How To Use Endlessness In A Sentence
All his life he had secretly grieved over his friendlessness.
Its endlessness, the soothing sound, the fresh sea wind, the way the waves sparkle in the sunlight, and the creatures that live in it.
Day 5 random holiday thoughts
Who would counsel his son to undergo the countless risks of poor married life, to remove the beloved girl from comfort and competence, and subject her to debt, misery, privation, friendlessness, sickness, and the hundred gloomy consequences of the res angusta domi?
The Virginians
The dreadful crushing of the animal spirits, the ever-prevailing sense of friendlessness and homelessness consequent on this state of things, began ere long to produce mortal effects on my constitution
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
The endlessness of the universe is that of the space, and the existence of such endlessness assert pressure beyond our wildest dreams.
If it had been definitively finished, in a way it would have been ruined, because it is all about the endlessness of the Law.
James Elkins: Using Google Art To Explore Famous, Unfinished Paintings
Dreading the finality of closing time, of exchanging warmth, light, conviviality for the loneliness of a rented room, hideous dreams, insomnia—-the endlessness of night, they start a new game, comparing scars.
The nine large oil paintings and six smaller studies in ink on paper interpret the fear and fascination that endlessness has held for famous writers and mathematicians.
Longtime Beck-watchers said he has always made references to his faith journey, his conversion from Catholicism to Mormonism, his crediting God with saving him from drug and alcohol abuse, professional obscurity and "friendlessness.
Glenn Beck may be unlikely leader for conservative Christians
But Synecdoche, New York is not without its problems, the greatest of which is that it introduces a kind of endlessness that then consumes it.
Bright Lights After Dark
They cry out for ‘a ‘system’ of some kind, where order could be imposed on nature's unruly endlessness.’
It is a higher majesty to be inalien and a part — a ringed ripple in the Vastness — than to lie broad and smiling in meaningless endlessness.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
How they reconcile such an endlessness, which is also such a narrowness, with what I believe is an instinctual need for a hierarchy with meaningful functions, we do not yet know.
However, there is real frustration with the seeming endlessness of the process.
Such is the endlessness, yea, the intolerableness of all earthly effort.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
Being at this restaurant so much, the thing that strikes her about eating is the endlessness of it.
And all these deadly seconds his brain and its abilities, so magnificently perfected by the Nunuli, had fought its silent battle for survival on that level of reality below consciousness where, alas, Man actually operated -- Endlessness and foreverness of internal, underlying mental forces that had brought human kind to the brink, with never a single questioning, always an accepting mindlessness of momentary moods and attitudes, to the point where one man and one woman now stood alone against eternity.
The Battle of Forever
In the East, in the West, in the South, as far as the eye reaches, a sea of houses, towers and buildings, an endlessness of roofs, chimneys and fronts.
You read the consciousness of life that it is alive; but still no further away, no endlessness of life.
Chapter 5
The endlessness of the universe is that of the space, and the existence of such endlessness assert pressure beyond our wildest dreams. Why it is endless?
She looked out the window at the endlessness of space.
You see where my pride is gone; remember I plead as a suppliant, a beggar — though one who may be one day a prince, a king! ay, and a prince now, a very Lucifer of pride to all except to you; to you a wretch who grovels at your feet, and cries, ‘Have mercy on me, on my loneliness, my homelessness, my friendlessness.’
Westward Ho!
In the East, in the West, in the South, as far as the eye reaches, a sea of houses, towers and buildings, an endlessness of roofs, chimneys and fronts.
My own experience is very hawkish; having grown up in an environment full of school beatings, constant humiliation, and friendlessness, I felt as though I worked for every success I had.
Free free, set them free
Mr Dombey, in his friendlessness, inclined to the Major.
Dombey and Son
How can you speak so harshly of the lyrical "endlessness"?
"I Am Lapidary But Not Eristic When I Use Big Words."
Tail the endlessness of the eating with the table cleaning, the floor mopping, the wipe-down of the bathrooms, the kitchen scrubbing and you got one giant circle of nothing.
But it could not be so gloomy in the kind sunlight as it was when lashed by the savage storm which we had seen it cowering under before; and at the station we lost all feeling of friendlessness in the welcome of the thronging guides and hotel touters.
Familiar Spanish Travels
There might have been some chitchat with the waiter about ice or check-desires, but not nearly enough to fill those forgotten minutes of friendlessness and communication-freeness.
Richard Laermer: Just Think
They had talked into the endlessness of the night.