
How To Use Encyclopaedia In A Sentence

  • They've updated a lot of the entries in the most recent edition of the encyclopaedia.
  • Disclaimer: The Food and Agriculture Organization is the original source for some content in the Encyclopedia of Earth. Contributor: Food and Agriculture Organization
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
  • But marketing alone cannot explain why "onanism" and related terms began to show up in the great eighteenth-century encyclopedias or why one of the most influential physicians in France, the celebrated Samuel Auguste David Tissot, took up the idea of masturbation as a dangerous illness or why Tissot's 1760 work, L'Onanisme, became an instant European literary sensation. Me, Myself, and I
  • It used to be that an unabridged dictionary and an encyclopedia would be kept accessible in middle-class homes, for settling questions of language or fact.
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  • Meg liked his quiet manners and considered him a walking encyclopedia of useful knowledge. Little Women
  • `I looked'em up in the Baseball Encyclopedia at the library, and then I called a sportswriter I know at the Globe. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, is set to launch an internet search engine with amazon. com that he hopes will become a rival to Google and Yahoo! Boing Boing
  • They were playing chess, another one was reading an encyclopedia. The Sun
  • Here's a paraphrase from memory of an instruction sheet that came with the main Swedish encyclopaedia back in the 90s. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The capital and largest city is Fongafale, on Funafuti. —continue at Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Tuvalu
  • At the end of the supposed bad publicity, “Lucian said that despite the mistakes, he still thought the encyclopaedia was the best reference book he knew.” Scripting News for 9/12/2006 « Scripting News Annex
  • But where O'Connor subjects her characters' actions to a rigorous moral investigation, Means tends either to pull back to a remote, bird's-eye view a favourite trope is to lay out a sort of mini-encyclopedia of possible interpretations of the event in question, as offered by professors, news commentators, and so on or, more commonly, to aestheticise it. The Spot by David Means – review
  • He saved his carfares and went without lunch until he had enough money to buy an encyclopedia of American biography - and then he did an unheard-of thing.
  • He was a walking encyclopaedia.
  • In 1899 the Witmark brothers published The First Minstrel Encyclopaedia and The First Minstrel Catalogue, which “covered every want of the amateur quite as well as the mastodonic Sears, Roebuck catalogue covers the needs of its vast patronage.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • You will find the explanation in the encyclopedia.
  • Here's a quote from Barbara Walker's "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets:" "After castrating Set, Horus spread his blood on the fields to render them fertile - the usual fructification-by-male-blood found in the oldst sacrificial Mysteries. Archive 2008-03-01
  • However, the names or the nicknames of the authors, unlike print encyclopaedias, do not appear at the bottom of the articles.
  • Obviously it wasn't my intent to write an encyclopedia entry on the topic, and your nitpick is an attempt to divert things off-topic. Abiogenesis and Evolution
  • Besides the standard dictionaries, encyclopedias and almanacs, I have shelf upon shelf of volumes that perhaps even a professional librarian wouldn't recognise as reference books.
  • Florentine Codex: an encyclopedia of Nahua culture and life in precontact Mexico, composed under the auspices of Fray Bernardo de Sahagún during the sixteenth century. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The new edition of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
  • He had sold ladies 'underwear, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias door to door; he had been a short order cook, elevator operator, puddler in a steel mill, seaman, carnival shill, bulldozer operator, printer's devil and legman for a radio station. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • There were also some dictionaries, encyclopedias and travel books, so I could say that their library was complete.
  • It stocks a vast selection of books and magazines going far beyond the expected reference books and encyclopaedias.
  • The giant online encyclopedia — which has 20million pages — fears the antipiracy moves would censor and stifle social sites. The Sun
  • Ms Rowling dwelt on her own plans to publish a Potter encyclopaedia, which is neither here nor there. B2fxxx
  • Bosses at the nation's domestic intelligence agency asked the online encyclopedia to erase the piece. The Sun
  • Less practical surely than the fur coat, -- more amusing, certainly, than encyclopedias, -- the funny "false faces" grinned up at her with a curiously excitative audacity. Peace on Earth, Good-will to Dogs
  • There were lots of bookshelves filled with books, encyclopedias and dictionaries.
