How To Use En masse In A Sentence
And the first ranks have been followed by what one might almost call a levée en masse of those that remained.
England's Effort: Letters to an American Friend
When the ship fired its polaron beam at one mine, others within that defensive sphere reacted to the threat, homing in on the source of the beam and attacking it en masse.
Creative Couplings
In the West, his reserve with men had been labelled taciturnity or swollen-headeduess, which did not fit the case at all; whilst, in spite of his perfect manner towards them, his indifference to woman _en masse_ or in the individual was supreme and sincere.
The Hawk of Egypt
The only time that students in my class were reprimanded en masse for plagiarism, they had copied literatim large chunks of the introduction to the textbook used in class!
WSJIDEBATE: Are Students Too Reliant on the Internet for Research?
They suddenly turn up en masse and stand in the sea talking to each other.
Times, Sunday Times
The British were engaged, and routed, and then defeated en masse at an unnamed river normally identified as the Thames.
Of the lumpen masses, 1.5 million died in concentration camps and 1.3 million in the war against the outside world.
Theatre audiences might be asked to vote at the end of the play, or march en masse on the local town hall.
The Times Literary Supplement
It is also clear that it would be inhuman, impractical and ruinous for the economy to require them to leave en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
The rest can only hide in their holes, or like lemmings rush to disaster en masse.
Canada would truly become like China, a gross violator of "netiquette", a censor en masse, treating our citizens like sheep.
Ezra Levant: March 2008 Archives
One night, the gathering dissolved into great hilarity when we all decided to wear our newly "boughten" Kygryz felt hats en masse.
Then the sheer glut of shows about disasters, crashes and accidents led to viewer fatigue, and they disappeared en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
There was no disappointment, as the band let loose with jazzy groove that had people moving en masse.
I noticed the wardroom as a class, you might say, was manoeuvrin '_en masse_, an' then come the order to cockbill the yards.
Traffics and Discoveries
What about the downtrodden masses back in coach?
Times, Sunday Times
The splitting of the rostellum, curiously enough, never happens without insect aid; but if a bristle or needle be passed over it ever so lightly, a stream of sticky, milky fluid exudes, hardens, and the boat-shaped disk, with pollen masses attached, may be withdrawn on the bristle just as the bee removes them with her tongue.
Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
The social types turned out en masse to cheer on their friends and to put a little hard cash on the line.
Yesterday the council cabinet resigned en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Culturally, could China be forming en masse what Zhou Zhiqiang from Nankai University in Tianjin calls "happy imbeciles" -- a cultural form secretly encouraged by the State's aesthetical project?
Pepe Escobar: Shanghai and the Mystery of China's Soft Power
Instead of targeting young voters en masse, as a presidential campaign might, Punkvoter employs hard-edged, partisan tactics to mobilize its core audience.
But in recent years their numbers have been declining fast as they leave en masse to escape drought and pollution.
The Sun
A senior army general who has defected said that his forces were preparing to enter the fray en masse alongside the citizens' militia yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
The trend reveals an emerging movement that's leaderless, global, anarchic and chaotic but it is a movement in which ordinary people can participate en masse to voice their concerns and bring about change.
A rushing en masse appears to leave one man lifeless.
Times, Sunday Times
England's players are celebrity superstars around the world and the paparazzi will descend en masse into Krakow.
Times, Sunday Times
On 20 May the fifteen member drama advisory panel resigned en masse.
A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
Had they chartered a private plane to fly them en masse to Edinburgh?
We have been massed towards Saint Denis, which is being bombarded," he replied.
The Memoirs of Victor Hugo
New York thus arguably owes its commercial success to one source: the ability to move goods and people from one place to another efficiently and en masse.
CardinalMahony: Arleen: try taking her to one of the Life Teen Masses, or a Mass that is designed for young people.
Mahony on Liturgy
Darwin realized that when a moth with pollen masses stuck on its proboscis visited the next flower, the bent-over pollen mass would be aligned for perfect delivery onto the new flower's stigma.
Theatre audiences might be asked to vote at the end of the play, or march en masse on the local town hall.
The Times Literary Supplement
Personally, I'm enjoying buying the discontinued games en masse.
He added: ‘We have no idea whether it has been mailshot en masse to North Yorkshire.’
This internal conflict amongst the proletarians in turn complicates the simplicity of Marx's call for a revolution that would necessarily unite laborers en masse against bourgeois capitalists.
This alone might not be cause enough for blacks en masse to repeatedly give their firm backing to the Democrats, especially when the Democrats compromise, conciliate, and flat out fumble the ball when it comes to caving to the GOP in fighting for increased funding and initiatives that help the urban poor.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: The GOP's Phony "Plantationism" Charge Against Democrats
When these are being triggered en masse, it applies downward pressure on prices and intensify selling.
