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How To Use Endearing In A Sentence

  • In person, he projects a vulnerability that's nothing short of endearing.
  • But now I feel there was something rather endearing about my uncultured clumsiness.
  • His stories of past friends were always endearing but told with a dignified but abiding relish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael Ontkean performs the funniest "striptease" bit in the history of film, and the endearingly sociopathic “Hansen Brothers” have to be seen to be believed. Hullabaloo
  • Endearingly fey one minute, Norton will then go straight for the jugular of some poor, taste-challenged Pom in the audience, or phone an American eccentric on his dog-phone.
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  • Wrath and I are old friends, and I've come to accept his tendency toward tmesis as an endearing personality quirk. Archive 2006-02-01
  • The puppets are slightly skew whiff, their movements endearingly jerky, but this only serves to add to the quirky appeal of the film. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dan Neil/The Wall Street Journal Ferrari FF: Sort of cool, sort of not One of the more endearing acts of journalism I've seen was William Safire's occasional "On Language" mea culpa, a column in which the famed word maven would admit to errors and misjudgments—throwing himself on the pikes of the punctilious, as he might say. A Showroom of Regrets: What I Got Wrong in 2011
  • There really is an endearing quality to this thousand-pound-plus hunk of marine mammal as I watch it grab floating heads of lettuce to nosh just below the surface.
  • He was young enough to be enthused by my enthusiasm, professional enough to find it endearing. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • The updates on meeting schedules posted to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors account, with its strictly business mien, is tragically unendearing by comparison. Is Social Media Helping or Hurting California Politics?
  • It's quite endearing, but at the same time slightly worrying. Times, Sunday Times
  • LAST time we encountered the eccentric but endearing Texan he had chronic back pain. The Sun
  • Andrew Garfield announces himself as a young actor to watch, Lily Cole is drop-dead gorgeous, and even Verne Troyer aka “Mini-Me” is endearing. THE IMAGINARIUM OF DOCTOR PARNASSUS Review –
  • As a lawyer and a husband he is not perfect - far from it - but his desire to be good is what makes him endearing.
  • Worse, Filler constantly breaks into cutesy song snippets, a habit that grows less endearing every time it happens.
  • It's rumoured the term originated in Vancouver sometime last decade, but it wasn't exactly meant to be endearing.
  • We would probably prefer that the opera star or the sporting hero or the genius be suitably humble, modest, and generally endearing.
  • What seems indisputable is that sporting immortality couldn't be bestowed on a more modest or endearing human being. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Boston terrier sustains it popularity because it continues to embody the endearing qualities of its bulldog ancestors and the spunk of its terrier kin.
  • I found it all rather endearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite teetering on the edge of overexposure, Winnie the Pooh remains one of Disney's most endearing characters.
  • That disc brims with behind-the-scenes explanations and endearing insights into the mind of the director.
  • Few understood Messiaen early on, most considering him an eccentric if endearing crackpot.
  • Just as endearing as the snowdrop is eranthis hyemalis, commonly known as the winter aconite.
  • You are very cute, but you can not get by in this world by looking endearingly at people.
  • I don't know if this is endearing eccentricity or a form of bewildering madness.
  • There's something endearingly gauche and ham-fisted about the way in which this tune almost succeeds as a Stock Aitken Waterman soundalike, but ultimately just falls short.
  • It's funny, it's smart, it's endearing and it's a little sassy too.
  • Maybe the inhabitants can't see it, but there is a freshness and antique aura of the quaint little shops and farms that is breathtaking and endearing.
  • There is no romance or endearing quality about that. The Sun
  • It's an endearingly humble sort of brat pack, though. Times, Sunday Times
  • Probably as much as I adore her amazingly endearing, sweet, dorky, and beautiful boyfriend.
  • The Beach Boys are a good reference point: At their most endearing, the Band have the shambolic charm of early 70s Beach Boys records.
  • Then one of the techs is singing random snatches of songs all day, which sounds really endearing, but it's kind of distracting if you're not used to it.
  • Your character's look is also highly customizable, endearing the game to you early on.
