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How To Use Enactment In A Sentence

  • When you dig into them, I think that you might just find that some of the very best moments of the DCAU occur throughout Superman: TAS, whether is the pitch-perfect origin reenactment in the early episodes to the first meeting of the two icons in “World’s Finest”. Superman: The Complete Animated Series » DVDs Worth Watching
  • I have set out the relevant enactments above.
  • The re-enactments by members of the English Civil War Society will feature musketeers, pikemen and cavalry, with the occasional cannon shot.
  • While some scholars argue for re-enactment's interrogative possibilities, these possibilities tend to be circumscribed.
  • He participates in historical re-enactments of battles from the 1800's.
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  • With that object in view, therefore, it will be needful to devise suitable legislative enactments to protect our oyster fisheries and to foster ostreiculture at the same time. The Art of Living in Australia
  • —Thousands of visitors from all over the world are expected to flock this month to Charleston, S.C. for a re-enactment of the bombardment of Fort Sumter, commemorating the beginning of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. Reliving First Shots of Civil War
  • Writing is frequently a form of reenactment.
  • The Court was concerned in that case with a videotaped re-enactment of a police takedown.
  • The scene seemed a re-enactment of another that he had been witness to many months ago when her father had announced his consent for their marriage. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Two - No one "got tired" of me since I organized and was the head of the western re-enactment group. Heroes or Villains?
  • Increasingly, ritual performers took greater self-guided responsibility over the enactment of the Dreamings that they owned.
  • The former existed before the enactment of the 1998 Act and they continue to exist.
  • And, as I say, there was law and order instead of enactments and restrictions such as disfigure our umpire state to-day. Law and Order
  • And, the big whopper is that the new provisions are RETROACTIVE to the DATE OF ENACTMENT of FISA, which is 1978, or well before Bush assumed office. Think Progress » ThinkFast PM: June 14, 2006
  • See history brought to dramatically to life at the Tower with this historical re-enactment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can I start by going to the relevant previous enactment, your Honours.
  • Each year, for example, imitative Miskitu crowns, scepters, and swords appear as part of a celebratory re-enactment called the kingpulanka.
  • For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
  • Or, in this particular reenactment, not so swiftly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instructions for physical enactment increase behavioral compliance, but do not affect overall hypnotic responsiveness.
  • For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
  • The show uses video surveillance footage, interviews and re-enactments to focus on lamebrain criminal acts.
  • The right place for " living history " re-enactments is a restored castle precinct.
  • Psychodrama is play-acting events during therapy and may include elements of enactment, role play, or make believe.
  • Raters observed a total of 18 different interventions judged to facilitate productive enactments.
  • We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.
  • Buildings are not only artefacts of expressive culture, but important sites for the continuous enactment of culture in everyday life.
  • One of the more interesting and illuminating things we engaged ourselves in was in joining the English Civil War re-enactment society called ‘The Sealed Knot’. Think Progress » CIA’s top spy: U.S. intelligence hasn’t ‘suffered at all’ from banning waterboading.
  • Nothing in this section shall be construed to annul, limit, impair or otherwise affect in any way the ability of the owner of a copyright in a sound recording to exercise the rights under sections 106 (1), 106 (2) and 106 (3), or to obtain the remedies available under this title pursuant to such rights, as such rights and remedies exist either before or after the date of enactment of the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of Copyright Law of the United States of America and Related Laws Contained in Title 17 of the United States Code, Circular 92
  • Bambang also said that enactment of the police bill could also become an entry point to the new authoritarian system, as the president could freely utilize the police who are now armed with such a suppressive mechanism.
  • So in the United Kingdom that has been the position by reason of statutory enactment for some time.
  • In the decemviral code the extreme penalty is attached to the crime of witchcraft or conjuration: 'Let him be capitally punished who shall have bewitched the fruits of the earth, or by either kind of conjuration (_excantando neque incantando_) shall have conjured away his neighbour's corn into his own field,' &c., an enactment sneered at in Justinian's _Institutes_ in Seneca's words. The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • Iott's past involvement in Nazi re-enactments, first reported by The Atlantic, may well constitute the largest discomfiture for the Republican Party in a cycle in which a number of candidates have done or said discomforting things. Eric Cantor Seeks Distance From Rich Iott, GOP Candidate Who Dressed In Nazi Garb
  • At the beginning of the war, patrol and legislative enactments were rigidly enforced.
