How To Use Encircling In A Sentence

  • The Reading Room, with its broad encircling staircases, appears somewhat out of proportion, lessening the impact of the porticos in the courtyard, which are grand in their own right but diminutive by comparison.
  • Such collars set off the beauty of a woman, the encircling steel, significatory of bondage, contrasting nicely with the softness of her throat, shoulders and breasts. Mercenaries Of Gor
  • She sat behind her desk, a blue wreath of cigarette smoke encircling her head, while I leaned against the doorframe.
  • Astounded, she gazed in his eyes for a space, like a beautiful statue, and then suddenly burst out sobbing; and with the wonderful feminine impetuosity which only grand-souled, uncalculating women, created for fine impulses of the heart, are capable of, threw herself upon his neck, encircling it with her wondrous snowy arms, and wept. Taras Bulba
  • Instead, the light cast shadows around him, encircling him passively.
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  • The pose won't make here knee feels demanding, he can guide you cozily to enter a climax, touch deep the vagina each inches, undertake fluctuating reaching hitting encircling a movement.
  • However, her eyes now had light black rings encircling them from lack of sleep, and he couldn't remember the last time he saw her really eat a decent meal.
  • Mother and baby live near the airport, while their protuberantly lipped kin mooch about on the cycling and hiking trails by which the encircling Alaskan wilderness infiltrates and permeates the city.
  • It is sited unusually, on flat land rather than atop one of the encircling hills.
  • In the subcutaneous tissue - with the technic used in this investigation - these cells rarely show distinct transverse processes encircling the capillary.
  • Between the farm and the far hills arose a curious line of shroudy blue, seeming to hover round the estate, mystically encircling it, and cutting it off from the rest of the desert. Blue Aloes Stories of South Africa
  • Then, with a swift encircling movement, that hooklike arm wrapped itself around Flint's neck and drew him into the shadow. The Master Mystery
  • The Black Hills are a maturely dissected domal uplift with an exposed core of Precambrian rocks; encircling hogbacks, enclosed hogbacks, and enclosed strike valleys rim the province. Black Hills Coniferous Forest Province (Bailey)
  • The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules is called the stipulation. free adnate: fused to the petiole base ochreate: provided with ochrea, or sheath-formed stipules, e.g. rhubarb, encircling the petiole base interpetiolar: between the petioles of two opposite leaves. intrapetiolar: between the petiole and the subtending stem Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
  • The stapes first appears as a ring (annulus stapedius) encircling a small vessel, the stapedial artery, which subsequently undergoes atrophy; it is ossified from a single center which appears in its base. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. The Organ of Hearing
  • The sailor at the first glance saw that some of the chords encircling it had been cut with a knife, or other sharp instrument, -- not severed with any degree of exactitude, but "haggled," as if the act had been hurriedly performed. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • I turned aside, and there below me in the glen was the lonesome grey church, the porch where I had waited for the coming of the woman in white, the hills encircling the quiet burial-ground, the brook bubbling cold over its stony bed. The Woman in White
  • Ice the sides with the chocolate icing, then pipe a decorative border of chocolate icing around the top, encircling the coconut topping.
  • The subocean connections would be deep sea cables in the least vulnerable position, and it may be added that the system would possess an advantage peculiar to a globe-encircling line of telegraph-each point touched would be telegraphically connected with every other point by two distinct routes extending in opposite directions. Our Empire Cables
  • Unlike many other amanitas, the grisette and its relatives have no partial veil covering the immature gills, and no subsequent ring encircling the stalk.
  • Looking at the side of the fan reveals a thin band of conductive material encircling the fan surround and connecting to the power cord.
  • Imagine her surprise when she felt the point of a knife on the small of her back, and a large arm encircling her waist.
  • In typical Islamic style, scalloped arches access encircling verandahs, stretch in cool symmetry down corridors leading to the actual tombs.
  • The pronotum is the dorsal plate of the prothorax, forming a wide arc over the propectuses and encircling their pleural plates ventrally ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Encircling the tokotoko were small tables and bookcases where the Kiwi trade and educational publishers were selling their wares.
  • It blasts up the drifts like white dirt dug from the earth, a frozen burial ground encircling our thin tent, entrapping us. The Amber Sea
  • a strong girdle, encircling the loins, and supporting a piece of coarse blue cloth, which, after passing completely under the body, fell in short flaps both before and behind. Wacousta : a tale of the Pontiac conspiracy (Complete)
  • Formerly the false system prevailed of encircling a city by a whole army, which buried itself in lines of circumvallation and contravallation. The Art of War
  • The structure itself is a pure white nonagonal building, of original and unique design, rising from a flight of white stairs encircling its base; and surmounted by a majestic and beautifully proportioned dome, bearing nine tapering symmetrically placed ribs of decorative as well as structural significance, which soar to its apex and finally merge into a common unit pointing skyward. God Passes By
  • During activity, or while coughing, the patient is able to tighten the belt encircling his chest, splinting the sternal wound by stabilizing the thoracic cage.
