How To Use Encroachment In A Sentence
From the Whiskey Rebellion to the Know-Nothings to the reborn Militias of the 1990s, the eastern establishment has always had reason to fear the expression of a certain kind of cussed American individualism that rebels against what it sees as the encroachments of the state.
Obama's Culture War
The developers also plan to prohibit further land encroachment along the banks of the canal.
In these, as in the Crinoids, the interambulacral plates are absent, and the interambulacral spaces are filled by an encroachment of the ab-oral region upon them.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.
Aziz Shaikh, an official from KDMC's anti-encroachment department said, "We have taken action against the construction as per minicipal rules, but Singh wants it to be demolished, which is not possible.
Daily News & Analysis

The results were derived from a 3.5 year observational study of median encroachments.
His 30-yard free kick flew over the bar but the referee ordered the kick to be retaken for encroachment and moved the ball 10 yards forward.
This encroachment on media freedom is not in the public interest.
Times, Sunday Times
Many farmers see downzoning as a taking, an encroachment on their economic rights and a diminution of their retirement nest egg.
Some local residents advocate pre-emptive privatization of degraded communal lands to protect these areas from municipal encroachment.
As Smith sortied with private demons and public enemies over drummer Simon Wolstencroft's diatribal rhythms, the Fall's late '80s and early' 90s dynamic centered on the contested encroachment of keyboards upon Scanlon's guitar work.
The Fall
Krishna had instructed the officials to make use of the land to avoid encroachments.
He seemed to sense my encroachment, and increased his.
Times, Sunday Times
This encroachment on brain tissue by enlarged ventricles impinges on the caliber of arterioles and capillaries, often resulting in ischemia.
The most sophisticated exponents against encroachments of the central state were the English pluralists Figgis, Laski, and Cole.
The moss is threatened by habitat destruction through the reworking or infilling and landscaping of quarries, and also by scrub encroachment.
Commenting on the report's recommendation on ride encroachment, the senior zoo spokesman said there were no future plans for the theme park and the rides to be extended into the zoo area.
Due to encroachments, the birds are losing their habitat.
The lake has unchangeably remained the center of attraction for the people world over-but has unfortunately lost its pristine glory over the years due to the ceaseless encroachments of the avaricious residents.
After Tiglath-Pileser I, the Assyrians were in decline for nearly two centuries, a time of weak and ineffective rulers, wars with neighboring Urartu, and encroachments by Aramaean nomads.
Similarly, the river is facing relentless encroachment and severe pollution due to inflow of huge amounts of sewage from the habitations.
Encroachment of woody vegetation into the grassy openings was assessed using belt transects and dendrochronology.
Car owners have also become so touchy and fussy about the parking space that any encroachment leads to heated arguments and bouts of fisticuffs.
If Joe Public shrugs off each new encroachment as minor in itself, he will have only himself to blame if he ends up in state-controlled helotry.
Camps once built in remote rural environments are now squeezed by the encroachment of suburban sprawl.
Archbishop Stratford, however, ignored several papal letters urging him to resist royal encroachments on alien priories.
China's commercial encroachment on the terrain of traditional aid providers has caused consternation among western policymakers.
These encroachments were also considered a security risk for the VIPs frequenting this road.
He spurns the label of ‘laxity’ for latitudinarianism and defends Anglicanism as a venerable bulwark against the encroachments and excesses of Rome.
However, officials say this is a simple case of encroachment of the tank's water spread area and the tank bed.
In minutes, therefore, the Boskonians rushed up and proceeded to englobe the newcomer; supposing, of course, that she was a product of the world below, that she was manned by the race who had so long and so successfully fought off Boskonian encroachment.
Gray Lensman
The statue of Etienne Marcel at the City Hall in Paris recalls one of the many instances of the resistance of the city to corrupt administration and it was under one of the most autocratic and greatest of monarchs, Louis XIV, that the Parisian earned the distinctive epithet of 'frondeur' to describe his quickness to resent any encroachment on the part of authority upon his civil rights and liberties.
A Royalist Fiasco
Of course some young Facebookers are annoyed by the older generation's encroachment on their territory.
I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.
The new censorship laws are serious encroachments on freedom of expression.
We have also to ensure that seawater is not able to make encroachments on the land.
Far from harming the city, encroachment on the green belt will harm the surrounding villages.
Hua Hsu opens his essay with a look at some of the fears about racial encroachment that once prevailed among a certain cadre of scholarly white men in the 1920s:
White America Reacts
The result is a rare demonstration of the theater's power to convoke and communicate; I left the play feeling that no amount of material encroachment could stifle humanity.
