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How To Use Encouraging In A Sentence

  • A third-party group headed by a GOP operative is out with a new Nevada ad spot encouraging Latinos in the state not to cast votes in this year's midterm elections. GOP-Linked 'Latinos For Reform' Airs Nevada Ads Urging Hispanics Not To Vote (VIDEO)
  • In her new role she will help to develop the midwives' public health role, with increased support for breastfeeding and encouraging mothers-to-be to stop smoking.
  • An encouraging aspect was that each of the three new caps in the squad contributed to the victory.
  • That lesson has been read as an encouraging one. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The surge in commercial vehicle production was regarded as a particularly encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.
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  • On a more encouraging note, the Democratic front-runner is out-earning her. Think Progress » Bachmann Accuses The Media Of ‘Treason,’ Claims Use Of ‘Deem And Pass’ Warrants ‘Impeachment’
  • As each hoplite was unshielded on his right side, he relied on the man next to him for protection, encouraging by necessity a strong sense of unity in battle. Alexander the Great
  • However even currently available estimates already show encouraging results in the case 2 scenario described above.
  • Although she enjoys the aesthetic value of wild flowers, her reason for encouraging their widespread growth is principally scientific.
  • In Egypt, Lozah recently visited some youth centres in Aswan that are participating in an initiative encouraging girls and women to utilise traditionally male-dominated spaces: Global Voices in English » Blogging About Poverty And Development In The Arab World
  • She gave him an encouraging look.
  • He gave her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.
  • Encouraging men to associate babies with bills may not have much impact on single parenthood.
  • I do not know for certain that he came this way, " the merchant replied unencouragingly. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • During a recent conversation with somebody who is sticking to the term blessing, they said that the term inspiration sounds as though it only applies to the description of the process whereby one focuses on a person who has set a constructive encouraging example. Inspiration (���Blessings���) and Its Relation to Mantras and Oral Transmission
  • The substance releases the minerals into the teeth, encouraging the growth of new enamel.
  • Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.
  • It focuses on short-term dislocations and uncontrollable cyclical changes, producing constant disappointment and encouraging inappropriate transactional responses. American Chronicle
  • Feed on a healthy diet of positive, encouraging, hopeful thoughts.
  • What about encouraging student nurses to spend time in nursery schools or elderly care homes? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm sometimes told that questioning the use of EMS helicopters is on par with encouraging people to play Russian roulette. Christine Negroni: The Not-So-Hilarious World of Helicopter EMS
  • The government has been encouraging individuals to opt out of the state pension scheme.
  • The swelling in his face is nearly gone and he's much more alert and active, which is really encouraging.
  • They argue that grades artificialize the learning process and teach the kids to think in terms of a desired grade instead of in terms of what they might be learning, and that grades also artificialize the nature of the relationship between the teacher and the student, encouraging the student to see the teacher as the dispenser of grades rather than a mentor or interlocutor. Gradewise
  • Rare arable flowers such as shepherd's needle, the cornflower and marigolds thrive in the fallow land, encouraging insects as food for birds.
  • One of the lecturers in the department is a woman, so that's encouraging too.
  • The report says of its figures: "The rising number of notifications in NSW is encouraging and suggests that our safety culture is robust. Which Hospitals Perform Best? If Only We Knew | Impact Lab
  • The investigation has been triggered by spam texts encouraging people to sign up to online casinos with free bets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation.
  • Some education officers were also encouraging parents of truants to deregister their children from school, so they could meet new government targets for increasing school attendance.
  • A wetland habitat with reed beds, a boardwalk, bridges and an outdoor classroom will also transform the park encouraging wildlife and the public.
  • In Division One, Westwood's encouraging start continued with a 3-win at Queensbury Reserves.
  • Nearchus, however, went along the deck encouraging the men to remain firm and—in a move that must have struck the frightened sailors as sheer madness—ordered the helmsmen to turn their bows toward the whales in attack formation. Alexander the Great
  • Much was made last season about Kobe's switch from berating to encouraging teammates, but he seems to be taken even the next step this year.
  • These encouraging results in pilot studies required confirmation in prospective and randomised trials.
  • Whilst encouraging an early love of activity and sports, do take care that your little one plays and exercises safely - that Arian tendency to act first and think about it later can have dangerous consequences.
  • This is also the best advertisement for encouraging kids to take up the game.
  • Family members or friends can assist patients by encouraging the patients to discuss their feelings and worries.