  • In the 1950s Encyclopedia Brittanca, the vast central plateau of Chiapas was cited as among the most fertile and finest land masses in all of Mexico hindered by the almost complete lack of transportation and its remoteness from the rest of the country. Fifty Years in Southern Mexico
  • He copied the relevant data out of the encyclopaedia.
  • A splendid bookcase goes along with the complete encyclopaedia if you pay cash.
  • Used in fireworks as oxidizing agents, they are cited as dangerous to human health in dust form by the Encyclopedia of Occupational Health, which says their effects include “sore throat … dizziness … they are an irritant to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes … they can cause haemolytic anemia … and liver and kidney injuries.” Bright Lights and Big Bangs: The Chemical Composition of Fireworks
  • To illustrate our role, here is what the Encyclopedia Judaica wrote about Iraqi Jewry: "During the 20th century, Jewish intellectuals, authors, and poets made an important contribution to the Arabic language and literature by writing books and numerous essays. David Harris: Letter from a Forgotten Jew
  • His favourite book is Smart-o-pedia, which is basically an encyclopedia about everything! Archive 2009-01-01
  • The encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes.
  • Like all the entries in the encyclopedia, this one is crammed with details.
  • The capital and largest city is Paramaribo, which is situated on the Suriname River. —continue at Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Suriname
  • An encyclopaedia contains a lot of knowledge.
  • If the encyclopaedia has a weakness it is that it sits on the fence on controversial issues.
  • Students can also access electronic multimedia encyclopedias, library references, and online publications.
  • Featuring a self-help guide and medical encyclopaedia, visitors can diagnose their ailments via an interactive medium.
  • This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
  • The entries include most of the aggadic traditions relating to each of the characters, with omissions or condensations as required by the format of the Encyclopedia. Midrash and Aggadah: Introduction and Sources.
  • Judah's got a big heart, is dorkishly sweet the HAIKU ♥ and his encyclopedia knowledge of everything, and his relationship with Genna makes my heart melt. Archive 2009-11-01
  • (Soundbite of music) ROBERTS: The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia Of Rock & Roll states that the term boogie derives from the jazz-based boogie-woogie, a piano style that featured a hot rhythm based on eight to the bar figures played with the left hand. Boogie-Woogie Flu Sufferers, Unite
  • It was lined with books, especially encyclopaedias and compendia of visual aids. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • Well we learned how to use encyclopedias and almanacs and handbooks.
  • The encyclopedia tells us that nickel obtained its name because the copper and silver miners in Saxony found that ore containing this substance gave them a great deal of trouble and when smelted produced a brittle, unfamiliar product which they called kupfernickel after old Nick and his mischievous gnomes and when a man named Cronsted isolated nickel itself in 1751, he applied the name of kupfernickel or copper nickel -- since abbreviated to nickel, the word which we use today. Some Responsibilities Of International Business
  • It is misleading if it means simply that students learn how to acquire conventional encyclopaedia-like knowledge for themselves.
  • The only encyclopaedia since 1772 with which I am acquainted, that is planned with a view to the presentation of a general body of doctrine, is the unfinished Encyclopedie Nuevelle of Pierre Leroux and Jean Reynaud. Diderot and the Encyclopaedists
  • The World Wide Web, I'm likely to say in moments of unbridled talkiness, is an encyclopedia at my fingertips.
  • The Bible in Deuteronomy 14: 3 prohibits eating all abhorrent and unclean things and according to the encyclopedia Judaica, the Bible totally prohibits consumption of blood.
  • Other examples abound, including the misidentification of the author of the Encyclopedia article on the slave trade and the misdating of the meeting of the Estates General.
  • An interesting sidelight offered by the Encyclopedia is information on the Chaplain Support Operations, an area overlooked in Second World War histories.
  • I tend to agree with this remark in the sense that Encyclopedia Britannica broadly defines the word ‘intelligence’.
  • Reading this encyclopedia is like looking at a landscape you know (or thought you knew) in a distorting mirror. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The wooden headboard held many books including, the Bible, a dictionary, encyclopedias, books, songs, and poems she had written.
  • Instead, I was sitting on my couch examining baseball cards and looking them up in the encyclopedia.
  • Göran Wall is an independent teacher, researcher, and consultant, at present engaged in the E Group, an international group to increase the understanding and the use of the exergy concept, the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), and an editor of Exergy, An International Journal. Contributor: G��ran Wall
  • I could find instant facts in encyclopedias and almanacs.
