How To Use Emptiness In A Sentence

  • What if it was expressive of the redundancy of these men's thoughts, their emptiness and circularity?
  • All her meanness and prosaicness was forgotten, all her imperfections and shortcomings; it was home, the one tangible thing in the glittering emptiness of the spheres. Gulliver of Mars
  • To emphasize the cold, inhospitable emptiness of the West, O'Sullivan had to aim his lens elsewhere than at the roads and bivouacs just out of camera range. Western Development
  • And events since the Report have exposed the emptiness of any such expectation.
  • They'll see the yucky black emptiness inside, and they'll be repulsed and run away.
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  • Like a routine play nine hundred and ninety eight spindly human figures stepped forth onto the walls and filed towards the black emptiness arranged around the Core in what a chemist or mathematician might call tetrahedral bipyramidal form. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • It is this eerie emptiness that Lucier's camera records.
  • This larger emptiness went hand in hand with the insensitivities endured by the poor and working class residents who were removed from neighborhood after neighborhood.
  • The fact that it is not an isolated art space, with its desolateness and emptiness despite its real existence, drew my interest," he said. Hoyt Hilsman: Ancient Istanbul Synagogue Reborn as Arts Center†
  • Degenerate, decadence and emptiness loneliness loss.
  • The Earth is not important in the cosmos, it is a tiny speck surrounded by this vast emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The streets are deserted, their emptiness emphasized by the lonely sound of the wind.
  • It may be true that, according to Freddoso, Obama dismissed the slogan “Yes we can” as “vapid and mindless” when it was first proposed to him, in 2004, but he liked it well enough in 2008, and then came the null emptiness of the phrase — the audacity of hope — that he annexed from a windy sermon by Jeremiah Wright. Cool Cat
  • The hollow of the bell symbolizes the wisdom cognizing emptiness.
  • Everything is just blank - plain emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drone is the idea of sound underneath the appearances, the dark emptiness that groans out of the fault, the opening, that the poet, now the mature, oracular Nobel Laureate, approaches with his caduceus.
  • The distorted semblances of the trees on the other side were vaguely visible through it, mocking him cruelly in the emptiness.
  • I was right there with the loonies, making the cocoa, talking to the emptiness. GO!
  • In order to understand the subtle emptiness, one must understand the subtle dependent origination, that is, the dependent designation. Shantideva's Compendium of Precepts (Laptu) and A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Chod-j
  • Therefore, trying to fill our emptiness with anything other than spiritual pursuits is like trying to plug a round hole with a square cork.
  • Days melted together, welded by the redundant routine of tears and emptiness.
  • Sleep was a short reprieve from the burning sensation that filled her body and the emptiness of her mind.
  • As he coolly, incisively probes away, his questions elicit fascinating personal revelations, generating feelings of anger, guilt, panic and emptiness.
  • Everything is just blank - plain emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dragon, gliding across its vast emptiness, was a mere gilded fly in a banqueting hall.
  • Yet in a play that explores spiritual emptiness, the sense of absence is strangely appropriate.
  • Emptiness is as full as fullness, and the whiteness of the paper is as expressive as the marks made upon it.
  • The apparent intensity of this backlash masks the real emptiness of such complaints.
  • Only a seasoned actor whose every gesture conveys meaning can fill this much emptiness.
  • To see a once-thriving city reduced to beggary and emptiness, to live one day at a time in point of food and medicine, to see an old European order brutally and efficiently overturned, to notice the utterly casual way in which human life can be snuffed out, and to see war machines wheeling and diving in the overcast sky: such an education! The Catastrophist
  • Her lower-topsails hung in limp emptiness from the yards, heavy with rain and flapping soggily when she rolled. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • Looking visually back on the last three presidents, from the entitled jaws of Clinton to the dumb, glazed emptiness of Bush's head and eyes to the now-furious Obama, it is easier to find a worthwhile summer movie than a psychologically appropriate person to be our President. Dr. Cheryl Pappas: Obama: The Words and the Missing Actions
  • The young prince showed, among other virtues, a disposition to frugality, which, had he lived, would soon have retrieved these losses; but as his health was declining very fast, the present emptiness of the exchequer was a sensible obstacle to the execution of those projects which the ambition of Northumberland had founded on the prospect of The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
  • To my enjoyment, he made no more explanation, so I let him stew in the emptiness of the verbal vacuum he created.
