How To Use Encore In A Sentence

  • They were too cool to play an encore, or perhaps they had simply run out of songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • As such, the set was both heavy on the new material and encore-less, a sort of brilliant means of creating a Pavlovian effect on the assembled concert-goers.
  • On Sundaye mornynges itt is a fayre sighte to see her going to and fro churche in a _chapeau de Paris de la dernyère agonie_, bearyng a _parasolett a la ripp snap mettez-la encore debout_ style; and whych shee sayes is like a _homme blasé_, because it is Used Upp. Sundaie afternoon yee may find her in ye The Continental Monthly, Vol 2, No 6, December 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Yes, she would be compelled to grant an encore -- to _grant_ one. Tales of the Five Towns
  • DiDonato took a broader and more dramatic perspective in two Rossini numbers, Desdemona's haunting "Willow Song" from "Otello" and a dazzlingly virtuosic encore of "Tanti affetti," the final showpiece from "La Donna del Lago. SFGate: Top News Stories
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  • One final piece of understated showmanship: when the band came back for the encore, they straggled on in a seemingly random fashion.
  • Glencore's 2,000 employees share in regular distributions of its profits.
  • I didn't self-publish Shaken, even though I endorse self-pubbing, because AmazonEncore will be able to reach a much wider audience than I can on my own. Archive 2010-05-24
  • It was an encore to Athens-the chance for the established breed to reaffirm elite standing.
  • The encore - Le Basque - by Marin Marais, arranged for horn and piano is an absolute charmer.
  • The two-hour set was a mix of new songs and older hits with two encores.
  • Les autres (l'édition principalement) passeront encore longtemps par l'étape tirage papier ... Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • On est loin de la tuerie annoncée, SW le pouvoir de la force ne tient pas ses promesses, un scénario intéressant mais trop vite expédié et peu exploité via les cinématiques, des bugs majeurs à foisons, un système de caméra fixe mal foutu pour les boss, un multi inexistant et des séquences "cultes" complètement foirées "le Destroyer imperial ..." sont les conséquences de la sortie précipitée d'un jeu qui demandait encore de longs mois de développement. - Articles related to ETHIOPIA: Government denies food aid "manipulated" for political gain
  • And the outspoken expert took the bait - selecting the couple to perform an encore before stripping off to join them. The Sun
  • J'ai des nouvelles de ce coté d'ailleurs puisqu'ajd'hui vers midi et quart, genre l'heure ou tu manges et que personne est censé t'appeler, un monsieur qui ecorche mon nom de famille me demande si je recherche encore un emploi. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Lang's final encore last night was "Barefoot".
  • As if to echo these dramatic poses, the second encore closed with a country-fried cover of R. Kelly's 2002 single, "The World's Greatest. In concert: Bonnie "Prince" Billy at Rams Head Tavern
  • Called back for two rounds of encores, he ended this show in a chaotic scrum of group hugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • If he remains standing until the encore the concert can be classed as a success. Times, Sunday Times
  • Et si le vieux bonhomme ne nous apporte pas tout ce que nous avons demandé, rêvons encore plus fort et sans limites puisque les étoiles inconnnues seront telles que nous les aurons dessinées. Felix et errabunda VI
  • The pianist gave a long and varied recital, with a couple of encores for good measure.
  • Glencore has been named in connection with irregularities in the oil-for-food programme by the CIA.
  • When she returned to play an encore my heart sank. Times, Sunday Times
  • Il est toutefois encore disponible puisque comme Timulus, meme si indiqué SOLD OUT chez le fabricant, j'ai reussi a me le procurer. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The encore, slinking along on what Sun Ra might have called a Nubian wavelength, featured Mr. Zorn and Mr. Potter in successive solos, both sharply riveting, both exuding authority. NYT > Home Page
  • A Glencore spokesman "vigorously disputes" the charges.
  • Elle devint si ardente et si pressante que jamais encore je n'avais prié ainsi: je n'avais plus l'impression d'être agenouillée sur le plancher et ne ressentais plus aucune douleur corporelle. je voulais cesser de prier, mais mon ange me dit: «Continue! Archive 2008-10-19
  • On ne peut pas encore télécharger internet, mais pourquoi pas la plus grande encyclopédie collaborative pour commencer? Wikipedia dans votre poche?