  • CJK founder Jack Halpern says his small team pored over hard copies of phone directories, encyclopedias, student rosters and general-interest books from a slew of Middle Eastern countries to compile a dictionary of seven million variants in all of Arab proper names. Arabic Names Spell Trouble for Banks
  • While the Trumps and Iacoccas of the world prefer to present themselves in garish books with jackets featuring large color photos of their own faces, Buffett, the legendary midwestern cheapskate with a knack for discovering hidden value in cookware clubs (The Pampered Chef) and encyclopedia publishers (World Book), has reclaimed a form of junk mail for his collected works. American Everyman
  • So what happens to those poor saps who write encyclopedias for a living?
  • multi-volumed encyclopedias
  • Terminus is not a planet, but a scientific foundation preparing a great encyclopedia.
  • Later Ivo found in a botanical encyclopedia that another name of the ficus was ‘the plant-killer’, because wild ficuses, growing around a tree, are able to take all of its soil energy and finally kill it.
  • a broken set of encyclopedia
  • The encyclopedia fell to the floor with a thud.
  • He copied the relevant data out of the encyclopaedia.
  • The Australian People - the magisterial single-volume encyclopaedia of the Nation, its Peoples, and their Origins - was first released in Australia's bicentennial year of 1988.
  • A Sherlock Holmes encyclopaedia has been published in Japanese.
  • I am looking at encyclopaedias and reference books to decide what I am best at.
  • Wikipedia states that as an online encyclopedia, it presents factual accuracies from a neutral point of view, and is not censored for the benefit of any one group. 2008 February 17 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Thomas maintained that she did not devour encyclopaedias for breakfast but picked up her knowledge by osmosis.
  • She has long been considered the authority on Walker's life and has been a contributor to books, encyclopedias and articles about Walker.
  • We are creating the world's most trusted encyclopedia and knowledge base. log in, you'll be able to edit this page instantly! coagulation, '' 'thromboplastin' '' is a "constituent composed of protein and phospholipid that is widely distributed in many tissues. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Arntzenius, F. and T. Maudlin, 2000, “ T.avel and Modern Physics,” in T.e Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2000 Edition), E.N. Zalta (ed.), URL =. Time Machines
  • Many other sourcebooks, handbooks, manuals, bibliographies, and topical encyclopedias, both general and specific, are available.
  • Bsf Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia costumers have decided that it's plugin to zoomabsorb head lake, near norland. Wii-volution
  • The encyclopedia sits on my shelf at home, gathering dust.
  • Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations and simple animations.
  • The figure of the circle that delineates the library was seen by fifteenth- and sixteenth-century humanists as an essential aspect of the encyclopedia.
  • Some of my favorite books are old, gorgeously illustrated encyclopedias and atlases.
  • You know that there is a disease called giantism, caused by 'a certain morbid process in the sphenoid bone of the skull -- viz., an excessive development of the anterior lobe of the pituitary body '(this is from the nearest encyclopedia). Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (of 2) His Life and Confessions
  • Her citations, however, include only an encyclopedia and four books on Africa.
  • Why an encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible? Times, Sunday Times
  • The point in question is in my essay on "creolization" in the Encyclopedia, which is limited to discussing the language and culture of the Gullah-speaking people of the South Carolina and Georgia coasts. Speaking Southern
  • Sibelius Instruments is a unique, interactive encyclopedia of instruments, bands, orchestras and ensembles.
  • Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations and simple animations.
  • Sometimes my father would come home with pictures of the grandfather rabbis that he had found in the pages of the Encyclopedia Judaica. A Conversation with Nomi Eve, author of The Family Orchard
  • The Encyclopedia of Gardening is a companion volume to the Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers.
  • The term encyclopaedia must not be understood in precisely the same sense as in The Civilization of China
  • This work is an encyclopaedia of mathematics, astronomy, optics and music.
  • NOTE: The title encyclopedia was verbally given to me by my close friends and my close relatives since my close friends Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • He absorbed complete sections of the Encyclopaedia Britannica while rebinding a worn ‘E to F’ volume, returning again and again to the article on electricity.
