How To Use Empowered In A Sentence

  • I was so enthusiastic about working out in the world again, doing something imaginative that empowered me. Mothers who Leave
  • I am not a fortune teller, but a true clairvoyant, I will help you to find your direction in a way that will leave you empowered and positive.
  • They are not for political reform because they suspect that if the "mob" is ever empowered, they will not forgive the party. Nathan Gardels: Wei Jingsheng: Blocking 'Peaceful Evolution' Will Lead to Instability in China
  • In return, local authorities were empowered to appoint the teachers in such schools for all subjects other than religious instruction.
  • Afrikaner women were newly empowered by more extensive literacy and the franchise.
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  • The commander of the multinational division, incorporating our military contingent, is empowered to ensure tactical interaction with the brigade.
  • And the international community would be empowered to at least officially recognize that something wicked is astir in Syria. Michael Hughes: UN Fiddles While Syria Burns
  • I was so enthusiastic about working out in the world again, doing something imaginative that empowered me. Mothers who Leave
  • She empowered him to tell them, that whatever blame she might throw on Mary's conduct, any opposition to their sovereign was totally unjustifiable, and incompatible with all order and good government: that it belonged not to them to reform, much less to punish, the maleadministration of their prince; and the only arms which subjects could in any case lawfully employ against the supreme authority, were entreaties, counsels, and representations: that if these expedients failed, they were next to appeal by their prayers to The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part D. From Elizabeth to James I.
  • Federal courts would be empowered to impose the death sentence for 51 crimes.
  • King John's charter of 1201 empowered the lord warden of the stannaries to try all cases except land, life, or limb.
  • Then they can cease feeling guilty and start feeling empowered.
  • It empowered local councils to enter gardens and cut down problem hedges if their owners refuse to cooperate.
  • I am one who believes that despite years of errors in judging, laxness of citizenry in guarding, and legal wrangling in the following years, ... the constitution is clear and means today what it meant then — no government is empowered to get in the way of owning and carrying a gun. The Volokh Conspiracy » NRA Convention report
  • Though flogging was restricted, the length of sentences which lower courts were empowered to impose was doubled.
  • Neither the religion nor the region will be the same if women are enfranchised and empowered.
  • Davis may be feeling empowered from the radical anti-immigrant law passed by the Arizona legislature, which requires police to attempt to determine the immigration status of anyone they encounter as part of a “lawful contact.” Think Progress » Arizona militia recruiting veterans with ‘kill records’ to patrol border.
  • The local reaction has disempowered many young people and denied them access to self-support and to the support of others who share their concerns.
  • On the sixth day he was succeeded as interrex by the second most senior patrician in the House also leader of his decury; the second interrex was empowered to hold the elections. Fortune's Favorites
  • They were empowered to raise taxes, grant mineral and land concessions and issue currency.
  • Today the waters themselves, the mightiest of streams, the great onrushing rivers and oceans that Prophet Martin and Prophet Amos thought the very standards of mighty justice, of empowered justice, of Eternal justice -- these mighty waters are themselvesÂbeing poisoned, polluted, raped, reduced to mere victims of unjust power. Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Justice Still Denied: My Mini-Sermon at the 'One Nation Working Together' Rally
  • These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas, with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation.
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.
  • The attorneys blinked at the use of the word stuff to describe masterworks of the quality of the Degas they were empowered to protect. Generous Death
  • So in other words, nudity is being clothesless with a purpose and therefore feels, to me at least, more deliberate and empowered, whereas nakedness is sort of unintentional, and therefore more careless or even vulnerable. Bookslut
  • When you continue to hear stories about how disempowered ordinary women are, particularly in our villages, you have to ask whether anything is changing.
  • Churches and pro-life organisations fear that the bill could result in incapable adults being denied food and drink at the insistence of a relative empowered to act for them.
  • Article 19 of that law empowered the president to name the commander in chief.
  • As a consequence, members of the public and their elected representatives remain in the dark as ‘futilitarians’ become empowered to hand down unilateral death sentences.
  • The Director of Public Prosecutions is the only person empowered to grant immunity.