  • Halve the skinned fish fillets lengthways, season lightly with salt and slip them into the pan, encouraging them under the liquid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pope Benedict lauded himself for the respect and solidarity he gives to the minority groups, the emarginated and religious believers of other denominations while at the same juncture he was encouraging the Maltese majority to continue with its ongoing suppressive attitude towards the minorities.
  • Encouraging entrepreneurialism at this stage, he says, would only help to further stimulate economic growth in the future.
  • The authority had also accused him of encouraging homosexuality in his religious education lessons.
  • But the campaign is about more than encouraging local residents to read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both drivers were very happy with the car in its Monaco configuration, and we got encouraging results on the tyres, as well as the set-up adaptations required for the bumpy street surface and the new parts on the car.
  • An interest in photography led her to a seminar given by Mark Seliger, a Rolling Stone lensman, who then hired her to manage his studio, encouraging her to pursue her own work in between clients.
  • In reply to the first part of the objection, we would observe, that among all uncivilized people rites and customs prevail, which are abhorent to the better instructed christian; and with regard to the latter we would ask, what can be expected to result from a system which so degrades and brutifies a class of men, repressing everything that is noble and generous in them, and encouraging the growth of all that is vicious and mischievous in their merely animal nature. God's image in ebony : being a series of biographical sketches, facts, anecdotes, etc., demonstrative of the mental powers and intellectual capacities of the Negro race, by edited
  • The dozens of recorded conversations between Ms. Chiesi and Mr. Kurland are replete with examples of Kurland encouraging her to get information, of Kurland belittling her ability to analyze financial data, of Kurland being the New Castle decision maker regarding investment decisions," said Alan Kaufman , her lawyer, in a court filing. Chiesi Seeks Lighter Sentence in Insider Case
  • Since it was first launched in Namibia in 1991, there have been encouraging developments.
  • Encouraging more over-50s to stay in work could provide a huge fillip to the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Campaigners accuse the government of encouraging the practice while gagging its critics.
  • The genuine protestors were joined by outside agitators, intent on encouraging violence.
  • The early signs were not encouraging, especially when he missed a tackle on De Wet Barry.
  • He found he could get patients to talk just by putting them in a relaxing position (the couch) and encouraging them to say whatever came into their heads (free association).
  • A concept for encouraging the reuse of cardboard boxes, the Box Table is assembled from a pre-printed box with only a few simple cuts and folds. Gretchen | Inhabitat
  • Inflation prospects were encouraging following the fall in the headline and underlying rate, which excludes mortgage rates, in April.
  • Still, encouraging as such capital outlays are, they pale in comparison with Western investment in neighboring countries.
  • The coach patted the player on the back and said a few encouraging words.
  • There was a lot of positive feedback which was very encouraging.
  • "Feels just like the real thing," she said, with an encouraging smile.
  • Sara realized how much practice he had had when he spoke to her in his nice, encouraging voice. A Little Princess
  • Those figures are mildly encouraging, but we need faster progress.
  • 1When the uproar had ended, Paul sent for the disciples and, after encouraging them, said good-by and set out for Macedonia.
  • The settlement stemmed from a complaint filed in July by Minneapolis barista Erik Forman who claimed he was fired for encouraging workers to join the Industrial Workers of the World union. RSS Feed - Politics & Policy
  • Word back from the players is very encouraging for the future.
  • Critics say ministers should be looking at encouraging people to give up sugar themselves. The Sun
  • We improved our policy to stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startups, and enforced the minimum wage system.
  • Clive and Elsa are massively proud of the new male and female they have in their tank, whom they are now encouraging to perform a mating ritual-dance known as imprinting and whom they whimsically name Fred and Ginger. Splice
  • A sharp currency depreciation can work both by increasing the price competitiveness of British exports and by encouraging domestic consumers to switch their spending away from imports. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have imported from the US a moral appendage to our lowish tax economy that involves the government encouraging people to take more control over certain aspects of their lives.
  • It is functional, and gives very encouraging results.
  • Go on, " he said encouragingly to his student.
  • I did not know Saint John, but the interview had been encouraging.
  • We are also seeing encouraging signs of a boost to export competitiveness from a weaker sterling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Issues like crosstalk and overwriting are being addressed with encouraging results.
  • Although she enjoys the aesthetic value of wild flowers, her reason for encouraging their widespread growth is principally scientific.
  • Beijing is encouraging the development of big retail groups as part of attempts to strengthen the industry before it lifts curbs on overseas retailers.
  • Currently, China adopts a legislative policy encouraging derivative action.
