How To Use Enantiomer In A Sentence
Recently, though, it was discovered that life itself can generate a particular enantiomer or chiral form of a particular molecule.
Slide 18: Cis, Trans Isomerism • trans-cyclooctene is the smallest trans cyclooctene that has been prepared in pure form and is stable at room temperature • the cis isomer is 38 kJ (9.1 kcal) / mol more stable than the trans isomer • the trans isomer is chiral even though it has no chiral center trans Cyclooctene (a pair of enantiomers) 5-18
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This product contains more of one enantiomer than of the other, that is, the synthesis is asymmetric.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
Optically active cyanohydrins with high levels of enantiomeric purity were obtained following a simple procedure.
(84-87% (1R,2S) - cis-1,2-dihydroxy-dihydrodiben - zothiophene, enantiomeric excess greater than 95%, 15% dibenzothio - phene sulfoxide [16]) [16] S fluorene + NADH + O2
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This reaction utilised the transition metal titanium (Ti) and chiral ligands and gave high enantiomeric excess.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
As with hands, chiral molecules can occur in two different forms, called enantiomers, which are mirror-images of one another.
In this case the district court said the references 'general statements that these compounds consist of enantiomers didn't make an anticipating disclosure of the separated dextrorotatory enantiomer of PCR 4099.
Patent Baristas
Nonenzymatic replication may be more resistant to poisoning by the incorrect enantiomer than previously seemed likely.
Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
M.; Little, D.B.; Schalk, M.; Croteau, R.: Hydroxylation of limonene enantiomers and analogs by recombinant (-) - limonene 3 - and 6-hydroxy - lases from Mint (Mentha) species: Evidence for catalysis within sterically constrained active sites.
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In the context of any electrical field capable of orienting highly polar sugar derivatives, you'd have both selection of ribose, as it binds more closely to the surface, and of one particular enantiomer of ribose.
Scientists' Responses Solicited
One of the principal barriers to high yield is the creation of both enantiomers of a chiral compound, when only one is desired.
The enantiomers of carvone smell respectively of anise and spearmint.
Mind Hacks: Illusions of taste
Nexium is only the S-enantiomer; Prilosec is a racemic mixture.
Purple Isn't Green
The 2 enantiomers of racemic tramadol function in a complementary manner to enhance the analgesic efficacy and improve the tolerability profile of tramadol.
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This development has made it easier to monitor pesticide enantiomers that differ significantly in their toxicity.
METHODS:Comprehensivelly analyzing the status of the wildlife and the planting herb resource of galantamine, and the progress of synthesizing racemized galantamine and it's enantiomer.
The reactions proceed at room temperature without solvent, giving enantiomeric excesses of 99.8 per cent.
This enantiomerically enriched catalyst could then act to promote the formation of amino acids with substantial enantiomeric excesses.
The phosphine first used by Knowles was not enantiomerally pure, yet it produced a mixture in which there was
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
The term chiral is used to describe an object or molecule that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image, with the two objects being referred to as enantiomers.
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The second discovery on which Knowles 'pioneering work is based on, is Horner's and Mislow's syntheses of chiral phosphines, for example the enantiomer B shown in figure 3.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
I discovered turned out to be quite useful for asymmetric hydrogenation, at least those that contained the appropriate enantiomerically pure phosphine ligand.
Richard R. Schrock - Autobiography
“Enantiomeric excesses in meteoritic amino acids.”
First Contact
The most common examples of chiral molecules are enantiomers.
There is no symmetry to this molecule, and it exists in the two enantiomeric forms.
(84-87% (1R,2S) - cis-1,2-dihydroxy-dihydrodiben - zothiophene, enantiomeric excess greater than 95%, 15% dibenzothio - phene sulfoxide [16]) [16] S fluorene + NADH + O2
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Racemic mixtures contain equal amounts of the two enantiomers.
This is a serious problem because experiments on template-directed synthesis using poly© and the imidazolides of G suggest that the polymerization of the D-enantiomer is often strongly inhibited by the
Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
In my view, it is dangerous to rely on enantiomeric ratios of protein amino acids because of the omnipresent problem of terrestrial contamination.
Strongly autocatalytic processes can be successfully catalysed by relatively small populations of catalyst in this case reaction product, and while we tend to assume that our flask of racemic material is purely 50:50 of each enantiomer, reality is more complex.
Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher - The Panda's Thumb
Biocatalysts from unique South-African biomes are employed to produce a wide range of single enantiomer chiral epoxides and diols in highly efficient, environmentally friendly processes.
