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How To Use Empirically In A Sentence

  • It has often been pointed out that “Water is H2O” is a necessary truth, but it can only be justified empirically, that is, a posteriori. A Priori Justification and Knowledge
  • In the one case, reason proceeds according to conceptions and can do nothing more than subject phenomena to these -- which can only be determined empirically, that is, a posteriori -- in conformity, however, with those conceptions as the rules of all empirical synthesis. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • What can generally be observed empirically is typically a form of irreducible complexity where if a part is taken away then a lack of function results. Assessing Causality
  • In that case, such a hypothesis would then have to withstand the rigors of both scientific method (empirically testing and proving or disproving the hypothesis) and peer review.
  • In particular, the morphological structures of the evolving dust aggregates and, therefore, their dynamic coupling to the nebular gas motion and their further evolution have hardly been investigated empirically.
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  • An empirically well informed philosopher makes the cognitivist case against pictorialism. His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • Thus, the objective of this article is to empirically test the market power motive of vertical integration-a different objective from that of Bhuyan.
  • We have also INCREASED revenues to the US Treasury … again empirically measured. Think Progress » The Attack Dog Presidency
  • Mature creation is sometimes inappropriately referred to as "appearance of age"; however the latter term fallaciously implies that age can be seen or otherwise empirically measured. Answers in Genesis Articles
  • Reasons suggested for the poor outcome in clinic cases include that they have more severe problems, come from more distressed families, and receive less empirically supported interventions from staff with heavier caseloads.
  • Empirically speaking, a governor's career is far better suited than a senator seat to have a tilt at the presidency.
  • The empirically observed mutations are thus neither favored nor disfavored by natural selection.
  • Because we can, as he believes, detect absolute acceleration empirically, we are entitled to believe in the existence of absolute velocity - absolute change of position - and therewith in the existence of absolute space.
  • He's the man who correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically. The Worlds Of Robert A Heinlein
  • In any case, it is impossible to verify empirically whether an impulse is resistible.
  • The breaking stresses of stems are comparatively easy to measure empirically.
  • If neuroscientists are just calling the same thing by a different name then we can make positive empirically testable statements about the "soul": It is material (conforms to prior knowledge of basic physico-chemical principles), localizable (to patterns of interactions of CNS with its environment), analyzable (is composed of identifiable parts, each subserving a particular function), predictable, and, of course, evolved over billions of yrs. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • The use of empirically based cues to mistaken memories was similar for both inaccurate and accurate judges.
  • Furthermore, empirically speaking, "perfect" guys have one tragic flaw: timing.
  • The novice could acquire all sorts of medical expertise empirically by working alongside the barber-surgeon, the partera, and the curandero. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • And second, two experiments were conducted in an attempt to reproduce empirically the confederating function of humor hypothesised in groups facing such situations.
  • The goal of the present project is to empirically establish behavioral correlates of what is referred to in the analytic literature as the ‘anal stage’ of libidinal or psychosexual development.
  • Many of these constants must simply be observed empirically.
  • Empirically a scientific fact has a higher probability of being correct, and should be considered on that basis.
  • At the onset of symptoms, most patients will be treated empirically with tetracycline, doxycycline, or chloramphenicol to cover for other tick-borne diseases.
  • But let me say loud and clear that this idea is theoretical and to my knowledge has not been studied empirically.
  • This leads to a dilemma that was articulated by Steven French and Michael Redhead (1988); either quantum particles are not individuals, or they are individuals but the principle of individuation that applies to them must make reference to some kind of empirically transcendent haecceity, bare particularity or the like. Structural Realism
  • We need empirically valid theories of how business operations operate, of how investment decisions are actually made.
  • Building on the work of Feagin, Phinney and Chavira formulated an empirically derived typology of ethnic minority adolescents' responses to racial discrimination.
  • Such reasons should be empirically based and not just speculative.
  • It also recognizes an exterior dimension, which can be quantified objectively and measured empirically.
  • “Since all theorems of applied mathematics are deducible from the subsystem [of physical interpretation of the field of rational numbers] ¦ it is only this subsystem which is verified by the interpretations.” (1978, vol. I, p. 423) So we cannot empirically confirm any claims that are properly about real or complex numbers, so we cannot empirically confirm their consistency. Hans Reichenbach
  • Medical knowledge held by homeopaths, folk healers of various kinds, midwives and other empirically based practitioners was considered authoritative by different parts of the population.