  • The central strategy of the housing announcement is a new-build indemnity scheme, which will target first-time buyers by encouraging lenders to provide 95% loan-to-value mortgages on newly built homes. U.K. Plans Housing Scheme
  • This is a Republican sending in a statement listing Ted Kennedy's accomplishment like the "Orphan Drug Act" which provided tax credits for encouraging the development of medicines for rare deceases. CNN Transcript Aug 26, 2009
  • I was encouraging him to take sips because he was eating salty things. The Sun
  • -- What think you, my dear, of compromising with your friends, by rejecting both men, and encouraging my parader? Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2
  • · The need to 'sift' the materials coming from China to screen out the bad while encouraging the high end manufacturers that produce superior quality ingredients. NutraIngredients-USA RSS
  • Placing pleasing photographs from the past on a website and encouraging the independent preservation of borough buildings, while enjoyable, is largely passive and only one facet of what we think is possible both through the Beachwood Historical Alliance and the borough at large. Beachwood Downtown Revitalization and Community Involvement « Beachwood Historical Alliance
  • Whilst the halcyon days of the past are unlikely to return in the professional era, there are now at least some encouraging signs of a revival in the fortunes of these once great clubs.
  • The next step is to provide your ongoing support while encouraging them to get help.
  • This will mean a drop in money for big farmers and greater emphasis on encouraging local enterprise.
  • Homogamy The condition in flowers in which the anthers and stigmas ripen at the same time, so encouraging self-pollination.
  • The genuine protestors were joined by outside agitators, intent on encouraging violence.
  • Yet he speaks to you in a kind, gracious, encouraging way. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘It has given the security department a lift and it is encouraging that there is now a serious deterrent,’ he said.
  • The store has helped expand the British cheese market by encouraging small dairy farmers.
  • It seems as though they are subtly encouraging people to give more installments of less money * wink wink*. Report: Nearly 250,000 Donors Give To Obama Campaign
  • He isn't encouraging his daughters to be ballerinas.
  • Fearnley-Whittingstall’s occasional efforts to explain butchery, like boning a leg of lamb (encouraging his readers not to bother with a professional but to do the 'hatchet job yourself — it’s quite easy to improvise'), reveal a tolerance for chaos ( 'It’s a bit tricky to explain') that may be without precedent among people who make An Books Blog featuring news, reviews, interviews and guest author blogs.
  • There is even a section for encouraging specific submitted sites to syndicate their content.
  • The central bank's decision to sharply raise its rediscount rate is aimed at encouraging banks to hold more funds, after it said it wants to cut credit growth to less than 20% and limit money supply expansion to less than 16% this year," said an analyst with Hanoi-based Agribank. Vietnam Raises Key Interest Rates
  • There is clearly a fine line between stifling government intervention and encouraging creativity and innovation.
  • Invoking the deaths of the father and the artist sacralizes the artistic enterprise, encouraging the work's celebration while shielding it from political and economic critique.
  • The state of those relations, on Gorbachev's accession, was not an encouraging one.
  • This may seem rather dreary as a recipe for encouraging literature, but it was spiced up in a number of ways. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.
  • The government did its best to rally public opinion behind the war effort by encouraging public celebrations to commemorate war victories.
  • Secondly, we need to be encouraging more small businesses to hire employees by cutting red tape. The Sun
  • Secondly, we need to be encouraging more small businesses to hire employees by cutting red tape. The Sun
  • Conclusion This study emphasizes the importance of providing training on leprosy to the doctors in dermatologic clinics while continuously encouraging their involvement in leprosy control.
  • In this paper, the retrieval approaches using the shape and texture features of lacework are studied and some encouraging experimental results are got.
  • I had been encouraging Mum and Dad to visit me on my travels but so far the sticking point has been my Dad's knees.
  • We have got a great goalkeeping coach called Seamus McDonagh who works you hard and is very encouraging.
  • We should be incentivizing people to build estates and create wealth and encouraging that.
  • The surge in car sales was regarded as an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.
  • But there are plenty of times in this odd mismatch when Seligman the referee is the most absorbing person in the ring, not least when he's encouraging himself to make the most of Sontag. Odd Couple
  • Since we last met, there have been further encouraging developments.
  • Taxes reduce pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases by penalizing driving and by encouraging people to purchase more fuel-efficient cars.
  • Steer control induces a resistance in the steering, encouraging the driver to steer away from the resistance and so, out of the skid or slide.
  • Encouragingly, five patients exhibited no increases in tumor size and no new metastases for three to four months. The Scientist
  • From a programming perspective, these things are quite nostalgic - encouraging you to get stuck in and write some good old assembly code.