  • Being confident about what you are feeling, regardless of what it is, can shift you into feeling empowered, which is an emotion of higher energy and motion. Maddisen K. Krown: Ask Maddisen - How To Get Unstuck From Depression
  • But the same end could be achieved by less draconian means if the magistrates' courts were empowered to work faster so that those found guilty could be jailed with dispatch.
  • And even if law enforcement strove to only target these kinds of articulable activities, would that satisfy the folks who under this law are empowered to sue their law enforcement agencies for not sufficiently enforcing thelaw? The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
  • I want to believe that I am empowered with the ability to exercise my responsibilities.
  • Why, if you're uneducated, unemployed, disempowered and live in the banlieue - what's not to like? Times, Sunday Times
  • Overempowered children have excessive control over the household.
  • However, when such a commander is also empowered to convene courts-martial and has only an official interest in the disposition of the case, it is customary for him to direct an officer of his command to make a preliminary inquiry into the suspected offense and to prefer appropriate charges if the facts shown by such inquiry should warrant the preferring of charges. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10214
  • The IRS again empowered to enforce the limitation. The Budget Debate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Again GPS technology empowered art, as a digital aerial imaging sensor, an aerial photography system, satellite data, and 3D remote sensing software captured the vibrant, burgeoning fieldworks from planes and satellites.
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • His jurisdiction under that sheriffship embraced not only that county, but also the counties of Ross and Caithness, and he was empowered to appoint deputies for certain divisions of his sheriffdom.
  • In return, local authorities were empowered to appoint the teachers in such schools for all subjects other than religious instruction.
  • Today, children are "empowered" - blatantly encouraged to circumvent their parents and defy traditional values. EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL
  • If I were crazy enough I'd even go as far to say they're more sexually empowered than other female toons, an epitome of which is the physically exaggerated hussy Jessica Rabbit.
  • I believe that a rigidly Patriarchal culture cannot tolerate the empowered creative voice of Women.
  • They know full well that Joe Biden and other newly empowered Democrats share their doubts on missile defence.
  • Rocking the Boat uses traditional wooden boatbuilding and on-water education to help young people develop into empowered and responsible adults. Rob Morrison: Rocking Manhattan
  • So while the Constitution empowered the federal government to levy taxes, it limited this power mostly to indirect taxes like tariffs, duties, and excise taxes.
  • Only then can patients be fully empowered, and with that power comes self responsibility.
  • Its authority governed even the succession to the throne, in event of dispute between two members of the royal family; it alone was empowered to make laws or "assizes", and to its initiative was due the compilation of the "Assizes of Jerusalem", erroneously ascribed to Godfrey of Bouillon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Some return from a foreign jaunt empowered by the thought that they have picked up the knack. Times, Sunday Times
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two months pregnant, hungry, with no education, no skills and her health collapsing, Shola made a poor and disempowered woman's classic "choiceless choice. Ashley Judd: A Kenyan Brothel's Lasting Impression
  • The Foreign Compensation Commission was empowered by statute to deal with claims to compensation under agreements with foreign governments.
  • He has actually empowered women much more than other Zen teachers in Korea.
  • Magistrates should be empowered to confiscate and sell off cars belonging to uninsured drivers.
  • The civilian minority ' empowered ' by you will require heavy US military protection to withstand retaliation.
  • As time goes on his status is arguably portrayed as even more liminal because he is the only non-empowered member of the Scooby Gang, doesn't feel he quite belongs amongst the slayers and witches and vampires and ex-demons -- but of course can't go back to the mundane ignorance of the seams that permeate the world. Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
  • Newman has the power to make septuagenarians feel not only empowered, but really cool.
  • Empowered, Economic Man is free to choose in a variety of realms and free to act in such a way that his utility is maximized.
  • To begin with , the ICC was empowered, upon complain, to investigate and lower rates.
  • Environmentalists are failing to attract the disenfranchised, the disempowered, the dispossessed and the disengaged.
  • The more we take responsibility for our energy, the more empowered and productive we become.
  • His constitutionalism empowered the courts, not Congress.
