
employment agreement

  1. contract between employer and employee

How To Use employment agreement In A Sentence

  • Learn why a growing number of Canadian employers are introducing employment agreements for their employees-from senior executives to sales representatives.
  • According to his most recent employment agreement, Mr. Mozilo could also keep using the corporate aircraft for business purposes and have the company pay his country-club dues through 2011 while he serves as nonemployee chairman. Behind Bank of America's Big Gamble
  • Some had entered into employment agreements after their first year in law school.
  • This sample employment agreement can pave the way to an effective ministry for any church position. Christianity Today
  • I believe the price of the employment agreement I am selling could rise from 500 yuan to more than 1,000 yuan," an anonymous seller said.
  • This sample employment agreement can pave the way to an effective ministry for any church position. Christianity Today
  • An employment agreement, if drawn up incorrectly, can create a lot of problems for the small business owner.
  • And it also put McClendon in clear violation of his employment agreement, which had required him to own Chesapeake stock worth five times his annual salary and bonus.
  • The port and the unions have been negotiating for two months over the employment agreement, which covers around 240 staff.
  • Legislation permitted magistrates to enforce employment agreements with penal sanctions in the form of imprisonment, fines, and physical punishment.
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