  • June 6 -- Belgian Legation at Washington gives out a statement answering the German White Book recently issued at Berlin making accusations against the Belgian civilian population; reply denounces allegations of franc-tireur warfare as false and unsupported; Belgian Government, instead of encouraging civilian resistance, warned the population against it. New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 4, July, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • I spoke to Jonathan, and he said some very encouraging words, and everything shifted.
  • Our party believes in encouraging cultural diversity, not diversion.
  • In the late 1990s, city officials began to revitalize the area by renovating storefronts and encouraging the growth of local businesses, including restaurants and boutiques.
  • Police are encouraging residents to join their e-mail information line in a bid to crack down on criminals.
  • If the name Lions can be applied to all combined British teams to have played internationals against the All Blacks, the record does not make encouraging reading in the northern hemisphere.
  • This is no positive, encouraging pep talk. Christianity Today
  • Instead, manufacturers are encouraging us to buy faster machines with more storage capacity and better displays.
  • A dose of modestly positive and stable inflation acts as an economic lubricant, encouraging consumers to spend and businesses to invest in anticipation of that demand. Times, Sunday Times
  • IT is encouraging to see efforts being made either to rehabilitate runaway children, also called street kids.
  • No moral qualms about encouraging non-stop gambling? Times, Sunday Times
  • Since Paglia herself has been among the most vocal champions of "popular culture" among academics and intellectuals, the essay can almost be read as a kind of apology for her own excesses in encouraging us to "become unmoored from the mother ship of culture," or at least as an expression of second thoughts about her own possible collusion with the powers that be in the academy in "subverting" literature and the fine arts. Literary Study
  • They have also been successful in encouraging many traditional pet shops to sell pre-packed pet foods, rather than loose from a sack.
  • Instead, he instigated a demand-led programme, encouraging staff to come up with innovative ideas and then cherry-picking those that would add value to the economy.
  • This will be a round-the-clock “prayer vigil at an abortion facility,” she says, encouraging her audience to sign up for a time slot once a week. American Grace
  • But not trying to present it as some kind of policy for first-time buyers, or encouraging banks to overextend again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The surge in car sales was regarded as an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.
  • The batsmen are set for a less stressful few weeks, with Ponting encouraging them to put their feet up.
  • Instead the system is encouraging those who should be entering the lifeblood of the economy to look elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • The research team concluded that parents are still raising girls and boys in environments that are “globally different”; they are still encouraging “sex-typed play by selecting different toys for female and male children, even before the child can express her or his own preferences.” Failing at FAIRNESS
  • Talk with optimistic and encouraging people for they bring a sense of hope into the world, a new meaning to life. They help you see past the clouds on a glooming day, they bring sunlight everyday.
  • He responded to a skeptical question by encouraging us to view his outline as a map.
  • You will become more joyful as your focus turns outward to helping and encouraging others. Christianity Today
  • An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity. Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
  • In addition, bilateral aid agencies and private foundations are encouraging South–South research collaboration.
  • As encouraging the sustainable use of coral reefs for the fishkeeping hobby.
  • There are now encouraging signs that just such combined action is being taken.
  • Encouraging system construction of scientific research in higher education aims to effective impacts under fully consideration of infection factors, which is verified through input-output analysis.
  • The second hazard is that old bugaboo, moisture, encouraging mildew growth and eventual decay.
  • This is no positive, encouraging pep talk. Christianity Today
  • You will become more joyful as your focus turns outward to helping and encouraging others. Christianity Today
  • Is it responsible to be actively encouraging gay men to use a product that is untested?
  • Meantime, however, the growth in uptake in the new system is proving very encouraging.
  • Despite the many other health benefits of regular exercise, this guidance has been criticised for potentially misleading the public or encouraging people to eat without restriction. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had _Tom_ even invented a new kind of blacking, or if _Dan_ had started a newspaper, it might have been encouraging for those among the listeners who were thinking of engaging in similar professions. The Art of the Story-Teller
  • The doctors are as encouraging as they dare be.
  • Our nobly intended welfare programs may be encouraging dysgenics-retrogressive evolution through disproportionate reproduction of the genetically disadvantage … We fear that 'fatuous beliefs' in the power of welfare money, unaided by eugenic foresight, may contribute to a decline of human quality for all segments of society. Climate Progress
  • Some of the fuddy-duddy rules and regulations perhaps have eased, and we could do with encouraging more youngsters, but we have kept the essence of the game as it always was.
  • The idea that you can improve your wealth by encouraging your birthrate or boosting immigration to make up the numbers makes no sense at all.
  • He was charming and polite and very encouraging to those who would follow in his footsteps.
  • By days, she whispered encouraging words to the blooms that she pruned and primped. Three-Minute Fiction Favorites
  • Private landlords often play a key role in encouraging other owners to get work done.
