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How To Use Employment In A Sentence

  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results were disastrous, plunging the country into deep depression, with high unemployment, sharply falling living standards and serious political unrest.
  • Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******. Support Al Kemal for Mayor of London: the People’s Choice! « raincoaster
  • Unemployment has hit unskilled workers in particular.
  • With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time.
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  • The default position is that UK employment rights remain unchanged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even where, for example in an unfair dismissal case, the employment tribunal makes an order that the employee be re-employed by the employer in one way or another, if the employer fails to do so there is no contempt of court.
  • Most of the hard work was done by women, since many of the men had gone off to find employment.
  • Statistics paint a sobering picture — unemployment, tight credit, lower home values, sluggish job growth.
  • Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
  • It is believed that these informal sector activities create significant employment opportunities.
  • Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department. Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
  • Social programs cover old age, invalidism, death, sickness and maternity, work injury, unemployment, and allowances per child.
  • Employees who opt for the scheme will be expected to revert to their former employment contract once their children reach 14.
  • During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity.
  • An unstated portion of these gains were in part-time employment.
  • The common employment of the designation carbuncle for a precious stone and also for a boil was usual from ancient times. Shakespeare and Precious Stones Treating of the Known References of Precious Stones in Shakespeare's Works, with Comments as to the Origin of His Material, the Knowledge of the Poet Concerning Precious Stones, and References as to Where the Precious S
  • Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
  • They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.
  • I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
  • The unemployment rate plunged sharply.
  • Welfare bills will soar if unemployment rises. The Sun
  • The increase in violent crimes is al'lied to the rise in unemployment.
  • You say are also under financial pressure given your husband's unemployment, which is stressful and causes resentment. Times, Sunday Times
  • This university program does not create an employment relationship between the extern and the sponsor.
  • In such a model, given some flexibility of prices and money wages, the self-adjusting mechanism would return the economy to full employment after a demand shock that was not too large.
  • Employment Training is a locally based programme that first helps you select people with the aptitude and commitment you're looking for.
  • Unemployment and inflation are the two most important variables affecting households. Times, Sunday Times
  • The impact from the 2008 financial crisis did not affect us until 2009, but we are still trying to recover, mainly due to the high unemployment and stagnant economy," said Mr. Kagoshima, who wouldn't give total attendance figures. Bay Signs
  • But they are sorry, that they have just cause to regrate, that men of meer civill place and employment should usurp the calling and employment of the ministry, to the scandall of the reformed kirks, and particularly in The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • Thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.
  • In breaks from active service, he farmed in Hampshire, took employment with the Portuguese navy, and was briefly employed as a spy among the naval bases in southern France.
  • And Fed officials framed their decision as being designed to fulfill its "dual mandate" to maintain maximum employment and stable prices. Fed to inject $600 billion into economy
  • Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it.
  • The yachting industry is being seen now as a significant employment and revenue generator, through marinas, boatyards, other commercial enterprises, as well as yachting events.
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • They were impoverished by a prolonged spell of unemployment.
  • A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.
  • Under apartheid she and her husband enjoyed vast protection and sheltered employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployment is at 23 per cent and its government has brought in a raft of drastic economic measures. Times, Sunday Times
  • By all means, cover yourself for unexpected eventualities such as death, unemployment and your house burning down.
  • Initiate internal procedure to ensure the change, extension or termination of employment contract.
  • I am currently in gainful employment as a consultant on this project. “Response Times” Are Back SHOCK! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • ‘Those regs are as good as gold,’ said Ellen Kearns, an employment lawyer who specializes in wage-and-hour issues with Epstein Becker & Green in Boston.
  • The average businessman of the right calibre is not prepared to give up the pleasure and flexibility of private employment to serve and administer a fund that has political strings attached to it. Peace Through Investment—A challenge to the Capitalist Countries
  • Employment Hotel managers and assistant managers held about 105, 000 wage and salary jobs in 1994.
  • Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off.
  • It is expected to show rising unemployment helping to keep earnings growth relatively subdued. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployment soared, thousands emigrated and the national debt spiralled out of control.
  • Well, simple math tells me that if such were to happen, the unemployment rate would fall to near 7%, a good start, and maybe enough to re-elect the president. Extended Unemployment Benefits Versus Employment
  • This platform sees notable mostly for its platitudinal quality: “conquer unemployment,” “schools that guarantee success for all children” — sure, sounds good to me. Matthew Yglesias » Sarkozy Wins
  • In this regard, offshoring is likely to show up more in the compensation trends of our domestic workers in affected sectors than in their employment trends.
  • The offer of further employment is dangled before them like a carrot, if their work is good enough.