  • J’avois encore reçû sur la route de la part de ce peuple, moins coupable que ceux qui l’ont enivré de fureur, des acclamations, et des applaudissements, dont d’autres auroient été flattés, et qui m’ont fait frémir. Paras. 100-124
  • At last he reaches the final few notes, his body devoid of tension and he adds a slight delay as if playing with the listener, dangling the promise of an encore.
  • They encored with England Made Me, and a brilliantly dispassionate version of one of Bowie's more histrionic moments.
  • It took its bow at Eniwetok in 1952 and then, for an encore, at Bikini in 1954. The '50S
  • _Adam: _ C'est le premier homme, Dieu en fait un grand nigaud, qui pour complaire a sa femme eut la betise de mordre dans une pomme que ses descendans n'ont point encore pu digerer. Baron D'Holbach : a Study of Eighteenth Century Radicalism in France
  • The audience cheered as the band walked onstage for another encore.
  • If he remains standing until the encore the concert can be classed as a success. Times, Sunday Times
  • So did the rest of the audience - for more rapturous applause and a second encore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Le rapport du CNUD de 1998 montre que les budgets les plus vitaux de l'humanité l'alimentation, l'accès à l'eau et les soins de base sont tout à fait gérables: nous disposons de tous les moyens techniques utiles et le financement en est simple puisque les sommes nécessaires représentent à peine le 10eme des sommes dépensées dans l'économie des stupéfiants, le militaire ou encore, la publicité! Archive 2009-04-10
  • They play for a very punk rock 40 minutes, although an ego like Borrell's is never going to resist an encore when there's a crowd baying for one, and they throw everything into it and at each other.
  • A ce peuple charme qui des yeux le devore Le bon Roi semble dire encore: 'Braves Gascons, accourez tous; Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropist
  • J'aime bien : “Je me suis rendu compte tout dernièrement à quel point il est facile de répondre à une question sans l'avoir lue en entier,” qui est le reflet moderne des vidéo discutions, la pertinence prend des reflet inférieur à la minute, alors que je suis encore entre 5 et 10 mn pour présenter une proposition. LIFT’08: David Brown Workshop — Teenagers and Generation Y — Climb to the Stars
  • It's a good opening act, but the encore's a "bith". Since Too Many City Hall Spinsters Are Only Talking About Me, Here Are Some Things To Discuss Instead
  • Adam: C'est le premier homme, Dieu en fait un grand nigaud, qui pour complaire a sa femme eut la betise de mordre dans une pomme que ses descendans n'ont point encore pu digerer. Baron d'Holbach
  • With other band members singing some of Cuomo's leads, a massive onstage "hootenanny" that had fans playing along to acoustic renditions of tracks like "Island in the Sun," and even the surreal sight of Cuomo kicking over a record player (set up pre-encore) before blasting into a cover of Nirvana's "Sliver," the band has never been so refreshing. Spin Magazine Online -
  • We all start stamping our feet and calling for the obligatory encore.
  • He, the unpublished writer and debutant amorist, is always telling her, the well-known poet and skilled boudoir operator, just exactly what is what in both art and love: 'O enfant, enfant, que tu es jeune encore!' is a characteristic apostrophe to a woman eleven years his senior. Unlikely Friendship
  • Les techniques de filtration ou de dcantation et l’usage des rcipients neufs n’ayant pas encore servi auxquels il recours, de mme que la prise en compte des formes pharmaceutiques (surtout le dcoct; donc aprs bullition) et de la voie d’administration (surtout orale ou externe) expliquent en partie la situation. Chapter 7
  • The magical evening was completed with a curry at the nearby award-winning Indian restaurant, Encore.
