How To Use Encouragement In A Sentence

  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • It was said that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by _national punishments_, and that the continuance of the slave trade, and thus giving it a national character, sanction, and encouragement, ought to be considered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and vengeance of him who is equally the Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor _African slave_ and his _American master_! [ The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • The children would gather in a noisy clump at the rear window to shout encouragement and offer coaching tips to their pursuer.
  • This is what theologians call a theophany—a temporary vision of God given to his people for the purpose of encouragement. ONE GREAT TRUTH
  • The song, printed below, which had its first airing on BBC Radio Swindon, is a blend of guitar and keyboard work with some uplifting words of encouragement for the boys.
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  • She needs advice and encouragement more than she would ever admit.
  • It's a virtual community, united by rah-rah chat groups in which program participants dish training tips and offer encouragement.
  • Thus, each outlay of dutiful public "support" was eventually marred by some tactless remark or hint of encouragement to an outraged bitter-ender that, if only they kept faith, there might still be a way. Hillary Goes Out With a Whimper
  • The movement of part of the Russian humanitarian convoy provided a further glimmer of encouragement last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • With his support and encouragement I took my first somewhat unsteady steps towards the production of a unit in financial accounting.
  • With encouragement from Formosan Chinese … the trustees have for several months conducted a drive to collect petitions for transfer to Formosa. How Wars end
  • Encouragement and support do they derive from James, in maintaining the "peculiar institution" which they call patriarchal, and boast of as the "corner-stone" of the republic? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • All that was needed was a sustained opportunistic exploitation and minimal encouragement of what were still rather unimportant plant food sources.
  • Generous with encouragement for preservation, the Colonial Office was stingy with funds to pay for policing vast unsettled areas.
  • With his support and encouragement I took my first somewhat unsteady steps towards the production of a unit in financial accounting.
  • It was a cruel drawback to her hopes to see him first thus in public: but the manner of Mrs. Arlbery at the hotel, he had thought repulsive; he had observed that she seemed offended with him since the rencounter at the breakfast given for Miss Dennel; and he now wished for some encouragement for renewing his rights to the acquaintance. Camilla
  • Parents and supporters are welcome to lend encouragement to our young players.
  • Handicraftsmen lost their patrons who used to give them material help and encouragement.
  • Such encouragement is both direct and indirect. Christianity Today
  • I really like the encouragement to be a better wife, mom, and homemaker homeschooler. Inspirational Sewing
  • The majority of popular culture is commercially produced ephemera of mostly lamentable quality which needs absolutely no help or encouragement from government.
  • Round and round the decks they went, Mugridge sick with fear, the sailors hallooing and shouting directions to one another, and the hunters bellowing encouragement and laughter.
  • Always at his best out on the training field, he was said to become increasingly and untypically remote, and he left, after considerable vocal encouragement from Leeds fans, in 1980. Jimmy Adamson obituary
  • Beyond your personal encouragement (and a Chiefs aye a consoling influence on the field, I'll never deny), there's little you could do here that cannot, with your pardon, be fairly well done by Sir Donald and myself, and Elrigmore here, who have made what you might call a trade of tulzie and brulzie. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • The encouragement given made for a great rapport with the class and gave a stimulus to improve the lectures.
  • Perhaps I can offer a few words of encouragement to those who did not win any prizes this time.
  • Perkin, with the encouragement of some older entrepreneurs, soon proved that the new color, mauveine, was fast in wool and silk. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
  • Next, with the mayor's encouragement, the NYPD moved 300 officers to a new task force charged with stopping the attacks.
  • Encouragement and support do they derive from James, in maintaining the "peculiar institution" whence they derived their wealth, which they call patriarchal, and boast of as the "corner-stone" of the republic? The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • On this episode of Seeds of Encouragement farm family coach Elaine Froese describes what she calls the vintage advantage.www. Many farm men don't want to talk about life after farming because they don't have a clue what they are going to do. - Articles related to Community Gardens
  • These are really two entirely different problems: lack of encouragement is not the same as someone degrading you as a person or telling you your project will never work.