  • Like the rest of the hotel, it was at the same time elegant, tacky and endearing. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • You have an endearing quality of youth and innocence that attracts people around you today.
  • The final outcome is a festive, paint-by-numbers Abstract Expressionism, a gimmick made thoroughly improvisatory and formalities made endearingly licentious, all of it as if for the first time.
  • She has such an endearing personality.
  • Instead, the song's about a rock 'n' roll archetype - the wild heartbreaker, the man-eater, the endearing groupie - and it never manages to transcend the blandly conceptual.
  • He is both endearing and funny with his basset hound face and jaded accent.
  • The endearing Eastern Barred Bandicoot is a small animal characterised by a slender, elongated head tapering to a pink nose and well whiskered muzzle.
  • Especially endearing were the sweetness and portamenti of the strings in the Act I doll lullaby and Act II Arabian Dance. NYT > Home Page
  • Though he has had his troubles with the media, that desire always to look forward is an almost endearing trait in him, one that brought a sincere chorus of ‘good luck on Tuesday’ from the pressmen present.
  • Such cussedness is rarely endearing to those whose job it is to make the government machine run smoothly.
  • One of the things I find endearing is when you are taken someplace that makes you feel separate from the world. All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Guest Post - Molly Ringwald - Date Places
  • Word-blending is big in campuspeak. “He†™ s sort of a nerd, but he†™ s just so adorkable” combines adorable with dork, the amalgam defined as “endearing though socially inept” by Prof. Connie Eble of the department of English and comparative literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Old NY Times Writers Trying To Understand How “The Kids” Talk Is, Like, Totes Adorkable | Best Week Ever
  • Despite his attempts to seem sophisticated and suave, he is endearingly naive, but also intelligent and thoughtful.
  • He also played a number of endearing characters, and was truly one of the most versatile players in Bollywood.
  • He looked so sweet and so endearing, and so caring.
  • In fact it was a game-changer; the most endearing and brilliant hot hatchback the world had seen. Times, Sunday Times
  • The endearing bathos and crassness of Laurel found an admirable foil in the elephantine smugness of his rotund partner.
  • But, endearingly, the daughter of a coalpit engineer is far too down to earth to become a spendaholic. The Sun
  • What seems indisputable is that sporting immortality couldn't be bestowed on a more modest or endearing human being. Times, Sunday Times
  • Henry Phillips possesses a sharp wit that is both endearing and crude, a somewhat cynical wit he has honed by performing for too many years in front of too many bored drunks in too many one-horse towns. Joseph Smigelski: Film Review: Punching the Clown
  • Why is Mrs. Bardell so earnestly entreated not to agitate herself about this warming – pan, unless (as is no doubt the case) it is a mere cover for hidden fire — a mere substitute for some endearing word or promise, agreeably to a preconcerted system of correspondence, artfully contrived by Pickwick with a view to his contemplated desertion, and which I am not in a condition to explain? The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • There is something endearing about how hard he tries to mould himself into something else. The Sun
  • It is written so clearly, so directly, so unpretentiously, with candour and endearing tenderness. Family Legacies « Tales from the Reading Room
  • So it's rather endearing to find that she's as insecure as the rest of us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bandele favors a straight-ahead style fueled by imagery and wordplay, and his perspective on heavily traveled literary territory is refreshing and even endearing. The King's Rifle: Summary and book reviews of The King's Rifle by Biyi Bandele.
  • It was all really quite endearing, and held up by the fact its leads could act and the script wasn't rubbish.
  • It is noticeable across the widest expanse of office floor, and not in a remotely endearing way. Times, Sunday Times
  • These rather endearing personality traits would not be worth mentioning if he had not decided he should be running the country. The Sun
  • Henry Gamadge, a modest, endearing man, scholar, bibliophile, expert (he hated the word) discerner of forged manuscripts, found himself in the midst of murder in a Maine resort. Working Murder
  • Yet if nothing else, her predictably ludicrous but unexpectedly endearing determination to play schoolmarm during her celebrity striptease is enough to settle any remaining doubts about the validity of this woman's U.S. passport. Calamity Jane
  • But Ms Cooper turned adversity into advantage by making an endearing apology.