  • Je demandai à mon ange la durée de sa punition: «A cette heure-ci encore, me répondit-il en souriant, cette âme parviendra au repos éternel.» Les Anges et les Âmes du Purgatoire
  • A sassy aria from Zandonai's Carmen-esque Conchita led into Fleming's oft-encored "Summertime" from Porgy and Bess, more restrained than I've heard her do in the past, with Höll giving limpid account of Gershwin's shifting counterpoint. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Monday, Aug. 25, 2008 - wazza .. wazzup? dok jalan2 baca blog2 otai lain yang dah lama ditinggalkan terasa rindu lak nak mencoret di sini. masih di tokyo. masih clueless. macam2 terjadi. tapi so far alhamdulillah, best saje. (sebab yg tak best tu i buang jauh2 tapi sooner or later kena hadapi juga) dah dapat buah hati, Kuden namanya. Kieli Diary Entry
  • Tax consultancies Grant Thornton and Econ Poyry said that Mopani uses its relationship with its parent company, Glencore, to carry out practices such as inflating operational costs, the underpricing of copper, irregular hedging and "transfer pricing" with Glencore's unit in the U.K. Zambia Demands More Taxes From Glencore
  • But my stage tended to turn into a revolving stage and I became the recipient of endless encores.
  • For her encore, after performing about six songs, she yodeled for a minute and left.
  • Le drame, l'épopée savante, l'élégie attestent aujourd'hui encore la puissance et la souplesse de ce magnifique génie; seul entre les disciples de Sarasvatî [the goddess of eloquence], il a eu le bonheur de produire un chef-d'oeuvre vraiment classique, où l'Inde s'admire et où l'humanité se reconnaît. Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works
  • Sabastiano, le célibat d'été est une malédiction dans la mesure où, les beaux jours arrivant, les couples les couples bobo atteignent le summum de l'arrogance se baladent main dans la main avec un air encore plus serein et amoureux qu'en hiver, par exemple. 21:50 and peachy
  • As the exuberant Ford encores with the roistering folk-punk of Nothing at All and his acerbic signature tune, Cheer Up (You Miserable Fuck), it's clear that he is an artist deserving of a far wider audience. David Ford
  • For an encore he invaded India in 1398 on the pretext that the Muslim sultan of Delhi was being too tolerant of his Hindu subjects.
  • Tu n'es encore pour moi qu'un petit garçon tout semblable à cent mille petits garçons. A fed bear is a dead bear.
  • Et j'ai commencé une nouvelle Fic qui s'appelle 'le 10eme lit' ou 'le 5eme lit' (oui j'ai pas encore choisi l'chiffre) mais j'demanderai a Chiemi parce que c zarb 'comme histoire ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Page 338 d'achepter encore une fois cette terre d'Eux et de leur assigner un autre endroit ou ils pourroient demeurer aussi comodement et sur la meme Riviere pas loin de ce lieu, ils commencerent de gouter mes raisons et on tient pour cela une assemblee Solenelle. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • Absent an uptick in trading activity, or another run-up in commodity prices, Glencore will be hard-pressed to achieve 2011 earnings of $6.4 billion, as forecast by banks associated with its IPO. Glencore's Slow Start
  • C´est à se demander: dans ce cas, que fait-il encore au pouvoir, que diable, si personne ne lui fait confiance et qu´apparemment il ne sait pas choisir les hommes qu´il faut pour obtenir des résultats satisfaisants à sa politique? Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
  • A peine hier, Obama a tenu un très bon discours sur la bonne gouvernance et la démocratie, aujourd'hui un autre autocrate africain se prépare à renouveler son bail au pouvoir pour 7 ans encore malgré ses déboires judiciaires relatifs à ses biens immobiliers en France. Global Voices in English » Congo Brazzaville: Disappointment at Presidential election
  • With that, the band thanked the sweaty crowd, threw down their guitars, overturned the drums and left without an encore.