  • Kids raised in authoritarian households got grades comparable to kids from what we called authoritative households, where you had strictness accompanied by warmth and encouragement of self-direction.
  • `The woman is left with a memory of perfect love and consummation...' `Yeah,' said Charlie, with no encouragement. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • And he turned back, and stood talking once more in Margaret's presence, door in hand, only waiting for some little speech of encouragement to come in and sit down again. Mary Barton
  • The parental love and encouragement have been nurturing a young tree, which will surely grow into a gigantic one in the future.
  • People lined the streets, lustily blowing vuvuzelas or shouting encouragement.
  • He spoke to one cataphract or another to give them encouragement, but he had not the ease to make other men easy, as our king did—had done, when he was alive. Wildfire
  • Moreover, such policy encouragement for partnered women to prioritise motherhood turns to disapprobation if those same women become single parents.
  • The unaccountable failure needled O as he landed in Chicago and noticed again he had not been able to give comfort and encouragement, as he had planned to, to a friend from his past for whom he still felt affection. O: A Presidential Novel
  • It is not the same as barratry, which is active encouragement of lawsuits. Sui Generis--a New York law blog:
  • How many congenitally unmusical youngsters were seduced into thinking they were congenital geniuses by Peel's enthusiastic, sinusitic, cod-Liverpudlian encouragement?
  • Nor would Edwin concede more than a spineless encouragement that she be hopeful and humble in their work together.
  • He sat in front, nodding encouragement and urging the boy on.
  • The encouragement, critique and camaraderie is something which is really important to me. Professional Development for Writers: 10 Simple Ideas « Write Anything
  • While the government appears to be bending over backwards to help foreign car makers, there is still little outward encouragement for our most important industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • He proceeded to give us encouragement and advice as we struggled to fashion a belt out of an oily rag.
  • There he remained for most of the first half, only emerging intermittently to offer words of criticism or encouragement.
  • This encouragement must be particularly addressed to the common soldiers by a priest appointed, and, the Jews say, anointed, for that purpose, whom they call the anointed of the war, a very proper title for our anointed Redeemer, the captain of our salvation: This priest, in God's name, was to animate the people; and who so fit to do that as he whose office it was as priest to pray for them? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • Occasionally some unhinged goon will run alongside showering riders with water or giving them a push up the hill but it is mostly high-spirited encouragement.
  • I draw great encouragement from the fact that the classroom is always full.
  • His expression lacked warmth or encouragement.
  • While there is little that is new in Kirk's presentation, and the writing is marred by many infelicities and misprints, anyone who writes with sensitivity on this practitioner of Baroque poetry deserves encouragement.
  • One of the main benefits is encouragement and motivation from hearing how others are getting on. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1149
  • Many instructing solicitors, and younger colleagues at the bar, speak of the encouragement he gave them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
  • There's national encouragement to meet that commitment, but it's for each parish to decide if it wants a formal scheme.
  • It offers facile encouragement to youths wishing to rebel against cliquish conformity and be true to themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • He needs all the support and encouragement he can get.
  • This can easily rear its head here in drug gangs and petty crime like vandalism without any encouragement.
  • The coach clapped the new member of his team on the back to suggest his encouragement.
  • I got some inspiring encouragement from a number of individuals during My Project.
  • For King, this was sufficient encouragement. PERDITA: The Life of Mary Robinson
  • The young writer owed his success to his teacher's encouragement.
  • Hayley's husband Greg walked along side her for the whole 5km cheering and whistling, providing the encouragement she needed to win.
  • Again, thank you all for the encouragement, the flattering reviews, and your unbeatable, unflagging enthusiasm.
  • She painted less and, without Quinn's encouragement, she was less eager to exhibit.
  • I would have liked to tell you in person that I have found your way of expressing your thoughts on the future of our profession and knowledge management to be inspirational and that I read "out front with stephan abram" on the bus during my commute to my first professional library job- just to soak up your vision and boost my confidence with your bravado and encouragement. Stephen's Lighthouse: SLA Western Canada Chapter
  • For the maximum velocity, I'm suggesting that you give your encouragement to someone who can't return the favor—it's a distinction that won't be lost on the recipient.