  • Consult one of the best of them, Webster's New World Dictionary, and what you find is a miniature encyclopedia filled with the explanations of initials, proper names, and entries like "macrosporangium" and "abhenry," which are not and never will be words of the English language. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 3
  • You get a little understanding of this process when you remember the last time you looked at a medical encyclopedia. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • In 1888 he contributed articles on taboo and totemism to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which laid the foundation for his work on primitive religion.
  • The bookshelves held not only his old textbooks but also the newer paediatric encyclopaedias to which he had contributed articles on scarlatina — the subject of a postgraduate fellowship, as Klara had reminded him. For Services Rendered
  • It is particularly favoured as an invariant series by which information can be organized in catalogues, concordances, dictionaries, directories, encyclopedias, indexes, and the like.
  • While the ophthalmoscope made von Helmholtz famous, he distinguished himself in a number of scientific disciplines involving sensory perception, so much so that the Encyclopaedia Britannica wrote: "His life from first to last was one of devotion to science, and he must be accounted, on intellectual grounds, as one of the foremost men of the 19th century. Dec. 6, 1850: The Eyes Have It, Thanks to the Ophthalmoscope
  • You get a little understanding of this process when you remember the last time you looked at a medical encyclopedia. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • Punakha is the traditional capital; Thimphu is the official capital and largest city. —continue at Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Bhutan
  • The new edition of the encyclopedia embodies many improvements.
  • On the internet, there are vast chunks of information in online encyclopaedias and digital directories, all of which can be instantly updated.
  • Exploring encyclopedias and resource books in both languages can enhance children's construction of new concepts.
  • This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
  • The Winkler Prins encyclopedia of astronomy writes, “The Pleiades is a star cluster … and consists of over 3,000 stars, which are situated in the middle of reflection nebulae.” Modern Science in the Bible
  • By the bye, what a strange abuse has been made of the word encyclopaedia! Biographia Epistolaris, Volume 1.
  • The bulk of the book is an encyclopedia covering 700 species of ferns found in cultivation.
  • At the bottom of the hill, outside a knicky-knacky antiquey sort of shop, I pick up, for a dollar, The Fourth Edition of the Junior Illustrated Encyclopedia of Sport (with an all-new chapter on "winter ski-ing"). Blogposts |
  • I wanted to stay and read the latest Encyclopedia Brown detective story.
  • The demotic form of the encyclopedia poem is the scrapbook.
  • The records generated under the court order produced a comprehensive encyclopedia of why discipline in the police department is "fundamentally ineffective" - the corroborating of falsehoods among officers, the impotence of civilian oversight, the cursoriness of IAD investigations and investigators 'complicity in not connecting glaring discrepancies. The Clog
  • Encyclopedia of Politics and Religion, Robert Wuthnow says "a crescive society, one that is weak but on the rise, produces martyrs like those of early Christianity. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Many other sourcebooks, handbooks, manuals, bibliographies, and topical encyclopedias, both general and specific, are available.
  • Far too many occasions of the word “little”; I think “grizzle” should have been “gristle” and there; and the narrative occasionally veered into encyclopedia-speak. A DAY AT THE FUR AUCTION • by Stephen Taylor
  • My OED also mentions the carmagnole as a peasant jacket, and additionally, from the encyclopedia: The farandole is an open-chain community dance popular in the County of Nice, France. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtöbe, and Öskemen. —continue at Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Kazakhstan
  • The bookshelves held not only his old textbooks but also the newer paediatric encyclopaedias to which he had contributed articles on scarlatina — the subject of a postgraduate fellowship, as Klara had reminded him. For Services Rendered
  • I looked the Civil War up in my encyclopedia.
  • They get a 10% commission on every encyclopedia they sell.
  • Of course, Islamic economists can also draw upon the recorded sayings of Muhammed, which are summarized in the 19 volume Encyclopedia of Hadith.
  • Why an encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible? Times, Sunday Times
  • Summing up the results of analysis and encyclopedia definitions and concretizing them on the basis of appropriate subjects of military engineering, we can decide on the following interpretation.
  • He was apprenticed to a bookbindery in London, however, and read many of the books brought there for binding, including the "electricity" section of the Encyclopedia Britannica and Jane Marcet's Conversations on Chemistry. Faraday, Michael
  • Science journal Nature chose 50 science articles from both Encyclopedia Britanica and gave peer reviewers a blind test to find mistakes.