  • No encores, but a delightful taster for great things surely to come. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was about 1710 that the word encore was introduced at the operatic performances in the Haymarket, and very much objected to by plain - going Englishmen. Essays from 'The Guardian'
  • C´est à se demander: dans ce cas, que fait-il encore au pouvoir, que diable, si personne ne lui fait confiance et qu´apparemment il ne sait pas choisir les hommes qu´il faut pour obtenir des résultats satisfaisants à sa politique? Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
  • Mr. Wainwright belted out "O Holy Night" in French—that's "Cantique de Noël"—with just the spare accompaniment of a piano and, as an encore, dueted with his sister Martha on the Pogues' "Fairytale of New York. 'Melee of Motley Crews'
  • There are four parts and an encore in total, so if bizarro blasphemy is of interest to you, by all means let me know and I can maybes make it another direct sales thingy. Archive 2010-06-01
  • When the concert concentrated more on Afro-Cuban music, as on "Changó" and the encore "Los Caminos," both graced by Bambolé enchanting bata drum polyrhythms and sacred chanting to various Afro-Latin orishas, Valdés's goodwill was at its most persuasive. In concert: Chucho Valdés and the Afro-Cuban Messengers at the Warner Theatre
  • Called back for two rounds of encores, he ended this show in a chaotic scrum of group hugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simon danced until the band played a final encore, and then waited patiently with the senior hospital staff while the nurses and housemen said their good nights and went off to their beds. A Kiss For Julie
  • With consummate showmanship, he closed the ninety-minute set with a third encore, that first, huge hit, the one we'd all been waiting for. DEAD BEAT
  • Good knife with magnesium fire-starter in sheath, space blanket, and a T/C Encore with a 20gauge and a 45-70 barrel (ammo included.) +1 Good Comment? This has been a major question in my house for years if you are to have three items to survive what would they be.
  • Montluc -- "_avant nous ces envies ont regne_, _et regneront encore apres nous_, _si Dieu ne nous voulait tous refondre_. Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society
  • Les techniques de filtration ou de dcantation et l’usage des rcipients neufs n’ayant pas encore servi auxquels il recours, de mme que la prise en compte des formes pharmaceutiques (surtout le dcoct; donc aprs bullition) et de la voie d’administration (surtout orale ou externe) expliquent en partie la situation. Chapter 7
  • They were too cool to play an encore, or perhaps they had simply run out of songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • As she performed Smile as an encore, a wave of quiet rapture rippled through the hall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Commodity-price bets are mostly not its game: Glencore hedges 98% of its inventory, limiting its daily estimated maximum loss from unhedged positions to $100 million. Digging Into Glencore's Sales Pitch
  • Stokowski recorded this popular piece only one other time and it is a fitting encore to this set.
  • On vous traite de fainéasse, de molasse, de mollusque, de marmotte, de bon a rien tout ca parce que vous n'avez l'coeur a rien forcement vous etes crevé ... donc vous dormez dormez dormez et peu importe tous les effors que vous fournirez ... vous dormirez encore et toujours jusqu'a carrement tout rater de ce que vous entreprendrez ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • He seems to be enjoying Brightman's performance, and stays for all three encores.
  • Armons-nous donc de courage pour faire face à nos devoirs, et comportons-nous de telle sorte que, si l'Empire britannique et le Commonwealth durent mille ans encore, les hommes puissent dire "C'était leur plus belle heure". 70th Anniversary of Churchill’s Famous Speeches
  • We are also pleased that an encore performance was requested by the public.
  • Newcastle ou encore Besiktas est très confiant pour l'Angleterre, qui affronte l'Allemagne en huitième de finale de Coupe du Monde ce dimanche. - Articles related to Mondial 2010 - Le carnet de bord de notre journaliste en Afrique du Sud !
  • It is somewhat curious that where we use the French word _encore_, the French audiences use the Latin word "bis. Notes and Queries, Number 213, November 26, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Geneologists, etc.
  • So did the rest of the audience - for more rapturous applause and a second encore. Times, Sunday Times
  • Debutant accepté (ca va moi question vente j'ai de l'experience donc c encore mieux), 20h hebdo (ca c cool pour moi avec la route et tout ... faire plus serait impossible), pas de diplome particulier demandé (j'ai fait des etudes dans la vente/commerce) Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The second encore said it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • His elegant rendition of Rachmaninov's version of Fritz Kreisler's Liebesfreud was a charming encore.
