How To Use Endurable In A Sentence
In the nature of things, the art was attacked by flies and maggots, and the stench is reported to have been unendurable.
{Pring Street U#lum More than anything, with stupendous size, in butch-looking Tilly Endurables for Women, and tough-girl goatee, proof certainly against any over-the-counter depilatory, that is what she was A bully, a thug ....
Pioneers of Alienation and 50s Sci-Fi at Thing Street Asylum
Such losses can seem to be unendurable because we cannot let go of what we have lost.
That whole ethic seems suddenly unendurable because we see that they are only in it for themselves and they don't mind who they crush on their way to dominance, whether it is an actress who has had the courage to fight for privacy or the greatest public service broadcaster in the world.
Over more than three decades, no one dared question the perversion of politics by and for Rupert Murdoch | Henry Porter
Further, he developed an elaborate theory of both positive and negative conditioned responses, which appear in varying patterns when a dog is subjected to unendurable stress ( "trans-marginally stimulated").
The Most Interesting Blog Comment I've Ever Read, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty

He devotes an almost unendurable amount of space to Bogarde's antecedents, family and childhood.
What might have been an endurable serial killer flick is deep-sixed by superfluous scenes and atrocious writing.
Would a real rustical history of hobnails and eighteenpence a day be endurable?
The Virginians
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
Reyberts, cut dead by the handsome Estelle, found themselves the objects of so much animadversion on the part of the adherents of the Moreaus that their position at Presles would not have been endurable without the thought of vengeance which had, so far, supported them.
A Start in Life
I told him that if he felt that life had become unendurable I could not, as his friend, ask him to go on enduring it.
But "perlite" or not, there can be no question of the astounding stupidity of the West Indian rank and file, a stupidity amusing if you are in an amusable mood, unendurable if you neglect to pack your patience among your bag of supplies in the morning.
Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers
Let's also retire the standard politician's lament that we are placing an unendurable debt burden ‘on our children and our children's children.’
In Japan, retirement has become a risky business for many wives, who are finding the stress of their husband's presence at home unendurable.
We went skimming along a quarter of a mile behind them, and when we had followed them an hour and a half and was getting pretty discouraged, and was thirsty clean to unendurableness, Tom says:
Tom Sawyer Abroad
What they don't understand is that rapid, steady and endurable economic growth needs to be sustained by an open and transparent democratic political system.
Experiments prove that the segment is sharp and endurable, and has a satisfactory performance cost ratio.
But his manipulation seemed but to intensify original nauseousness, and the brave Frenchman and his companions found semi-starvation more endurable than the repugnant mess.
Tropic Days
But "perlite" or not, there can be no question of the astounding stupidity of the West Indian rank and file, a stupidity amusing if you are in an amusable mood, unendurable if you neglect to pack your patience among your bag of supplies in the morning.
Zone Policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama canal and its workers
It was made endurable through their excellent teacher, with her witty sense of humor, and urge to perfect and play music ‘right’.
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
Yes, the tourist hordes can be almost unendurable, and yes, the canals can whiff a bit.
In hot weather, the smell was unendurable, forcing members of Parliament right next to the river, to find a solution.
It is a title dearly enough bought by most men, to render it endurable, even when not quite clearly made out, which it never _can_ be, till the Posterity, whose decisions are merely dreams to ourselves, have sanctioned or denied it, while it can touch us no further.
Literary Character of Men of Genius Drawn from Their Own Feelings and Confessions
And it represented the sense among so many military families that their sacrifices - even the unendurable loss of a beloved family member - were not and are not in vain.
She couldn't sit up or move, and the pain was unendurable.
Both involve the use of unendurable physical pain to coerce the victim into talking – that is to say, both are the use of torture to coerce confessions.
Matthew Yglesias » If Marc Thiessen Doesn’t Want to be Compared to the Spanish Inquisition, He Should Stop Advocating Torture Techniques Used in the Spanish Inquisition
It has also misled him but too often into depicting a world of suicides, ignoring or overlooking a secret hobby, or passion, or chimaera which is the one thing that renders existence endurable to so many of the waifs and strays of life.
The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
You will even be able to buy an air-conditioner to make the summer heat more endurable.
Only sensation survived: being deafened by the rooster, yet finding silence unendurable.
It wastes Jenna Elfman, a TV star whose fluttery nuttiness can be adorable in the right vehicle and unendurable in the wrong one.
Beyond the top 10: The other premieres
The movie eventually crescendos into nearly unendurable hysteria.
‘Let us work without theorizing,’ said Martin; ‘'tis the only way to make life endurable.’
It was probably a subtle subconscious realization of the unpleasantness, even the unendurableness, of perfection in the domestic companionship that caused the obvious misprint in the following extract from a Scotch editorial concerning the new divorce legislation:
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Perhaps if I wait I could persuade myself out of it and live the unendurable existence.
Life is full of unexpected happenings; that is what makes it endurable.