  • disembowels" government would result from the enactment of ballot measures to eliminate state and local government debt, according to John Knezovich's column in the Aug. 16 - Local News
  • An enactment which threatened the essential elements of any plausible conception of democratic government would lie beyond those boundaries.
  • Subsequent enactments down to the time of Athelstan 925-940 show that they soon developed into frith guilds or peace guilds, associations with a corporate responsibility for the good conduct of their members and their mutual liability. The Guilds
  • Though the theatrical gesticulations seemed slightly complicated to the uninitiated, the enactment was explicit.
  • Did I approve of this fulsome enactment of the cliche Nil nisi bonum de mortuis est? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The enactment of the new Regulation is believed to allow better protection and respect for patients' rights.
  • For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
  • But in the field of statute law the judge must be obedient to the will of Parliament as expressed in its enactments.
  • The show uses video surveillance footage, interviews and re-enactments to focus on lamebrain criminal acts.
  • ● Biodiesel: ASA's top policy priority for 2009 is long-term enactment of the biodiesel tax credit before it expires on December 31, 2009. Domestic Fuel
  • The image is of an adult-size Corinthian crestless helmet which can be used for display or re-enactment purposes.
  • Cases decided before the enactment of this provision may be regarded as out of date.
  • Through the years, re-enactments and commemorations have regularly been observed at the site on the battle's anniversary.
  • This discovery was shared with government reformers, prompting the enactment of formal accountability mechanisms, including regular audits of budget allocations.
  • It was an enactment of a rhetorical confluence and epistemological crossfertilization between science and art.
  • The report also criticised the current boom in real-life crime re-enactments, which again tend to concentrate on the most violent crimes.
  • The law was not perfect, but as a result of its enactment and a series of subsequent federal laws, a generation of Americans has come to adulthood protected by a legal structure and a social compact making clear that government will not engage in unbridled, dragnet seizure of electronic communications. Archive 2007-10-01
  • No matter how careful the drafters are and how carefully legislation is considered-and this Act had ten years of consultations preceding its enactment-its only test is its performance as law. Priorities of My New Office
  • Action continues throughout the week with battle re-enactments, living history, Viking walks, contemporary art, Viking sagas, the Long Ship River Challenge on the Ouse, and Viking markets.
  • A Fox on the Fairway" even borrows blatantly from the playwright's own manual, reusing a curtain-call reenactment gimmick from his "Lend Me a Tenor. Theater review: 'Fox on the Fairway' at Signature Theatre
  • That means that a resource consent is not an enactment or rule of law that would prohibit the exercise of a customary right.
  • The U.S. Army occasionally used Civil War battlefields for war games, and in the early twentieth century - the era of great historical pageants - battle re-enactments were common.
  • The re-enactment prompted a national hysteria of jokes and ridicule calling Mr. Khomeini the "cardboard Imam. Letter Writers Break Iranian Taboo
  • The much-vaunted Frankfurt preference for modernist artworks of great complexity is the preference for a Baudelairean art still intent on risking experimental enactments of romantic aura together with mimetic reflections on postromantic modernity’s most anti-auratic, advanced technical-productive developments. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • In fact the epical format viewed as the enactment of a predestinarian spiral whose end is never in doubt is indisputedly a mythical conception.
  • On the 60th anniversary of the enactment of the Common Program, it would give edification on improving our constitutional government when we review and rethink this.
  • The 1995 Merchant Shipping Act was an act to consolidate the Merchant Shipping Acts 1894 to 1994 and other enactments relating to merchant shipping.
  • Did I approve of this fulsome enactment of the cliche Nil nisi bonum de mortuis est? ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • This is the simple, humdrum re-enactment of a scene that happens thousands of times a day across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must have been written by a TV re-enactment society. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, the Department of Health…… as though, by the enactment by Parliament of legislation, a State is taking steps in fulfilment of a duty of care.
  • We are not into battle re-enactment, going round belting each other, we are concerned about what life was like.
  • The case brings into sharp relief some of the constitutional concepts we've been studying, as does the Blair government's re-enactment of detention-without-trial legislation.
  • The achievement of independence in 1921 marked a break from the British system and was followed by the enactment of the Irish Constitution by the People in 1937.
  • They can be made at any time from the enactment of the bill.
  • They cannot stand against a valid federal statutory enactment.
  • The long-term enactment of the plan that is ultimately approved will likely lead to at least 200 staff layoffs, according to Schildge. | America's Oldest College Newspaper. Founded 1799.