  • She unwound the turban encircling her forehead, and all her ebony hair came tumbling in curls upon her shoulders. Selections from _Corinne_
  • Loosen any roots that are encircling the root ball, replant at same depth as originally planted.
  • Framed in it was the amethystine burning of the great ring that girdled the encircling cliffs. The Metal Monster
  • A classical physicist would have supposed that electrons encircling a nucleus could do so in orbits whose radii could take any value.
  • Innocent's building at the Vatican was fortified with towers and an encircling wall and was meant for longer residence.
  • He scrolled through ship systems and found the icon he needed: an arrow encircling twin dots.
  • Dawn broke to reveal the amazing sight of camp beds and sleeping bags almost encircling the All-England Club.
  • Parallel lines from dirty fingernails, down my left thigh, at my throat, encircling my wrist like a bracelet. CHAMELEON
  • Beyond this little opening, and bounding it on every side, stood the encircling wall of woods, through and over which gleamed the bright waters of the far-spreading Umbagog on the north; while all around, towering up in their green glories, rose, one above another, the amphitheatric hills, till their lessening individual forms were lost, or mingled in the vision with the lofty summits of the distant White Gaut Gurley
  • Burmared with a blue rectangle in the upper hoist-side corner bearing 14, white, five-pointed stars encircling a cogwheel containing a stalk of rice; the 14 stars represent the seven administrative divisions and seven states Flag description
  • There were two tiers on seating that ran round the edge of the room encircling the open space in the centre.
  • Public transport is superefficient, too, so the encircling scenery is within your grasp on even the shortest trip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again only the shrilling of the crickets, the shu-shu of feet, the gentle clapping; and the wavering hovering measure proceeds in silence, with mesmeric lentor -- with a strange grace, which, by its very na´vetÚ, seems old as the encircling hills. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
  • Plus, the circle line around the word smelly blog gives a hint about fragrance particles encircling the name...very well put together. SmellyBlog Logo No. 3
  • Apses with encircling ambulatories were almost invariable, and there was frequently the western transept, as at Bury and Ely. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • They were encircling me then began chanting even more insistently. THE EXECUTION
  • The majority of the hillforts of Southern France are defended by walls or ramparts and ditches encircling hilltops which overlook important commercial or military routes.
  • The pictures from Saint Peter's Square on an unusually warm and bright day were sharp and colorful, the rows of scarlet-robed prelates encircling the pope's chair a strong visual sign of Catholic solidarity and order.
  • It was his intention, by encircling the Russians in the territory before him from both wings, to sweep clear of enemies the entire stretch of country in the Polish triangle between the Vistula and the Orczy rivers. The Story of the Great War, Volume V (of 12) Neuve Chapelle, Battle of Ypres, Przemysl, Mazurian Lakes
  • To Jude she looked like an angel, with her dark locks encircling her face and her eyes closed and edged in thick lashes.
  • Down the spiral path of the pit they bore him, encircling the sheening, glowing Red One that seemed ever imminent to iridesce from color and light into sweet thunder. The Red One
  • The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules is called the stipulation. free adnate: fused to the petiole base ochreate: provided with ochrea, or sheath-formed stipules, e.g. rhubarb, encircling the petiole base interpetiolar: between the petioles of two opposite leaves. intrapetiolar: between the petiole and the subtending stem Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
  • The backdrop of stars was perceived as representing God in its permanence and immutability; only the sublunar sphere encircling the earth was subject to change and decay.
  • The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules is called the stipulation. free adnate: fused to the petiole base ochreate: provided with ochrea, or sheath-formed stipules, e.g. rhubarb, encircling the petiole base interpetiolar: between the petioles of two opposite leaves. intrapetiolar: between the petiole and the subtending stem Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
  • The snake has an important place in human cultures all over the world, from the staff of the Greek Aesculapius (the father of medicine), the caduceus with its encircling snakes, to the all seeing snakes of Persian legend.
  • Their encircling and undulating movement contrasts pleasurably with the straight trunks of erect trees.
  • He proceeded to make his way over and give me a hug too, his long, lanky arms encircling me in a tight squeeze.
  • Black tapenade encircling the bass provides just the right saltiness.
  • Not long afterwards he ordered one of the divisions encircling the base to withdraw.
  • Even in Milton, though the great poet rejected the earlier idea of a solid firmament, we find prominence given to that of a vast hollow sphere of "circumfluous waters," which, by encircling the atmosphere, kept aloof the "fierce extremes of chaos. The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
  • According to legend, the premedieval Castle Tornin had been created by a divine hand to protect the well, with six bold towers encircling it, and the central court. Kiss of a Demon King
  • A beam of silvery light was shining through the old windows, the moss already creeping up and encircling them in emerald tendrils.
  • The first Europeans to spy its jagged, jungle-clad peaks and encircling reef were the mutineers of HMS Bounty.
