How To Use Encumber In A Sentence

  • They are unencumbered trust funds pursuant to the Load Broker Regulations of the TTA.
  • It was the least encumbered of all the tenures with obsolete and burdensome features, reminiscent of an older day, when land-holding involved public rights and duties as well as private rights of ownership.
  • My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty. III.9
  • an encumbered estate
  • Many of the bidders were put off by the buy-to-let model, with most preferring to buy unencumbered assets. Times, Sunday Times
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  • This would leave the new production aircraft unencumbered in reaching the break-even point by any need to recover nonrecurring costs.
  • The whole thing has been a hideous blunder, and the idea of encumbering a force of four thousand men with something like thirty thousand camp followers, and with a train of no less than nineteen thousand bullocks, to say nothing of other draught animals, is the most preposterous thing I ever heard of. At the Point of the Bayonet A Tale of the Mahratta War
  • Red tape encumbered all our attempts at action.
  • It basically is a lawsuit that's filed that encumbers someone's basic right to free speech.
  • The entrepreneurial spirit and social innovation fostered by a market economy has benefited many, and should not be overly encumbered by stifling regulations.
  • On the other three it showed itself just sufficiently to "furnish" the building and diversify its aspect without in any way encumbering it. A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • The long, thin string and the heavy bob will enable the pendulum to swing unencumbered for hours and hours and hours.
  • Delaying litigation can encumber our project should we forget that we also work for those we seek to protect.
  • In 1843 Cornelius Mathews, the poet of “Young America,” described the “Man in the Republic” as living “With plainness in thy daily pathway walk / And disencumbered of excess.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Pat McGowan, the book's hideous central character, is unencumbered by any moral code, even the criminal.
  • He is unencumbered by owing favours to one master or another in London, and he will measure his success by standards set in Scotland, not Westminster.
  • ATV before and it was deemed a good idea for us to try it once without the encumbering space suit. MDRS-88 sol 2: Infant mortality
  • Sure, some websites capability kiss the feet your encumber, re-using it and putting ads on it – making bread from your tyrannically in the planning stages unemployed. The Culture of Sharing: Why Releasing Copyright Will Be the Smartest Thing You Do | Write to Done
  • Men that run for a wager, (if they intend to _win_ as well as _run_,) do not use to encumber themselves, or carry those things about them that may be a hindrance to them in their running. The Heavenly Footman
  • But this was not the time for delay; I disencumbered the dogs of their dead companion, gave them a plentiful portion of food; and, after an hour's rest, which was absolutely necessary, and yet which was bitterly irksome to me, Chapter 7
  • My laziness then encumbers me and I suddenly get back to simply vegging out on the couch with a big bowl of junk food and a good book.
  • Without regressive evolution to prune the phenotype, all species would be encumbered by billion-year-long lists of superannuated traits.
  • Sailor-fashion, he had no armor on but a light morion and a cuirass, so he was not too much encumbered to prevent his springing to his legs instantly, and setting to work, cutting and foining right and left at every sound, for sight there was none. Westward Ho!
  • The way to ensure that there aren't hungry people in the world is to give peasants land, unencumbered by debt peonage.
  • It is still labouring under the debt burden that it was encumbered with in the 1980s.
  • Being unencumbered by any public baggage from the Thatcher or Major days is a clear plus, although this comes hand in hand with a whopping lack of experience.
  • I could understand you arguing that it was the duty of the Court of Appeal to decide this question for themselves, unencumbered by any views that had previously been expressed by any other judge.
  • Lucy is a modestly successful artist encumbered with a drunken, hypochondriac father and an uncaring American boyfriend.
  • Disencumbered of its books, the feudal turret had become warlike again and that Guer-mantes was more himself in death — he was more of his breed, a Guermantes and nothing more and this was symbolised at his funeral in the church of Saint-Hilaire-de-Combray hung with black draperies where the “G” under the closed coronet divested of initials and titles betokened the race of Guermantes which he personified in death. Time Regained
  • He was not the first to publish a detailed survey of architecture, but his treatise was written in comprehensible language, relatively unencumbered by philosophical verbiage and richly detailed with how-to instruction. Andrea Palladio's influential architecture at National Building Museum
  • The rooms are not encumbered by ornaments; a single kakemono, or fine piece of lacquer or china, appears for a few days and then makes way for something else; so they have variety as well as simplicity, and each object is enjoyed in its turn without distraction. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • A poignant emotion clouded the joy of the disencumbered barricade. Les Miserables
  • Scientific and commercial evaluation of novel technologies encumbers product development.