  • On the other side, hotels where the staff were disempowered, and couldn't bring me a newspaper without their boss' say-so were dreadful.
  • Thus empowered, they came to play a vital role in the new polity and culture, serving as viziers and military commanders.
  • In health care, lockstep Republican opposition caused months of delay, and empowered the likes of Connecticut's embittered Senator Joe Lieberman and Nebraska's compromised Ben Nelson to exact cankerous concessions to forge a super-majority. Robert L. Borosage: Bipartisan Blight
  • Dominican and qualificator of the Inquisition in Granada, though not bearing the title of inquisitor, proceeded as though thus empowered, no doubt because of the ordinary jurisdiction possessed by the bishop in matters of faith, and passed the autos of 1555 and 1558. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • A good empowered flight deputy can create a mgt team to deal with both science needs and flight access. It Might Be Time To Restore Space Life Science Funding - NASA Watch
  • The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills.
  • Emergency regulations empowered the government to declare virtual martial law at will.
  • With reform of the HoL to an elected 2nd chamber acting as a counter-balance to a smaller, fixed term empowered Commons. Giving evidence to the Chilcot inquiry, Tony Blair said: “I...
  • Perfectionists live in a narrowly defined world in which they feel empowered.
  • They set up a task force empowered to stop "Christianization" of Muslims in the township. Endy Bayuni: Interfaith Relations in Indonesia Put to the Litmus Test
  • We need the law to enshrine the word ragging as a crime so that freshers and parents feel empowered to go to police stations and police officers to not think that it's a trivial matter, which can be resolved through a 'compromise'. Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • Various functionaries of the government are duly authorised and empowered to settle cases within the powers delegated to them.
  • Feminist mothering is much more than raising empowered daughters or thoughtful son. Book Review: Feminist Mothering edited by Andrea O’Reilly
  • If I accept responsibility for my actions I am empowered to not do it again, if I blame myself for my actions I disempower myself and am likely to be unable to do any better next time. The best path to peace | Savitri Hensman
  • Diplomacy, which should be the art of avoiding conflict, was already disempowered.
  • They were not empowered to negotiate without instructions.
  • Under the 1643 ordinance to control printing, Bachilor was appointed one of the twelve divines empowered to license books of divinity.
  • Repeat some positive affirmations that help you feel present, peaceful, and empowered.
  • And even if law enforcement strove to only target these kinds of articulable activities, would that satisfy the folks who under this law are empowered to sue their law enforcement agencies for not sufficiently enforcing the law? The Volokh Conspiracy » Immigrants and Nazis, Communists and Cardinals
  • The role of mediator, filled with distinction by his successors, was first assigned to Count Pierre III, who as avoyer of Fribourg at that time allied with Austria, was empowered to arbitrate the differences which arose between the houses of Savoy and Hapsburg. The Counts of Gruyère
  • The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.
  • A federal court evaluating state constitutional challenges to the PPACA is not empowered to say that these conclusions are irrational, but they are. The Unconstitutional Individual Mandate
  • Students are empowered, he says, "as they develop the ability and confidence to exercise the craft of interdependence."
  • So while the Constitution empowered the federal government to levy taxes, it limited this power mostly to indirect taxes like tariffs, duties, and excise taxes.
  • In 2009, the term crowdsourcing became ubiquitous and Twitter empowered anyone with a cell phone to report on his surroundings. Alex Brant-Zawadzki: Anatomy Of The Tea Party Movement
  • TV Guide Magazine: Feminists would likely view Carly's overt bitchery as demeaning and self-defeating — hardly the image of an empowered woman Discuss! General Hospital's Laura Wright Previews the Carly-Brenda Smack Down
  • We want police and dog wardens empowered to warn people who may be making their animal dangerous. The Sun
  • There is a reason why the police are the only ones empowered to deal with moving traffic offences.
  • Even though the dispiritedness of some of our colleagues disempowered the organizations, they continued to renew themselves in quality and in quantity went from 20 groups to 40 groups.
  • I've been a fan of his since Gen13, and Empowered, though pretty pervy, is one of the best superhero comics out. Title: Black History Month ‘09 #22: Shake This | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Women are disempowered with modern technological birth.