  • By then Mr Dilger hopes to have redefined Greencore as a convenience foods group with far less emphasis on sugar beet processing, malting barley, and agribusiness.
  • Pour remédier à cet inconvénient, il faut parfumer la bordure avec le musc, ou l'eau de fleur d'orange; ou bien encore mêler quelque huile essentielle aromatique comme de citron, de cannelle, de lavande, &c. avec l'essence de térébentine, … The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The riot lasted forty-five minutes and an encore performance was put on the following night.
  • Whenever a person tries to bore you with endless talk on dull topics and unrelated ones, silence him to encore again by inserting cotton into your ears or listening to songs from a walkman.
  • I'll ha 'gie'n as many encores as I usually do; I'll ha' come back, maybe a score of times, and bowed. Between You and Me
  • La fatigue pesait et j'ai attendu encore un peu et je suis allé me coucher en me disant qu'il n'y avait plus rien a faire de toute facon. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Puis un jour - j'avais alors 70 ans - grattant un plafond, travail ingrat, j'eus subitement une inspiration, c'est ainsi qu'est né Les fleurs de mon jardin (poème qui n'est pas encore publié, ndlr). Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • Je reste cependant encore dans les parages avec un grand fouet SwissBlogs Needs Your Help — Climb to the Stars
  • It would appear that my previous monographs had been so well received that they are desirous of an encore, a repeat performance, a reprise.
  • La rentree pour moi se fait le 3 septembre et je n'ai encore pas de stages pour la premiere periode que je suis obligé d'effectuer dans une ville exterieure a la mienne, je n'ai pas non plus repris mes cours de cette annee et en plus j'ai arrete de bosser sur mes rubriques Japon! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Il n'y avait point encore d'inspecteurs de cavalerie et d'infanterie, comme nous en avons vu depuis, mais deux hommes uniques chacun dans leur genre en fesaient les fonctions. Notes and Queries, Number 38, July 20, 1850
  • Eleven Central Indiana community theaters belonging to the Indianapolis-based Encore Association have rules against precasting any roles. Top Stories
  • La merde de la soiree c que j'avais bien preparé mon appareil photo et avant de partir on a pris une foto shino et moi a la maison quand on etait encore presentable et je l'ai oublié .... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • After a few minutes of shouts for more, they reappear for the inevitable encore.
  • The Maestro assented to the request for an encore
  • This extra item was loudly "encored," and White scrambled back to his place and bowed his acknowledgments. Tell England A Study in a Generation
  • You'll never get an encore if you perform like that!
  • I don't think any amount of huffing and puffing across the political divide is going to change Greencore's calculated business decision.
  • Foodbeam est vraiment un merveilleux antre de gourmandise… les photos sont toujours à tomber et les recettes complètement divine et terriblement appétissantes… Continue encore! Foodbeam » Deux grains de sucres pour les deux ans de foodbeam – Sablés au thé matcha et cupcakes à la vanille, aux perles du Japon et au thé vert
  • Unfortunately, the audience stopped just shy of eliciting an encore from these gentlemen, which is a shame.
  • Merci encore de tous vous faites pour nous, amoureux de la belle France. En-tête - French Word-A-Day
  • It's rare that someone can encore with a brand new song and still yank at heart strings.
  • Similarly, when you're listening to music played across a century from the ghost of a drowning ship, to allow your musicians to return for an encore is ... not quite right. Fudge & marshmallow creme recipes
  • We got stiffly to our feet and clapped the encores, applauded and cheered the memory of what we once believed and wanted to be.
  • Ravel's Boléro is an obvious encore because it gives many principals a moment in the spotlight as the theme is passed from one instrument to the next.
  • Mr. Kabila a encore affirme que le Rwanda va extrader Laurent Nkunda et que celui-ci fera face a la justice congolaise. Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
  • With consummate showmanship, he closed the ninety-minute set with a third encore, that first, huge hit, the one we'd all been waiting for. DEAD BEAT
  • The Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra of Venezuela played it twice in riotous fashion at Carnegie Hall, first in its Sunday afternoon program, then as an encore after its concert last night. Berlin in Lights: One ‘Mambo’ Less - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • Needless to say, one encore wasn't enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the conclusion of his set, he gave a sincere thank-you to the audience and was met with a rather vocal call for an encore.