Times, Sunday Times
Here were the tropical plumage of the palm, the dark green masses of the live-oak, the glistening verdure of wild orange-groves; and from out the shadowy thickets hung the wreaths of the jessamine and the scarlet trumpets of the bignonia.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
They suddenly turn up en masse and stand in the sea talking to each other.
Times, Sunday Times
Looking at 159 differently sized breeds of dog en masse can be a little off-putting, especially considering their common source is the wolf.
The world taken _en masse_ is a monster, crammed with prejudices, packed with prepossessions, cankered with what it calls virtues, a puritan, a prig.
The Green Carnation
On 20 May the fifteen member drama advisory panel resigned en masse.
A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
Events such as the Shrovetide football match in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, where both the upper and lower halves of the town collide en masse around a ball, or the ancient sport of dwile flonking from the Norfolk/Suffolk area, which is half-custom/half-drinking game and was recently banned under health and safety regulations.
This week's new DVD & Blu-ray
You surely can't expect the Church to condone law-breaking en masse!
the students turned out en masse
Hedge funds are going out of business en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Then they sold out of them en masse when the outlook became more uncertain.
Times, Sunday Times
But while the San Jose Bike Party involves thousands of people acting ridiculously en masse, Portlanders prefer to sort of "atomize" their rides by humiliating themselves in highly specific ways.
BSNYC Road Dairy: Last Stop Portland
England's players are celebrity superstars around the world and the paparazzi will descend en masse into Krakow.
Times, Sunday Times
The young folk were emigrating en masse.
Most of the state leaders viewed the exhibits en masse and gave high praise of them.
Hanging around between the pylons were huge shoals of fish, seemingly unfazed by our presence, happy to let us swim by and follow us en masse with one beady eye.
The rozzers showed up a split second later en masse (two cars and a van) and rang the loud neighbour's doorbell.
The MSM however decided (en masse coincidently) that this demonstrates a mass exodus from the Dem Party while no mention of the larger number of Reps leaving.
Think Progress » Carl Cameron Gets Chummy With Brown Supporters, Ducks Question Of Fox News’ Ethics
A million names have been removed from it, while others have been moved en masse across constituencies.
Times, Sunday Times
But in recent years their numbers have been declining fast as they leave en masse to escape drought and pollution.
The Sun
As these separated communities when massed together, indeed in some cases even of themselves, count a vast number of souls, among whom many are conspicuous for their religious earnestness, this extension of the term Christendom to include them all has its solid justification.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
‘One family came to me en masse - six members - for the elimination of their hookworms,’ Dr. Nelson notes.
Westmount borough chairman Karin Marks, on the threat of non-residents coming en masse to do jackknives in the Westmount pool
The male guests doubtless committed faux pas en masse in their morning dress.
Times, Sunday Times
They unfurl into a very upright form that looks particularly good when planted en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
A bouquet or two of the choicest blossoms fell on the unperturbed head of one Mr. Graves, a stony young assistant he usually carried about with him; with a second nosegay he gifted another young gentleman in his train - an interesting fac - simile of himself, being, indeed, his own son; but the full corbeille of blushing bloom fell to the lot of meddling womankind, en masse.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
Not only does it free you from any guilt, it also stops the arrangements from being discussed en masse with the wider family circle.
Times, Sunday Times
And reproduced en masse and handed with confidence to potential investors, it ultimately helped make the fantasy a reality.
En masse, the PAs, Wardrobe Managers, Personal Managers, Exercise Coaches, Bodyguards and all the other dogsbodies that make up the contemporary celebrity entourage would descend on Coathanger and demand that he begin fawning over ‘their’ celebrity.
Extreme Sports
The cabinet should then resign en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Then they sold out of them en masse when the outlook became more uncertain.
Times, Sunday Times
Each year millions of smokers attempt to quit en masse, spurred on by the annual health awareness campaign.
He has realised it is better to have them onside, however, especially as they have secured a block of 150 seats for each of the Tests - the first time they have sat en masse at home.
But the situation is radically altered when the worldly-minded man who is oriented to external factors and has lost his religious beliefs appears en masse, as is the case today.
A million names have been removed from it, while others have been moved en masse across constituencies.
Times, Sunday Times
It blew sideways --- en masse --- like a compacted serving of organic alfalfa.
The Joneses are coming for lunch en masse all twelve of them!
These obits, namely anniversaries of deaths when masses were to be offered for the person recollected, were to be secured by the fee of
John Keble's Parishes
The liquidation of unsound businesses, the "idle capacity" of the malinvested plant, and the "frictional" unemployment of original factors that must suddenly and en masse shift to lower stages of production - these are the chief hallmarks of the depression stage.
This is to ensure correct allocation of times and avoid people turning up en masse at the beginning of the event.