  • By contrast, the judges and commissioners now being appointed to police MPs are empowered to exercise unquestioned authority from the moral high ground, like a headmaster disciplining squabbling schoolboys.
  • Black women and men are empowered by their squads that they’ve found in this life that is inundated by racism, sexism and elitism.
  • Christ charged His disciples to preach the remission of sins in His name among all nations; but they themselves were not empowered to remove one stain of sin.
  • Then there's Phillips' distinctive way with a metaphor - comparing herself to a lever pulled down, as "a flipped switch," as a way of saying she feels turned on, empowered without using the dreadfully overused term "empowered. News
  • In her attempts to reconstruct her past Searle was confronted by the lacunae in the archives, which are mute on the histories of the disempowered: the stories of slaves and women who forego their names, are mostly absent.
  • Wood is empowered to return Milken to prison for up to the maximum 10-year sentence that she originally imposed.
  • The world has changed for the worse in the last year and bigots feel more empowered to vent their spleen.
  • I cannot fathom how an organisation empowered to preserve national heritage sites could desecrate natural resources in this manner.
  • Wood is empowered to return Milken to prison for up to the maximum 10-year sentence that she originally imposed.
  • Finally, the EU is empowered with the last word on an applicant's fitness for membership.
  • The sovereign body empowered kings, princes and optimates and could remove them.
  • It leaves him feeling empowered and emboldened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Think of how much more empowered young people would be if schools discussed and analyzed what marketing really accomplishes.
  • It would have empowered me to be clueless too, instead of my holding on to the dim hope that things might work out.
  • Each of the offices is empowered within the limits set out by law.
  • Much more to my liking is the sly, sweet, smutty super-hero satire delivered by Adam Warren in his ongoing Empowered series, now in its fifth volume from Dark Horse. June « 2009 « The Manga Curmudgeon
  • Some return from a foreign jaunt empowered by the thought that they have picked up the knack. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore people should be freed from the bondage of religious superstition and empowered to overthrow their leaders.
  • In these situations, and in many others I believe, an EFCS approach will deliver tremendous value by bringing more knowledge to bear on these challenges -- knowledge and creativity that can only be found by customer-facing employees empowered through an Employee First approach. Marshall Goldsmith: Changing the Hierarchy - A Conversation with Vineet Nayar of HCL
  • If Hateley is found guilty of violent conduct, the disciplinary committee are empowered to extend the player's ban.
  • Dallas' account of her journey into nymphomania is really an account of her development into a mature, self-empowered woman and a mother who's aware of her responsibility to her daughter.
  • The Foreign Compensation Commission was empowered by statute to deal with claims to compensation under agreements with foreign governments.
  • The former is the asexual and ultimately, inevitably disempowered feminist, the latter is the fully-empowered woman in full flight, unashamedly and without modernist complexes, using every part of her coquettishness, her curvature, her wiles and let's face it – her power, to get what she wants. [film noir] should return in the coming dystopia
  • Newly empowered consumers can appropriate and manipulate the brand in whatever way they want.
  • It's where he bats for Hampshire and he would feel empowered and be given a surge of confidence. The Sun
  • However, while this view can be accepted in an "inerrant" sense....believing that the texts, in and of themselves, are fully empowered by God to reveal truths about mortality/immortality....they are also fully acceptable in "non-inerrant" views. The Inerrancy of Ecclesiastes 9:2-6
  • Black empowerment - given the rational adequately argued above of engaging all members of a country in its economic activity (s), it was only logical that those who hade been excluded to empowered to be able to contribute effectively and meaningfully. shrined in our Constitution are the values and principles of equity which further support the empowerment of those that have hitherto been excluded whether through racial bigotry or gender bias. DEBATE ON BUDGET VOTE: TRADE AND INDUSTRY BY: HON N KHUNOU
  • It's where he bats for Hampshire and he would feel empowered and be given a surge of confidence. The Sun
  • Inspectors were also empowered to detain or arrest commuters, and to demand a third person or employer's details if they had reason to believe they had been given a false name or address.