  • A Buddhist and a Christian think more penetratingly about emptiness and kenosis as a result of their encounter.
  • Like a routine play nine hundred and ninety eight spindly human figures stepped forth onto the walls and filed towards the black emptiness arranged around the Core in what a chemist or mathematician might call tetrahedral bipyramidal form. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A mosque is intended as a void: all paths lead to emptiness, reality is affirmed through its negation.
  • We forget spaces, our own emptiness, to construct places that tell exciting stories about who we are.
  • Emptiness resides in plenitude and solitude, the problematic path for Buddhists and Romanticists alike. About This Volume
  • Sr Mary's unselfish life touched so many people in so very many ways and her passing leaves an emptiness that can never be filled.
  • He becomes all outer show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent.
  • But it had to come to an end, leaving me with a renewed feeling of void and emptiness.
  • In eroticism the poles of life and death, being and nothingness, fullness and emptiness are one, dissolved like subject and object in the insensible totality of things.
  • All this is far superior to the dressy emptiness of the last star-studded Haymarket revival.
  • Still, Canada's vast, frozen emptiness offers a unique playground for Mars-gazing scientists.
  • This should have triggered a warning to my feeble little mind, yet the emptiness remained unnoticed.
  • I felt an emptiness inside me, all my energy drained.
  • Some observers note that for all their cuteness and flippant humor, these cartoonlike characters evoke a sense of loneliness, anxiety and spiritual emptiness. All Eyes Inward
  • Yet behind the irony in the final rhythmic incantation we read an emptiness that is neither spiritual sustenance, nor love.
  • For the European, loneliness is emptiness, alienation from society and tradition.
  • It is graphic, depressing and leaves the audience with an overriding feeling of emptiness.
  • Her lower-topsails hung in limp emptiness from the yards, heavy with rain and flapping soggily when she rolled. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • Meyer has written of the familiar experience of many artists who, upon completion of their work, feel empty and depressed, like women who suffer post-partum emptiness and melancholia.
  • It was as if the blood had been drained from her, leaving no strength, but it wasn't a peaceful emptiness.
  • The emptiness of it all is to be hidden under the esctasy – contorted faces, twisted limbs, saints, whose only true passion is the dread of their own engulfing doubt, which they try to drown in sickly exaltation. Jenny: A Novel
  • It is the emptiness, the void that swallows me for a moment, and I realize I am working, and far from my love.
  • Then and only then will we take back control over the market forces that are the cause of our increasing emptiness and anxiety.
  • The silence and emptiness of the house did not scare her.
  • Sacks adds to this the decadence and emptiness of our culture, especially when exported and transmitted by television.
  • Where in Hegel the castrated Cybele is the emptiness that distracts, in Schelling she is the fullness that excites an attack in the form of a ritualistic consumption of her body. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • What is this penetrating insight that leads us to the direct experience of emptiness?
  • Quentin felt the magic of his sword subside, a red haze fading into twinges of emptiness and unfulfilled need, a mix of emotions that tore at him like brambles. Antrax
  • They made plans for the next day and upon hanging up the phone, the emptiness began to consume her.
  • Philosophers wrote about the absurdity and emptiness of human existence in the extraneous Universe.
  • Twelve had undergone lasting personality change, leaving them hostile and mistrustful, socially withdrawn and plagued by feelings of emptiness and hopelessness.
  • He spoke of the neopagan emptiness behind the global warming craze. From Michael Jackson to indulgences, Dr. Peters is the man!
  • But most importantly, I could come to an absolute stop when the stop signal came in. I discovered the emptiness. It seemed almost too easy and it lasted for several minutes. And it was very joyful.
  • We can take that small gift, and rather than give in to the emptiness, the ever-echo that merely repeats us back to us - we can sing through it, and listen for something else.
  • And mingled with all the hours of happiness of those times there were hours, also, of emptiness and loneliness -- hours when, newcome to my surroundings, for fear of rebuff I walked alone. Chimney-Pot Papers
  • It attained some popularity due to a mistaken belief that it taught orthodox Mahyna doctrines, such as emptiness.
  • The jagged geometry of supersmooth Europa; the idiosyncratic surfaces of the other orbs floating serenely in space; the pristine interstellar vacuum; the inscrutable emptiness of intergalactic space, that immense, echoing, absolutely featureless void enveloping the spinning galaxies: it all serves as a perfect philosophical mirror image, reflecting back the quandary of the species, the limitations of human knowledge. A Space in Time
  • In substance there is emptiness, he wrote, but in emptiness there is substance. Shan-shui
  • We lived in emptiness, not working or studying.