When you produce such a compound chemically you get an even split of the enantiomers.
The '265 patent discusses the unusual stereoselectivity of the biological properties as between the dextrorotatory and the levorotatory enantiomers.
Patent Baristas
A single catalyst molecule can produce millions of molecules of the desired enantiomer.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
For an example of one reaction that autocatalytically produces an enantiomeric excess, look up the Soai reaction. mmurphy21
Abiogenesis: How plausible are the current models? - The Panda's Thumb
In terms of their chemical, pharmacological, kinetic and therapeutic properties, enantiomers and diasteriomers behave as distinct compounds, therefore stereochemistry should be a topic of major concern to all disciplines.
However, enantiomeric cross-inhibition is certainly a serious problem.
Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
In a syndiotactic macromolecule, the configurational repeating unit consists of two configurational base units that are enantiomeric.
Such isomers are called enantiomers and molecules that have enantiomers are said to be chiral or to show chirality.
Finally, we note that further enhancements in solution-phase enantiomeric excess may be discovered in more complex multi-component systems with a greater number of equilibrium solid and liquid phases.
Chirality of life: Another false positive? - The Panda's Thumb
These catalyse, in complexes with rhodium, the synthesis of certain amino acids with an enantiomeric excess of up to 100%.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
The further study of the six-member ring mechanism with the participation of iso-propanol demonstrates that the calculated ratio of enantiomers agrees with the experimental results essentially.
Our findings do not overcome the problems presented by enantiomeric cross inhibition because none of our templates are copied efficiently when the monomeric substrate is racemic.
Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
When switching dosage forms, if the prescriber does not obtain the desired therapeutic endpoint in spite of education about the extensive differences in inhalers, there are alternatives - use of a spacer, increased dose causing more side effects or switching to Xopenex, the R- enantiomer which is the active portion of the racemic albuterol.
I Called It: The Ozone May Not Be Falling, but Something is About to Hit the Fan
Such isomers are called enantiomers and molecules that have enantiomers are said to be chiral or to show chirality.
This product contains more of one enantiomer than of the other, that is, the synthesis is asymmetric.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
In the development of better asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts it is important to increase the energy difference between the transition complexes in order to obtain, as a consequence, larger enantiomeric excess.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
(R) - limonene smells of oranges while its enantiomer (S) - limonene smells of lemons
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
Barron showed theoretically that a magnetic field alone cannot produce an enantiomeric excess, and at the time called magnetic optical activity ‘false chirality’.
Apotex argued that the recognition in the prior art that PCR 4099 is composed of enantiomers outweighs the effect of any unexpected or unpredictable properties of the separated dextrorotatory enantiomer.
Patent Baristas
The district court did not clearly err in finding that the statements in the '596 patent and its Canadian counterpart that the products therein consist of enantiomers are not a description of the specific dextrorotatory enantiomer clopidogrel or a suggestion of its unusual stereospecific properties.
Patent Baristas
There is a little latitude in incorporating incorrect enantiomers, which is promising as per Orgel, but not enough to write off enantiomeric cross inhibition as a problem in general.
Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
Enantiomers are stereoisomers whose molecules are nonsuperposable mirror-images of each other.
When switching dosage forms, if the prescriber does not obtain the desired therapeutic endpoint in spite of education about the extensive differences in inhalers, there are alternatives - use of a spacer, increased dose causing more side effects or switching to Xopenex, the R- enantiomer which is the active portion of the racemic albuterol.
I Called It: The Ozone May Not Be Falling, but Something is About to Hit the Fan
The further study of the six-member ring mechanism with the participation of iso-propanol demonstrates that the calculated ratio of enantiomers agrees with the experimental results essentially.
Nexium is only the S-enantiomer; Prilosec is a racemic mixture.
Purple Isn't Green
As expected, using the antipodal amino acid resulted in the generation of a polyamino acid capable of catalysing the formation of the enantiomeric, epoxide with equal stereocontrol
The reason for the enantiomeric excess is to be found in the hydrogenation stage, as the hydrogen can be added in two ways that give the different enantiomers at different rates.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
If I was NOT talking about enantiomeric cross inhibition experiments at this point, WHY would I have cited and quoted Orgel?
Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski - The Panda's Thumb
(A) was replaced by one of the enantiomers of a chiral phosphine.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
Louis Pasteur performed the first enantiomeric resolution in 1848 while studying crystals of a salt of racemic tartaric acid.