  • At present, however, conservation districts simply are not empowered to deal with drainage.
  • His government, he suggested, had empowered the military to make all tactical decisions necessary to resolve the conflict.
  • Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States.
  • Being wild, crazy and self-empowered became a theme of the group.
  • But we've always left it in a way, Wolf, that never empowered the Taiwanese themselves to do something, as the communique from the Chinese suggested, that they might declare independence or they might create some provocative act where it's very difficult to tell who started this. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2001
  • Don, who was feeling confident and empowered, is not taking any of it. Samantha Zalaznick: Mad Men Recap: Don Strikes Back
  • The U.N. has never established a court empowered to do so.
  • In 1704 the town empowered the selectmen "to call and settell a gramer scoll according to ye best of yower judgement and for ye advantag [Keais is obviously dead now] of ye youth of ower town to learn them to read from ye primer, to wright and sypher and to learne ym the tongues and good-manners. An Old Town By the Sea
  • The Commission is empowered to arbitrate on the issues contained in the matter.
  • The president was empowered to appoint ministers and dissolve the assembly, holding a monopoly of executive power.
  • A person becomes empowered only when he successfully combats environmental factors that stiffen the path to success.
  • I find it kind of saddening that the people being empowered to speak out in these sessions are not going to be truly heard by the increasingly right leaning Liberals. Canadian Cynic
  • South Australian police will be empowered to crush the cars of so-called hoon drivers under tough new laws that come into effect on Sunday. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • All uniformed Metro offices are empowered to issue traffic fines.
  • The traditional Malay rulers and the King were disempowered, when some scandals offered a political opportunity to do so.
  • The mourning poetic prophet who is both supernaturally empowered and uniquely suffering is a very powerful ideological figure with whom to ally oneself, as the Miltonic narrator does here.
  • Local officials were empowered to impose curfews in 38 towns and cities.
  • Emergency regulations empowered the government to declare virtual martial law at will.
  • Where lovemaking is a genuine expression of love rather than just sexual gratification both women and men are empowered by the relationship.
  • Employees may return from a seminar or workshop feeling empowered, energetic, creative, and open to new alternatives.
  • Criminals feel empowered now,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • He should lay in stores for the next campaign and was empowered to appoint an aide-de-camp, military secretary, and other staff officers. George Washington’s First War
  • Thus the organization is empowered to issue punishment if it determines rules were violated.
  • The new law empowered the police to search private houses in an emergency.
  • I suppose it is not news to say that there are, as yet, no actual self-empowered bioregions in the United States, nor are there likely to be in the near future.
  • Do you think consumer laws have empowered the patients'?
  • He said 24-hour waste wardens should be empowered to impose on the spot fines on ‘the handful’ of illegal dumpers, saying they cannot be allowed to ride roughshod over the natural environment.
  • Obama actaully not only rewakened the Electorate - he Empowered US again. Main RSS Feed
  • Empowered with determination, he caught her by the hand, and so ensnarled her for life, for it marked the beginning of their bittersweet love.
  • They want a social, political and economic order in which they can feel safe - and empowered.
  • On Shakira's pulsing new single "She Wolf," the Colombian superstar transforms into a howling, empowered beast - and drops the term "lycanthropy" (a psychiatric condition where a person believes she can transform into an animal). Undefined
  • Of course, that cannot begin until the board is established and empowered to act.
  • Bruguire is an investigative magistrate empowered to view French domestic and foreign intelligence material.
  • The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.
  • At their ordination, priests receive power to minister the life of God through the sacraments so that all believers might be empowered to give that life to the world.
  • Instead of feeling empowered, or united, there is a disconnect.
  • It empowered societies to demand from their governments that they behave properly.
  • And he, despite the fact he's there to ensure I'm fully empowered and actively jobhunting, acted as though I was going to doss around for four weeks.
  • In health care, lockstep Republican opposition caused months of delay, and empowered the likes of Connecticut\'s embittered Senator Joe Lieberman and Nebraska\'s compromised Ben Nelson to exact cankerous concessions to forge a super-majority. Robert L. Borosage: Bipartisan Blight
  • His supporters as a group are each more empowered and awake to a new set of political choices and political responsibilities and power in their daily lives than he as one man could ever be.