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
It recalls the cowled monk with his cross, and the soldier close following with his sword; the old mission-house, with its church and garrison beside it; the fierce savage lured from a roving life, and changed into a toiling _peon_, afterwards to revolt against a system of slavery that even religion failed to make endurable; the neophyte turning his hand against his priestly instructor, equally his oppressor; revolt followed by a deluge of blood, with ruinous devastation, until the walls of both _mission_ and military _cuartel_ are left tenantless, and the redskin has returned to his roving.
The Lone Ranche
We performs strict quality control, careful and endurable packing, and punctual delivery time.
In the bringing of unendurable emotional pain into language and human dialogue, a deadened sense of being is reborn.
Robert D. Stolorow: Losing and Regaining My Sense of Being
Their exactions at last became unendurable, and a long struggle broke out between them and the burghers, which resulted in what is known as the enfranchisement of the towns.
General History for Colleges and High Schools
It was unendurable that the furry limb would be thrown away into an incinerator.
For a fraction of a second I felt that life itself was no longer endurable.
All of this would be endurable if somebody could guarantee that this would be the final vote, the end of the debate.
What she found unendurable were the sleepless nights.
THE federal government says "push factors" such as unendurable turmoil back home are behind this surge of asylum-seekers. - Articles related to Tamil Tigers join race for asylum
Jobless after he went home, the unendurable idleness led him back to his old "friends," with whom he first took drugs.
That evening, at the Villa Aioussa, there gathered a courtly assembly, of much higher rank than Algiers can commonly afford, because many of station as lofty as her own had been drawn thither to follow her to what the Princesse Corona called her banishment -- an endurable banishment enough under those azure skies, in that clear, elastic air, and with that charming "bonbonniere" in which to dwell, yet still a banishment to the reigning beauty of Paris, to one who had the habits and the commands of a wholly undisputed sovereignty in the royal splendor of her womanhood.
Under Two Flags
I think these are the great existential questions, the basis of all that makes life hard, complicated and, from time to time, unendurable.
Suffering and Enlightenment « Tales from the Reading Room
And each of whom, in my humble opinion, is gifted and talented in real and measurable and endurable ways.
At that time there did not exist any effective treatment whatsoever for schizophrenia, and the leukotomy managed at least to make life more endurable for the patients and their surroundings.
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.
It has placed an almost unendurable strain on their marriage.
All of them were sensitive men who must have found the horrors of war almost unendurable.
Victory in World War I depended, in large part, on the greater ability to endure the nearly unendurable and thereby delay defeat.
The Bitter End
It has placed an almost unendurable strain on their marriage.
He wept inside for the pain that she was feeling, for having just found her father and to have him taken so cruelly from her was something that was nearly unendurable.
Let his suffering be remembered as an example to us all on how to endure personal struggles we may think to be unendurable.
I can see that this job will push me to unendurable new intellectual heights.
There is nothing new about England's social, economic and cultural decay, but the spectacle has of late become so unedifying as to be almost unendurable.
That's right, Burns, take off my last summer coat," he added, still in a whisper to me as the Burns parent struggled out of the unendurable gift garment and thus gave a signal that whipped off every coat on the left side of the walk in the twinkling of an eye, to the evident distress of the tightly girted and uncomfortable but more formal feminine members of the Settlement contingent.
The Heart's Kingdom
Jobless after he went home, the unendurable idleness led him back to his old ‘friends,’ with whom he first took drugs.
Experiments prove that the segment is sharp and endurable, and has a satisfactory performance cost ratio.
The smell in the wards was so offensive as to be scarcely endurable even by the oldest medical officers’.
They are evidently quite frightful things to him under any other condition, and most of all if they are rough and jagged; but if smooth, looking "sculptured," like the sides of a ship, and forming a cave or shelter for him, he begins to think them endurable.
Selections From the Works of John Ruskin
At times the silent cottage became unendurable, and Saxon would throw a shawl about her head and walk out the Oakland Mole, or cross the railroad yards and the marshes to Sandy Beach where
His gaze is by turns encouraging, enigmatic, unendurable.
The unchecked power of corrupt rural officials has given them license to tax the peasants beyond endurable limits and to pack the public payroll with relatives and cronies.
Those people who need others to confirm their sense of existence fear solitude and find nature's indifference to human beings unendurable.
Jobless after he went home, the unendurable idleness led him back to his old ‘friends,’ with whom he first took drugs.
It was unendurable that the furry limb would be thrown away into an incinerator.
Of late, one would have said that this unendurableness of boredom (which she had formerly assured me she never felt in her first youth) caused her less pain, like headaches and nervous asthmas, which lose their strength as one grows older; and the fear of being bored would doubtless have entirely abandoned Mme Verdurin owing to lack of bores, if she had not in some measure replaced them by other recruits amongst the old “faithfuls”.
Time Regained
It was to explain 'humanity in extremis, pushed to the unendurable'.
Times, Sunday Times
All men recognize the right of revolution; that is, the right to refuse allegiance to and to resist, the government, when its tyranny or its inefficiency are great and unendurable.
It is what in Turkmenistan makes politics in Turkmenistan endurable.
Once the switch is thrown, an unseen power will attack his nervous system and he knows the pain will be unendurable.
The smallest courtesies along the rough roads of life are like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that season of ice and snow more endurable.