  • Directly above the bar, it was huge, no walls to encumber the wide expanse of the room.
  • His estate is a little encumbered by debt: he is what was known as a squireen.
  • Mr. Anesko declares May 4 a holiday for James scholars, for it was on that day in 1973 that Edel's trust was busted and the librarian at the Houghton rescinded all "the encumbering regulations that for so long prevented scores of researchers from accessing these desirable resources. The Afterlife of the Lion
  • Idols of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana are worshipped in the main sanctum, which remains still neat and simple and unencumbered by temple paraphernalia.
  • We don't take up much room and don't have any amplifiers or microphones to encumber us.
  • A stranger to the pursuits represented might have thought that the general disorder and encumberment indicated great activity, but the experienced eye perceived at once that no methodical work was here in progress. Born in Exile
  • It is an actual example of "realism" unencumbered and applied with great rigor, and it is likely to unmoor the assumptions of those readers tied to a more conventionalized, less ascetic understanding of the role of "realistic" dialogue. Narrative Strategies
  • Moreover, it can be said that an implied reservation derogates from the grant, for the grantor has apparently given the grantee an unencumbered estate and is then trying to burden it with an easement or profit.
  • Gautier could cast himself as a seeker of truth unencumbered by alliances with established scientists, a doubter who discovered faults in prevailing theories but was prevented from receiving the acclaim he deserved. reference The presentation in Chroa-génésie is so convoluted that it is unintelligible without a good knowledge of the physics and mathematics that render its deficiencies obvious. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.
  • The long, thin string and the heavy bob will enable the pendulum to swing unencumbered for hours and hours and hours.
  • If your Honour looks to the instrument of conveyance, the transfer, it is an unqualified transfer of the unencumbered fee simple.
  • (Unless it’s one of those scripted “they’re all asleep if you make Stealth checks” rooms.) No humanoid is ever encumbered (nor, seemingly, do they carry about the food and water and supplies that they likely would need to survive if they were a PC). What’s Good For The Goose « Geek Related
  • Many are restless, depressed, and encumbered with the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches.
  • A chronic, progressive, hyperplastic-degeneration exists in some cases and the subjects are in time rendered unserviceable because of the burden of getting about encumbered by the affected extremity. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Steering clear of any trap to pin oneself down into boxes of identity which so often encumber films about marginalized communities Rees gracefully negotiates the line between heartbreak and hope to foreground the freedom found when we recognize ourselves for who we are, for who we love, and for who stands with us. Roya Rastegar: Sundance 2011 and the Sound of My Generation: Part II
  • She deploys their concepts flexibly and insightfully to enrich the book's content without encumbering its style with jargon.
  • Now they talk about disencumbering yourself from relationships and situations that prevent you from having a peak experience.
  • We reckoned the improvements of the art of war among the triumphs of science, and yet Napoleon conquered Europe by the bivouac, which consisted of falling back on naked valor, and disencumbering it of all aids.
  • a summer resort...encumbered with great clapboard-and-stucco hotels
  • This seems to me an admirably succinct account of what might be called the unromantic school of ecocriticism (disencumbered of the notion that literature can and ought to be deployed as a weapon in the battle to stave off our "headlong rush into destruction," that it might "help us tread more lightly on the earth"). The State of Criticism
  • Encumbered with the "piccaninny," and wearied with the long ceaseless struggle through the sand, Colin lingered behind his companions. The Boy Slaves
  • Michele Bachmann was able to reach her high-water mark without being unduly encumbered by her gender; nor was she advantageously buoyed by it. Michele Bachmann and the glass ceiling of American politics | Cheri Jacobus
  • The likelihood of further "quantitative easing" in the U.S. has cast a shadow on currency markets that is likely to continue to encumber the dollar in the near term. Central Bank Actions Color Currency Outlook
  • Thus clogged, the bill was sent home for sanction, but it was rejected by parliament, and sent back with instructions, that before it could receive his majesty's seal, it must appear wholly unencumbered with extraneous provisoes. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Since online teachers are unencumbered by much of the disciplinary and bureaucratic nonsense of brick-and-mortar schools, they can devote far more time to actual instruction.
