How To Use End product In A Sentence
The end product is the same - waste material is recycled to the benefit of the environment.
Adding a gum system to processed cheese spreads or artificial cheese products helps modify textural difficulties and helps the end product maintain desirable functional properties.
The end product of such a course of evolution is an obligate parasite that is inextricably linked to a particular host.
There are much smaller class sizes and the end product is a much more rounded individual.
Times, Sunday Times
Today, all of the major American ammunition makers have a top-end product in both handgun, rifle and shotgun ammunition.

Garnished with an array of chutneys and delicious sambar, the end product is simply scrumptious for the food aficionado.
My Ph.D. thesis concerned the metabolic mechanism by which the end product of nitrogen metabolism in the earthworm is switched from ammonia to urea during starvation.
Stanley Cohen - Autobiography
The fee-only planners say the commissions give planners an incentive to recommend products that may not be best for the client.
Hence, they were likely to be strict anaerobes, or possibly microaerophiles, with a capacity to degrade sugars and/or amino acids, forming acetate as one of the end products.
There are much smaller class sizes and the end product is a much more rounded individual.
Times, Sunday Times
The company founds in 1992, Is melts the metal penstock, the pencil lead, the pen tip, the pen cap, the pen circle and the end product processing is a body specialized business Enterprise.
If what we as a society generally laud is the end result of ambition, the movie is fascinating for laying bare the ugly and insecure process to such a polished end product.
Elizabeth Nicholas: There Goes Your Social Life
The odour while it was boiling was wonderful, so hopefully the end product will be equally good.
In software development, this is called the Agile approach where developers code in short, iterative loops, constantly processing the feedback to refine the end product.
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Spain are technically unbelievable but there still has to be an end product.
The Sun
There are much smaller class sizes and the end product is a much more rounded individual.
Times, Sunday Times
For all of the midfielder's potential, there is so little end product.
The Sun
Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.
But when the parts are duplicable for zero cost, and when there isn't an end product, pull is the way to go.
A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
All these features make the new controller a top-end product, of course.
This is why Taiwan is staking a claim by moving to a higher end product and allowing China to soak up the less prestigious and demanding pleasure boat business.
Home composting is a great way of disposing of everything from tea bags and egg shells to fruit and vegetable peelings and the end product can be used as a soil conditioner in the garden.
A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
End product staircase, staircase column, stainless steel guard rail, staircase fitting, stair rails, front door handle and hardware fitting.
Every stage of production from obtaining raw materials to recycling end products is monitored for its environmental effects.
Kristal and the Republicnaughts are more than willing to compromise, as long as the end product is giving corporate masterdom all their wish list.
Think Progress » Kristol Calls GOP’s Preconditions On Health Care Meeting ‘Silly’
The brainchildren of musical theater legend Andrew Lloyd Webber, who appeared on both as overlord and master judge, these shows were talent contests that offered as grand prizes starring roles in the recent West End productions of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and The Sound of Music, respectively.
"Supernatural," "The Middle," "Attack of the Show," "The Real World" and More: The Top 10 List You Won't See Anywhere Else, 2009 Edition - Ed Martin - MediaBizBloggers
Motorola's top-end product is the 7457, announced earlier this year but not yet in volume production.
Well obviously nothing beats SitL/FotD for BAD episodes for me, those fail on virtually every level from concept right through end product there is no redeeming factor as far as I'm concerned except maybe how totally not into it DT seamed half the time.
"We never did a bad episode?" RTD says about DW.
The government has decided to suspend production at the country's biggest lead plant.
There are much smaller class sizes and the end product is a much more rounded individual.
Times, Sunday Times
When the body ‘burns' food the end products are mainly water and carbon dioxide, together with some nitrogenous chemicals such as urea.
This was the game when he was destined to score his first goal of the World Cup finals and prove that there was an end product to the explosive bursts he had produced against Argentina.
As I understand it, in a process developed by a Kiwi agricultural scientist working in cooperation with the airport, an endophyte fungus is introduced to a certain kind of grass called fescue and the end product is given the catchy name Grasslanz Technology.
