How To Use Employee ownership In A Sentence
Huawei says it cannot launch a public stock offering because of Chinese rules that prevent companies with large employee ownership from going public.
For Beyster, employee ownership is an effective way to maintain control.
Our phenomenal success had in part come from employee ownership.
Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
Our phenomenal success had in part come from employee ownership.
Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
The complications we had to overcome in pioneering employee ownership meant we needed time.
Sharing the Success - the story of NFC

Pegasus promotes employee ownership and takes talent acquisition as one of the primary corporate goals. Submit your resume and share Pegasuss success!
Pegasus promotes employee ownership and takes talent acquisition as one of the primary corporate goals. Submit your resume and share Pegasuss success!
Our phenomenal success had in part come from employee ownership.
Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
All these attitudes would have had to have changed if the trade unions were to march in step with employee ownership.
Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
Full employee ownership of shares is an unsettling prospect for those in the investment business.