  • If they were encouraging genuine truants back to school then I would be entirely supportive.
  • Builders already sense a more encouraging market in coming months.
  • Tang said the government is actively promoting competition by allowing more oil companies to become established in Hong Kong and encouraging the opening of more petrol stations.
  • Sometimes you can help a dying person by encouraging relatives to face the reality of the situation. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • It is an interactive exhibition encouraging visitors to pretend they are a spy and choose a cover identity.
  • It was encouraging to see that 90 percent of the Haitian electors had registered, and that 60 percent of those electors have voted in the first round of the elections.
  • Our results so far are very encouraging and have far exceeded our expectations," said professor Peter Bruce, of the University of St Andrews' chemistry department, in a news release Monday.
  • As a way of reminding and motivating students, you can see chalked on blackboards in most classrooms countdowns of the days to the examination and some encouraging words.
  • The government has been encouraging individuals to opt out of the state pension scheme.
  • A praise-worthy tendency, encouraging the peoples of Europe to unite, is confronted today with the impossibility of harmonization of the atrophied and hypertrophic parts of our civilization. Odysseus Elytis - Nobel Lecture
  • But the campaign is about more than encouraging local residents to read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Massage can also be useful in encouraging the movement of stored toxins towards the body 's natural purification centres. The A-Z of Beauty Treatment
  • This last practice is objectionable too, as encouraging celibacy, and the disinherison of heirs. — The Jeffersonian Cyclopedia
  • It is encouraging that Gore's television ads have not trimmed to the right.
  • Distributist and subsidiarist ideas, encouraging guilds and associations, flourished for a time in 1920s Italy in the form of Mussolini's early corporatism.
  • There has been an encouraging response since the club advertised a few days ago.
  • Ploys included offering time-sensitive discounts and encouraging customers to book early to get money off. Times, Sunday Times
  • - Create a complish your goals. group experience for your members that enables you to meet your strate - gic goals while encouraging those who join your group to participate as you Remember, people have always sat hope they will. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • They could have been even shorter, except encouraging signs have been so hard to come by for the Warriors this preseason.
  • Insect life is increasing rapidly, encouraging birds such as snipe, curlew, grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler, and whinchat.
  • I hate that you have the ear of 10 percent of the nation when you make your horrible statements showing your fatism… encouraging others in insulting and disrespecting fat people.
  • While the motives of the founders of these organisations vary, the theme of socialising youth and encouraging responsible behaviour is a common one.
  • We have further increased diversity by: Giving schools control over their own budgets and encouraging new types of school.
  • The survey's findings were far from encouraging, and indicated major structural problems.
  • The initial response has been encouraging.
  • The investigation has been triggered by spam texts encouraging people to sign up to online casinos with free bets. Times, Sunday Times
  • A father from the evacuated village of Itate says his child's initial checkup Sunday was encouraging.
  • Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency (ISPAT) is the official organization for encouraging and promoting investment in Turkey.
  • Also, restricting travel, encouraging business practices that minimize contact among employees, such as teleconferences, liberal leave policies. CNN Transcript May 3, 2006
  • Encouraging people to shop locally is a central plank of his environment policy.
  • Moments ago he was doing drive-bys and selling drugs; now he's praising higher education and encouraging kids to be deep-sea explorers.
  • He likened his trail-blazing approach to being the first to jump into a swimming pool, so encouraging others to follow. Times, Sunday Times
  • I groped for encouraging words, I fumbled for motivational encouragement, but the words just refused to be found.
  • He said that GEAR was nevertheless contributing towards the economy's improved competitiveness by encouraging a huge short-term inflow of capital, enhancing the competitiveness of South African businesses and indirectly encouraging the unbundling of the major conglomerates via the partial rlaxation of exchange controls. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Early signs are encouraging.
  • It's encouraging and inspiring to meet generous and warm-hearted persons with vision and philosophy.
  • As each hoplite was unshielded on his right side, he relied on the man next to him for protection, encouraging by necessity a strong sense of unity in battle. Alexander the Great
  • I am now volunteering my time to educate schools and colleges about the hazards of scented products, encouraging them to adopt fragrance-free policies for their students and staff.
  • Top pubs and bars have joined the voluntary ban on encouraging binge boozing in a bid to attract ‘better’ drinkers.
  • They were accused of encouraging children to rat on their parents.
  • The teacher has a role in encouraging the pupil to use the aid and in reducing teasing by other pupils.
  • The booming economy is also enticing new industries into the country and encouraging existing businesses to expand, fuelling further demands for gas.

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