  • Pierre-Joseph Macquer adapted Prussian blue pigment to textile uses by 1749 and his technique was published by the Paris Academy of Sciences three years later. 19 reference But it does not appear in any eighteenth-century dictionary or encyclopedia as dyestuff even when detailed descriptions of the painters 'color are featured in entries on "blue. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • You get a little understanding of this process when you remember the last time you looked at a medical encyclopedia. POSITIVE THINKING: Everything you have always known about positive thinking but were afraid to put into practice
  • The kimonos were her encyclopedia, her "Who's What?" her clearinghouse of news, of goers and comers. Options
  • Well we learned how to use encyclopedias and almanacs and handbooks.
  • The point of low fantasy is to watch clean-limbed fighting men from Virginia clash flashing blades against surly yet brawny barbarians from Cimmeria during the last days of Rome on Mars or something, and maybe rescue a half-naked space princess from eldritch evil priests, eldritch chthonic demons, eldritch undead, eldritch pirates, eldritch highwaymen, eldritch encyclopedia salesmen of darkness. MIND MELD: Gods by the Bushel
  • The encyclopedia will shortly be out in a revised edition.
  • Malone's work verges, in fact, on the encyclopedic: in his variorum edition he anticipates the modern collaborative online encyclopedias.
  • He publicly excoriated the film director Zhang Yimou (Raise the Red Lantern, House of Flying Daggers) and the artist Cai Guo Qiang (the man whose firework dragon failed to ignite on the Thames at the millennium) for creating the opening ceremony, which he termed "a visual crap-pile of phony affection and hypocritical unctuousness . . . an encyclopedia of spiritual subjugation". Ai Weiwei: the dissident artist
  • They were playing chess, another one was reading an encyclopedia. The Sun
  • (A lemma is the word under which a set of related dictionary or encyclopedia entries appears.) Latest headlines from JavaWorld
  • Sanger, the philosopher, was charier about the wisdom-of-crowds scheme but drawn to the idea of creating an open online encyclopedia that would break all the molds. The Hive
  • Hale Encyclopaedia Britannica Robert A. Fowkes New York University Juncture: Where It Sat Many linguists have, with or without a surgeon's license, operated in the past with the term juncture; at present such linguists appear to have a dim future. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VI No 2
  • And in the meantime, I'd have someone hide the medical encyclopaedia and block your access to all medical websites, if at all possible.
  • I looked the Civil War up in my encyclopedia.
  • Some were garbled articles from various encyclopaedias, about international politics, about online democracy, about computerised supermarket stocktaking, about kwashiorkor and other kinds of malnutrition.
  • `I looked'em up in the Baseball Encyclopedia at the library, and then I called a sportswriter I know at the Globe. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • Some of my favorite books are old, gorgeously illustrated encyclopedias and atlases.
  • To Mr W. was broached the idea: "I believe that if one set up a few obstacles on the floor, volumes of the British Encyclopedia and so forth, to make a Country, and moved these soldiers and guns about, one could have rather a good game, a kind of kriegspiel." ... Little Wars; a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books.
  • Sibelius Instruments is a unique, interactive encyclopedia of instruments, bands, orchestras and ensembles.
  • Ataxia, the Wooden Continent" continues the absurdism, but does so with entries from an encyclopedia of a floating continent full of sentient wood. Genre Fiction
  • It is not only encyclopaedias, dictionaries, and libraries that create the illusion of a semblance of order from a mass of chaotic and random materials.
  • There was huge, leather bound series of volumes of Encyclopaedia Celtica.
  • Sleep Paralysis Page Cross-cultural nightmare experience - aka The Hag.sniggle. net (the culture-jammer's encyclopaedia). Archive 2002-04-01
  • Our publishing house proposes an encyclopaedia called "Animal World". It clearly explains the origin and development of the Persian cat and German shepherd dog.
  • Electronic publishing is blurring the boundaries between dictionaries and encyclopedias.
  • The encyclopedia is a huge work, running to 20 volumes.
  • Whole encyclopedias and multi-volume bibliographies are dedicated to organising the genre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The major e-library sites will offer on-line reference tools like encyclopedias and dictionaries along with thousands of books and journal articles.