  • A company's unencumbered view of its supply chain provides a competitive advantage by being able to react to constantly changing requirements.
  • Furthermore, Kansas' right to control the disposition of any recovery was entirely unencumbered.
  • This seems to me an admirably succinct account of what might be called the unromantic school of ecocriticism (disencumbered of the notion that literature can and ought to be deployed as a weapon in the battle to stave off our "headlong rush into destruction," that it might "help us tread more lightly on the earth"). The State of Criticism
  • In my view, the principal reason for its closure is that it is much more readily sold for building land and, being a larger site and unencumbered by green belt restrictions, was more likely to produce a tidy sum.
  • But, even if they gladly sacrifice the joys of unencumbered youth, early motherhood has reduced the chance they will enjoy the life that most of us would wish for our daughters.
  • The emergent self is protean, shifting, cunning, humorous, unencumbered, sometimes angry, but equally capable of accepting its own absurdity and inconsequentiality.
  • When Walter Scott failed, and Abbotsford was encumbered with a large debt, when his dream of restoring a kind of baronial life was all shattered, he did a grander work than in the building of that magnificent estate; for he strove with all the powers of his mind to earn the money which should repay his creditors. Hold Up Your Heads, Girls! : Helps for Girls, in School and Out
  • She quickly scanned the room, pausing as her eyes encountered Landau, troubled memories encumbering her before she turned to regard Damien.
  • The Day Trekker the lumbar and is best suited for those looking for an easy, unencumbered ramble in their favorite piney copse.
  • Internet streaming that would ordinarily be "encumbered" by deals to play them exclusively on pay TV networks like HBO, Showtime and Starz in first few months after the DVD release. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Most Arabic music is pure melody and rhythm, unencumbered by harmony; voices implore and exult, while instruments share the inflections of song.
  • Is not a patrons my lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help? Thanks for Nothing
  • Crumbles and breaks, th 'encumber'd lines must flow. The Rambler, sections 55-112 (1750-1751); from The Works of Samuel Johnson in Sixteen Volumes, Vol. IV
  • n been sold under a contract of conditional sale reserving title poss°s'sfon in the vendor, may be attached as if unencumbered; and the mortgagee, pledgee, lienor or conditional vendor, or his assigns, may be summoned in the same action in which the property is attached as the trustee of the mortgagor, pledgor, lienee or conditional vendee, or his assigns, to answer such Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • The gentleman, on arriving at the Rue des Lombards, found the shop of the grocer in great confusion; but it was not the encumberment of a lucky sale, or that of an arrival of goods. The Vicomte de Bragelonne Or Ten Years Later being the completion of "The Three Musketeers" And "Twenty Years After"
  • Encumbered as he was with his mask and cothurnus, to say nothing of the padding, it will be seen that the Athenian tragic actor had no easy task before him.
  • One only needs direct access to the Gospels unmediated by historical traditions and unencumbered by church doctrines to find there the paradigmatic model of a successful millenarian cult.
  • The very act of ‘disencumbering’ themselves to reach this position left them with little support.
  • He believed that an invisible hand ruled over the market place, guaranteeing that everyone would eventually benefit, if only the market mechanism were left unencumbered.
  • The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.
  • I spotted the occasional solitary example in the distance, but I was encumbered with a camera.
  • Spending cuts will further encumber the Navy's already withering fleet, which plays a central role in AirSea Battle. Asia Needs a Larger U.S. Defense Budget
  • Here, too, was a place where I could freely speculate about Mary's album's complex meanings, unencumbered by the burden of historical proof.
  • Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.
  • Is their experience diminished because they are encumbered with technologies such as ropes, pitons, and freeze-dried foods?