Christine Negroni: Airport Sends Biological Message to Critters: Planes Suck
This is a very flattering and super quick skirt to make and your end product will look best if a drapey good quality fabric is used.
A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
The end product contains mainly carbon monoxide and hydrogen from the gasification step plus a little methane from the carbonisation.
As regions specialize and expend production, they can lower their average costs.
However, the end product betrays a number of clumsy rewrites commissioned by the New Line production trust so the story could be packaged in the sellable format of a policemen buddy movie.
Communism is another possible end product of moral chaos, one of whose resultants is civil war.
It is the end product of exhaustive research and development.
The most distinctive property of the gene, said Muller, is its capacity for self-propagation, or autocatalysis, whereby it converts some of the surrounding cytoplasmic material into an end product identical with itself.
Cargill is vertically integrated, operating at every stage of the food supply chain, from seed to packaged end product.
The two alternative processes arrive at the same end product.
Part of the prize is a residency at the theatre, as well as the West-end production of the winning play.
A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
The division has experienced some delays in working out problems with its higher-end products.
But any music fan should enjoy seeing the blood, sweat and toil that goes into making the end product we all buy.
Fiber optic biosensors have previously been employed for in situ quantitation of fluorescent chemicals or biochemical end products.
To attack a Beethoven sketch is brazenness in extreme, for the magical transformation from his rough draft to end product would be like an unknowing child trying to guess what the chrysalis or tadpole might become.
GORENJE RK 60355 DW the digitization process could "cheapen" your end product.
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I found the pattern to be a bit "fiddly", but the end product is darn cute.
Right down to the tails
Hence, they were likely to be strict anaerobes, or possibly microaerophiles, with a capacity to degrade sugars and/or amino acids, forming acetate as one of the end products.
Our end product is an anti - cancer antibody.
The end product is quintessentially rich and rewarding.
Humus: The end product of decomposed organic matter such as leaves.
The end product is certainly a superior one.
Times, Sunday Times
Natural processes are capable of breaking down waste products to harmless end products.
The end product may or may not satisfy the building designer.
While recommending crop rotation, they cautioned the farmers against indiscriminate spraying and injecting of pesticides, fungicides, nematicides and weedicides, which resulted in residual toxicity in the end product.
Students who fill classrooms and pay usuriously high interest rates for college educational dollars fund the university and college's real end product: Scholarly research and development.
Brian Ross: Rather than Race to the Top, We Should Have Started Fixing Education There
These are top-end products whose distribution is confined to the US.
The popular arts may come to look more like the rest of the Internet: many labors of love produced quickly and cheaply in spare moments, and a few high-end productions that can be monetized.
The Freeloaders
If Shenzhen Enterprise's product finds the problem, must suspend production immediately, recall by a set time.
But a third goal was inevitable and it came in the 64th minute, the end product of a typically incisive move.
Times, Sunday Times
The two alternative processes arrive at the same end product.
It is dismaying to realize that the best film to come out of America this summer - the only one whose end product justifies its bloated budget, artistic self-indulgence, and general excessiveness - was made over two decades ago.
It had to suspend production for a week in February when spot prices for UK natural gas reached £1.16 a therm.
Because lignins are complex polymers, and no standard composition can be defined, calculations were based on end products being the dehydrogenated residues of the three main monolignols.
The end product is of course very different, but the internal or psychological processes are related.
All these changes act directly or indirectly as stimuli for the release of the enzyme renin in the kidneys, triggering a sequence of chemical events in the blood of which the end product is angiotensin II.
As I understand it, in a process developed by a Kiwi agricultural scientist working in cooperation with the airport, an endophyte fungus is introduced to a certain kind of grass called fescue and the end product is given the catchy name Grasslanz Technology.
Christine Negroni: Airport Sends Biological Message to Critters: Planes Suck
The adoption of this teaching leads to certain desirable physiological consequences in the end product.
Even without legal approval, some individuals choose to compost the end product further in an active, outdoor compost pile, or to use a pasteurizer, such as a solar oven, to destroy potential pathogens.