  • One example of the "open source" phenomenon is the successful online encyclopedia known as Wikipedia. Christianity Today
  • The influential online encyclopedia is written and edited by anyone with an Internet connection, and contributors are supposed to stick to a fair recitation of the facts. WikiPropaganda
  • The encyclopedia will shortly be out in a revised edition.
  • Madagascar ericoid thickets - Encyclopedia of Earth Madagascar ericoid thickets
  • Wikip e dia , the free inside podia encyclopedia th at anyone can add it edit, is the best known wiki.
  • It is a mini-encyclopedia of bric-a-brac and unconsidered trifles, ranging from apostle jugs to wine and sauce labels.
  • Steve Rubel notes that there's a debate at the online encyclopedia Wikipedia about a new listing for the word folksonomy, which it defines as "a neologism for a practice ... iPod Tech Beat - BusinessWeek
  • When the encyclopedia is complete in 2009, it will include: The Oregon Encyclopedia
  • They were compiled in medieval encyclopedias and books of wonders, and extended by the accounts provided by new chronicles or traveller's reports.
  • They get a 10% commission on every encyclopedia they sell.
  • You know that there is a disease called giantism, caused by ‘a certain morbid process in the sphenoid bone of the skull — viz., an excessive development of the anterior lobe of the pituitary body’ (this is from the nearest encyclopedia). Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • Bam provided a veritable encyclopaedia of such historic structural elements: varieties of sun-dried mud brick squinches and vaults, many with the inclined arched technique recently used by Hassan Fathy.
  • Summon any one and make this request: "Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio".
  • There were atlases, dictionaries, reference books, and thesauruses, fantasies, biographies, tragedies, and tales of horror, mysteries, volumes of poetry, encyclopedias, and novels.
  • They were playing chess, another one was reading an encyclopedia. The Sun
  • The Merck index: an encyclopedia of chemicals, drugs & biologicals.
  • ‘Most textbooks belong in the reference category along with encyclopedias, dictionaries, and thesauruses’.
  • Reading this encyclopedia is like looking at a landscape you know (or thought you knew) in a distorting mirror. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Chronicles of Chaos, however, has more on its mind -- whole encyclopedias worth of more on its mind, as in tons of Greek mythology, several philosophical systems, and a lot of physics thrown in for good measure. Book Review: Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment
  • A few of us, goes on the revered hemlock-bibber, desire naught else in life but to become the Encyclopaedia Britannica - and sit complete, bound in ebony, on a shelf. On Being a Philosopher
  • We are creating the world's most trusted encyclopedia and knowledge base. log in, you'll be able to edit this page instantly! consciousnesses, also called psyches, existentialities, experiencers, souls, or, in certain improper sense, even Turing machines could not colonize. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • The name sanderling comes from the Icelandic, "sanderla," which alludes to the birds' sandy habitat according to the Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds. Archive 2007-10-01
  • Note 24: "Luther Adler," and "Morris Carnovsky," in The Film Encyclopedia, ed. Katz, 12, 209. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Disclaimer: The Central Intelligence Agency is the original source for some content in the Encyclopedia of Earth. Contributor: Central Intelligence Agency
  • This eighty-three word encyclopaedia entry forms a point of departure for an exhibition exploring what might have been for Lillian Virginia, in the imaginations of six artists chosen by curator Davey Moor for their interest in fictitious narratives. The Life and Times of Lillian Virginia Mountweazel @ Monstert Truck Gallery from March 19th 2009
  • Discovering the Doors long after Jim Morrison's death and long before the internet, there was a deep mystery about them – you would find shards of information in music encyclopedias, come across the odd newspaper or magazine article, and once, amazingly, ITV reshowed a documentary from 1968 of the Doors live at London's Roundhouse, juxtaposed with scenes of student revolution. Pure poetry: why Jim Morrison's way with words still lights my fire
  • Bosses at the nation's domestic intelligence agency asked the online encyclopedia to erase the piece. The Sun
  • I hadn't realised it was told in an interwoven structure of sections, some straight fiction, some fake factive -- excerpts from encyclopaedias and such -- so it was a pleasant surprise to find it doing the sort of things I particularly like, even apart from the groovily weird but sensitively treated perversity of the subject matter. Archive 2006-10-01
  • This is the second impression of the encyclopedia.