  • But there was always a suspicion that they were the acts of governments enjoying the pleasure of spending money but unencumbered by the responsibility of raising it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even though they are allegedly "acting" for Alonso's camera, there is more authenticity and less encumberment by what Robert Beavers recently termed the "shadow of performance. Twitch
  • The other $500 billion is "encumbered" -- that's a nice way of saying that instead of being invested in "safe" ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • This year he was crushed, frankly, by Patrick Campion, who is not only much larger, but is entirely unencumbered by any vestigial table manners.
  • Our PCs ranged from halflings and humans in encumbering armor (Move +8) to barbarians and monks (Move +16). Life In The Big City – Chase Rules « Geek Related
  • The road was more like a stone-quarry than a carriageable public highway, so encumbered was it with granite fragments, heaped ready for top-dressing and finishing; and the bridge led on to a raised embankment, coming to a sudden fissure, where the old coach-road crossed it. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • McCall says Reed and his new team should be able to make their reforms without being "encumbered" by the past. CNN Transcript Sep 27, 2003
  • Environmental hormone disturb the mechanism of internal secretion, make it malajustment, encumber the procreation of organism or bring the malignancy.
  • Witness the pathos of the nation's first temple in its largest metropolis: a president, unencumbered by elections, wedded to perennial power locked in legal combat with a shadow board of trustees bent on her ouster.
  • WASHINGTON -- Two years after the Supreme Court voided many of the country's bedrock campaign finance laws, much of the American public is still confused by the change -- and stupefied by the often-impenetrable jargon that frequently encumbers any discussion of the topic. Stephen Colbert's PAC Parody Explains Campaign Finance To America (Part 1)
  • Unfortunately, the worldviews that dominated American politics throughout the 20th century now encumber the nation's attempts to solve the problems it faces in the 21st. Matt Browne: Can America Emulate Germany's Economic Success?
  • It is an actual example of "realism" unencumbered and applied with great rigor, and it is likely to unmoor the assumptions of those readers tied to a more conventionalized, less ascetic understanding of the role of "realistic" dialogue. Narrative Strategies
  • The landlord entitled to require the State to purchase his property is the immediate landlord, that is to say, the person entitled to the receipt of the rent of the estate; no encumbrancer can avail himself of the privilege, the reason being that the Bill is intended to assist solvent landlords, and not to create a new Encumbered Estates Court. Handbook of Home Rule Being articles on the Irish question
  • Every aspect of its design is so accomplished and smoothly ergonomic that you barely notice the car is there, and drive with an enjoyment unencumbered by quirks or annoyances.
  • But in old Edinburgh all were piled one on the top of another -- the Parliament House within sight of the shops, the great official and the poor artificer under the same roof: and round that historical spot over which St. Giles's crown rose like the standard of the city, the whole community crowded, stalls and booths of every kind encumbering the street, while special pleaders and learned judges picked their steps in their dainty buckled shoes through the mud and refuse of the most crowded noisy market-place, and all the great personages of Edinburgh paced the "plainstanes" close by at certain hours, unheeding either smell or garbage or the resounding cries of the street. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • Otherwise, had I gone abroad in the robes of the Tatrix, we would have been encumbered by guards and crowds; we would have had to travel in a palanquin; we would have been forced to tolerate the annunciatory drums and trumpets, and put up with all the noisy, ostentatious, dreary panoply of office. Kajira Of Gor
  • Defensive and unencumbered by concerns of how well his gameplan will be received by others, Gerard Houllier's approach to the weekly press conference mirrors that of his team on the pitch.
  • That was a specific document to cover a mortgage for the particular purpose on an unencumbered title.
  • Unencumbered value’ is the amount for which property might reasonably have sold free from encumbrances.
  • He offered the view, unencumbered by reality check, that prolonged engagement would necessitate the introduction of conscription.
  • This allowed wedding parties and other users to experience relatively unencumbered views of the historic chapel.
  • While we go into the match unencumbered by expectation, the same is not true of the Welsh.
  • I washed and dressed in brown breeches and a black coat, not wanting to be encumbered by my heavy cloak.
  • The huge weight that should encumber the use of police violence, especially lethal violence, against members of the public has been lessened.