  • So when the builders told her she was dreaming, baulked at her unusual ideas and promptly doubled their cost, that was all the encouragement the business woman needed.
  • Together with the evident popularity of cathedral music, these are a cause of encouragement for church music in this country.
  • Getting the support of the Queen was a great encouragement to those involved in the project.
  • They disclaim, however, all desire of employing compulsory measures for that purpose, but recommended every mode of encouragement, and particularly by augmented wages, "_in order to induce manufacturers of wrought silk to quit that branch and take to the winding of raw silk_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • I cannot believe I will not get another cheery call with a bright idea, a suggestion, a bit of encouragement, or a bit of a plaudit for something I might have done that had a bit of an effect.
  • Now, thanks to the encouragement of the leadership of the Republican party, they're a well-funded and orgranized collection of fundamentalists and people in Armani suits and SUV's with a strange affinity for golf outings and firearms. July 2005
  • But finding little encouragement this way for any who could not in conscience join with prelacy, or the prevailing defections of those called the indulged, he took a resolution, and went over among others to Holland (shortly before or after Bothwel) for the further improvement of his studies, where he continued some short time, and then returned home to his native country. Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
  • Other patients needed encouragement to call their health care providers regarding specific problems they were experiencing.
  • I groped for encouraging words, I fumbled for motivational encouragement, but the words just refused to be found.
  • We are all profoundly grateful for your help and encouragement.
  • As we jounced up and down the dirt roads of the town, he yelled greetings and encouragement out his window and everybody waved. Kook
  • True believers can even take encouragement from the meagreness of so much of the action in Coimbra.
  • And that comes only from a constant supply of positive encouragement. Christianity Today
  • ‘I spoke to the museum's director and said it's not acceptable; it's inciting murder, it's the encouragement of genocide.’
  • At each step of the way the characters provide lots of friendly encouragement.
  • He knew that most people respond better to encouragement than to harsh criticism.
  • I remain thankful to so many across this state and nation for their words of encouragement and prayers during this difficult time. Jenny Sanford files for divorce
  • His expression lacked warmth or encouragement.
  • Plenty of students are still reading the classics of teen literature - Catch-22, the Vonnegut catalogue (I don't really know what the more feminie equivalents are) - without any particular guidance or encouragement from what they've learned in class. Matt Zeitlin: Impetuous Young Whippersnapper
  • He was always approachable and consistently offered genuine encouragement and support, as well as sound advice, to all concerned. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was said that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by _national punishments_, and that the continuance of the slave trade, and thus giving it a national character, sanction, and encouragement, ought to be considered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and vengeance of him who is equally the Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor _African slave_ and his _American master! The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • At the same time, realistic encouragement should be given to ensure that the patient remains hopeful about his eventual outcome.
  • They could identify with my struggle and could offer specific encouragement and advice. Christianity Today
  • We enjoyed the spirit and verve of Andrew Cuomo's speech: the young lancer laying out the problem and part of his plan if there be a plan; the Albany veterans, expressing verbal support and encouragement, the infighting necessarily left for another day and a place outside public view. Henry J. Stern: The Governor's Speech
  • Parents are expected to offer encouragement and support. Times, Sunday Times
  • They may be more circumspect about public encouragement these days but they continue to sponsor and facilitate his freelance crusade.
  • The protection effect may overpower the encouragement effect when citizens are optimistic and vice versa when citizens are pessimistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kind words have just the opposite effect: They are salutary and healing because they offer encouragement and hope to others.
  • For me, it has not yet been realized what the rest of one's life, is my greatest encouragement.
  • After about half an hour, the party were summoned to reboard their plane and no one needed any encouragement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The value of praise in providing encouragement has to be blended with the instructional benefit that criticism can bring to the pupil.
  • In this unfamiliar setting, experienced educators needed and received support, encouragement and validation.