  • Employment law has also taken into account the government's drive to increase the military reserve forces. Times, Sunday Times
  • third we must consider unemployment
  • Before even applying for the Fairbanks Magistrate judgeship I spoke with members of the federal court concerning the employment of Kathleen. Joe Miller's Wife Took Unemployment Benefits After Working for Him
  • But at least for some, such employments usually result in frustration.
  • It would partly explain why employment has been unexpectedly strong and productivity apparently so weak, and would augur well for future jobs growth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Care for all aspects of the cultural landscape was promoted alongside increases in production and improvements in employment opportunities within agriculture and forestry. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
  • The problems of crime and unemployment are closely intertwined.
  • The main point here is the relatively minimal impact of employment in port-related activities.
  • And with these openings come employment opportunities for school leavers.
  • He worked his way up from kitchen porter, assistant cook, employment at a casino and by painting and decorating.
  • A BUDERIM "battler" has been left devastated by the theft of a car that pulled him from the brink after 11 months of unemployment. The Sunshine Coast Daily
  • On a gloomier note, employment continued to decline and car sales remained depressed.
  • Whilst the traditional different places of employment obviously differ (from, the smell of the "briny" with a cooking range being pitched up and down with the ship by the waves; to the unwanted inclusion of sand, leaves and insects in the field; to the salubrious comfort of an air base), the core skills, role and esprit must be common throughout the three Services. Army Rumour Service
  • They want secure, waged employment.
  • Some of those children will find their way out of a cycle of poverty, poor education and chronic unemployment and eventually make satisfying lives and careers.
  • There is an equation between unemployment and rising crime levels.
  • They were married on July 14 of that year, and in early 1884 moved to Boston, where Chase arranged employment for Welch at L. Prang and Company, publishers of chromolithographs.
  • Theoretically, an employee can claim a capital allowance for machinery or plant used in his employment.
  • The law prevented the employment of children under ten in the cotton mills.
  • A degree is prerequisite for employment at this level.
  • The prevailing principle of the composition seems to have been the employment of the fewest words, thus rendering the work a constant brachylogy.
  • She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation of the government's incompetence.
  • The report concludes that apprenticeships are by far the best pathway to full-time employment or self-employment.
  • These structural changes were aggravated by the expulsion of large peasant masses, which increased poverty and unemployment in big cities.
  • It criticized the company for long working hours, a "militaristic" work culture and mass employment of low-wage vocational college students. Reports Allege Continued Abuse at Chinese Electronics Firm
  • Meanwhile, there are legions of young people not in education, employment or training. The Sun
  • But many critics claim the policy of a strong currency has decisively contributed to sluggish growth and record unemployment in both countries.
  • Today, for example, steps must be taken to ensure that employment tests are predictive of subsequent job performance and that interview questions treat all job applicants equally. Human Resource Management in Government
  • Further, as a result of technological unemployment in agriculture, an increase of "pileup" in industrial employment has resulted. Postwar Toronto
  • To make any serious headway against unemployment, twice that number need to be created.
  • Some federal employment laws apply only to employers having a specified number of employees. Christianity Today
  • The subcategory is the devaluation of peoples homes, and unemployment is right up there. Stories
  • In the past six months, the capital and its surrounding region accounted for only a fifth of the unemployment increase on the claimant count. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployment serves as a useful point of reference in examining social problems.
  • Employment of budget analysts is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005.
  • it was a closed area of employment
  • Although the oil-rich kingdom has escaped the sort of unrest unleashed in Egypt, Libya or Tunisia, there have been signs of domestic discontent over high unemployment, as well as some nervousness that Saudi Arabia's Shiite Muslim minority could be inspired by the protests of their co-religionist neighbors in Bahrain. Saudi King to Return Home as Turmoil Sweeps Region
  • Free trade does not lower wages or cause persistent unemployment There is nothing new in the current hullabaloo about free trade, jobs, and trade deficits.
  • Chapter VI. that the use of metallic copper in the construction of acetylene apparatus is not permissible or judicious, because the gas is liable to form therewith an explosive compound known as copper acetylide; it might seem, therefore, that the employment of a copper salt for purification courts accident. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • But the city itself has continued to shrink, and unemployment there has remained at double the Ohio rate.
  • Letting those people have gainful employment is simply more important than not having to hang up on them when they call me, so I'm staying off the list.
  • Many economists expect unemployment to fall over the next couple of months.
  • But we are all intensely aware of the fact that work and its corollary, employment, are essential requisites for most people to be able to live in dignity with at least a minimum of comfort and security.
  • My partner was made redundant last November and hasn't secured further employment as yet.
  • Their domestic reforms did nothing to solve the problem of unemployment.
  • In the former case the charterer gives orders for the employment of the vessel which cannot reasonably be expected to be performed by the final terminal date.