  • The crowd of course couldn't let it go at that and we demanded an encore.
  • Encore Oil did unveil some positive news. Times, Sunday Times
  • A la suite des observations qu'il formula au sujet de cette pièce lors de son retour en Russie, le mot “hooligan” entra dans le vocabulaire de la langue russe, dans lequel il est encore utilisé – de même qu'en anglais – pour désigner un vandale ou un jeune voyou. Archive 2010-05-01
  • The second encore said it all. Times, Sunday Times
  • Las Vegas resorts Wynn and Encore has decided to 'blackball' Hilton, which, in short, means to ban her from their venue. Celebrity Gossip - Celebrity News - Celebrity Photo -
  • Par contre, pour avoir droit à une offre pour un téléphone, je dois attendre juillet 2008… On dirait que je suis coincée avec mon Nokia 6280 pour encore un moment. Je passe à Orange Maxima — Climb to the Stars
  • We all start stamping our feet and calling for the obligatory encore.
  • The audience was reminded of what communication and vibrant sound we had missed when they gave a terrific, short Stanford encore out the front.
  • Mais ce qui frappe et se trouve repérable ne doit pas masquer les aspects encore mal définis tels que les changements radicaux qui s'opèrent sur le plan symbolique, représentationnel, imaginaire et plus simplement sur notre mode de relation aux autres. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • They started slowly, but by the time they encored with Phat Planet there were no doubts left, nor much of your ears.
  • Dans cette derni鑢e circonstance ils les laissent brid閟 encore pendant une heure, comme les mules. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • La raison en est simple: quoique partout on traite les noirs avec humanité, les blancs qui ont l'argent, ne sont pas disposés à faire aux noirs des avances, telles qu'elles les missent en état d'entreprendre le commerce en grand; d'ailleurs, il faut pour ce commerce quelques connoissances préliminaires, il faut faire un noviciat dans un comptoir, et la raison n'a pas encore ouvert aux noirs la porte du comptoir. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
  • There was no encore, but one wasn't needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • One starstruck lad stood in front of the stage, waiting patiently for a second encore.
  • Here we had the conductor and soloist skipping back on stage to encore the scherzo, which turned the whole thing into a shallow party piece. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spice was encored three times.
  • The script encored the central dynamic that DeMille had used on Union Pacific and North West Mounted Police: a stalwart hero (who in this case does origami), and a lusty, semi-heroic figure who, through a single weakness of character, turns bad but atones by dying nobly (Robert Preston in the earlier films, Wayne in the new one). Empire of Dreams
  • Pareil je tiens 2 albums dans mes mains, je flane encore et toujours, regarde quelque titre, impregne ma meoire de pochettes interessante pour de futures dessins que je pourrais faire quand j'en aurais retrouvé le courage et puis je repose les albums a leur place comme je l'avais fait avec les livres quelques instant avant. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • The magical evening was completed with a curry at the nearby award-winning Indian restaurant, Encore.
  • Page 338 d'achepter encore une fois cette terre d'Eux et de leur assigner un autre endroit ou ils pourroient demeurer aussi comodement et sur la meme Riviere pas loin de ce lieu, ils commencerent de gouter mes raisons et on tient pour cela une assemblee Solenelle. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • Il est de nos jours difficile a trouver mais est encore disponible meme s'il est indiqué comme SOLD OUT chez le fabricant. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • And then, after the second encore, the defining moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • A representative contacted her, telling her they wished to edit and republish her book as part of its new publishing arm, AmazonEncore, which was launched in order to give quality, overlooked self-published books a bigger promotional push. Tonya Plank: Self-Published Success Maria Murnane Offers Valuable Help to New Authors
  • Français · Palestine: Création d'une campagne comme « jamais encore » Global Voices in English » Palestine: A Campaign Like Never Before
  • Aujourd'hui je suis encore un peu plus fier et amoureux de mon pays et de mon peuple. Tunisian elections: Live blog
  • This particular aria is an aria that is calling out to be encored. Show-Stopping Aria Encored at the Met
  • Despite much hooting and hollering for a second encore, Casablancas and crew were in all probability far too intoxicated to perform any more songs by that point.