  • We expect encouragement when others believe that what we are attempting is a worthwhile endeavor or when it is obvious that there is a chance of success.
  • At the nadir of her career, she was given a great encouragement by his marrying her.
  • Her humor offered encouragement to children who faced cancer, and their courage in turn helped her face it.
  • And so it is that this Christmas Day I want to send a special message of encouragement and good cheer to those of you whose lot is cast in dull and unenvied surroundings, to those whose names will never be household words, but to whose work and loyalty we owe so much.
  • “J.R.G.,” as we loved to call him, took up my efforts with the warmest encouragement, tempered, indeed, by constant fears that I should become a hopeless bookworm and dryasdust, yielding day after day to the mere luxury of reading, and putting nothing into shape! Writer's Recollections
  • But if Mr. Trichet got encouragement on the Greek front at the summit, he will have been dismayed at the bad-tempered standoff between the new Irish government and its creditors. EU States Duck Financing Challenge
  • Don't bark instructions: Don't shout encouragement like a coach with a megaphone.
  • Mary added a few words of comfort and encouragement to her uncle, and then she and Tom took leave of him, flying back to Shopton in the speedy Air Scout. Tom Swift and His Undersea Search, or, the Treasure on the Floor of the Atlantic
  • I always feel a certain trepidation when I read the work of a friend, especially one who has given me as much encouragement and help as sartorias has. August 15th, 2006
  • Mountmellick is especially indebted to Stephen for his help and encouragement in getting the branch set up.
  • Any expression of approval would probably meet the criterion of affirmative suggestion or encouragement.
  • Our display attracted a lot of attention and we were heartened by kind words of support and encouragement that we received.
  • They enjoy painting for its own sake, and although adult interest provides encouragement, it is essentially a private activity.
  • The precept is threefold, ask, seek, knock; there is precept upon precept; but the promise is sixfold, line upon line, for our encouragement; because a firm belief of the promise would make us cheerful and constant in our obedience. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • He saw Gray run along the top of the trench, shouting encouragement.
  • But it was as yet uncertain whether the proposal would obtain more than a few stray votes in the House: and when, after a debate in which the speaker's on the contrary side were conspicuous by their feebleness, the votes recorded in favour of the motion amounted to 73 -- made up by pairs and tellers to above 80 -- the surprise was general, and the encouragement great: the greater, too, because one of those who voted for the motion was Mr Bright, a fact which could only be attributed to the impression made on him by the debate, as he had previously made no secret of his nonconcurrence in the proposal. The autobiography of John Stuart Mill
  • The movement of part of the Russian humanitarian convoy provided a further glimmer of encouragement last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • Initially, I quailed at the thought, but with the encouragement of my friends and the realisation that this would finally expose my genius outside of the blogosphere, I capitulated.
  • For neither in this chapter nor anywhere in Christ's teaching is there one word against what we call forethought, and they who would find in the words of Jesus any encouragement to thriftlessness are but misrepresenting Him and deceiving themselves. The Teaching of Jesus
  • In addition there was a fellow in a brown bowler hat, another in a shapeless cloth cap with a peak, and both added their encouragements, turning to Waistcoat in a laconic collusion.
  • And they sat beneath the whipping cherry tree, holding each other's hands for encouragement.
  • We expect encouragement when others believe that what we are attempting is a worthwhile endeavor or when it is obvious that there is a chance of success.
  • In the early 1970s the policies evolved into the more fashionable growth centres programme which lead to the selective encouragement of urban centres. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • The individual will be supporting with developing towards becoming a pure paraplanner with encouragement and time out to studying the DipFS and Chartered level exams as well as working closely with a high quality team. IFA Administrator / Junior Paraplanner - Cambridge - Cambridge - £20000 - £26000 per annum - Administrators - idex Professional Recruitment
  • Now the Australian finds himself offering similar words of encouragement to another team-mate.
  • I draw great encouragement from the fact that the classroom is always full.
  • The decision to delay the new parliament's first sitting will only add to cynicism in the electorate and will be no encouragement to take part in the election.