  • I'm supposed to find last weekend an endearing joke or something.
  • And there's one other rather endearing regret, his only sign of vanity. Times, Sunday Times
  • With celebrity came the first signs of his eccentric behaviour, which was not always endearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • I found it all rather endearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • But you've got those quirks that make you endearing
  • Evans has a way of combining generous understatement with a big grin that is very endearing.
  • Pilot whales are endearing creatures, as anyone who has been involved in their rescue will testify.
  • In the large ensemble cast, he gives the standout performance as the endearingly needy, shambling Tommy, the most human figure in what often seems like a gallery of grotesques and cartoon caricatures.
  • This made him an irritating companion at times, but his natural charm, his wit and his enthusiasm for the adventure in hand were very endearing.
  • If geekiness is one of her most endearing qualities, shout it out!. Got a Geek Girl for a Valentine?
  • That passion, his knowledge and that endearing easy-going manner have made him a very marketable product.
  • In person, he was every bit as witty, charming and graceful as those endearing critters.
  • his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality
  • Having met Robbie on several occasions through his great mate Steve McManaman, I've always found him reserved but friendly, generous and endearingly quick with deadpan one-liners.
  • He was visibly, rather endearingly, anxious, shaking with nerves at some points; she kept erupting into fits of maniacal chuckles at some secret joke.
  • Literate lyrics, an insistent strum, and an endearingly adenoidal yelp combine for a thoroughly enjoyable song.
  • You mentioned language and its multiple meaning, metaphorical asides, its evocative transgressions and endearing intentionality.
  • There is something endearing about how hard he tries to mould himself into something else. The Sun
  • What I find so endearing is that you have a daughter who is so obviously full of love and life and sees nothing wrong with expressing it. What Is Love? (Baby, Don’t Hurt Me) | Her Bad Mother
  • The characteristics from your "hinder" list can be especially important in endearing your character to the reader, and allowing them to identify with the character and the story. Sketch a Novel in an Hour Exercise
  • Another endearing thing about potatoes is their utter humility. Prose and Potatoes's First Year Anniversary
  • The babblings and squigglings may be pretty or ugly, may carry certain associative meanings, (I think “e” is sort of … endearingly cute as a visual figurae, in its smiley muppetyness,) but these figurae are mostly just jabber and daubings until they’re built-up into morphemes, the smallest units that can have meaning. Archive 2009-07-01
  • It's quite endearing, but at the same time slightly worrying. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are teddy bears with a friendly demeanour, puppies with endearing looks, comical elephants with outspread ears, energetic monkeys with a cheerful grin, and cherubic children with innocent smiles on their charming faces.
  • She was a wonderful neighbour who had many endearing qualities which made her a great favourite of all she met.
  • It's simply not believable that Susan would start to have feelings for Captain Groton, despite the physiological changes that cause him to appear more human and supposedly more endearing. AUDIO REVIEW: Aliens Rule edited by Allan Kaster
  • I learnt that because of your game, you had picked up several endearing epithets.
  • His light, endearing style simply isn't right when it comes to the depths of despair and the relentless pain of a life no longer felt to be worth living.
  • She was firmly encased in the shimmering spectacular gown which was assuming all the endearing qualities of a straitjacket. DEATH IN FASHION
  • This is super animation, it's a terrific story well told, it's funny and endearing as well as being amazingly well-executed.
  • Cockatiels make the most endearing, affectionate, responsive and easily tamed pets around.
  • In fact, the figure lounging in front of me seems in some respects more human than fox, effortlessly graceful, endearing without being obsequious, and persistently humorous.
  • The creature cocked his entire head, another doggish gesture that was somewhat endearing.
  • The framing device that clogs up the first half is less endearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The unusual characters 'simplicity makes their interactions fresh and endearing, not at all stale and clichéd like the "romcom" moniker might imply. and
  • The gatehouse is a piece of early Victorian kitsch, a Swiss-style brick building clad with a wooden lattice of white crosses and dark timber rectangles, and a ridiculous but endearing balcony. Country diary: Sandy, Bedfordshire
  • Perhaps Neruda's most endearing quality, aside from his self-professed likeness to a tapir, was his respect for poetry as an occupation.