  • London looked shabby and beautiful in its enormous emptiness, like a vast illuminated scrubland. THE EXECUTION
  • But the boys talk and act in ways that betray disconnection and emptiness.
  • A young married woman, supposedly fulfilled by husband and children, confessed the emptiness of her life.
  • His Holiness discusses using the method path to complement meditations on emptiness; the short term benefits of bodhicitta practice; clairvoyance; the long-term project of gradually purifying and ripening through sustained effort. Nagarjuna's Bodhichitta Commentary
  • His presence helped to replace some of the emptiness inside, the void in her heart.
  • Celebration and thankfulness matter, but should not push out real feelings of emptiness when we lose someone.
  • Misguided explorers, hopeless romantics, deluded legionaries, quacks, misfits, visionaries, obsessives, the deceivers and the deceived, they love all that emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • People are haunted by a feeling of meaninglessness which is often accompanied by a feeling of Weekly Magazine [ Passover 5770 - March 29, 2010 ]
  • This strategy has the added benefit of helping you get ready to escape the emptiness and find a new job.
  • We see the packed profusion of exotic narratives give way to the barren emptiness of unpeopled landscapes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their father warned of the emptiness of fame, advice they took to heart by shunning publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • By consciously subverting the genre of figurative painting, he evokes a miscellaneous sense of emptiness, horror, desire and unutterable inner fire with Eastern religious connotations.
  • You also cannot say that the emptiness in one container was different from the emptiness in another.
  • It's going to take a very long time to work out how to fill the enormous emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • The third turning teachings are often called "luminosity" to distinguish them from the second turning teachings on emptiness, though they are said not to contradict this view, but to complement it. Hegel on Buddhism
  • The bereaved person may weep tearlessly and experience a sense of emptiness.
  • The total absence of such an impossible manner of existence as a frog is known as the “lack of an impossible ‘soul’ of a person” (gang-zag-gi bdag-med, selflessness of a person, identitylessness of a person) and a voidness (stong-pa-nyid, emptiness). What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part One: Temporally Related Phenomena
  • Ahead, along the lonely Stuart Highway, lay 900-plus miles of largely unrelieved emptiness all the way to Alice Springs, and beyond it, Uluru.
  • What I seek most is God alone, the God discovered in sabbath emptiness and silence, the God who cannot be added to a grocery list of other happenings and thrills, who cannot be managed or comprehended, who can only be loved.
  • In some of his writings he describes this emptiness as the nowhere from which joy emerges without a cause and the nowhere to which it returns.
  • He crouched before the red-black star and heard the song of foreverness that pulsed in the emptiness in this corner of the universe, wherever it might be. Project Pope
  • The Pandavas, the sons of King Pandu, won the battle but lost the war that shattered the world they knew only to ruminate the rest of their lives in the emptiness of what they had won. Motherhood Messages From Mythology: a Study of Four Queens as Mothers in Indian Epics Ramayana and Mahabharata « English Lesson Plans « Free Lesson Plans « Literacy News
  • There was an emptiness in her that did not fit with the gaiety and laughter that had greeted them. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • What once had been a city was a desert now, a vast field of emptiness and desolation.
  • Rather than obstructing the emergence of things, this emptiness permits it through their interdependent origination, which is the meaning of emptiness. Laughter
  • But in the next instant, the hair rises glacially on the back of his neck, his spine is seized with iron, his eyes open on emptiness, a nameless terror.
  • And now we understand why we rehearse our death on Yom Kippur-why we say Vidui and wear a kittel and refrain from eating-why in the middle of this day, we send our proxy, now the cantor, into the dangerous emptiness at the center. Danya Ruttenberg
  • The church was being given a taste of how the world works - its lopsidedness, its patchy rhythm of muchness and emptiness, of affluence and desolation.
  • It is important to know what you are going to tackle next because there is always that feeling of elation and relief, then emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't speak for anyone else, but for me my bin is cyclically in various degrees of emptiness and fullness: perhaps balancing out to both the proverbial half empty of the pessimist and the half full of the optimist.
  • The secret initiation is the gnosis of bliss and emptiness that arises from the disciple savouring the bodhichitta, the wisdom-gnosis initiation is the experience of connate joy that arises from the disciple and consort themselves engaging in union. Kalachakra Initiations by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • In their place you will find creepy white suits and the cold emptiness of the beyond.
