  • When Sabin developed his attenuated strains of polio he energetically pursued his goal of making them widely accepted as vaccine strains.
  • The stretchy fabric keeps sweat away from your face in an energetic workout. The Sun
  • His fair locks, which the Russian was used to wash every morning, he was now bidden to bedaub with grease and flour, while he energetically cursed the black spatterdashes which it took him an hour to button every morning. Historic Tales, Vol. 8 (of 15) The Romance of Reality

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