  • They did two encores, the second of which began simply with Johnson performing solo acoustic.
  • Dans les batailles rang閑s ils emploient quelquefois une autre sorte de stratag鑝e, qui consiste � jeter des feux � travers les chevaux de la cavalerie pour les 閜ouvanter; souvent encore ils mettent en t阾e de leur ligne un grand nombre de chameaux ou de dromadaires forts et hardis; ils les chassent en avant sur les chevaux, et y jettent le d閟ordre. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The soloist brought the house down with encore for his impressive voice.
  • After the final encore, the curtains shut and people began to leave.
  • And the outspoken expert took the bait - selecting the couple to perform an encore before stripping off to join them. The Sun
  • There was a good deal of cheering after the final frenetic dash, eliciting as an encore a muddled and unpoetic account of Chopin's delicately arpeggiated Étude in E flat.
  • So did the rest of the audience - for more rapturous applause and a second encore. Times, Sunday Times
  • The band came back onstage for an encore.
  • She was given a dozen encores and then the orchestra leader decided that enough was enough.
  • And he and Juan Diego exchanged glances and the encored happened to that point. Show-Stopping Aria Encored at the Met
  • The Purpose Prize recognizes social innovators over 60 years old who are engaged in what it calls encore careers, solving social issues.
  • Page 340 cette importance il faloit plutost songer a ce procurere de quoy pour Subsister, que de faire des depenses inutiles et pas encore necessaires, etc. ma proposition deconcerta ces bons debauchéz, et ils firent tout leur possible pour me desbuser mais ma resolution fust ferme, et ie representay a M. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • As she performed Smile as an encore, a wave of quiet rapture rippled through the hall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Et encore, Amazon. com ne vend son "contenu" qu'en Microsoft Reader, et si chez d'autres le choix est plus grand, ces Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • The audience loved it nonetheless, applauding and demanding an encore.
  • They actually try to encore one of her characters — an old north-country lady; modeled on that honored preceptress in the late No Name
  • Faut encore que j'raccourcisse l'elastique de mon oeil de pirate qui est trop lache quand j'baisse la tete et comme je regarde tout l'temps mes pieds ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • At 62 she rarely betrayed her age and, if my memory serves me correctly, she performed a number of encores to thank the very enthusiastic audience.
  • He encored with ‘The Lakes of Ponchartrain’ and finished the night to a standing ovation with ‘The World is What You Make it’.
  • Onstage, we could hear the screams for the boys to encore!
  • Ma meilleure et mon meilleur ami (e) ont d'ailleurs pendant longtemps joué les interpretes parce que moi si on me dit pas clairement "je te veux la de suite maintenant sur la table du resto" ben ca peut durer longtemps avant que j'comprenne et encore quand on me dit cette frase faut deja etre nu et avoir balayé a coup d'avant bras, couvert et bouteille de champ 'de la table ... Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • So, at ten o'clock, after a slight and fragile encore by the band, we were all promptly told to get out.
  • Returning to her strengths, Uchida offered the sarabande from Bach's French Suite in G as an encore, its simple outlines traced with hushed reverence, nothing more than a vaporous shimmer. Mitsuko Uchida at the Music Center at Strathmore
  • You can guess the encore - three of the best pop anthems you could ask to hear in a huge outdoor venue. The Sun
  • There was no encore, but one wasn't needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • With consummate showmanship, he closed the ninety-minute set with a third encore, that first, huge hit, the one we'd all been waiting for. DEAD BEAT
  • J'ai quand meme pas encore les APL et du coup j'me retrouve un peu dans la merde car le loyer est pas donné mais une fois que j'les aurait mon pere m'a dit qu'ils vont se rattraper donc je serai tranquille question loyer pendant un mois voire deux ce qui n'est pas negligeable pour renflouer les caisses. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • ‘Va, pensiero,’ the opera's most famous excerpt, was even encored on opening night.