  • To 'replenish' the earth is to give out love ungrudgingly to all Nature, -- to 'subdue' the earth, is first, to master the atoms of which the human organisation is composed, and hold them completely under control, so that by means of this mastery, all other atomic movements and forces upon this planet and its encircling atmosphere may be equally controlled. The Life Everlasting; a reality of romance
  • The situation, arrangement, and structure of the stipules is called the stipulation. free adnate: fused to the petiole base ochreate: provided with ochrea, or sheath-formed stipules, e.g. rhubarb, encircling the petiole base interpetiolar: between the petioles of two opposite leaves. intrapetiolar: between the petiole and the subtending stem Wikibooks - Recent changes [en]
  • A new road would provide access to traffic from High Road, with the cul-de-sac encircling 66 of the properties.
  • his encircling arms
  • It is not the village of Auronzo, however, it is not the valley, nor the torrent, nor the pine-woods that make the beauty and wonder of the view: – it is the encircling array of mountain summits standing up rank above rank, peak beyond peak, against the clear, pale, evening sky. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Thus does the earth rotate together with its circumjacent waters and encircling atmosphere.
  • It pipes water to its customers from huge reservoirs encircling Scotland's cities.
  • As far as I could see, a dark green sea of untouched forest rolled out to the whole encircling horizon.
  • Down the spiral path of the pit they bore him, encircling the sheening, glowing Red One that seemed ever imminent to iridesce from colour and light into sweet singing and thunder. THE RED ONE
  • His face was stricken with age, profound ringlets encircling his deep golden eyes.
  • In the Study of the Palace at Urbino, there is mention of "arm chairs encircling a table all mosaicked with tarsia, and carved by Maestro Giacomo of Florence," a worker of considerable repute. Arts and Crafts in the Middle Ages A Description of Mediaeval Workmanship in Several of the Departments of Applied Art, Together with Some Account of Special Artisans in the Early Renaissance
  • As far as I could see, a dark green sea of untouched forest rolled out to the whole encircling horizon.
  • In addition there is a proposed buffer zone encircling each entire site and encompasses all remaining terrestrial areas, following the contour of the 2,000 meter (m) isobath and totalling 140,713 (ha). Brazilian Atlantic Islands, Brazil
  • Below, the Bath slumbered darkly in the shadow of its ancient steps and its encircling belt of fir-trees; and beyond the flower-gardens, half-an-acre of pineries, and vineries, and orchard-houses glittered in a dazzling parterre of glass-roofs and white paint. Vera Nevill Or, Poor Wisdom's Chance
  • He seemed strong, but before he could hide it, Aspen saw the gold band encircling his ring finger.
  • The backdrop of stars was perceived as representing God in its permanence and immutability; only the sublunar sphere encircling the earth was subject to change and decay.
  • I manufacture teensy-weensy more encircling BING and its late-model features! but I doubt they liking bear any prestige good old days google! what search works are you using? Foodie New Year’s Resolutions 2009 | Baking Bites
  • China's second revolution and take a " path of encircling the cities from rural areas.
  • The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of starlit asteroidal and cometary debris encircling the yellow dwarf star HD 107146.
  • The Hubble Space Telescope captured a picture of starlit asteroidal and cometary debris encircling the yellow dwarf star HD 107146.
  • There was a small gristmill, a sawmill, a blacksmith shop, an ashery and half a dozen houses, all rudely built, planted in a surrounding of stumps, with the bush encircling all. The Narrative of Gordon Sellar Who Emigrated to Canada in 1825
  • Ice the sides with the chocolate icing, then pipe a decorative border of chocolate icing around the top, encircling the coconut topping.
  • East African montane forests (AT0108) are found mostly in Kenya to the east, howver, six smaller area of this ecoregion occur in Uganda, most notably, encircling Mount Elgon on the border with Tanzania. Ecoregions of Uganda (WWF)
  • Small-scale fences owned by individuals or co-operatives encircling irrigated crops or cash crops such as cashews and bananas are most likely to succeed.
  • This lesion resembles several red rings encircling white areas, radiating from a white central blister; it is often referred to as a "bull's eye" or "target" lesion. Spider Bites
  • When day had fully come he pressed into my hands my morning-gift: A necklet and paired bracelets of red gold, worked and plaited like living hair encircling my throat and wrists, of beauty unsurpassed.
  • I am writing this column by candlelight, and in the encircling gloom outside I can hear a few generators disturbing the otherwise still and airless night with their thudding din.
  • Just inside the legend is an encircling pair of olive branches, crossed and tied at the bottom but slightly apart at the top. Flowing Hair Half Dime, 1794-1795 : Coin Guide
  • Looking at the side of the fan reveals a thin band of conductive material encircling the fan surround and connecting to the power cord.
  • Fire flared around in a ring, encircling the group, as the fire seemed to burn from Favriel's eyes.
  • Two mammoth horns curved out from the head stretching up along the sides of a colossal diadem of brilliant brass encircling the bony ridged cranium of the beast.
  • We cross the threshold of the paling, pass beyond the encircling reach of timber walls.
  • To Jude she looked like an angel, with her dark locks encircling her face and her eyes closed and edged in thick lashes.

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