  • I made no sign, but out of the corner of my eye I saw that the Yellow Handkerchief had discovered the emptiness of the pocket which had hitherto overawed him. White and Yellow
  • The rough amphitheater below us was also fire-furnished, self-illumed, facing the black block at the end of everything, no wall behind it, but the open emptiness of the Pit and its singularity whence all things came. Prince of Chaos
  • Emptiness washed over me from time to time, immersion in work only masked my inner sadness.
  • His method is to play with advertising language in such a way as to show its emptiness in any discussion of poetry.
  • The killing, actually, starts with the surreal emptiness and manufactured optimism of party conferences and conventions.
  • A bee, overtaken in his busy pilfering by the obliterating dusk, hung on a nodding mountain flower, unfearful above the cañon's emptiness. Overland Red A Romance of the Moonstone Cañon Trail
  • While you're here you can make the pilgrimage to Ground Zero and stand on the viewing platform to stare at the stony emptiness below.
  • Now, with much of the rubble cleared, its vast emptiness reveals the horrible dimensions of the December tragedy.
  • But when a graphic designer uses a typeface that is older than 30 years, it is dismissed as retro, nostalgia or emptiness.
  • As an extension of female sexuality, then, commodification also extends that constitutive passivity to the absolute emptiness of fetishization; that is, the stasis and the consequent lack of status of the female figure result in an emptying out of significance that coincides with the process by which fetishization empties bodies, beings, and practices of all significance except their exchangeability with objects (85). close window Notes on 'The State of Things: Olaudah Equiano and the Volatile Politics of Heterocosmic Desire'
  • In brilliant festivals and noisy entertainments, there is always, at bottom, a sense of emptiness prevalent.
  • He was as miserably isolated now as he had been when the service began–more isolated by reason of his unreplenished emptiness, his dead satiety. Brave New World
  • Maynard does say a good deal about his dissatisfaction with life in the United States: the human emptiness of California, the provinciality of Washington.
  • The feeling of emptiness is still there, so maybe i haven't completely forgiven him, and somtimes its hard to tell if i did forgive him. Obama sends message to dads on Father's Day
  • But these catacombs, emptiness, desolation and that old brown lilacky, crumbly Roman earth, in which no plough need move nor spade, -- that _terriccio_, that pot-mould of the past. The Spirit of Rome
  • The silence and emptiness of the house did not scare her.
  • The emotions they played on were consonant, at least implicitly, with ideas of spirituality and constancy, of emptiness and isolation.
  • This strategy has the added benefit of helping you get ready to escape the emptiness and find a new job.
  • Instead of creating an ice-cold emptiness, as some bands would have done, Nada Surf has created a warm and sweetly melancholy expression of this feeling.
  • I was left with a horrible feeling of emptiness.
  • His diaries record recurrent struggles to understand the enigma of his own personality, his spiritual emptiness and addictiveness.
  • The apparent intensity of this backlash masks the real emptiness of such complaints.
  • These units of meaning may not ultimately accumulate, but that's hardly the point; Amato forces his reader to acknowledge the fundamental falseness, absurdity, aimlessness, and finally emptiness of demotic linguistic conventions. Seth Abramson: December 2011 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • Men are psychologically insecure - their hearts are filled with emptiness and emotional insecurity, and they are always hungry for a sense of stillness, tranquility, serenity and happiness. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • In the Buddhist tradition, I suppose you could call this experiential knowledge of his own ‘emptiness’ or his non self-existent nature.
  • The physical world has abundant glitter, but emptiness lies beneath its superficial shine.
  • Twelve had undergone lasting personality change, leaving them hostile and mistrustful, socially withdrawn and plagued by feelings of emptiness and hopelessness.
  • This unnatural, inorganic, materialistic way of living, coupled with a marked decline in society's moral and ethical standards -- what the French call anomie -- has created a kind of pathology that produces pain and emptiness, for which addictive behavior becomes the primary symptom and consumption the preferred drug of choice. Charles Shaw: Viewing Consumer Culture Through the Lens of Addiction
  • The result later in life may be feelings of emptiness and depression.
