comprehensive in scope or content (as an encyclopedia)
encyclopedic knowledge
How To Use encyclopaedic In A Sentence
- She has an encyclopedic knowledge of natural history.
- Both of these individuals possess an encyclopedic knowledge of the lives of their fathers and have made themselves readily accessible to researchers.
- In this sense, the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable.
- Black manages to compress a good deal into a limited space, calling on his seemingly encyclopaedic knowledge of the period and his thorough acquaintance with a vast array of primary sources.
- That's him, sir," said Jimmy, long accustomed to Arnold Morgan's encyclopedic memory. BARRACUDA 945
- The book reveals the author's encyclopaedic knowledge of the hundreds of aristocratic families and their houses all over Ireland.
- Hosts are sweet and helpful; every single server I encountered had an encyclopedic knowledge about the food at hand.
- Agriculture occupation college in Peking in my heart the teacher's knowledge be encyclopedic.
- He was one of the outstanding figures of twentieth century science - brilliant and passionate, with an encyclopedic knowledge of science, history and philosophy.
- As a consequence, the text is more readable than most encyclopedic treatments.