  • I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
  • The protection effect may overpower the encouragement effect when citizens are optimistic and vice versa when citizens are pessimistic. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the Giants took to the ice, though, she found herself cheering along with the rest of the fans in the rink, yelling and screaming encouragement.
  • The restive residents here need little encouragement to take to the streets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether the Airforce are led by a large margin or not, he is there on the touch line offering them encouragement.
  • Faith gives strength to prayer, the great instrument against the foe (Jas 1: 6, &c.). knowing, &c. -- "encouragement not to faint in afflictions": your brethren suffer the same; nothing beyond the common lot of Christians befalls you (1Co 10: 13). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
  • His encouragement buoyed her up during that difficult period.
  • The Austrian chancellor also had words of encouragement.
  • We offer sympathy and solace and encouragement and recipes. Times, Sunday Times
  • If talking is your weakness then give encouragement by non verbal gestures, short prompt words and phrases.
  • Instructing me carefully where best to stand on the narrow ledge while disengaging me from the safety rope, it seemed a long way down to where the guys who had jumped before me were watching and shouting encouragement.
  • The findings will give encouragement to elderly people around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Master's vineyard, she could slip on her bonnet and shawl and just run into the preaching service close by, and gather strength and encouragement from the earnest prayers and humble exhortations of those men whom God had found in the quarry, at the loom, in the mine, or at the lapstone, and sent forth Sunday by Sunday into the villages to preach a homely gospel to the poor, and comfort to His flock. Little Abe Or, The Bishop of Berry Brow
  • But the historian, being captived to the truth of a foolish world, is many times a terror from well-doing, and an encouragement to unbridled wickedness. English literary criticism
  • The magazine was clearly bought by those of the lower social orders who sought to improve themselves, and such people got little encouragement from most of the intellectual community.
  • Barring the nightly message of encouragement captain Kardar stuck to his bathroom mirror, there were no instructions from the skipper.
  • No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool.
  • Yet in James's African-American community, rising intonation conveys the desire for encouragement.
  • Like so much managerialism, the rules are an active encouragement to dishonesty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Getting the support of the Queen was a great encouragement to those involved in the project.
  • Remember, though, that regrowth takes encouragement and energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is hardly a ringing battle cry to the party faithful or an encouragement to the independent voters, and it corrodes his halo as a selfless public servant.
  • Kittirat admitted that Thai investors might need encouragement.
  • The apostle never flattered his friends, but he took pleasure in commending them, and speaking well of them, to the glory of God and for the excitement and encouragement of others. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Mutual respect, encouragement and the protection of rights and freedoms allow a healthily diverse society to flourish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone who encourages the opponents by booing their team while that team still holds the lead only gives hope and encouragement to the opposition, demonstrating that you are weakling losers, the kind of ninnies who will turn on your own in a heartbeat, whenever the going gets rough. MVN
  • Everyone is working out the line between encouragement and patronization. Hope Unseen
  • Children need lots of encouragement from their parents.
  • At Gasthaus Roessler, tucked away safely in the Pankower Viertel, I didn't need to give him any encouragement. Sullen Months, Möbius Strips
  • What I have since learnt is you also need lots of encouragement, guidance and hardwork. Excuses, Excuses « Write Anything
  • Readers will experience the love and reverence Walter Mosley has crafted into this encouragement affirmation of all humanity.
  • Even in coeducational schools, practically no encouragement was given to the girls. What do u think of my Research? « Literacy Research « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • It is designed to provide encouragement and financial support to five outstanding young students considering a professional career in music.
  • Nevertheless, the developments I have just described do provide cause for encouragement.
  • I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
  • I can still see myself roping up, checking all of my knots, and peeking over at Mikey; hoping for a bit of encouragement or maybe just a bit of courage.
  • But with blessed juices flowing, chocolate coins clinking against the tile floor, and kids screaming encouragement at their dreidels -- that didn't really seem like a problem. Adam Valen Levinson: Abu Dhabi Bar Mitzvah: A Christmas Story
  • That both artists provided each other with support and encouragement is inescapable in the letters. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Any sign of encouragement could give a lift to shares, which have been trading near their all-time low point and are at a discount to others in the sector.