Eamon Murphy: Theater Review: Jerusalem
Mostly, though, the surface was low grass, gravel, or scrub, hence the generic name gobi, which means “stony desert” in Mongolian.6 Despite fears of sand encroachment on cities and farms, the gravel was more mobile and often more of a threat to habitation.7 Inappropriate human activity often paved its way.
When a Billion Chinese Jump
Can the natural world resist the encroachment of the city?
Times, Sunday Times
The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.
The Thought Police Cometh
Some local residents advocate pre-emptive privatization of degraded communal lands to protect these areas from municipal encroachment.
Powys withstood encroachments from England and Gwynedd throughout its existence, although the Welsh custom of partible inheritance caused rivalries among the ruling family.
I resent all these encroachments on my valuable time.
I stepped up and slotted it home but the referee ordered a re-take because of encroachment!
Furthermore, we fail to understand the logic using degeneration and dilapidation of the park as the justification for immediate encroachment.
This encroachment on brain tissue by enlarged ventricles impinges on the caliber of arterioles and capillaries, often resulting in ischemia.
They were times of fresh resolve, novel encroachments of the selfish gene.
An adverse Judgment would have represented an encroachment on press freedom to report on political matters.
Times, Sunday Times
Have you lately observed any encroachment on the just liberties of the people?
The Metis, who were part French Canadian and part native, feared that the encroachment of other settlers would mean the loss of their freedom and identity.
Surgery and chemotherapy may palliate pain caused by tumor growth and encroachment on normal structures.
The paddy fields in Kerala have to be protected from human encroachment.
And by the way, I think that encroachment is a more useful legal concept than “harm”.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Change I Can Believe In
A major cause of the dwindling numbers has been degradation of habitat through overstocking of sheep, bush encroachment, cultivation, erosion and alien invaders.
Apart that is for the 3m square miles of northern Canada that are completely untouched by any form of human encroachment.
Times, Sunday Times
Balter suggested that GameStop can withstand near-term encroachment from physical retailers.
He says: ‘Bush encroachment and bush densification in grassland leads to tremendous erosion.’
Heritage advice prevented any encroachment beyond the original railway station alignment.
The locals came forward to remove encroachments, which included tying up of pigs and milch animals.
In Lincolnshire people opposing encroachments on rights of commons emphasized the law of the land as the basis of their claim.
In Ming dynasty , the external encroachment on the frontier was very serious.
What's needed, they say, is a national land-use policy that will simply forbid human encroachment on wildlife corridors.
Sewage, effluents from dyeing and electroplating units, indiscriminate sand mining and encroachments have all ravaged the river.
He, too, noted with mild asperity the harsh encroachment of industrialization on the ethereal world of the cataract.
Or go to just about anywhere on that subcontinent where a Walmart is being protested for land theft, encroachment and despoilation.
Epochal Transformation Accelerates as Global Financial Matrix Disintegrates
First published in 1944 by the University of Chicago Press, this slender, readable book on the differences between individual and group thought and the consequences of choosing the latter--private property ownership versus communism, individuality versus centralized government or dictatorship, capitalism versus socialism versus naziism, and the experience of personal freedoms versus never-ending political encroachments--remains a terrific read today.
Most Influential Economist?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
He promised no further territorial encroachments when Chamberlain caved in at Munich and broke the promise shortly thereafter.
Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
Car owners have also become so touchy and fussy about the parking space that any encroachment leads to heated arguments and bouts of fisticuffs.
It also offers intriguing hints of the social changes coming to India and the encroachment of foreign traders.
Times, Sunday Times
I believe that what some view as encroachment is either valid jurisdiction by the federal government or an assumption of responsibility which states, over the years, have failed to meet or to meet adequately.
The Contemporary American StateFederal System
The decline in birds such as the yellowhammer and corn bunting is down to unfriendly farming methods and human encroachment.
Times, Sunday Times
The Arfak Mountains, famous for birdwing butterfly diversity, are surrounded by heavily populated areas, and the reserve itself is in danger from encroachment by population expansion.
Vogelkop montane rain forests
But for now the Kumbh is big enough, and the devotion intense enough, to absorb the encroachment of business.
If the government uses the tax money to further infringe on your freedom, that additional encroachment is covered under a different metric. Textbook Takedown
The agitating Indian nationals also forced closure of Jogbani custom point, alleging that the Maoists had 'derogated' Indian national flag in course of their protest against the alleged Indian encroachment upon Nepali territory.
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Transect D had a gradual tree encroachment pattern similar to Transect B.
Poland, for example, has large training grounds and ranges not subject to the civilian encroachment or heavy regulations that have bedeviled U.S. forces in Germany.