  • The main building was also used for the enactment of mystery plays.
  • Charles' investiture as Prince of Wales in 1969 may have seemed like the enactment of some ancient ceremony, but it was contrived for the occasion.
  • A scene between her and a man plays out in a dumbshow in a doorway, like a ritualistic re-enactment of an everyday scene.
  • But before the enactment of §48, the underlying conduct depicted in crush videos was nearly impossible to prosecute. The Volokh Conspiracy » Big First Amendment win in United States v. Stevens
  • Enactment of the bill will complete the delivery of those critical actions.
  • Team America a word-for-word reenactment of the script before being shot down. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • He regularly invites a historical re-enactment group to dress up in period costume and relive the thrills of the revolution in the plantation grounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the final stage - behavioral enactment - the selected response is performed.
  • The extensive preparation phase results in very productive enactment and analysis phases.
  • Constitution, against the memory of the nation, against a previous decision, against a series of enactments, he decided that the slave is property; that slave property is entitled to no less protection than any other property; that the Constitution upholds it in every Territory against any act of a local legislature, and even against Congress itself; or, as the President for that term tersely promulgated the saying, "Kansas is as much a slave State as South Carolina or Georgia; slavery, by virtue of the Constitution, exists in every Territory. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln Delivered at the request of both Houses of Congress of America
  • Life has improved out of all recognition for the three families taking part in this historical re-enactment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Byrne sets up image-and-text compositions in which there is often a deliberate dislocation between pictures, whether moving or still, and words, whether broadcast or printed, just as there is an uneasy relationship between historical fact and restaged re-enactment. This week's new exhibitions
  • If a violation of one of those rights and freedoms is the result of a non-observance of the obligation in the enactment of domestic legislation, the responsibility of the State is engaged.
  • Isn't the gold standard for civil liberties questions the ‘strict scrutiny’ test, whereby legislative enactments trenching on constitutional rights need to achieve a compelling state interest by the least intrusive means possible?
  • Most rituals performed by Maya kings were commemorative reenactments.
  • In recent years there has been demand for enactment of legislation enabling the adoption of children.
  • The communist regime considers stylized reenactment of ancient stories to be a politically subversive intellectual entertainment for the rich.
  • The Welsh can perform a reenactment of the Battle of Humbleton Hill, where Welsh longbowmen decimated the Scottish forces in 1402. 5 Strange
  • It is almost too painful to watch: a horrible enactment of their dual, private hell.
  • Or, by switching voices, he himself can reply to his own statement and then respond to the reply, thereby shifting from monologue to the enactment of dialogue.
  • The film centers around twelve year-old Maxi, a swishy boy whose preferences for girlish clothes, romantic movies and Miss Universe pageant reenactments makes him a target for teasing in his ghetto neighborhood. 2009 June :
  • In addition, enactments-which are inherently relationally focused-may be viewed as a defining clinical operation that is unique and essential to relational therapies.
  • He was spoiling for a fight that was 15 years in the future and probably never to happen — by the time prom dates start showing up, so much has taken place between father and daughter that the handoff, while charged, is more an enactment of an emotion than an experience of it — so the next thing you know, he pulls onto his street, comes across the photographer, and punches his lights out. The Passion of Alec Baldwin
  • Well, the Department of Health…… as though, by the enactment by Parliament of legislation, a State is taking steps in fulfilment of a duty of care.
  • In Montreal this has been done, and, as the seignoral rights of succession lapse, it will soon be done every where, for the recent enactments have emancipated many already. Canada and the Canadians Volume I
  • Members of relationships use standards as templates for evaluating whether or not each other's behavior and role enactment are appropriate and acceptable.
  • One of the highlights of the weekend will be period re-enactments of historical trials in the old Law Courts in City Hall.
  • * -- A more important matter, however, is the extension and the readaptation of the constitution through parliamentary enactment. The Governments of Europe
  • The wording of the statutory duty, like much of the relevant enactments and regulations relating to complaints and discipline, is not exactly helpful.
  • How much the Hopi value turquoise becomes apparent toward the close of a ritual enactment known as the Clown Ceremony.
  • The notion that once enactment is forced, the public will suddenly embrace health-care reform could not be further from the truth Matthew Yglesias » A Historic Achievement
  • Time and again, the legislation has sailed through congressional votes only to encounter choppy seas as it neared the safe harbor of enactment.