Effectiveness and potence are sometimes deemed to be the end product of different skills.
When chippers and grinders are parked at a landing area, skidders, excavators, or loaders with grapples or rakes bring the wood material to the processing machine, where the end product is piled up for later use.
The end product looks familiar, a bit like an illustration of the circulatory system.
Christianity Today
The end product is a strong, vibrant painting in bold colours with a wealth of detail capturing the jumble of roofs and chimneys.
The copolymer part means they're made from two different plastics, the end product having the best properties of both.
Molecular Mimicry: Plastic, Steel Line Up Like Kin
Important as this kind of extractive activity is to the nation's well-being, of its very nature it is not nearly as labour-intensive as end product manufacturing and distribution.
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Against the plaster of Paris, he has used stone oxide powder, a more sophisticated material, that gives a refined finishing and a sturdy look to the end product.
As an added bonus, however, depending on the type and amount of prebiotic utilized in formulation, the end product's packaging label can sport fiber-related health claims.
In Aristotle, phantasia is what comes between aisthesis and nous, that is, the end product of sensation and the start of intellectual activity.
Mental Representation in Medieval Philosophy
But its high-end product line, with each piece of equipment retailing at prices from $650,000 to $3 million, was expensive to produce.
But a third goal was inevitable and it came in the 64th minute, the end product of a typically incisive move.
Times, Sunday Times
That the end product of this finickiness is utterly delicious, and even well worth four dollars, is not something I would dispute.
Alex Henry: Of Greek Keys and Coffee Geeks
It is this filtration that removes some of the harsher flavour in the whiskey and the end product is a smoother and mellower taste.
The aim of the company is to bring a high-end product to the customer but most importantly to do so at an affordable price.
The end product has a fairly usable interface, with mouseover previews and the ability to switch to different galleries.
The two alternative processes arrive at the same end product.
In terms of biochemical genetics, the consequences of a metabolic block may be rectified by dietary limitation of the precursor of an injurious accumulation product, aromatic amino acids in phenylketonuria; or by supplying the essential end product from without the cell, the specific blood protein in hemophilia, or a specific essential nutrient molecule such as a vitamin.
Edward Tatum - Nobel Lecture
Or is it just the end product of a particularly successful marketing campaign?
As in a lot of cases, if your budget allows it, do not go with very low-end products.
A complicated string of chemical reactions leads to the end product.
Many chemical products start with petroleum feedstocks simply because a certain distillate is much closer to the end product than a lump of coal is.
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It is this filtration that removes some of the harsher flavour in the whiskey and the end product is a smoother and mellower taste.
Your end product must comply with national policy and the adopted local plan.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a policy has to prevent of high-end customers from buying low-end products.
During the manufacture of virtually all polymer products, impurities can be introduced that make the end product susceptible to photodegradation by UV radiation.
Infrastructure and climate in the Arctic
The end product of such a course of evolution is an obligate parasite that is inextricably linked to a particular host.
Advanced glycosylation end products and nutrition—a possible relation with diabetic atherosclerosis and how to prevent it.
The UltraMind Solution
The end product has a high degree of stability as well as being light in weight.
Similarly, e-mail can be considered both a messaging infrastructure and a purchasable end product.
In most cases, the designer is probably better off starting with a few set apertures or vignetting values such that the initial form before optimization is closer in size and weight to the desired end product.
Italians are higher-than-average consumers of high-end products, outshining the US.
“We’ve been looking for an opportunity to get into this market, but up until five years ago, we didn’t see there was a desire or a need for the upper-end product,” said Adrian Jones, director of sales for Hypnos USA, which has its U.S. factory in Gallatin, Tenn.
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Although partial melting of lherzolitic mantle can produce a range of basaltic magmas, it is also the case that basalts may be the end products of fractional crystallisation of primary picritic magmas.
Indeed, bacteria in the guts of extant termites are known to be able to convert the nitrogenous end product uric acid into metabolites usable by the host.
The good news about mussel farming is that unlike other forms of aquaculture, the end product is better than the wild version.