  • NOTE: The title encyclopedia was verbally given to me by my close friends and my close relatives since my close friends & close relatives admire/recognise my knowledge. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Some of my favorite books are old, gorgeously illustrated encyclopedias and atlases.
  • Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations and simple animations.
  • The prime mover and longtime editor of the encyclopedia is a soft-spoken Anglican Charismatic named David B. Barrett. Oh, Gods!
  • On a slight tangent, according to the Transformers Encyclopedia (yes, I’m THAT big of a nerd), the robots with tiny alternate forms [Megatron, Soundwave ftw] are basically hollow in humanoid form. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Transforming Shoes
  • On the terms of this encyclopedia, art historians are implicitly aestheticians without being consciously aware of it.
  • Such is his passion for the warp and weft, weave and print, and all things textile, that designer Mukesh is a veritable encyclopaedia of the rich and varied textile traditions of India.
  • This is a valuable tool for individuals with compromised immune systems - and a virtual encyclopedia for hypochondriacs.
  • Used in fireworks as oxidizing agents, they are cited as dangerous to human health in dust form by the Encyclopedia of Occupational Health, which says their effects include “sore throat … dizziness … they are an irritant to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes … they can cause haemolytic anemia … and liver and kidney injuries.” Bright Lights and Big Bangs: The Chemical Composition of Fireworks
  • The smallest lizard they show in the encyclopedia is about six inches long, and it says lizards are reptiles and have scales and claws and should not be confused with salamanders, which are amphibians and have thin moist skin and no claws. It's Like This, Cat
  • The new encyclopedia runs to several thousand pages.
  • This encyclopedia entry says RDX "is considered the most powerful and brisant of the military high explosives. Hullabaloo
  • I always planned to write a definitive article about him and never did (which was one reason why, twenty years later, I did the encyclopedia entry on him).
  • He was even able to give a short description of its tricky modulations and the places to watch - which didn't surprise me since he seems to be some sort of walking encyclopedia of all music that has ever existed. 250 Sing Liszt's Ave Maris Stella
  • He literally blew the dust off an old medical encyclopedia to discover what my allergy was. The Sun
  • Unfortunately, the encyclopedia search is buggy.
  • This is a successful encyclopaedia that contains a few subjective choices and at times even a few errors, but is able to answer common questions in an efficient and professional manner in its thanatological articles.
  • He kept his birth date a mystery, but according to the Baseball Encyclopedia he already was 42.
  • The encyclopaedia entry suggests a world of public access - with the attendant limitations to acquiring knowledge according to class and gender.
  • The graphics and artwork reproduction are gorgeous and the encyclopedia information fascinating.
  • This slim young man, barely twenty, was a living encyclopedia: a renowned polyglot, paleographer, and cryptographer. The Sion Revelation
  • They were still driving away at the encyclopaedia.
  • This gives an idea of the variety of methods of broadcasting their ideas that the Scottish literati used, from the pamphlet to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
  • This is a fine book; a worthy addition to the Cambridge Encyclopedia series.
  • A splendid bookcase goes along with the complete encyclopaedia if you pay cash.
  • In general terms, you are assigning the copyright of the photo to the encyclopedia.
  • Slate magazine does not seem to use fact-checkers, but these elemental facts easily can be found in any encyclopedia of American history, or by a ten-second
  • Encyclopedias on CD-Rom can provide access to information much quicker than thumbing through stacks of books.
  • The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.
  • The topic Grasses is manifestly unfit for children, since grasses are difficult to study, and the description of them in encyclopedias and botanies is too technical. Library Work with Children
  • Meg liked his quiet manners and considered him a walking encyclopedia of useful knowledge. Little Women
  • One example of the "open source" phenomenon is the successful online encyclopedia known as Wikipedia. Christianity Today
  • reference to an encyclopedia produced the answer
  • Here are two odd volumes of an encyclopedia.
  • The new edition of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
  • The surname, Dibbuk, refers to the Yiddish word dybbuk that the Encyclopedia Britannica defines as "a disembodied human spirit that, because of former sins, wanders restlessly until it finds a haven in the body of a living person. Walter Mosley
  • He literally blew the dust off an old medical encyclopedia to discover what my allergy was. The Sun
  • The new edition of encyclopedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
  • The Encyclopedia is largely written by younger scholars.
  • Well from this strange extract from an encyclopedia, the dead star is a binary twin to our sun and the 10th planet is our planet X.