  • In 2003, the art duo's ICA re-enactment of the Cramps' famed Napa State Mental Institute gig, performed with a tribute act and mental health patients, teased ideas of authenticity. This week's new exhibitions
  • It is a well-established and incontrovertible principle of law that any elector is eligible to the office for which said elector votes, unless there be a _specific enactment discriminating against the elector_. Samantha Among the Brethren, Complete
  • During the enactment, they will bridge some of the rural - urban divide as well, by bringing a folk tale to an urban audience.
  • A Thing Is A Hole In A Thing It Is Not (until 3 May) the work examines the history of minimalist art and includes the re-enactment of a 1964 interview with Donald Judd, Dan Flavin and Frank Stella who came together to explain their ideas before the term minimalism had come to define a movement. The Art Newspaper - RSS
  • Although shook up, Sophie joins a special reenactment in Capri. The Night Villa-Carole Goodman « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Their enactment was delayed by a presidential veto, which was overridden by the National Assembly.
  • The Law of Social Risk of 1970 was a reenactment of the old law against "vagrants and crooks" that had been in force since 1933.
  • Skeel argues that the enactment and repeal of the first three bankruptcy acts is an example of legislative cycling.
  • If Mao On The Wall is primarily concerned with the documentation of the fading mythology of Mao Zedong, then the series Reenactment in contrast enacts the story of the demythologization of this icon.
  • Even TV shows are showing real life crime cases in lieu of dramatic reenactments.
  • Throughout its range in the western hemisphere, the mongoose is a pest; and the Biological Survey of the Department of Agriculture has done well in securing the enactment of a law peremptorily prohibiting the importation of any animals of that species into the United States or any of its colonies. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • By day, the priests and priestesses performed enactments for people who came to the temple.
  • Doubtless this was partly attributable to the scarcity of food which prevailed; but that the authorities traced it also to some secret ceremonials is evident from the law which was immediately passed forbidding the Indians to wear the _piochtli_, or scalp-lock, a portion of the hair preserved from birth as part of the genethliac rituals, [32-§] and the especial enactments against the _octli_. Nagualism A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
  • Perhaps the only formal whaling code authorized by legislative enactment was that of Holland.
  • When the defendant took her tenancy it was 1985 and the relevant enactment was the Rent Act 1977.
  • Policy must be implemented by legislative enactment, rather than public education alone.
  • The notion that once enactment is forced, the public will suddenly embrace health-care reform could not be further from the truth — and is likely to become a rallying cry for disaffected Republicans, independents and, yes, Democrats. Matthew Yglesias » Health Care Plan Getting More Popular
  • Time and again, the legislation has sailed through congressional votes only to encounter choppy seas as it neared the safe harbor of enactment.
  • Accompanied by re-enactments, graphics and plenty of the vintage vitriol, Mr. Guerriero who back then used the name Eddie Lee Sausage as a member of a jokey metal band and Mr. Deprey relate their obsession with their noisy neighbors. NYT > Home Page
  • In the film, overweight teachers recover painful gym class memories, as a reenactment flashes of a 1950s-style gym teacher making children perform unspeakable tasks like push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks before he informs them with blood-curdling severity, “Okay, boys and girls, today we’re gonna play a game called dodgeball.” FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • Certainly the concrete literalness of the enactments and their aliveness in the mind recall this early hypothesis.
  • If this stunt is a success, think of some of the other celebrations we might be subjected to: Southern Nationalists holding John Wilkes Booth Days complete with reenactments of his most famous moment in a theater, Timothy McVeigh Days with a reenactment of the last moments of the Murrah daycare center, and, of course, Mohamed Atta Days with what horrors I'll leave you to imagine. Jesus Wept
  • RL: Re-enactment is practical archaeology; what we do is ‘living history’ and as authentic as we can make it, so living as a Viking for, say, ten days at a stretch gives you the feel (and smell) of what it must gave been like. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Robert Low, part one
  • Second, a thorough explanation sets the stage for the entire therapy and the developmental progression of enactments over its course.
  • In this way as if scenarios are not metaphors but are performative approaches or enactments.