  • Finally, taking Xi'an west passenger transport station as example, it empirically analyzes the construction of management by objective.
  • The case of the Turin shroud is here symptomal: its authenticity would be awful for every true believer (the first thing to do then would be to analyze the DNA of the blood stains and thus solve empirically the question of who Jesus 'father was ...), while a true fundamentalist would rejoice in this opportunity. Odometer
  • Meanwhile , some and investment management of security investment fund are researched empirically in Chinese security market.
  • The second essay empirically investigates the relationship among the corporate governance, investment efficiency, and the excess value of diversified firms.
  • We certainly don't think of relationships as tangible, as empirically demonstrable entities.
  • In the studioli, this commensurability is embodied in the virtuoso marriage of intarsia and the principles of artificial perspective, developed empirically in the early 15th century by Filippo Brunelleschi and formalized by Leon Battista Alberti in De pictura. 1 Although this work was conceived for the art of painting, it was the intarsiatori, rather than painters, who were first considered the maestri di prospettiva, likely due to a metaphoric kinship between the cut of the intarsist's knife across the wood and the cut of the eye across the latticed surfaces of a perspectivally harnessed space. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Consider the statement that the only valid knowledge is that which can be empirically verified.
  • Tautologies are statements true by definition and so are quite incapable of empirical refutation or prediction (insofar as a prediction in science must be empirically falsifiable).
  • Linguistics regarding philosophy's origination in empirically definable "facts of language. Double-Take. Reading De Man and Derrida Writing on Tropes.
  • The drag-induced bending moments and stresses (computed on the basis of empirically determined stem dimensions and wind speeds) increased basipetally toward the base of the tree.
  • Empirically, order is easily determined by summing the exponents of each concentration term in the rate equation for a reaction.
  • The building block cost for mRNA includes the nucleotides for an untranslated region and a polyA tail with empirically observed lengths.
  • The public choice theorist would be looking to judge empirically the effects of rent seeking.
  • It was already known empirically that this was the case, but no one had been able to understand why this apparently anomalous behaviour should be so.
  • The reverse is true - as scholarly research indicates, and as I have found empirically.
  • Some of their conclusions are empirically based; others are speculative but quite reasonable.
  • Like other "supersensible" categories, capital haunts the empirically observable process of commodity circulation - a social spectre with no body of its own. 1 Marx describes a plausible empiricist reaction from the perspective of commodity circulation to capital's apparently mysterious, occult qualities:
  • From what does the empirically existing stability of human order derive?
  • No matter how hard the left in this country tries, they will never be able to totally squash FREEDOM. over-the-top kookiness about things that cannot be empirically proven. socialism is not a taboo boogeyman concept, nor does it operate antithetically to “freedom”. Think Progress » Florida doctor tells Obama voters they are not welcome: ‘Seek urologic care elsewhere.’
  • Clearly, empirically derived premises are more relevant to empirical sciences like physics and chemistry.
  • However, it flunks the main test of any scientific theory: The ability to make empirically testable predictions.
  • He develops a general account of spatial capitalist production, bringing together and expanding on ideas developed in his large corpus of empirically based work.
  • A course of metronidazole and ciprofloxacin was also given empirically for bacterial overgrowth.
  • However the premise that all of life's diversity owing its collective common ancestry (via some blindwatchmaker-type process) to some unknown population (s) of single-celled organisms which just happened to have to ability to imperfectly reproduce, is not empirically detectable. Courting the Theists
  • Frankly, that makes no sense logically or empirically.
  • Although the participants in this study were not therapists or counselors, this report illustrated that humor training can be conducted and evaluated empirically.
  • He's the man that correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically. The Past Through Tomorrow
  • These mechanisms and powers are always in operation even when empirically the rate of profit is rising.
  • Second, productivity calculations measure inputs and outputs in ways that are conceptually and empirically problematic.
  • If it is determined that the philosophical conception is empirically adequate, the result is vindicatory. Hanging
  • From what does the empirically existing stability of human order derive?
