How To Use Employee In A Sentence
Instead of asking the fortunate few, why doesn't Ted asked the gifted masses of state employees to do a little giveback?
We're! Number! 5! (Jack Bog's Blog)
He says the insurance bond provides deserved protection for employees who put a lot into the company.
Email and Net abuse at work have become the number one reason why UK employees face the sack, according to a survey out today.
Businesses and service organizations were losing employees and customers weekly, daily, and eventually hourly.
Over this long weekend in Melbourne I've been researching Indian mid-tier (50-1000 employees skewed towards 5yrs+ comp sci education/experience), good at open source, B2C, web2: Not the big BPO/B2B focused Satyams, Wipros and Tatas, or the elance $1000 dodgey script dudes.
How Will the Indians Fare at The Web 2.0 World Cup Cricket ?

Perhaps in their heyday around 2006-2007, they were overwhelmed with the explosive rowth, however it was reported that prior to the recent management shuffling, they had a 1000 employees?
Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
The protest was held in opposition to government plans to dismiss 25,000 state employees in order to reduce fiscal spending by 42 percent.
Their aim is twofold: to increase productivity and to improve morale by giving employees a feeling of participation in and identification with the company.
A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
It is best to set out all the circumstances that may lead to a deduction from wages and put these in the documentation you provide to employees.
Times, Sunday Times
Waterford Chamber of Commerce are fully aware of the difficulties that its members are experiencing in recruiting suitable employees.
Most employees get posted abroad at some stage.
Even where, for example in an unfair dismissal case, the employment tribunal makes an order that the employee be re-employed by the employer in one way or another, if the employer fails to do so there is no contempt of court.
Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
a pink-collar employee
An employee or player likes to know when he/she walks into the manager's office that whatever is discussed between them is in confidence.
Au lieu de discuter, l'employée du restaurant aurait du faire le canard!
French Word-A-Day:
The manager of a dressmaking factory noted with amazement that her employees all took Sunday for a gala day and not as a day of rest.
A Renegade History of the United States
Verify that the employee is legally eligible to work in the United States.
But there's more to workplace wearables than watching over employees.
Times, Sunday Times
An attorney is your employee, in a manner of speaking.
Because of advances in technology such as Web conferencing, he says, businesses are sending fewer employees to trade shows.
The ballooning cost to taxpayers of retirement benefits for public sector employees has forced the Conservatives to promise action.
Times, Sunday Times
Leaders like that get only the bare minimum of effort and never rouse employees to cooperative activity.
There is no reference to the recent critical analyses of management use of, and employee resistance to, the mobilization of feelings.
The service is flawless; and every employee you pass in the corridor greets you with the unstudied politeness that is the hallmark of a great hotel.
It is a secure, multilingual website on which company employees can anonymously report any bribe demands that they receive.
Times, Sunday Times
Employees who opt for the scheme will be expected to revert to their former employment contract once their children reach 14.
Human-resources staffers walk a fine line: employees see them as stooges for management, and management views them as annoying do-gooders representing employees.
During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity.
The employee needs to probe deeply and almost overcommunicate why they wanted to leave and see if it will change in the future," says Peter Vergano, senior manager of human-resources strategic staffing for Samsung Electronics Americas.
When to Take a Counteroffer From Your Employer
Best Buy is promoting its Geek Squad, promising shoppers before they buy that complicated electronic thingamajig that its employees will hold their hands through the installation process and beyond.
Educational object are new associates, including newly-assigned operator , managerial and technical personnel, temporary employee as well as trainee.
Higher-level managers often spot-quiz supervisors about their new employees: What are his hobbies?
In Foshan, He Pinru's members include state-owned telecommunications and power companies, and real estate developers, who want to offer safe, good-quality food at employee canteens, he says.
China's organic farms rooted in food-safety concerns
The council claimed its ambition to support the results of the scheme financially could not be achieved unless more than 120 employees were made redundant.
The organization awards 11 non-renewable scholarships of $2,000 to children of full-time employees of firms that are members in good standing of NASGW.
Shortly after, my visitor, the one-time employee, left their employ.