  • They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.
  • The shakeout in the labour market after Christmas usually makes January a bad month for unemployment.
  • Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
  • Either way you look at it, someone who advocates legalizing racial discrimination in employment or in the provision of public accommodations is fairly described as a racist. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • Nikki Haley Wants To Drug Test Applicants For Unemployment Benefits Nikki Haley-you're being 'catty' - Was There a Case for War? The Full Feed from
  • Most notable is the vast National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, which offers low-income Indians 100 days of guaranteed work and is expected to benefit almost 45 million households this year. Insurance Coverage Has Become an Economic Catalyst for Rural India | Impact Lab
  • He will appeal to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits.
  • FOREMAN: The governor is saying no to money for what she calls expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
  • In September, the unemployment rate for people between the ages of 16 and 24 hovered morosely at 18.1 percent, nearly double the national average for that month. Balancing the recession on the backs of the young « Dating Jesus
  • They will be entitled to receive unemployment benefit.
  • There has been some reduction in unemployment.
  • Prehaps if unemployment continues to grow, which i beleive it will, with these public sector cuts and the increasing emphasise on profit that companies have checkout machines, reducing/combining job posts etc. then we could very well have a revolution. University applications rise as candidates race to avoid higher fees
  • The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.
  • The civil-service strikers may indeed draw attention to their employment conditions, but only at the expense of antagonising the people they are supposed to serve because they are extremely unlikely to change the government's plans.
  • But today the unemployment rate among Negroes is twice that of Whites. April « 2008 « Bill Ayers
  • Employment agencies help people to find work.
  • The more entrepreneurial found economic salvation in self-employment.
  • I've organized what I have to say about unemployment under three main headings.
  • It is similarly not true that employment in nurseries and daycare centres is for those who are young, unqualified or transient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whole regions of the country went into serious decline, and unemployment and dole dependency skyrocketed.
  • Two-thirds of this group got over three-quarters of their income from state benefits and only 7 percent had any earnings from employment.
  • A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence.
  • The reduction of unemployment should be paramount in the government's economic policy.
  • The decision has been hailed by union leaders as a landmark in granting constitutional rights for trade union activity in a number of other employment sectors.
  • The plan has the added advantage of bringing employment to rural areas.
  • Chart 1 illustrates the path of employment in industry, the key exposed sector of the Irish economy.
  • New taxes on wealth could redistribute money from older, better off Australians into education, health, and unemployment accounts for young Australians.
  • Two-thirds of this group got over three-quarters of their income from state benefits and only 7 percent had any earnings from employment.
  • JOE URIBE, MONTANA DIVISION OF CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION: Well, I was involved in the case at the Montana state workers compensation employment auditor. CNN Transcript May 30, 2005
  • Your pension will depend on your length of employment.
  • Accordingly, to administer unemployment to must increase manpower capital investment.
  • One can also get various varieties of soaps, bleaching powders, starch powder and different varieties of pickles made by the self-employment units funded by the Khadi board.
  • If the employer requires protection he should have the foresight to include an express covenant in the employment contract.
  • In place of industrial employment have come services. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many proceed to the accountancy profession or financial institutions but a wide range of other employment is available.
  • Councillors agreed to sell the land to Duncan Graham Partnership for 1,151 million for the purpose of erecting retail warehousing with employment potential for 50 jobs.
  • The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
  • Is this how we are going to determine employment prospects for all released criminals, or only for those considered newsworthy by the media? Times, Sunday Times
  • Unemployment among married women reached a peak.
  • Previously called multipurpose community centres, the Thusong centres provide government services - including information about grants, unemployment insurance and work opportunities - to the public. IOL: News
  • YOUTH unemployment is unacceptably high in the UK. The Sun
  • For example, you gain the right not to be unfairly dismissed after being in continuous employment for two years. The Sun
  • It wants to consolidate the existing 30 or more work-related benefits - such as jobseeker's allowance, housing benefit, child tax credit, working tax credit, income support and employment support allowance - into a single universal payment. BBC News - Home
  • Gary's been rorting the system, getting both a student allowance and unemployment benefit.
  • Social welfare is also affected by the unresolved problem of unemployment due to the lingering economic crisis, which has yet to be fully worked out.
  • The reform program has brought unacceptably high unemployment and falling wages.
  • These people are usually drawn from the employee assistance, human resources, health promotion, affirmative action or equal employment departments.
  • When a eurozone country experiences an economic shock it cannot devalue its currency to make its exports more competitive, thereby supporting employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Millions of people live with the harsh realities of unemployment.
  • Unfortunately, since volunteering means absenting oneself from employment, not everyone can afford the experience.