  • It gave the possibility of constructing and using elaborate devices, accumulating large libraries, sitting and thinking or debating a problem-in short, the freedom to encumber oneself with a true civilization, which no migrator had except to the most limited degree. The Earth Book of Stormgate
  • Some people would clearly look far better and be far more comfortable if they were not encumbered by crimplene trousers, nylon tops and viscose thongs.
  • In 1630, Milton published a poem praising Shakespeare as an imaginative genius, ‘fancy's child ’, apparently unencumbered by any literary debts.
  • Here the encumberment was less remarkable, but one wall had completely disappeared behind volumes, and the bookishness of the air made it a disgusting thought that two persons occupied this chamber every night. The House of Cobwebs and Other Stories
  • Bloggers - unencumbered by the cosy club rules that bind politicians and political journalists - could make a contribution in both areas.
  • The implication is that the writer of such works does the disengaging, disembroiling and disencumbering from experience as we know it, while the author of novels reports faithfully on all our encumbrances.
  • The rest of the world is less encumbered with legislation.
  • Aside from the expression of pure relation a language may, of course, be “formless”—formless, that is, in the mechanical and rather superficial sense that it is not encumbered by the use of non-radical elements. Chapter 6. Types of Linguistic Structure
  • Less footsure than Gorath and further encumbered by his bulky staff, it was a constant struggle for him to keep upright as they wound up the mossy steps…
  • This is often accomplished by ways of psychoanalytical schemes of understanding that are no longer ego-centered or by performative modes disencumbered of ethical considerations. 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • The Mancunian comedian, who took to The One Show sofa alongside new encumberment Alex Jones on Monday, asked his 138,866 followers on the social networking site whether he should visit Chester Zoo or its north-west rival in Blackpool. IcCheshireOnline
  • Work on the temple continued until 432; the Parthenon, then, represents the tangible and visible efflorescence of Athenian imperial power, unencumbered by the depradations of the Peloponnesian War.
  • My father here interrupted my client, and reminded him that there was a good deal of business to do, as he proposed to give the young counsel an outline of the state of the conjoined process, with a view to letting him into the merits of the cause, disencumbered from the points of form. Redgauntlet
  • This profound presumption of guilt was unencumbered by the inconvenience of having to prove it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quietly contemplative, perfectly still, he sits unencumbered by the world.
  • If the idea was to be able to require the daughters to join in a sale of the unencumbered freehold, far more than this agreement was required.
  • One shadow was ahead of the group, stumbling over unseen holes and encumbered with what looked like a briefcase.
  • Kent is a song stylist in the swing tradition, and her vocals are refreshingly unencumbered by elaboration for the sake of it.
  • Our larder is not too much encumbered with provision. Act II
  • He is unencumbered by owing favours to one master or another in London, and he will measure his success by standards set in Scotland, not Westminster.
  • For Winer, the trick is to find prime land that's unencumbered by debt, yet managed by people with a vision for it.
  • The baroque Italian used for the libretto is complicated and often encumbers the listener, taking away from the melodic tunes of the arias.
  • McCall says, Reed and the new team should be able to make their reforms without being, quote, "encumbered" by the past. CNN Transcript Sep 28, 2003
  • Bag-encumbered still photographers sat cross-legged on the floor in the wide aisle in front of the stage, carefully measuring and remeasuring focus and exposure, impatient fingers twitching on well-worn shutter releases.
  • Unencumbered we could make a rapid exit to our wonderful little world of sun and cheap wine.
  • There is an important public interest in discouraging restraint on trade, and maintaining free and open competition unencumbered by the fetters of restrictive covenants.
  • Her photographs have the look and feel of mere snapshots, as unmediated realism, unencumbered by artifice and self-conscious construction.
  • He had abandoned that deep melancholy and sadness, and he felt himself much lighter and unencumbered.
  • Displays of unencumbered emotion have been a regular characteristic of pop concert audiences ever since Elvis scuffed his Blue Suede Shoes.
  • The heroine is cute but her best lines are lost in hurried delivery; wooden acting and static blocking on everyone's part encumber the flat script.
  • To effect this, the army should march, crossing the Koharee disencumbered of the 'impedimenta' of war, before daylight the 29th inst. The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
  • Red tape encumbered all our attempts at action.