  • Social atomism sees individual people as the fundamental particles, autonomous ultimate units in full charge of their destiny, empowered to make contracts freely.
  • The new legislation empowered the ICC to suspend general rate increases and revise rates on its own initiative.
  • But in the end, Bust offers a peekaboo view of the world of sex that leaves one feeling not like an empowered adult but more like a 12-year-old sneaking in some sexy reading behind her parents' back.
  • We love for ourselves because we feel empowered and enriched by the experience of giving that love. The Sun
  • The report suggested that an Empowered Committee be constituted to examine and take speedy action on the recommendations.
  • “I personally wish that the chiefs were empowered by the statute book of the nation to deal ruthlessly with people who believe these women are bad and must be ruthlessly killed,” the Mozio rana told me as he drained a bottle of malt. Spellbound
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The time was nearly ripe for general defection; loyalty was strained to breaking-point when Frederic began to appoint for each city a resident commissioner (_podesta_), empowered to exercise the regalian rights and to collect the revenue accruing from them. Medieval Europe
  • These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas, with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation.
  • In return, local authorities were empowered to appoint the teachers in such schools for all subjects other than religious instruction.
  • Delegates from diocesan councils shall be elected to a national assembly of Roman Catholics empowered to oversee the well-being of the church in Canada.
  • Being wild, crazy and self-empowered became a theme of the group.
  • Representatives of these countries should be brought to the table consistently, unless economic globalism means that the world's largest countries are empowered to set the tone for everyone else.
  • A new corporation was created, whose members were to be appointed by the ITC, and the umbilical link with the ITV companies was broken, as the new corporation was empowered to sell its own advertising.
  • Today, they are not only self-supporting, economically empowered with a strong sense of self-esteem, but they are also playing an active role in nation building.
  • Is it unreasonable that it should also be empowered to decide on the judgment of a state tribunal enforcing such unconstitutional law?
  • Smith was also empowered to make arrangements for a mass meeting, but action was delayed until the following month.
  • The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.
  • And over at the Daily Beast, Meghan McCain says that guns make her feel "empowered" - both as a Republican and as a woman: Jezebel
  • She supposed he was disempowered by having been in prison and at the mercy of the middle class.
  • “Under our understanding of FRCP 83 and 28 USC 2071 (e), we believe that the district court bench is empowered to make its own rule and to defer them required period of notice and comment in cases of immediate need,” wrote Nesson. Let digital nation ’see and hear’ Tenenbaum v RIAA
  • I believe that a truly empowered woman would give birth without assistance.
  • The young people grow in their ability to apply their faith and are empowered and affirmed as valuable contributors to the life of their church and community.
  • One of the reasons for my great success as Speaker is the way I have empowered backbenchers and the opposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Section 60G empowered a court to extend the application limitation period if it decided that it was just and reasonable to do so.
  • The new law empowered the police to search private houses in an emergency.
  • Criminals feel empowered now,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her earnestness is seductive, as is her casting of the hero as an empowered young woman, untainted by media-driven ideals of glamour and sexuality.
  • droit de motte," which empowered them, if a vassal (they were "serfs de motte") attempted to live out of his demesne, or to enter the service of another lord, to bring him back to his "motte," a cord round his neck, and inflict upon him corporal punishment. Brittany & Its Byways
  • The relevant statute empowered the council to pay such wages as it thought fit.
  • This trust does not have a roll of beneficiaries, and now no one will be empowered to look into this.
  • The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.
  • The Public Health Act of 1875 also empowered local authorities to impose by-laws on house construction, to monitor standards and facilities.
  • It leaves him feeling empowered and emboldened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Call on the playful and productive masculine energies (and heal the negative masculine forms that operate through aggression and domination) that arise from both sides of your lineage to reinspire your own masculine nature; call on the nurturing and intuitive feminine energies (and heal patterns of victimization that signal a disempowered feminine) from both sides of your lineage to reinspire your own feminine nature. Wild Feminine

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