  • She is suitably endearing, though that is due to her natural looks and good sense in underplaying her role.
  • Although their characters haven't been fleshed out, they deliver endearing performances as the sporty sister and her academic, brooding husband.
  • The young actress, as the kidnapped girl, has an endearing mix of cuteness and sincerity.
  • The place is populated by endearing eccentrics who eat seal-flipper pie and brood darkly on the sea's malign nature.
  • Giddy, gossipy and endearingly unslick, Once in a Lifetime: The Extraordinary Story of the New York Cosmos chronicles the rise and fall of the most famous soccer team in the United States with slapdash glee. Maysles Cinema June 13-21 Schedule «
  • Being summoned by a doting pet can be one of the more endearing ways to return to our senses.
  • They included sixteen endearing young students from the ballet school whose gracious performance of the Polish interlude was delightful.
  • Illustrated by photographs, this part renders an endearing picture of the artist, illuminated by notes from his personal journal and his first sketches and doodles.
  • This piece, which casts a bemused eye at love and rejection, gets points for much more than endearingness. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have an endearing quality of youth and innocence that attracts people around you today.
  • It is that idealism and sweet sentiment which make Barrichello so endearing and were he able to usurp Schumacher Senior this season, there are few who would begrudge him the title.
  • And these absurd franc-tireur attacks on British economic targets, like the dear old Prince Albert, are hardly endearing. ANTI-ICE
  • It's a rather sweet and endearing little premise, one which the folks behind this film are hoping that coveted tween market might enjoy.
  • The author is obviously beguiled by his subject and the relationship does seem quite endearing as the yarns bloom.
  • There is an endearing bunch of cute and funny characters.
  • Once again, he blew everyone away with his sweet voice and endearing songs about love and loss.
  • It's a tendency that is both endearing and mildly frustrating.
  • It is a position anciently known, and modern experience hath allowed it for a sad truth, that absence and time, -- like cold weather, and an unnatural dormition -- will blast and wear out of memory the most endearing obligations; and hence it was that some politicians in love have looked upon the former of these two as a main remedy against the fondness of that passion. Poems of Henry Vaughan, Silurist, Volume II
  • Needless to say, she also made news as a person of endearing charm, winning the hearts of the public.
  • In different families the same behavior will be defined as feisty or rude, sensitive or cowardly, endearing or irresponsible. THE BLESSING OF A SKINNED KNEE
  • Now it is an endearingly ramshackle collection of wooden houses scattered over the hillside. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • One endearing aspect of the night was the amount of young people present and enjoying the occasion.
  • Generally, though, it's so self-mocking as to be a little endearing.
  • There's something endearingly gauche and ham-fisted about the way in which this tune a-l-m-o-s-t succeeds as a Stock Aitken Waterman soundalike, but ultimately just falls short.
  • Yet coupled with the rest of the presentation, the wacky words are more endearing than off-putting.
  • There is something endearing about him. The Sun
  • There is something endearing about how hard he tries to mould himself into something else. The Sun
  • Pilot whales are endearing creatures, as anyone who has been involved in their rescue will testify.
  • But, endearingly, the daughter of a coalpit engineer is far too down to earth to become a spendaholic. The Sun
  • If anything, the mishaps added a touch of endearing charm to their blaring charisma.
  • I find it all rather endearing, like watching a small child absorbed in building a pyramid out of playing cards.
  • Yet there is something undeniably endearing about his reminiscences. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will's sense of humor is one of his most endearing qualities.
  • These rather endearing personality traits would not be worth mentioning if he had not decided he should be running the country. The Sun
  • However, their pointed, white-coloured tusks and large ears give them an endearing look.
  • Not very cool, but quite endearing. The Sun
  • The film has merits and features material that is undeniably endearing.