Where any invasion of the jus privatum of the Crown, in arms of the sea, or ports, takes place, by encroachment on the soil, it is a purpresture.
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of exchequer, from Easter term 32 George III. to [Trinity term 37 George III.] ... both inclusive. [1792-1797]
Phase 3: During the middle Byzantine period (eleventh century, again confirmed by an anonymous follis dated to the years 1078-1081), material was dumped here, inside the remains of the second encroachment phase, together with earlier refuse.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Antoninus Pius Report 3
It is a manifest encroachment upon the just liberty both of the workman and of those who might be disposed to employ him.
In order to execute the lesser charter, it was requisite, by new perambulations, to set bounds to the royal forests, and to disafforest all land which former encroachments had comprehended within their limits.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part B. From Henry III. to Richard III.
The encroachment of government into private industry should be commensurately less.
Acting on the report, the High Court had directed the Government to take action to clear the green belt area from encroachments.
He, too, noted with mild asperity the harsh encroachment of industrialization on the ethereal world of the cataract.
too yielding to make a stand against any encroachments
Encroachment by farmers and livestock was already decimating the park's wildlife.
Encroachments by the locals staying in Mahipalpur had occupied the way, 10 am office hours highly crowdy, 1pm school hours space less, 5 pm employees of Gurgaon MNCs coming back home.
Mahipalpur to Gurgaon (NIghtmare into Fantasy)
The lake has unfortunately lost its pristine glory over the years due to the ceaseless encroachments of the avaricious residents.
The artist need not fear the encroachment of the photographist.
Still others see the pro-bat requirement as just another example of federal encroachment on local government.
The pattern of tree encroachment was very different from the gradual encroachment identified in Transect B.
The original roadside hazard model used to predict roadside crashes was derived from data collected on encroachments into a median.
I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regard as an unwarrantable encroachment upon their country.
BBC turns a blind eyer to these Islamic encroachments in Britain:
This is clearly occurring in the Drakensberg Montane Grasslands, Woodlands and Forests ecoregion, where the absence of large browsers such as kudu and black rhino, in combination with intensive grazing by ostriches and goats, is allowing significant thicket encroachment.
Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
Drivers pointed out that encroachments and haphazard parking of autorickshaws near bus stops caused severe inconvenience.
Even if the estate management felt it had a genuine grievance, minor encroachments on estate land are common and generally ignored.
The factors responsible for encroachment such as lack of political will, victimisation of forest officials, poor boundary demarcation and alienation of regularised land should be addressed.
There is clearly an encroachment into the tourist potential of Warrenpoint.
Even long before the Roman State tried to check with violence the rapid encroachments of Christianity, Plate had declared it one of the supreme duties of the governmental authority in his ideal state to show no toleration towards the "godless" -- that is, towards those who denied the state religion -- even though they were content to live quietly and without proselytizing; their very example, he said would be dangerous.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
But it is notable that the penalization of this urban encroachment is not applied to everyone with the same severity.
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The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
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Similarly, the river is facing relentless encroachment and severe pollution due to inflow of huge amounts of sewage from the habitations.
Car owners have also become so touchy and fussy about the parking space that any encroachment leads to heated arguments and bouts of fisticuffs.
These critics imply that he harbored excessive and even irrational fears about government infringement on American civil liberties and about encroachments on personal privacy.
An encroachment, as of a right or privilege.
When the goitre extends behind the sternum -- the _malignant form of retro-sternal goitre_ -- the pressure symptoms are due to the encroachment upon the limited accommodation of the upper opening of the thorax; the trachea especially suffers, and the pressure on the veins causes distension of the anterior and external jugulars and their tributaries.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
What began as a careful encroachment into dozens of towns and villages is now a full-blown reign of terror.
Times, Sunday Times
Specifically it refers to peasants displaced from farmland when it gets increasingly difficult for them to wring a decent livelihood from the soil, which faces steady encroachment as a result of urban development.
It had also regulated trade with Indians not residing within the jurisdiction of a State, and, by scattering its troops along the border, was attempting to protect the savage from the encroachments and debauchment of the white man, as well as to shield the white man from the barbarity of the savage.
The United States of America, Part 1
After discreet soundings, they prudently abandoned the idea, which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence.
Agricultural activities occur but the area has been less modified by this due mainly to the presence of the blackfly Simulium sp. which causes river blindness and has tended to discourage settlement and encroachment.
Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
And those forces undergird Russia's intent to halt NATO's eastward enlargement, particularly to Georgia and Ukraine; to retain its Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the Ukrainian port of Sevastopol beyond the 2017 expiration of its leasehold; to discourage NATO from planning and exercising the defense of the post Cold War NATO allies; to challenge American cooperation with those allies; and eventually to roll back what it characterizes as encroachment from the west.
A Step At A Time
Bogs support some of the most interesting plants in the United States (like the carnivorous sundew), and provide habitat to animals threatened by human encroachment.
A common demand by the residents of the Lake Area is that the pavement around the monument be cleared of encroachments and hawkers.
As the enjoyment of civil and religious liberty was one of the principal causes of his mother's emigration, it is not wonderful that young Hunter grew up with a spirit jealous of encroachment from the English crown.
Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, Illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of Her Early Settlers
Since the 16th century, the people of Peru have fought to retain their cultural identity despite Western encroachment.
Further, it is no defense to urge that the religious practices here may be relatively minor encroachments on the First Amendment.
The aim is not to abolish state power, but to prevent its encroachment upon those matters which are best left to civil society.
They seem to have no answer for sustained habitat loss due to human encroachment.
Pournelle raged at the encroachment, demanded she leave and yelled ‘you've got no class!’
Some politicians also saw it as a further encroachment of the German military into civilian life.
Times, Sunday Times
We are likely to take stronger action to prevent and prohibit encroachment of our patent rights.
Improvement in amenities without encroachment on the Green Belt is the general aim.
This encroachment on brain tissue by enlarged ventricles impinges on the caliber of arterioles and capillaries, often resulting in ischemia.
After discreet soundings, they prudently abandoned the idea, which would have involved a major encroachment upon judicial independence.
The entire area of the marsh has to be fenced to protect the remaining part from further encroachment, say nature lovers, who enjoy its vast expanse and birdlife.
What began as a careful encroachment into dozens of towns and villages is now a full-blown reign of terror.
Times, Sunday Times
The cultivation of the mulberry is becoming more extended, and encroachment is annually made on the thick forest for the purpose of planting that tree.
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We can prevent encroachment on public interest effectively only by depending on citizen and social organization.
We also recorded the presence of an encroachment wall running on top of the portico's pavement, later identified as a post-earthquake water supply system, as well as a late acclamatory inscription on one of the columns: "Eutycho neoteri" ( "Good luck to the younger ones").
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Macellum Report 4
De Silva notes that poaching, habitat encroachment, climate change and other factors threaten wild Asian elephant herds, such as those in Uda Walawe.
Revenue was flat in the past year, as private-label encroachment cut U.S. and European sales 14%.
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Each entrant is expected to raise about 10,000, which goes towards putting up electric fences to stop poaching and human encroachment.
Times, Sunday Times
It reflected a Russian policy of resisting further encroachment in its neighbourhood.
The Times Literary Supplement
There is nothing wrong with employing a brigade to conduct a raid or as the assault element of a major encroachment.
Experts say that human encroachment on alligator territory is also a factor.
Times, Sunday Times
Not content with eating out the vitals of the South, slavery, true to the character which it has acquired for insatiety and rapine, is beginning to make rapid encroachments on new territory; and as a basis for a few remarks on the blasting influence which it is shedding over the broad and fertile domains of the West, which in accordance with the views and resolutions offered by the immortal Jefferson, should have been irrevocably dedicated to freedom, we beg leave to call the attention of the reader to another presentation of the philosophy of free and slave labor.
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As the area surrounding L.A. began its inevitable encroachment on the contiguous farmland, it took longer and longer for the farmers to drive in, and the old Farmers Market grew into a state of semipermanence.
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There is a constant struggle to win back the Garden from the erosions of time and the encroachments of the forest primeval.
The new censorship laws are serious encroachments on freedom of expression.
Over the past decades, modern encroachments and thoughtless building have marred the historic fabric of the city.
They in turn must take inspections and see if the encroachments have been permanently removed.
But the emperors, and other Christian sovereigns, under whose government these errors and the like encroachments of ecclesiastics upon their office at first crept in, to the disturbance of their possessions and of the tranquillity of their subjects, though they suffered the same for want of foresight of the sequel, and of insight into the designs of their teachers, may nevertheless be esteemed accessaries to their own and the public damage.
At issue is what regards as the west's creeping encroachment into Russia's backyard.
And when the resident English bring the batteries of English political action to bear upon any of the bulwarks erected to protect the natives against their encroachments, the executive, with their real but faint velleities of something better, generally find it safer to their parliamentary interest, and at any rate less troublesome, to give up the disputed position than to defend it.
Representative Government
There is nothing wrong with employing a brigade to conduct a raid or as the assault element of a major encroachment.