  • The Earth is not important in the cosmos, it is a tiny speck surrounded by this vast emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Evans, who moved to the small town of Marathon in 1988, captures the profound West Texas emptiness, where endless horizons are broken only by isolated escarpments such as the Chisos Mountains, which the writer and environmentalist Edward Abbey called 'a castled fortification of Wagnerian gods.' Photo-Op: Big Bender
  • The path, always travelled from daylight to dark, and which he had so recently seen glutted with humans, now in its emptiness affected him profoundly with the impression of the endingness of all things in a perishing world. CHAPTER XIX
  • But the surprise in his eyes soon faded to sadness, and the sadness ebbed away to emptiness.
  • Everything is just blank - plain emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • What bothered me was a feeling of emptiness, a nugatoriness, to the venture. Times, Sunday Times
  • The study of basic theory on economic crime has undergone a process from emptiness to substance, from macro to concreteness, from scatter to system.
  • And even as I thought it, the emptiness was filled, a vast inrushing presence of joy and love and light, more light than I could bear. Kushiel's Avatar
  • Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from London in summer-time, for there was nothing in Crikswich to distract the naked pursuit of health. Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • The expression then was priceless, something between defeat and misery, between loss and emptiness.
  • Frustration often points to unfulfilled desire, to some sort of lack or emptiness.
  • And now we understand why we rehearse our death on Yom Kippur–why we say Vidui and wear a kittel and refrain from eating–why in the middle of this day, we send our proxy, now the cantor, into the dangerous emptiness at the center. 2009 January - Danya Ruttenberg
  • Anything to fill that great emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want to celebrate the sexiness of life rather than a pretentious, snobby emptiness.
  • Because they are the circumstances "prior to the kalpa of emptiness", they are this life of the present; because they are the self "before the germination of any subtle sign", they are liberated in their actual occurrence. Speedlinking 9/18/07
  • Snow and ice, polar exploration and the idea of emptiness - which is also a theme in art. Times, Sunday Times
  • -- Apropos of the magical use of the text, as described in this story, it is worth remarking that the subject of the sutra is the Doctrine of the Emptiness of Forms, -- that is to say, of the unreal character of all phenomena or noumena ... Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things
  • Onto this green emptiness houses as awe-inspiring as the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus would appear in groves of oak and yaupon. Dream State
  • The emptiness of their canvases "proclaimed their remoteness from consumer culture and the world of things".
  • French label Burning Emptiness stand alone at the vanguard of anything and everything lo-fi, avant-garde, techno, or just plain and simple noise.
  • We consume, we watch spectacles, trying to fill that emptiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had a powerful sense of the emptiness of his remembered landscape, animated only momentarily by human action; life becomes explicable as a diagrammatic series of gestures and relationships, "the underlying magic", as Miró described it, and he developed a way of painting that seemed to respond to those energies. Joan Miró: A life in paintings
  • Awakening to the emptiness of all things, to their lack of substantial own-being or egoity (Japanese: shogyômuga), thus frees one both from an ego-centered and reified view of things, and from the illusion of the substantial ego itself. The Kyoto School
  • Entering into its emptiness, frivolity, and falsehood, with a spirit inspired by scorn and impatience, I took my revenge on this “fat,” by making him as fatuitous as I possibly could. Villette
  • The trees would be dreary and sad -- the sea always grey and gurly and ochone, the very roads had the look of bareness and emptiness, as though all a man's friends had marched over them, never to return. The McBrides A Romance of Arran
  • On the one hand, there is loss and anxiety in the face of annihilation, stemming from emptiness and a sense of guilt.
  • Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • In other words its emptiness is not in spite of its existence. Hegel on Buddhism
  • Granted, deserts are teeming with life, but we typically associate notions of barrenness, emptiness, lifelessnessand other such ideas with ‘desert.’
  • Cliff looked around the now familiar, comforting little cabin, and then thought of the lonely emptiness between the stars-the unreverberant abyss through which a man could fall until the end of time. The Wind from The Sun
  • When the candidate for initiation sees (not merely believes, remember, but actually _sees_) that what has always before seemed to him empty space is in reality a solid mass of inconceivable density, and that the matter which has appeared to be the one tangible and certain basis of things is not only by comparison tenuous as gossamer (the "web" spun by "Father-Mother"), but is actually composed of emptiness and nothingness -- is itself the very negation of matter -- then for the first time he thoroughly appreciates the valuelessness of the physical senses as guides to the truth. Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on the Chemical Elements
  • On the night I visited, myself and my compadres were the only customers there, and the huge emptiness of the restaurant created a weird, quiet atmosphere of its own that I liked.