  • Where Mr. Calderazzo is a versatile bebopper who can play in many styles, Mr. Connick's keyboard work is as idiosyncratic and endearing as his singing, steeped in the Crescent City masters like his hero, James Booker . The Jazz Scene: Pay Attention to the Words
  • By the time we've sat down - dark wooden tables lit unfussily by candles wedged in wine bottles; chairs and pews endearingly non-matching - we already feel at home.
  • There is sadness to the ambition and drive of the eternally brilliant Summers; a modesty and realism to Milton Friedman; an endearing goofiness to Stiglitz (who for all his absentmindedness, notes Hirsh, seems to have a way with women). Robert Teitelman: Michael Hirsh's "Capital Offense"
  • But excellence is not always an endearing quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • She found the man a baffling and fascinating combination of qualities, all petty selfishness and colossal egotisms one minute, abounding in endless charms and graces and small endearing chivalries the next; outrageously outspoken at times, at other times, reticent to the point of secretiveness; now reaching the most extravagant pitch of high spirits, and then, almost without warning, submerged in moods of Stygian gloom from which nothing could rouse him. Wild Wings A Romance of Youth
  • In many religious gatherings, to openly and perspicaciously question a fundamental assumption would be an embarrassment met with scorn; the questioner patted on the head and told that the questions are endearing but a sign of naïveté. Steve Hindes: Think for Yourself: Is Science "Just Another Religion"?
  • With celebrity came the first signs of his eccentric behaviour, which was not always endearing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anne had an endearing liveliness and grace that made the demands of society much easier for me.
  • There are really too many to name them all, but Italian comic Tot is especially endearing in his role as Dante Cruiciani, a legendary safecracker brought in to give the gang some much-needed pointers.
  • An endearing and original coming-of-age story. Times, Sunday Times
  • As you may have twigged, there is a strong sense of propriety in Lauren, which is rather endearing in one so young.
  • His personality was as unendearing as his looks... pompous, patronising, pontificating. Bum and Bummer
  • A projection screen flickers into life and Hope Of The States shamble onstage in that endearingly scruffy way that seems rather at odds with their borderline-highbrow music.
  • I'm not a f--- ing kitten, and "catcalling" is far from endearing or sweet, it's degrading, disgusting and often times terrifying. Giulia Rozzi: A Cure For Cat-Calling?
  • That's particularly true for John Noble's eccentrically endearing Walter, who struggles so hard to piece his memory and his mind back together. Season finale frenzy: 'Fringe'
  • In the light of his pathological inability to see beyond the literal meaning on the page to any intended but inaccurately expressed meaning this is unsurprising, but also unendearing. Stanisław Leśniewski
  • About some of his work there lingers a not always endearing air of the ridiculous. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He was also an endearingly tetchy coot whose prejudices, passions, and irascibility remained uncompromised over time.
  • Like me, my soulmate has developed a certain endearing reluctance to change out of his sweatpants and leave the house after 5 p.m., and all of those kittenish young Sex and the City gals seem sharply demanding. She’s Just Not That Into You
  • Her performance, which is incredibly endearing, borders on the miraculous.
  • The lyrics are so endearing, the sentiment so sickly sweet, that you can't help but sing along in faux earnest.
  • This furry scrap of a creature was of course completely lovable and endearing, but only to people who like cats.
  • Collins' healthy longevity is due in part to dissociating herself from what she endearingly calls ‘drains’.
  • He ranks as one of the country's most endearing singers.
  • The endearing symbol of the museum is Spooky, patterned after a great horned owl that was donated to the organization as an owlet in 1951 and which lived to the age of 38 years.
  • The tagline tells you all you need to know about this endearingly cheesy prehistoric soap opera. Times, Sunday Times
  • And around town, on a sunny day, it was an unusual and rather endearing alternative to the hatchback norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a cute little tyke, and he has many endearing moments, and I really do love him, but I just wanted to shake him today.
  • My main problem with "endearing" is that I only see it used by adults talking about children (the AHD usage example is "the endearing charm of a little child") and to use it to talk about children's books betrays the child audience. "Deceptively simple"
  • He has a rather endearing habit of referring to Wag! Times, Sunday Times
  • Though such posts are cutely endearing, their appeal doesn't entirely outweigh the cheesecake pictures of bikini-clad women that litter the site.