‘Even if all dormant account holders come forward en masse to claim their money, the outflow of funds would not have a huge effect on the banks,’ he said.
Part of what makes the Petite Rivière Shelter Center camp work so well is that it is composed of members of a preexistent community which relocated en masse after the earthquake.
Beverly Bell: "Part of the Dream for National Reconstruction": Haitian Refugee Camps Model Future Society
When the proboscis has reached the end of the spur, its basal portion depresses the little hinged rostellum that covers the saddle-shaped sticky glands to which the pollen masses (pollinia) are attached.
Darwinism (1889)
Which, yesterday, the visitors seemed to decide to do en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
After that, the troops began to desert en masse.
Then they sold out of them en masse when the outlook became more uncertain.
Times, Sunday Times
From the moment Henry Ford I started mass producing cars, motorists began en masse to individualize their own particular vehicle.
His claim to be a representative of the downtrodden masses is, of course, completely bogus.
In an era when many young college stars bolt for the NBA after minimal time on campus, the decision by the Gators to return en masse for another crack at a title bucked that trend.
First round awaits Gators after second collegiate title
One of its highlights is a truffle festival, with foodies and renowned chefs descending en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't they realise it gives the downtrodden masses something to aspire to?
Times, Sunday Times
I can remember calling AAUW women to gather en masse at the State House to keep our compulsory education law intact.
Oral History Interview with Marguerite Tolbert, June 14, 1974. Interview G-0062. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
The cabinet should then resign en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
He took care not to show it, though, which wasn't difficult, since Brown prosed on at length, telling him that when they'd been in Chicago, and a hotel had refused to take the coloured people who were along with him, Brown and his gang had trooped out en masse, and hadn't rested until they'd found a place where there was no colour bar.
Yes, they are, and I'm sure power grids endured redlining surges as garbage disposals clean up the treacly detritus en masse.
The guardsmen massed at several places in the city, including the 69th Regiment Armory on Lexington Avenue.
A Rare Turn in Spotlight for Guard
They unfurl into a very upright form that looks particularly good when planted en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Giant honeybees are known to flip their bellies up en masse to create a giant wave called a shimmer, somewhat akin to humans rhythmically throwing their hands in the air in a wave at a football game. Top headlines
It comes amid growing evidence that we are turning to mobile banking en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Protests en masse While cinephilia seems to be hardwired into the French DNA, so does the act of taking to the boulevards to express dissatisfaction.
It's Lights, Camera, Strike in France
According to these men, school hakas were performed by student spectators en masse at inter-collegiate sporting events and, when they were older, at parties and other social events where a group of school-mates gathered.
Demain je vais me faire couper les cheveux si j'ai le courage vu que j'ai pas envie de les voir tomber en masse avec cette grandeur, ca va beaucoup plus me perturber que si je les perds alors qu'ils sont court ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Two hundred yards at twelve o'clock, Dead things en masse in the road, fire!
rightsizing" -- the strategy of firing employees en masse in order to post paper gains in stock price.
Freezerbox Magazine
A new Windows worm has been hitting unpatched Windows 2000 computers en masse - and causing blushes at several media organisations along the way.
More than 30,000 troops have been massed in the region backed by 23 naval vessels, warplanes, tanks, armoured vehicles and artillery.
Large shoals of pollack can quickly deplete the food supply on one wreck then move en masse to another.
It is thought to be the first time witnesses in a civil court action have applied en masse for anonymity.
Times, Sunday Times
When these are being triggered en masse, it applies downward pressure on prices and intensify selling.
Times, Sunday Times
The hair was forced into a frazzled haystack, with a little thatch combed over until your barnet billowed in frozen masses around your face.
Now a national park, Sepphoris was continuously inhabited from the late sixth century B.C. until 1948, when the population of the Arab village of Saffuriyeh fled en masse as the newly created Israel Defense Forces invaded during the War of Independence.
Israel Now
In addition to the treat of viewing many of my cheap cell phone camera pictures en masse, the gallery is also an easy way to find archived posts -- click on a thumbnail, and if it is part of an old post, the link will take you there.
Archive 2005-03-01
To see falcons en masse seemed a bit like cheating life.
Times, Sunday Times
o Likewise, Woolley said, the study is evidence that human societies may function better en masse, just like many animal species.
Perhaps because it’s assumed that they are mentally ill “fanatic” en masse, that being “a loner” isn’t part of their culture, and that individuality is not one of their strong points, the heinousness of the act is focused upon rather than the potentially damaged nature of the individual who acted.
Tom Engelhardt: In the Crosshairs: Tucson-Kabul
Iraqi troops gave up en masse.
I was stunned as a group of people moved en masse to the altar to kneel and pray.
Christianity Today
The glamour has arrived en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
It blew sideways --- en masse --- like a compacted serving of organic alfalfa.