  • As the jury found the agreement was a loan on the security of the car, the Court of Criminal Appeal quashed D's conviction as this agreement was void and thus the car was unencumbered.
  • Even people who run libraries and museums undermine Palladian grandeur by doing everything they can to ensure that we enter the premises like charwomen and delivery boys, unencumbered by any ideas about the heroic dignity of knowledge or learning. Andrea Palladio's influential architecture at National Building Museum
  • The country opened out, unfenced, unencumbered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here and there, along this wall of the vein, he attacked the crumbling rock with the pick and shoveled the encumbering soil away. Chapter XXVII
  • Jo Ellen turned around and mortgaged the home three times, so encumbering it with loans that it is valueless to creditors. Edgar Allen
  • Routinely weighing and measuring children is unencumbered by evidence of benefit.
  • He died in 1874,(Sentence dictionary) heavily encumbered by debt.
  • Supporting general practitioners through shared care schemes and training, rather than encumbering them with additional bureaucratic mechanisms that do not improve care, will achieve this.
  • The urban renewal administrative process drew considerable criticism because it was so long and encumbered with red tape.
  • He is unencumbered by owing favours to one master or another in London, and he will measure his success by standards set in Scotland, not Westminster.
  • The law, in short, lags leagues and ages behind the moral sense of the community, so encumbered with its baggage train that it can never fetch up lost ground. The Subterranean Brotherhood
  • New Start encumbers us with unnecessary constraints that will distort strategic priorities and weapons-development for decades. New Start Is Unilateral Disarmament
  • The present value of the house, unencumbered with vacant possession, is about £160,000.
  • But strong, long-breathed, and accustomed to such exercise, Halbert, even though encumbered with his sword, dived and rose like a seafowl, and swam across the lake in the northern direction. The Monastery
  • The system consists of components effectively integrated to maximize safe aircraft operation and human performance while not encumbering the aircrew.
  • I followed behind somewhat encumbered by our impedimenta.
  • As Conservative MPs elected at this year's general election we represent a new generation unencumbered by the political baggage of the past.
  • How about "Lions Led By Asses" as a less-encumbered rephrasing of the title metaphor and is probably what the original Brit bon-moticist had in mind IMHO? Lions Led by Donkeys
  • The comte, on arriving at the Rue des Lombards, found the shop of the grocer in great confusion; but it was not the encumberment of a lucky sale, or that of an arrival of goods. The Man in the Iron Mask
  • Today, thankfully, women tennis players are not encumbered with/by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses.
  • If you want to raise the price so I have no DRM on my music, I may pay an extra 25 cents, or whatever you decide to do to get that music without the DRM encumberment. Can Techie Oust Orrin Hatch?
  • The heroine is cute but her best lines are lost in hurried delivery; wooden acting and static blocking on everyone's part encumber the flat script.
  • Her dress was perfectly neat, but scantily made, as if she desired to be as little encumbered as possible.
  • By assets, it is unclear whether this means Pinacor's stock, or whether Scansource is buying Pinacor unencumbered with debt.
  • But this was not the time for delay; I disencumbered the dogs of their dead companion, gave them a plentiful portion of food; and, after an hour's rest, which was absolutely necessary, and yet which was bitterly irksome to me, I continued my route. Chapter 24
  • The only eagles I see these days are soaring above the high ridges on a tramp across the hills - unencumbered, of course, by spoons or mashie niblicks.
  • Look, the discussion here really needs to be disencumbered by semantics. JPPPI Don’t Like Frum People | Jewschool
  • Then you've come to the right place, mate," he replied, and with elaborate courtesy took possession of my rucksack while the second boy helped himself to my shoulder-bag, thereby leaving me unencumbered. The mission song
  • That was the conundrum the Wall Street Journal's Joe Morgenstern couldn't quite get his head around, concluding that the movie's slapdash relationship with reality "weakens its claim to authenticity with fictional fudgings" and simultaneously "pollutes" its appeal by encumbering the action with "real-world meaning.
  • Is not a Patron, my Lord, one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help?