  • The cause for this enactment is stated in the statute to be that such acts may be prejudicial to and tend to endanger the peace and welfare of the kingdom, and, because the laws in existence are not sufficiently effectual for preventing such acts, it is necessary to supplement them by this special enactment. The Alexandra
  • His participation in the re-enactment group - beginning in 2003 and continuing for several years - has drawn criticism from a Holocaust survivors group as well as from House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.). Boehner endorses Ohio GOP House candidate criticized for Nazi reenactment
  • Against the Constitution, against the memory of the nation, against a previous decision, against a series of enactments he decided that the slave is property; that slave property is entitled to no less protection than any other property; that the Constitution upholds it in every Territory against any act of a local Legislature and even against Congress itself; or, as the President for that term tersely promulgated the saying: "Kansas is as much a slave State as South Carolina or Georgia; slavery, by virtue of the Constitution, exists in every Territory. Men of Maryland
  • Essentially, the whole country goes nuts for a week or two, until, as usual, we are vanquished with all the flummery of a re-enactment of 1066.
  • The show picks a topic and presents it through re-enactments and first-hand accounts.
  • The shoot-out at Ramsbottom Station was a re-enactment of the battle of Falaise, in northern France, during the second world war.
  • Most of the techniques aim for the extended targets, or the head, just the areas you're not supposed to strike in reenactment - fair enough since we wear modern protective gear for WMA, whereas your friend on a reenactment field is probably wearing an authentic open-faced helmet. Not going smiting...
  • Civil War reenactments are catnip for photographers.
  • My belief is, that in seeking the re-enactment of the existing law after its suspension, you would have had to contend with greater difficulties than you anticipate.
  • Find out by Joining in with this interactive historical re-enactment fun day for budding knights. Times, Sunday Times
  • He bets the other two boys that the South will win during a Civil War reenactment.
  • In some countries some Muslims are clamoring for reenactment of fundamentalist Islamic measures.
  • The enactment of the law brought immediate results.
  • The report also criticised the current boom in real-life crime re-enactments, which again tend to concentrate on the most violent crimes.
  • Indisputably, there is a real need for the enactment of such a law at the earliest possible opportunity.
  • They disdain combat re-enactment, opting instead to show authentic training skills, precision marching and parade ground drill, to Latin commands.
  • And the paintings themselves are this radical, troubling, pauseless enactment. Globe and Mail
  • For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
  • Then there was a further enactment subsequently that re-enacted that provision.
  • There was an attempted repeal and re-enactment in 1937 which failed in the Legislative Assembly.
  • For example, the enactment of import quotas, designed to compensate particular industrial supporters, may impose substantial additional costs.
  • A viewer can almost sense "American Experience" eventually handing the reenactment baton over to the newsier hand of "Frontline," as "God in America" explores the way religion -- again, evangelical Christianity -- currently feeds politics and the culture wars, and vice versa. PBS's calm and evenhanded 'God in America'
  • The comic-drama of this man who is teased for being a tight-ass, ‘a self-righteous goody two-shoes,’ feels like the enactment of an old, old moment in the history of mutual human dumbness.
  • They were referred to the committee on the expiration and reenactment of laws, and never heard from again.
  • On the last day, the subjects went to a law school where they saw a documentary re-enactment of a real rape trial.
  • Most of the law dealt with here is based on statutes or other public enactments.
  • It describes the re-enactment not as the battle of Trafalgar but simply as “an early 19th-century sea battle”. Daimnation!: Cultural suicide
  • The vibrant subculture of battle reenactment is too often thought of as merely a hobby or as activity unworthy of sustained analytical attention.
  • However all the sudden the little 'baa'ing is becoming quite deafening ... can't blame a girl for expecting a reenactment of 1984 at any moment. Rainandfire Diary Entry
  • In quantization step quantization gene is an important parameter in video stream control. The enactment of this parameter is determined by buffer occupancy.
  • The ritual enactments of faith are the time-honoured ways in which people show their commitment to their tradition.
  • This became the template for an educational reenactment that was to be repeated fifteen years later during the bicentenary.
  • The enactment of mainstream legislation using emergency procedures undermines the consensus for the use of such procedures in justifiable cases. B2fxxx
  • The enactment of masochistic desire is a performance of history, and masochism is a synchronic enactment of diachrony.
  • The refugee support organisation described the draft law as resembling "in many respects a re-enactment of old-fashioned laws for protection against foreigners".