  • Sortals (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy/Fall 2009 Edition) Sortals
  • If you are unable to find a biography, check an encyclopedia or reference book at your library.
  • A gallery of illustrations of lesbian frottage, which the hentai encyclopaedia assures us is properly known as tribadism; … Antenna
  • This book is an encyclopedia of common sewing techniques from Appliqué to Zippers.
  • One of the attempts to formalize the field was most notably led by the Vienna Circle and presented in their International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, in which the authors agreed on breaking out the field, which they called "semiotic", into three branches: … MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • It is misleading if it means simply that students learn how to acquire conventional encyclopaedia-like knowledge for themselves.
  • He had sold ladies 'underwear, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and encyclopedias door to door; he had been a short order cook, elevator operator, puddler in a steel mill, seaman, carnival shill, bulldozer operator, printer's devil and legman for a radio station. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • The book resembles an encyclopedia, with 3,000 recipes from five other countries in addition to Italy.
  • This is the same encyclopedia, with multimedia additions, that used to take up a huge bookshelf.
  • You know that there is a disease called giantism, caused by ‘a certain morbid process in the sphenoid bone of the skull — viz., an excessive development of the anterior lobe of the pituitary body’ (this is from the nearest encyclopedia). Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • In addition to leveling churches, houses, and graveyards, ethnic cleansers burn books, encyclopedias, and dictionaries.
  • He's a trim 42-year-old who favors black shirts and a slightly Mephistophelian beard, and most Wikipedians revere him, but you wouldn't know that from the Jimmy Wales article in the encyclopedia, which rehearses some shady-sounding accusations: padding expenses, peddling pornography, editing his own Wikipedia page. Wikipedians Leave Cyberspace,
  • The entries in the Encyclopedia collect the aggadic material on these women from the Rabbinic literature. Midrash and Aggadah: Introduction and Sources.
  • They were gold and bright, like the gold platings you sometimes find on fancy book covers like Bibles or Encyclopedias.
  • Wonderland of Knowledge Encyclopedia, 1965] [Use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do] See the civil battology [vain repetitions] of the heathen in their supplications: "Let the parricide be dragged: we beseech thee. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • The United States Bank, of which Nicholas Biddle was the progenitor, had gone completely in 1841, and the United States Treasury with its subtreasury system had come in 1846; but still there were many, many wildcat banks, sufficient in number to make the average exchange-counter broker a walking encyclopedia of solvent and insolvent institutions. The Financier, a novel
  • He drove a citroen 2cv and carried a complete star trek encyclopaedia set around in the trunk, something like 10 huge tomes. When Life Imitates Art: Spider-Man Robs a Bank, Man Speaks Only Klingon To Son For Three Years, Scientists Develop Star Trek-Like Phaser | /Film
  • You once gave me a large coffee table book; it was an Encyclopedia of Vampires, inscribed: ‘To Barry from his personal bloodsucker’.
  • Remember, every entry on Wiki and every encyclopedia is “biased information.” Waldo Jaquith - Dave Albo vs. Wikipedia.
  • The Encyclopedia of Gardening is a companion volume to the Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers.
  • Everything in a Gothic cathedral is like a book full of meaning; cathedrals have been called encyclopaedias of stone.
  • The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.
  • Two companion works, Six of the bestiary and Quartet of beasts, illustrate an ancient Chinese encyclopaedia in which the entire animal kingdom is broken down into fourteen categories.
  • The encyclopedia sits on my shelf at home, gathering dust.
  • They have brought out an abridged edition of the encyclopedia.
  • Although "inflation" is sometimes used to refer to a rise in the prices of a ... en. Cosmic inflation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In physical cosmology, cosmic inflation is the idea that the nascent universe passed through a phase of exponential expansion that was driven by a ... - Articles related to Inflation softens to 9.59 % in April
  • Concerning the name Druid, the writer in the _Encyclopedia Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • The new edition of encyclopaedia will appear in the bookstores next week.
  • Serpents, or Snakes, says the Encyclopaedia, are reptiles of the saurian class Ophidia, characterised by an elongated, cylindrical, limbless, scaly form, and distinguished from lizards by the fact that the halves Indiscretions of Archie
  • * _Encyclopaedia Britannica; _ article 'Quintilian' The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19

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