  • In other words, Canada, unencumbered and knowledgeable, is about to enter its era of great cities. Urbanism and the Canadian Promise
  • That designation means that United States authorities can interrogate him more aggressively, less encumbered by the legal protections an ordinary citizen would enjoy in a criminal case.
  • Rather than encumbering students with facts, the initial emphasis is upon exploration and discovery.
  • This choice, though, is to be exercised by a stripped-down version of the individual: one who is no longer "encumbered" (to use a liberal term) by what is inherited or inborn. Oz Conservative
  • This regimen nut only encumbers the clinician, but it can also further distress the patient, especially at night when sleep may be interrupted for dressing care.
  • That designation complicates a petition by Jackson's mother Katherine to become the administrator of his lucrative, but debt-encumbered estate. The Australian | News |
  • Today, thankfully, women tennis players are not encumbered with/by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses.
  • Here the American comic atheist rises up: unencumbered, disenthralled, in rude existential health, not huddled palely in some priest-ridden twilight but soaking up the UV of reality. An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
  • The sea was little encumbered with ice, it being now late in June, so that our progress was not at all impeded by the few soft, brashy floes that we encountered, none of them hard enough to do a ship's hull any damage. The Cruise of the Cachalot Round the World After Sperm Whales
  • The bottom line is two fold, my heart wants me to get on a plane tonight and to be in your loving arms – my head is saying how do we put the Genie back in the bottle because I sure don't want to be encumbering you, or your options or your life. Sanford e-mail: I've 'crossed lines I never would have imagined'
  • There was once a soul in the religion while the blood of its martyrs was yet fresh upon the ground, but that soul was always too much encumbered with the remains of pagan habits and customs: that soul is now quite fled elsewhere, and in the splendid catafalco, watched by so many white and red-robed snuff-taking, sly-eyed men, would they let it be opened, nothing would be found but bones! At Home And Abroad Or, Things And Thoughts In America and Europe
  • They are loath to see future trade pacts subjected to prolonged debate or encumbered with restrictions.
  • Such a mix is not exactly a ready-made means for triumph, but Mr. Hegarty wields it with disquieting power and grace, whether whispering through spells of ethereality or growling with an energy that is at once pent-up and unencumbered. Brazen Beats and Metal Mayhem
  • The emergent self is protean, shifting, cunning, humorous, unencumbered, sometimes angry, but equally capable of accepting its own absurdity and inconsequentiality.
  • They are not disencumbered enough to enjoy the luxury of engaging in dialogue about social injustice. Blogosphere Racist?
  • Patients would enjoy a free choice of provider, and doctors and nurses would be freed from the massive bureaucracy that encumbers care and wastes money.
  • Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.
  • If the group is too large for shame, for civic virtue, indeed, even for patriotism, the way of the powerful, visionary, and disencumbered man is clear.
  • Sure, there are still places in this vast country where it is possible to escape, but they get harder and harder to find except for the fit, the adventurous and those unencumbered by children or jobs.
  • What encumbers your ability to innovate around the needs of students is traditions and structures," said George Davison , head of school at Grace Church. New School Sets Agenda
  • But it is hard to appreciate the famous smile when you come close to it, since the glass case encumbers your view.
  • America's unique stature encumbers it with a special responsibility in this regard.
  • Bourgeois revolutionaries were "encumbered" by these ideas. Self-Evident Truths?
  • The plaintiff still holds all the shares as his own absolutely unencumbered property.
  • Unencumbered by stylistic restraint, the paintings, prints and drawings present a visionary social realm, freed from the conventions of naturalist description.
  • Then, encumbered with cameras, equipment and chemicals for processing, he embarked on a challenging expedition to Russia to photograph a suspension bridge under construction.
  • He died in 1874, heavily encumbered by debt.
  • The women danced to declare their fluency of expression and the knowledge it implied, and they did so unencumbered by the kin group duties that attended such displays.
  • If the training of the bowels and bladder will replace the diapers with drawers, the baby will attempt to walk sooner than when encumbered with a bunglesome bunch of diaper between the thighs. The Mother and Her Child
  • It becomes clear why it was necessary not to encumber the reader with foreshadowing the ending too soon.

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