  • Yesterday's unemployment figures underlined the mood of caution in company boardrooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The restructuring of the economy has resulted in changing patterns of employment. The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
  • I went to an employment agency last week.
  • Myers accused the government of deliberately massaging the unemployment figures .
  • Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.
  • The political landscape of the country has changed since unemployment rose.
  • Please forgive me for perhaps dealing with it in this way: we have received a huge amount of evidence of what is wrong with management, and why disputes are not resolved, and why you get employment law cases.
  • The unemployment rates did not differ significantly in these darker areas, being high for both groups.
  • One of Yorkshire's leading manufacturing spokesmen has sounded a warning note on employment relations activity for the New Year.
  • He took up employment with the company in May 2002.
  • But a substantial and increasing proportion of anthropologists find employment in nonacademic settings. Cultural Anthropology
  • But in a statement the force said her re-employment at her old station was a 'rare, exceptional and compassionate case'. The Sun
  • Kenya continues to suffer from tribalism and corruption, as well as high population growth, unemployment, political instability, and the AIDS epidemic.
  • The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective.
  • After the First World War the coverage of unemployment insurance was extended and a contributory pension scheme was introduced.
  • But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
  • After documenting his existence and education, it appends only two more entries: a brief chronology of employment, and an impressive list of publications.
  • Unemployment benefits will be conditioned on active job hunting. Times, Sunday Times
  • The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.
  • The International Labor Organization said in its report that about 80 million net new jobs will be needed over the next two years to return to precrisis employment rates—27 million in advanced economies and the remainder in emerging and developing countries. OECD Cuts Forecasts For U.S., Euro Zone
  • The aim of meeting an inflation target, moreover, is to foster business conditions that are conducive to growth and employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was doomed to unemployment by her ill health.
  • These changes in female employment are commonly supposed to have influenced rates of family formation and dissolution.
  • It is also clear that the rural areas have seen a profound decrease in the availability of agricultural employment. Migrants in Modern France: Population Mobility in the Later Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • At the period just preceding the advent of Bartleby, I had two persons as copyists in my employment, and a promising lad as an office-boy.
  • These complexes, complete with hotels and up-scale shopping, are "uneconomical" now, Cahill said, arguing they are too expensive to build and would not attract enough visitors as unemployment climbs and the state faces its worst financial crisis in decades. Breaking News - The Post Chronicle
  • The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.
  • Viviana has been shocked by her country's bankruptcy, devaluation, rocketing inflation and unemployment, all combined with a bout of rioting, looting and street violence.
  • Some economists think that full employment in Europe is an unattainable goal.
  • With unemployment topping 12% in Columbia County, Greg Hinkelman, city manager of Clatskanie, the nearest town to St. Helens, said both coal terminals would be welcome, providing what he terms "living-wage jobs. Coal Fuels a Fight in Oregon
  • Minister of State Martin Cullen unveiled a wall plaque in the foyer of the new Employment Centre to mark its official opening.
  • It is after the first few years in employment that the profiles diverge dramatically and again the male/female contrast is vivid.
  • Inflation, unemployment and retail sales figures are all forecast to point to a slowdown.
  • The unemployment rate is rising in that country.
  • The key to growth and stable employment will be through improving the international competitiveness and increasing the market share of our companies.
  • You may qualify for unemployment benefit.
  • The Major government, achieving the only things that matter – stable prices, rising employment and bouyant inward investment – would have been recognised as a success but for the running internal revolt that she busily inflamed. Letters: Bringer of division and bitterness
  • This should apply to any trip that was not wholly, exclusively and necessarily for the purposes of the employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example, you gain the right not to be unfairly dismissed after being in continuous employment for two years. The Sun
  • The traditional approach has tended to regard unemployment and inflation as being inversely related.
  • We improved our policy to stimulate and expand employment by encouraging business startups, and enforced the minimum wage system.
  • Abandoning the commitment to full employment would restore autonomy to the centre.
  • This sort of crime is typically found amongst populations living on benefits housed by the rest of us, usually in fatherless communities where employment is rare and 90% marginal rates of tax keeps it that way. Archive 2007-05-06
  • Official statisticians said the trend for employment remained up. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the end of 1999 its economy had shrunk by 7 per cent and the unemployment ratio had increased drastically.
  • We are then able to provide employment opportunities and are empowering people to earn an income. Times, Sunday Times
  • I spent most of my twenties carefully partitioning my life, so that my employment and my family and my sexuality were entirely segregated.
  • The year out may have caused a problem in terms of re-employment, but the stress was causing heart palpitations. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a trend that has given a new lease of life to neglected race tracks and disused airfields up and down the country and boosted rural employment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many firms in France and Germany already find the cost of employment extremely burdensome.

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