In addition to weekly episodes of our human rights broadcast, we were also producing 'fortnightly' (a word we had picked up from Anita and begun to employ widely!) editions of Body Shop Television -- a unique, in-store television magazine devoted to internal communication among Body Shop employees and managers.
Rory O'Connor: There Was Nothing Like This Dame
Managers say that many employees have taken to pedalling home for lunch to increase their bonus payments.
Times, Sunday Times
In any event, competition, and the hiring away of key employees, continued apace.
Our letter will give you the name, address and telephone number of the employee dealing with your complaint.
The building supports environmentally minded commuters by providing showers for bicyclers and accommodating employees who wish to take the bus.
The future of this business and the fate of its 240 employees remain uncertain.
Employees shall be required to submit the original bills of lading, or a certified copy thereof or if no bill of lading is available, other evidence showing point of origin, destination, and weight.
We thank our shareholders, bondholders and employees for their patience and continued support.
Times, Sunday Times
Obviously, one way to do it is to actually make them owners, for example, with an employee stock ownership plan.
The mining firms are so desperate for employees that they are poaching them from each other.
Further recommendations included what to do if an employee was suffering from latex allergies.
Employee attitudes towards a move may be made more favourable if the employer allows the relocation to take place during school holidays.
In July, the company said it had 70 permanent employees and 30 temps.
Organizations have traditionally relied on structure and threats of insecurity to control the behaviour of employees.
This finding is echoed in one study of job motivation among industrial employees.
Is an employee identification system used for positive identification and access control?
They were crammed with what we term indirect workers—workers on their way to relieve a fellow employee, machine repairers en route to troubleshoot a problem, housekeepers, inventory runners.
The Machine That Changed the World
The company is offering a free health screen to all employees.
An employer who wants to dismiss an employee must give proper notice.
Wesson meant for his plan to be triggered if police or employees with Child Protective Services — people he called devils — attempted to break up his family, she has argued.
Wesson’s speedy trial a rarity
You don't want other employees to feel they have to resign to get a pay rise.
Times, Sunday Times
Employees will work to prequalify iPhone customers while they wait in line; those buyers will receive a claim ticket for the phone, which Apple says can be redeemed on the spot or later the same day by 6PM (or 4PM on Sundays).
Apple stores opening early for iPhone customers
At the annual holiday banquet, for instance, one employee each year wins the "Kraut" award -- a silver plate displayed at the front of the office -- along with a jar of sauerkraut.
Top Small Workplaces 2007
Millions of federal employees may not receive paychecks unless Congress raises the debt ceiling.
A CALM employee said that he had never solely regarded the forests as a source of timber.
Let us walk away with the lessons of this," Gray told the crowd of dozens of employees, after adding that such an incident can "intimidate" elected officials from participating in outreach such as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's event Saturday.
D.C. government observes moment of silence for Ariz. victims
In that same period, the recalled lapel pins were distributed as promotions to employees at electronics and game stores around the country.
Nintendo recalls 71,000 character pins that violate lead standard
At this point in the economic cycle, they are piling up like used tires: debt-sacked college kids who can't get jobs, foreclosed homeowners, failed small-business owners, pink-slipped employees, millions suddenly ejected from the middle class and now a couple Republican candidates who won't be our next president.
Occupy Mitt Romney!
One employee was suspended without pay for two weeks and another was put on three-month probation.
Many larger organisations offer gym deals to their employees.
Times, Sunday Times
The demonstrators were mostly schoolchildren given the day off, army conscripts and public employees encouraged to go on the march in their working hours.
Times, Sunday Times
It's very disturbing, the way they're getting rid of older employees.
She's also helped one client go from being an employee to the owner of a fully diversified enterprise, and is now helping him franchise his new operation.
In this wrongful dismissal action, it appears that the defendant does not seriously dispute the fact that the plaintiff's co-employee seriously misconducted himself with respect to the plaintiff.
It had only one full-time employee and required no financial commitment from its members.
Older manufacturing companies are burdened with tremendous health care costs for retired employees.