  • Another measure that could boost employment is the encouragement of small-scale business enterprises.
  • I do not think there is one person within his orbit who was not the beneficiary of his wisdom, encouragement, and generosity.
  • Be all ungentleness and harm excluded from the temples of the Household Gods, but be those remembrances admitted with tender encouragement! What Christmas is as we grow older, by Charles Dickens
  • When they finally got out of the stadium, they could see a huge valley of people screaming cheers of encouragement and delight at them.
  • A big drop in bond yields offered little encouragement for a tired stock market.
  • These wonderful people always find time to share information, ideas, and encouragement.
  • Observe, The goodness of God in converting and saving sinners heretofore is a proper encouragement to others in after-time to hope in his grace and mercy, and to apply themselves to these. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Where do they get the authority and encouragement to practise their childish, schoolyard insolence and contempt of our leaders?
  • Initially, he had planned only to produce and star in the project, but, with the encouragement of his co-producer, he agreed to take the reins as director.
  • The most calloused trull would do it, given a fingerbreadth of encouragement, and other women took even less. Conan The Unconquered
  • Encouragement and real results are the essential ingredients required to nurture adequate supplies of willpower and to keep it growing.
  • It is comforting to hear your team-mates shouting their encouragement during a contest. Sit with your back straight and head erect.
  • More should be done to prosecute those countries they live off the proceeds of crime and they must be held accountable for the aid, support and, even encouragement they provide for some of the greediest most destructive criminals of this world. Wonk Room » UBS: Just The Tip Of The Tax Haven Iceberg
  • I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
  • The encouragement of smuggling was also an offshoot of this co-operation.
  • Don't egg him on! He gets himself into enough trouble without your encouragement.
  • Downloading movies and stuff puts a lot of encouragement to people to buy more and more bandwith which is ofcourse highly benifical for the ISP's. The Pirate Bay - Blog
  • But London is providing encouragement to the fighters and tacit support for their funders. Times, Sunday Times
  • England had been, and revered him with such enthusiasm for what she called his magnificent manhood and beneficence, as was ready on the least encouragement to have become something a good deal warmer; but whatever she did served to make her distasteful to him. My Young Alcides
  • They are useful facilities and a great encouragement to networking. Times, Sunday Times
  • La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed .
  • That is what makes Miliband, the genuine philosopher in the quartet, insist the promoting of equality and the encouragement of meritocracy - far from being antipathetic - are objectives that go hand-in-hand.
  • A system which offers extra help for the least academic, maximum encouragement for the average and the stretching of the brightest.
  • The Housing Act 1988 gave further encouragement to the breakup of the large housing estates remaining under local authority control.
  • While the knights turned their horses, and rode back to the distance of about a hundred and fifty yards, Quentin, looking to the ladies, bent low on his saddlebow, as if desiring their favourable regard, and as they streamed towards him their kerchiefs, in token of encouragement, the two assailants had gained the distance necessary for their charge. Quentin Durward
  • I take this moment to tell you today that I'm so grateful for the love that you give me.Your smiling face is like the sunlight which brightens my world.The comfort and encouragement you give to me help me through all the despair. Words can not express how much I feel for you.You're a wonderful wife who deserve all my love.Have a happy birthday!
  • Here Congress has offered relatively mild encouragement to the States to enact higher minimum drinking ages than they would otherwise choose.
  • Now that the dust has cleared I should begin by thanking you all for your words of support and encouragement last week.
  • Other athletes may be buying into that a lot more and thinking they are going to feel that encouragement from the crowd. Times, Sunday Times
  • We shall all remember Mr Page for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.
  • It is the general mental effect that the well-selected word of encouragement, the expression_r of willingness to help, the uplifting effect of the first aider's evident capability can be given.
  • This time the lashes touched for a fraction longer, suggesting a softening, a form of encouragement. THE INNOCENT

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