  • No encore, no second half. Times, Sunday Times
  • Actually, what we're doing for an encore is having the whole fambly come down for a day or two. Well.
  • After the first encore, the crowd made it obviously clear they wanted more.
  • They order a jug of sangria, watching the Argentinian who, aware of his audience's renewed interest, is now performing an encore.
  • Encore is the grand dame of wedding invitations so entrust your wedding invitations with a reputable stationer with over ten years in the wedding stationery business.
  • Despite being a quincentenary event it was also a no-frills affair: no shirt-waving or mamba-style encores here. Belshazzar's Feast; Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Christmas project – review
  • He said capacity at Mufulira, which is majority owned by Swiss commodities trader Glencore International, had been expected to free up as two Glencore mines were to be idled. Mineweb - Daily news headlines
  • The Shostakovich 5th, after the interval, brought the house down so he encored the last couple of minutes of it.
  • At any rate, I put the disk aside after a single hearing and took it out again only after attending a Milwaukee Symphony concert at which Hahn performed the Elgar concerto and, as an encore, a dazzling presto by Bach.
  • Encore un hommage à Michael, par nos fameux prisionniers philippins. (+ indexed qui a tout compris) Le petit Meme local du moment: les ManBabies. Tragic.
  • To conclude, the April 30th referendum is a mockery of democracy and an encore of long-established patterns of political deceit in this country.
  • Je l'ai deja fait les deux autres fois ou j'ai eu l'honneur de m'adresser a vous, et j'ai eu le satisfaction de constater que lorsque je m'exprimais ici daps ma langue natale, je n'etais pas seulement entendu, mais aussi attentivement ecoute, et, ce qui est mieux encore, parfaitement compris. Peoples and Nations in a Changing World
  • No matter how… ahem… conclusively I depict it, the encore was a belter.
  • After receiving their prizes, the winners performed an encore.
  • Conal did three encores and the whole crowd got to their feet, clapped, cheered and just refused to sit down.
  • When he threw out the traditional scenery and costumes from Verdi's Trovatore, or banned encores, he was hissed by the galleries.
  • En prenant encore l’exemple du rpertoire Vidal, on constate que la dose usuelle journalire chez l’adulte peut varier souvent de 1 3 comprims; autrement dit, du simple au triple. Chapter 7
  • Between the first and encore airings, the episode drew 1.12 million viewers. Showtime's Californication Hits High, Shameless Is Biggest Drama Premiere in 7 Years
  • January 12, 2005 10: 09 antitext: ooh. look it's orbital. good stuff! and for those interested, and mp3 of the encore from the last orbital show can be found here. Orbital Sander or Orbital Lander? (Music (For Robots))
  • Certains voulaient connaitre le fin mot de l'histoire mais elle n'est pas encore terminée. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Expliquer ce genre de chose fait partie de mon travail de consultante en blogs ou spécialiste(!) de la culture en ligne (je cherche encore et toujours un moyen concis et efficace de décrire ce que je fais…) Musique: bénéfices d’une bonne stratégie internet — Climb to the Stars
  • Or nous sommes confrontés à un énorme problème d'opacité: nous sommes incapables d'évaluer la quantité de toxiques bancaires figurant encore au bilan des banques du fait du processus de titrisation Archive 2009-04-10
  • Willie Ryan encored with his lovely poem, and Noreen Cusack entertained us all with her comedic skills.
  • It is generally accepted to mean "low-budget genre cinema," but it seems to be quite an ornate French pun, at once referring to B-movies (Cinema B's) and the serial nature of much genre cinema (the French word "bis" means "encore"); it may be a lucky accident or inspired design, but there is also something punny going on there with the incorporation of the English word "abyss," evoking the very bottom of the barrel. LES CLASSIQUES DU CINÉMA BIS reviewed
  • J'ai echappe sans doute a un grave danger, j'ai meme eu peur de perdre la raison; mais tout cela est passe; je suis calme et quoique faible encore ” plus fort. Philip Gilbert Hamerton

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