The study, at a large Fortune 100 manufacturing company, focused on employees who provide personal care to an older relative.
The present findings also reveal that concerns about the quality of treatment become especially important at the time employees learn about job terminations or lay-offs.
Zurich surveyed firms to see if they carry out risk assessments of employees before letting them drive on business.
When someone is terminated, sit down with each employee individually and tell them why that happened, Duffy says.
And it has an annual cull of weaker employees anyway.
Times, Sunday Times
Companies that have a lasting commitment to their people will generally spend time arranging redeployment of their affected employees.
Freelance workers do not enjoy the benefits of employee status.
Suffice to say that BECAUSE we can sue employers for injuries and harassment at work, they're not in a position to take wanton liberties with the employees who generate their profits.
The reason that the minimum wage is problematic is that it is also self-limiting, only because companies can't pay employees less than the minimum wage, what generally gets limited is the number of jobs.
The foundation will use the collected money to pay salaries, social contributions and compensations to employees upon the sale.
An employee is not eligible for a redundancy payment unless he has been with the company for two years.
But since hizzoner has turned the spotlight onto his track record as head of the bureau, here is a highlight reel (if you can call it that) from one frustrated bureau employee:
For Adams, photo op becomes knock op (Jack Bog's Blog)
In the last two and a half years, 1,463 employees have made wagers with play money (Goobles, as in rubles) on questions like: will Google open a Russia office? will Apple release an Intel-based Mac? how many users will Gmail have at the end of the quarter?
2008 January « TalentedApps
The latter seeks to provide similar pay and conditions to agency workers as employees.
Times, Sunday Times
Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status.
5000 employees came out on strike in protest at the poor working conditions.
This relief benefits employees who have high earnings and long periods of service.
Not only will this serve to disenchant the employee, it may also result in him or her taking the time off anyway and phoning in sick or being on unauthorised absence.
The number of employees working in captive or in-house IT departments of user organisations which are non-IT firms, is around 280,000.
The importance of communication to and from employees is readily accepted, in principle.
he maintained an open door for all employees
Moreover, employees' ingratiatory motives had indirect effect on their OCBs toward other targets by increasing exchange relationships with their supervisors.
The men yelled at the clerks, then "hurdled" over the counter, pushing a few female employees out of the way, Eggert said.
Employees make regular donations to charity.
The members of Sea Launch have unanimously determined that Chapter 11 reorganization is in the best interests of the Company, its customers, shareholders, employees and other related parties.
Financial Problems at Sea Launch - NASA Watch
US Airways blamed a record number of employee sick-outs for the problem.
It is not company policy to divulge personal details of employees.
Similarly, it is extremely important if you are dealing with any government employee or politician to give due deference.
Times, Sunday Times
Current employees would be asked to contribute more toward retirement, starting in January 1999.
Economic survival of the enterprise or its further progress depends on managers communicating effectively with employees.
Most companies today provide cross-cultural training only if an employee will be living abroad as part of an assignment.
For collective bargaining to have a real point, it must achieve wage rates and non-wage conditions more favourable to the employees than the customary rate.
In any case, such setbacks have been rare in a career that has seen the Barr group's parent company, Barr Holdings Ltd, grow from eight employees to about 1,500.
Banc of America Securities reportedly is advising nonemployee members of the Busch family; the bank says it hasn't been officially retained.
How Bankers
He threatened to give particular employees the kicking of their lives.
The institution also provided compensation to employers for salaries paid to employees on sick leave after the first eight days.
It was the desperate act of a disgruntled former city employee who was refused his old job back.
And so ensuring that all employees feel included and encouraged to be themselves is paramount.
Times, Sunday Times
For most managers, hardly a day goes by without confronting the challenge of employee motivation.
Theoretically, an employee can claim a capital allowance for machinery or plant used in his employment.
Employees must wear gloves whenever they obtain, handle, or process patient specimens.
This reduction was largely achieved on a voluntary basis, and our employees showed remarkable resilience and loyalty, despite such difficulties.
Organisations may pay for just the employee and spouse to view accommodation or may make provision for children to go too.