  • This was no Saint Francis with enough time to knock out a few canticles or to preach to the birds or do any of the other endearing things so close to Franny Glass's heart.
  • At any rate, the level of acting was as high as the original, the effects were "better" but less artful there is something about the creakiness of Harryhausen's work that is endearing. "Clash of the Titans" (2010)
  • It is an endearing trait, for it encapsulates the exquisite torture endured by so many football fans at this time of year.
  • She is endearing and full of the kind of spunkiness that characterized showgirls in the light-hearted American comedies of the early 1930s.
  • His stories of past friends were always endearing but told with a dignified but abiding relish. Times, Sunday Times
  • I often attributed his popularity to his lovely, large, endearing eyes and his tinkle of a laugh.
  • With his soft grey eyes, enviable cheekbones and hair that tousles endearingly at the merest touch, he has all the makings of a teen idol.
  • The Station Agent was a quiet character piece with unnecessary melodrama in its third act, overall pleasant and endearing.
  • Founder, mom and composer Belinda Takahashi's original music is performed by live orchestral musicians and paired with a cast of endearing puppet characters created and performed by the talented hands behind some of your favorite Muppet and Sesame Street characters*. San Francisco Sentinel
  • His self-assuredness, cockney accent and slightly droopy bottom lip are strangely endearing.
  • So it's rather endearing to find that she's as insecure as the rest of us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although we are continually shown reasons for justified hatred toward Joseph, we never get a glimpse of his endearing side.
  • But excellence is not always an endearing quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have an endearing quality of youth and innocence that attracts people around you today.
  • One of her most endearing qualities is a talent for comedy, although she is not aware of it herself.
  • It goes to the heart of this very peculiar product, which at one and the same time is both endearing and infuriating.
  • Of course, Maria's movie career did not begin and end with this endearing comedy.
  • His tale is quintessentially a tale of a Bihar in transition, and he tells it very well - in short, crisp telegraphic sentences for most part of the time, with an endearing simplicity and candour.
  • As the designers chatted on stage with author, broadcaster and fashion enthusiast Bronwyn Cosgrave during the London Fashion panel discussion, it became endearingly apparent that these designers are in fact all friends and respect each other's aesthetic. Marissa Bronfman: A British Fashion Invasion in Toronto
  • What begins as a monologue with French-accented English from a mumbling - if endearing - simpleton emerges as a metaphor not only for language and cultural divides but sexual awakening and repression.
  • Doom makes human folly appear at once more pernicious, and more endearing. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Pet Heaven was full of rather endearing eccentrics.
  • Yes | No | Report from buckshot89 wrote 49 weeks 5 days ago oh yeah. most of my guns have names. you have to take care of them like a child. most of my reenacting buddies have named their flint lockes based on their style. germanic: gretchin, and i have the oldest gun in the group and everyone referes to her as old dirty bas%$#$. quite an endearing name. Do you name your guns?
  • There used to be something naively passionate about the band, an endearing geekiness that made it hard not be swept away by the momentum.
  • MILD SPOILER ALERT In the episode, change is afoot as TV's most endearing and unaffectedly sexy married couple, Coach Eric and Tami Taylor the sublime Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton face a personal crossroads while Coach's underdog Lions head to the state championship in their last hurrah. Roush Review: Dim Sunshine, Glorious Justified, FNL Farewell
  • What’s funny but yet intriguing and so alluring is that structures help but much more meaningful and important are those intangible things within a city that can be endearing. Aaguasclientes, the city and the state
  • Gabriela-Sylvia Zabala and Ismet Redzovic at the WSWS: Anna Kokkinos's first feature Head On - an adaptation of Christos Tsiolkas's novel Loaded, although also heavily relying on 'shock tactics' of explicit sex and drug taking (like the novel itself) - while quite flawed, nonetheless had certain endearing qualities, in particular the treatment of the migrant Greek family life in Melbourne and the difficulties facing the gay son. GreenCine Daily: Sunday shorts.
  • He had lately begun to make clumsy yet endearing overtures of friendship.

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