  • When pontifical enactments take the form of responses they are called decretal epistles. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Additionally, the law reaches back to revoke legal visas already obtained: “… the period of authorized admission as such a nonimmigrant shall terminate 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, …” … Rather than have a serious discussion on how security processes can actually be improved in reasonable and cost effective ways, we have jingoistic and “one size fits all” approaches to get at such issues. Think Progress » Right Wing Mounts Witch Hunt To Smear TSA Nominee With Flailing, Off-Target Attacks
  • The film version is almost a word-for-word reenactment of the books 'most important plot points, leaving out some of the more controversial elements that gave the book a dark overtone. Elites TV
  • But the reason I list it here under political films is that despite the grisly subject matter, the film is a statement -- and a re-enactment, of sorts -- of what it's like to live under authoritarian rule. Delia Lloyd: 5 Political Films Worth Seeing
  • I tentatively support legislative enactment of same-sex marriage - but only when the legislature is constitutionally authorized to do this.
  • Nor was there much support for the enactment of game laws from western settlers.
  • A noxal action was granted by the statute of the Twelve Tables in cases of mischief done through wantonness, passion, or ferocity, by irrational animals; it being by an enactment of that statute provided, that if the owner of such an animal is ready to surrender it as compensation for the damage, he shall thereby be released from all liability. The Institutes of Justinian
  • These re-enactments were videotaped and the videos were played in court.
  • We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.
  • In 1936 the Public Health Act consolidated with amendments previous enactments relating to public health.
  • In other words, a supernatural being that ‘reveals’ itself in the natural world, through personal appearances, visitations, the enactment of miracles, the impartation of moral codices, etc., is not merely highly improbable but impossible and the application of rigorous logic has demonstrated this to be so. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The enactment of these laws removed the possibility of education for youth within the state.
  • The actual performance, that is the enactment of a dreaming in dance by the painted women accompanied by singing, often lasts five minutes or less.
  • The image featured a bare-breasted woman as part of a reenactment of the Last Supper.
  • We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights.
  • The main building was also used for the enactment of mystery plays.
  • Rights to perform were closely negotiated before enactment and exactingly compensated afterwards.
  • The police authorities of New York appear now to be thoroughly in earnest in carrying out the municipal enactments forbidding expectoration in public places.
  • In fact, the FIRST AMENDMENT does restrain Congress from enactment of ANY law that 'abridges' the exercise of free speech, freedom of the press ... etc Edwards: I Would Have Voted Against Resolution Condemning MoveOn
  • Via reenactments with actors and voiceover interviews with the dead man's zoophile friends Top Stories
  • But there are some who pray the Sabbath prayers and recite the Kiddush and then go desecrate the Sabbath by doing work that is forbidden by the Torah and by rabbinic enactment.
  • In Britain, however, a large body of case law evolved from the enforcement of statutory enactments.
  • These hard facts indicate real motives behind enactment of this draconian law.
  • The comic-drama of this man who is teased for being a tight-ass, ‘a self-righteous goody two-shoes,’ feels like the enactment of an old, old moment in the history of mutual human dumbness.
  • The trial reenactment, which is being scripted by Assistant District Attorney Sandra L. Hautanen, will be part of an open house beginning at 4 p.m. June 4 at Worcester's new courthouse. Undefined
  • In addition to features of shielded enactments already noted, certain other process elements deserve mention.
  • This statute was merely a reenactment of prior statutes which have preserved common law crimes and made them part of our jurisprudence.
  • The worst part is the maddening banter: "At this particular moment in time, could you put your hands together and give it up for bridesmaid Caressa Van Riemsdyck and best man Shayenne O'Leary?" he screeches, as if every wedding were a re-enactment of an Arsenio Hall monologue, circa 1989. DJs: The Real Wedding Crashers
  • California only conforms by statutory enactment, it does not conform automatically.
  • Thus, the call of Moses uses theophany and promise to create a relationship with Yahweh, one that is expressed in Israel's obedience and carried forward to future audiences by means of Passover re-enactment.
  • I must again call attention to the desirableness of consolidating the statutory enactments regarding the New Zealand Institute, and incorporating the Clause 7 of the Finance Act, 1925, under which authority the main income of the Institute is derived.
  • Few could have predicted this re-enactment of the age-old squabble which underpins the dodgy plots of so many Hollywood Westerns would occur in the last 16 of the World Cup, but both teams of sharpshooters have made it through on merit.
  • These reenactments were videotaped and the videos were played in court.
  • Presidential statements, by definition, are pronouncements issued by the president when a congressional enactment is signed. News From Yesterday
  • There is not the slightest likelihood of rebellion on the part of the negroes after 1840, unless some unrighteous attempts be made to keep up the helotism of the class by enactments of partial laws. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Chapter 4 also retraces the fascinating, albeit largely forgotten, story of the federal government's attempts to promote complete car manufacture through legislative enactment.

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