If any employee is sinking on the job, you need to respond in a businesslike way.
Nationally, the average in-home care employee works 29 hours per week at a median hourly wage of $7.58.
Hi -- I would like to commend the courage and patriotism of several of your citizens, the three dozen employees of Americall who, when asked to telemarket and read a script of blatant and out-of-bounds lies to recipients, refused, and left their jobs, without pay, as a matter of principle.
Dozens Of Call Center Workers Walk Off Job In Protest Rather Than Read McCain Script Attacking Obama
Shareholders invest their capital in the firm, whilst employees invest their human capital.
It was from an old employee of the Patent Office, offering his resignation to the head of the department.
At the office, he began rewarding employees for improving the fuel efficiency of their own cars and for carpooling.
A quarterly newsletter gives employees advice on best green practice.
Times, Sunday Times
Once this message comes out, immediateness causes netizen heat to discuss, the netizen suspects these two employee became Baidu to be personal absolve " scapegoat " .
By contrast, industrial tribunals in the exercise of the unfair dismissal jurisdiction are concerned with disputes between employee and employer.
Some federal employment laws apply only to employers having a specified number of employees.
Christianity Today
There are calls for the numbers of firms and employees to be curbed.
Times, Sunday Times
They are post office employees, factory workers, baggage handlers, nurses, secretaries, lab technicians, and teachers.
Have you costed out how much it costs to recruit a key employee?
They are unsentimental about their impact on employees.
An employer should appraise the ability of his employees.
According to the survey, bosses thought the most effective method of reducing absence was ‘return to work’ interviews, whereby a returning employee is quizzed about the illness.
You may use it to provide information to your employee.
Christianity Today
All employees get an annual bonus before the summer holidays.
She also told me that she is on a sixth month contract, and as such is not an employee.
Formal systems and checkpoints guide and drive strategy and operations, but only through substantial informal interaction among employees.
Had the Li family been double-crossed by a once faithful employee?
Thousands of bank employees are facing redundancy as their employers cut costs.
Make sure the employee is given notice pay.
Times, Sunday Times
Bank of America and other mortgage companies have been under pressure to review their paperwork after employees and contractors said in sworn depositions that, because of the enormous volume, they hadn't had the time to read the documents, much less check them for accuracy.
Paperwork storm hits nation's biggest bank
Typically, such employees would be restricted for a limited period from soliciting the business of established clients of the company.
Interestingly, the smaller the company, the more likely employees were to perceive these benefits.
There is no pension scheme in operation for employees working less than twenty hours per week.
All employees at the submarine base require security clearance.
They target mainly defence industry executives and government employees, the report said.
Times, Sunday Times
Employees posted to areas with a harsh climate generally receive greater amounts of leave than those in less severe climates.
Forwarding residential extension applications of foreign employees working at the park enterprises competent authorities for approvals.
Certainly, if I were an airline employee, I'd be looking into acquiring some new skills.
Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.
Companies with more than 5, 000 employees nationwide could choose to insure their workers directly by creating their own corporate alliance.
The firm should concede a significant salary increase to its employees.
Cost cuts gave companies more money to pass on to employees in the form of higher wages and bonuses, economists said.
Caitlin O’Toole at News. outlines ten things bosses hate about employees, from big-picture errors like failing to meet deadlines to personal problems such as smelling bad (telling a staff member they reek is never a fun meeting).
Why your boss doesn’t like you | Lifehacker Australia
Recent employee relations surveys had reached an all-time low-significantly below the crisis point in practically every area.
The 160 technicians put in eight-hour shifts and the employees - from the plant director down - eat hearty, nourishing meals from the same, heavily subsidized menu.
And don't get me started on the frowzy little strips of bunting that many business houses feel so fully demonstrates good corporate citizenship, or the contrived costuming of employees in the same pursuit.
The European Union has proposed new regulations to control the hours worked by its employees.
All employees work a minimum of 15 hours per week and are paid the going rate for the job.
5000 employees came out on strike in protest at the poor working conditions.
Glencore's 2,000 employees share in regular distributions of its profits.