  • Their father warned of the emptiness of fame, advice they took to heart by shunning publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • In time, though, the emptiness should become rich profusion: Lobsters and octopodes will move into shadowy nooks, cleaning shrimp will set up work stations where sailors once did, extending an invitation of sorts to hungry garden eels and the eagle rays that eat the eels. See-Worthy
  • Sharing the gnawing emptiness makes it more tolerable. Christianity Today
  • Although they had no satiric intent they were designed as a commentary on the emptiness of lives dominated by consumerism.
  • But the surprise in his eyes soon faded to sadness, and the sadness ebbed away to emptiness.
  • In advocating what he calls emptiness, he is in effect saying that it is possible to achieve all the benefits of Daoist emptiness without trying to achieve that extreme form of emptiness. Xunzi
  • Certainly it's not the lame, dated jokes, the lazy writing, the slack narrative pacing, the boring matiness of the male ensemble or the overall emptiness of the film.
  • I had so many emotions and feelings surging through me at the same time then - emptiness is just not the right description.
  • As you dug you could see the dirt actively change places with the emptiness.
  • Some vast emptiness seemed to drive him on, a craving for warmth and reassurance.
  • Two and a half thousand years ago, the Buddha told us that everything is changing all the time, and if we want to be enlightened beings, we mustn't allow ourselves to be attached to anything other than that ungraspable emptiness that is the very ground of reality itself. Andrew Z. Cohen: "I Have Seen the Mountaintop:" A Vision of the Possible
  • He stared out at the vast emptiness that was the sea.
  • When you act to impress others, you feel the emptiness inside.
  • [14 Mar 02] My vague sense of emptiness at the lack of regular japeries from old friend James is finally dispelled by his triumphant return to blogging at Gas Giant.
  • His frown indicates his own personal dissatisfaction and emptiness.
  • We left Lincoln tied to a water pipe in the concrete emptiness of the backyard.
  • When God is about to turn the earth into a paradise, he does not begin his work where there is some good growth already, but in the wilderness, where nothing grows, and nothing is to be seen but dry sand and barren rocks; that the light may shine out of darkness, the world be replenished from emptiness, and the earth watered by springs from a droughty desert. The Chosen Peoples
  • But its all-pervasiveness also means the origin of all things in their interdependence, that is, their interdependent origination, hence emptiness. Laughter
  • The music seems to have somehow entered me, and as I stare into Maxim's clear blue eyes, the emptiness inside has become filled with the airy consistency of the melody.
  • As we have seen, it can be very difficult to distinguish between a gifted student who is genuinely bored with the pace of the regular curriculum and an underachiever who uses the term bored to describe her inner state of anxiety and emptiness. The Unmotivated Child
  • Sometimes this term is invoked to point to the experiences of emptiness (shunyata) or non-attachment to a sense of self (anatta) as the goal of spiritual practice. Larry Yang: Toward Freedom And Enlightenment Queerly: LGBTQ And Dharma
  • But as dependent origination equals emptiness (Skrt: śûnyatâ; Jpn: kû) in Buddhism, this cosmic body is an embodiment of the Dharma qua emptiness. Laughter
  • The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness.
  • The Latin word nihil means "nothing at all;" absence as opposed to a presence, emptiness instead of abundance, a lack of substance rather than something substantial. The Full Feed from
  • The ghost sensed the emptiness that follows the death of a mind.
  • In Greek mythology, Chaos is the goddess of emptiness and confusion who gave birth to the Universe.
  • The large four poster like a barge of state sailed empty into emptiness three centuries too late.
  • As well as feeling shut off from the world, inside there is a great emptiness which does not seem to be able to be filled. Beyond Chaotic Eating
  • The emptiness is the most notable thing about the workspace, he and his office mates have a huge amount of licences when it comes to arranging their space – the table in the second picture below is a ping-pong table created from wood they salvaged from the previous occupants remodelling of the space. The Rotterdamn Collective | Lifehacker Australia
  • Even the beautiful Angelica cannot take his mind away from this emptiness.
  • The green chambers of my interminable palace were deserted - emptiness succeeding emptiness. The Times Literary Supplement
  • They go to stand on the viewing platform, teetering like divers on the precipice of hell, and click their camera shutters at the 16 acres of emptiness below.
  • The quiet emptiness of the town in contrast to the mad rush of the falls creates an almost zen-garden sense of contemplation.
  • The dark bulk of buildings on his right gave way to emptiness, and he knew he'd reached Princess Street.

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