Hedge funds are going out of business en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
The MSM however decided (en masse coincidently) that this demonstrates a mass exodus from the Dem Party while no mention of the larger number of Reps leaving.
Think Progress » Carl Cameron Gets Chummy With Brown Supporters, Ducks Question Of Fox News’ Ethics
Add to this the fact that, during the same time period, American police switched en masse to autoloading pistols.
Thunderheads often massed behind the towering rimrock, great cliffs of cloud spitting lightning and ruminous with thunder.
No frost yet, so the leaves are not turning en masse; instead there has been a long succession of lovely sunny days and blue skies.
The asylum-seekers could be seen massed on a clearing made among the cargo containers, partly sheltered by canvas awnings.
Which, yesterday, the visitors seemed to decide to do en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
The glamour has arrived en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Families move en masse to the beach lugging strollers and coolers, and kids on bikes zigzag in the street.
They grab tickets en masse for scalpers, lurk in chat rooms to hand out ads, skew recommendation systems, and scrape pricing data.
But it would be flecked with disappointment were he to roll back the advances of the past 12 months in favour of creating his very own Dad's Army through the restoration of the golden oldies en masse.
Harry Redknapp's Dad's Army take on England would be a step back | Richard Williams
Then when they show up en masse to protest, they are again belittled as "the angry mob".
Stacking the deck (Jack Bog's Blog)
Last week they descended en masse on Farnborough air show to meet industry bosses.
Times, Sunday Times
They are roughly textured lumpen masses, yet they're instantly recognizable, which makes for a palpable tension.
The school children had been marched out en masse and had been told who Willkie was, for they hallooed and waved with enthusiasm.
The Last Empress
There was a huge plum tree in my yard and we would climb it en masse and fill buckets (I swear this is true).
A senior army general who has defected said that his forces were preparing to enter the fray en masse alongside the citizens' militia yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
But they should really be viewed as antidraft movements, and they existed, en masse, when the wealthy could buy their way out of serving — as Teddy Roosevelt's father and his ilk did during the Civil War, or as countless college kids did during the deferment-ridden Vietnam conflict.
Why We Need a Draft: A Marine’s Lament
They often do this en masse where several hundred adults will gather at the base of a tree, along a fencerow or under a rock.
Not only does it free you from any guilt, it also stops the arrangements from being discussed en masse with the wider family circle.
Times, Sunday Times
Yesterday the council cabinet resigned en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
States who do not sign instruments at the time of opening for signature often accede en masse.
We'll arrange to have them all bundled up and forwarded to him together - en masse - as a declaration of our admiration and respect.
Seen en masse, the effect of these rippling colour fields, outlined by dark webs, is almost psychedelic.
One of its highlights is a truffle festival, with foodies and renowned chefs descending en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
With their wealth of detail and complex atmospherics, all the paintings are microcosms that demand individual attention and are difficult to absorb en masse.
No other U.S. dance company exports American good will en masse the way this one does.
All remarked "that the Aurora flashed forth in the most vivid beams when masses of cirrous strata were hovering in the upper regions of the air, and when these were so thin that their presence could only be recognized by the formation of a halo round the moon.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
After softening you up, they drag you en masse to the door.
At this stage they would seem to be in their most decorative form, though their flowers, in a cut state, formed into "posies," are very beautiful and really charming when massed for table decoration; on the plant they have a faded appearance.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
It comes amid growing evidence that we are turning to mobile banking en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
The press, dozy as ever, would have missed the story en masse.
(Of course, the only group to be extirpated from the region en masse would be those of Japanese ancestry.)
A rushing en masse appears to leave one man lifeless.
Times, Sunday Times
It's madness that we are allowing mainstream media to lead the way in absorbing and coopting the principal elements of Jihadi propaganda and shoving them down our throats constantly - the only result of which is not the vaguest hint of the furthering of the purported ideals of, say, human rights, egalite and fraternite or the rights of the downtrodden masses.
Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
That afternoon we attended _en masse_ one of those refined inquisitions commonly known as picnics, and Winthrop lost his pocket-knife.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 106, August, 1866
When birds swoop around en masse, how do they decide who does the steering?
It is also clear that it would be inhuman, impractical and ruinous for the economy to require them to leave en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Yesterday the council cabinet resigned en masse.
Times, Sunday Times
Last week they descended en masse on Farnborough air show to meet industry bosses.
Times, Sunday Times
It is thought to be the first time witnesses in a civil court action have applied en masse for anonymity.
Times, Sunday Times
En masse, they joined, creating an instant archduchy (Tierra del Fuego) in 1996.
Asians have been intertwined with America's destiny since Chinese immigrants arrived en masse to build the transcontinental railway after the civil war.
I was stunned as a group of people moved en masse to the altar to kneel and pray.
Christianity Today