Moreover, surveys reveal that the process committee overlay to the traditionally managed organization is winning limited employee acceptance at best.
Now the company begins a donation matching program and no upper limit, which means, if an employee donates $100, then Microsoft will donate another $100.
This reduced its total headcount to 208 employees worldwide as of Thursday, he said.
Recruit , manage, motivate, assess, promote and develop employees in their area of responsibility.
If employees want to remain competitive in the job market, they need to move toward industries with opportunities such as ophthalmic assisting.
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
The industrial action saw employees strike at hospitals and rest homes across the country.
Elden Jelle, 57 years old, a custodial worker at the University of Wisconsin, wore a green shirt with the logo of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
Wisconsin Curbs Unions
This is one reason employees at some airlines can fly for free if they fly standby.
Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
The paper reported that in Nakuru, more than 350 employees went on a go-slow to protest the delay in paying salary arrears and allowances.
In a cramped conference room known as the "submarine" inside the fortresslike New York Fed, more than a dozen employees who constituted the institution's AIG task force were working marathon days, crammed elbow to elbow around a long wooden conference table.
AIG, a symbol of financial crisis, repays bailout loan and finds new foothold
Because of the emphasis on materialism and individualism, businesses concentrated on ‘shareholder value’ rather than customers or employees.
In the company's travel and tourism division, for instance, this has resulted in employees accumulating an overtime backlog of more than 100 hours.
If the employee leaves the job as a result, they may receive compensation for lost earnings.
The Sun
The bank is still vulnerable to civil litigation and potential criminal cases brought against current and former employees.
Times, Sunday Times
The employee may well have some ideas about how his absence can be covered.
Times, Sunday Times
In fact productivity has increased from 800 to 3,000 hectolitres of beer per employee while the cost of brewing each bottle has dropped by 60 per cent.
Please have the employees assemble in the area outside the building and I will explain this rare phenomenon to them.
But it also takes a huge toll on their businesses, which suffer when employees are preoccupied by something other than their work.
Times, Sunday Times
Vassilev said that the Bourgas Airport employees would be re-employed by the concessionaire and a group labour contract would be negotiated and signed with a year.
Hence valid employee selection programs enhance the quality of their work lives.
A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
Any sickness or industrial injury benefit paid during such period may be deducted from what the employee is entitled to under this provision.
It is specifically designed to monitor employee use of the Internet.
Employees should be fully acquainted with emergency procedures.
The age of retirement for all employees is 60.
The company's sole concern is to ensure the safety of its employees.
In France, the Elysee Palace is still reeling after a "bossnapping" - manufacturer 3M improved the severance packages for more than 110 workers in exchange for the liberty of manager, Luc Rousselet, who spent more than 24 hours as prisoner of his own furious employees.
New employees receive tote bags bearing the name of a famous list, and 15 of these have been framed and mounted on a wall.
Times, Sunday Times
This gadget not only controls the presence of employees but also functions as a security device.
The records contain the bank details of all employees.
Airlines there hire extra employees to ask those security questions, speeding up the process.
I think a standing ovation belongs to the fellow employees and employers that say, "hrmph, that looks pret-ty darn good.
Graduate! Celebrate! "Decorate!"
Tamiko is the well-paid employee of a keiretsu, looking for commercial property opportunities in the US.
In the early 1990s, concrete firms sold their ready-mix trucks to their employee drivers, forcing them to become contractors.
Forget about Internet crackers, employees are the biggest security problem for most businesses.
Others perform regular random sampling of employees' e-mails.
Times, Sunday Times
These people are usually drawn from the employee assistance, human resources, health promotion, affirmative action or equal employment departments.
In the past 20 years, employees have lost right after right to Government-backed bosses intent on squeezing more work for less pay out of their workforces.
It has fired more employees, at a stroke, than at any time in its 114-year history.
Be honest and truthful with your employees at all times; don't sugarcoat the truth in an attempt to soften the blow of difficult news.
The foundation was funded by an initial company start-up grant and replenishes its coffers with an annual employee giving campaign.