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  1. nativeness by virtue of originating or occurring naturally (as in a particular place)

How To Use endemism In A Sentence

  • The seasonal deciduous forest is a well-known center of endemism for birds, harboring two very specialized species of antbirds (slender antbird Rhophornis ardesiaca and narrow-billed antbird Formicivora iheringi). Bahia interior forests
  • The bryophyte flora is very rich in contrast to the vascular flora, with about 450 species and an endemism rate of 5%. Azores temperate mixed forests
  • Although not exceptional in terms of endemism and diversity, this ecoregion harbors several of India's large, threatened vertebrates such as the tiger (Panthera tigris), wild buffalo (Bubalus arnee), wild dog (Cuon alpinus), sloth bear (Melursus ursinus), chousingha (Tetracerus quadricornis), gaur (Bos gaurus), blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra), and chinkara (Gazella bennettii). Central Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forests
  • Two important subcenters of endemism are also recognized: the Kwale-Usambara subcenter of endemism on the Kenya-Tanzania border, and the Lindi subcenter of endemism in southern Tanzania. Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
  • Overall, endemism is quite high in this hotspot because of extensive speciation among several groups of plants, most notably the epiphytes, suggesting that the region was the location of plant refugia during Pleistocene glaciations. Biological diversity in Tumbes-Chocó-Magdalena
  • The Chocó-Darién moist forests ecoregion is considered one of the most species rich lowland areas in the world, with exceptional abundance and endemism over a broad range of taxons that include plants, birds, amphibians, and butterflies. Panamá
  • This can lead to inflated estimates both of apparent local stratigraphic resolution and the degree of faunal endemism.
  • This westernmost line was meant to distinguish the Napo ecoregion, to the west, from these interfluvial ecoregions as an area of Pleistocene refugia and butterfly endemism (see Napo moist forest description). Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • The existence of plant and animal endemisms, particularly in biomes in the middle and high mountains were basic indicators for recognizing the singular nature of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and establishing the status as of Biosphere Reserve in this biogeographic unit. Santa Marta páramo
  • An exception is some of the special types of formation (mogotes, coastal microphyllous evergreen forest, subhumid forests, cuabales) that have a higher percentage of endemisms and more distinctive flora. Cuban dry forests
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