  • They also need to understand how military capability is empirically related to the functionality of systems.
  • In the final calculus of course, these are issues that are best settled empirically.
  • When we have the technology to measure pain empirically (FMRI maybe?), we can revisit our definitions. Matthew Yglesias » Marc Thiessen: Obama is Too Good at Killing Terrorists
  • All IDers agree that the question of whether we can infer design empirically is interesting. Bunny and a Book
  • I think most doctors would empirically give antibiotics for both staph and gonococcus, but apparently for this exam, that would be wrong.
  • But, and this leads back to original analogy, if he cannot definitively tell me whether or not that subgrade can support the structure using all of the industry standard tools at his disposal that have been empirically tested and verified countless times on millions of jobs, then I'm going to be real heistant to recommend the to the client that the project move forward in its current form. Religion and global warming | RELIGION Blog |
  • It's an attitude that's rife in magic because of its acausal nature (cause and effect can't be empirically linked).
  • How else to explain the suddenly awakened consciences of the conspicuously caucasian Tea Baggers who, rather than easily grasp that the causes they trumpet are actually empirically proven to be detrimental to their own interests, opt instead to bleat banal credos which sound superficially like rousing cries for "smaller government" and "accountability" but what are in truth thinly veiled, virulent, recidivistic expressions of deep-seated racism? The Full Feed from
  • The remaining case was admitted with severe impetigo and was initially treated empirically with cloxacillin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As President Karzai's government and the international community again contemplate a grand 'peace deal', now with the Taleban, it would be wise to acknowledge the, by now, empirically established fact that in Afghanistan there can be no peace without justice. Michael Hughes: No Peace without Justice and Equality in Afghanistan
  • Psychologists, with their sapiential authority in empirically validated treatments and quantitative single case methods, are ideally poised to treat insomnia and insomnia sensitivity.
  • For to affirm is to determine; now, every determination, to be true, must be reached empirically. System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
  • While this survey cannot empirically offer definitive conclusions for the cultural operation of the talk show genre at large, a number of significant patterns may provide correctives for the bulk of literature on this genre.
  • The recent rise in foreclosures is not related empirically to the distinction between subprime and prime loans since both sustained the same percentage increase of foreclosures and at the same time. Dr. Norm Matloff–H-1B Fraud Still Dwarfed By Legal Abuse
  • It empirically orients the reader by including brief references throughout to some of history's highest profile episodes of mania and panic.
  • Again, that depends on what is empirically eliminable.
  • A key prediction of Williamson's theory, which has also been supported empirically, is therefore that the propensity of economic agents to conduct their transactions inside the boundaries of a firm increases along with the relationship-specific features of their assets. The Prize in Economics 2009 - Press Release
  • The net effect of these conflicting tendencies has not been empirically resolved.
  • Many philosophers, especially those of the analytic and postanalytic traditions, reject the assumptions required by these approaches as empirically baseless and theoretically otiose.
  • In spite of its apparent simplicity, this idea has been extremely difficult to evaluate empirically, and coadaptation of host and parasite traits is usually assumed rather than demonstrated.
  • It is a logically valid and empirically sound conclusion as our senses and mind are nowhere near perfect.
  • It means that they have view of religion as a strongly 'heritable' characteristic, much more so, I would argue, than is empirically the case in developed capitalist democracies. Those Evil Muuuuslems
  • Good results are often observed empirically by applying backpropagation for nonlinear architectures, with the danger of local minima understood. Machine Learning (Theory)
  • To the best of our knowledge, the taxonomy of motivational domains above has not yet been tested empirically as a gestalt, through a substantive sample of emigrants.
  • Emotional disengagement between partners also seems to negatively affect success in all the empirically validated therapies.
  • Such an account is not empirically sound, either.
  • The degree to which contemporary societies are egalitarian is a question that must be researched empirically.
  • Moreover, Chapter Three analyzes the effects of the foreign reserve on the money supply empirically through the cointegration theory and vector autoregression model.
  • I think most doctors would empirically give antibiotics for both staph and gonococcus, but apparently for this exam, that would be wrong. Archive 2005-04-01
  • Indeed, the bigger point to be made is that empiricism is all that we have to explain anything that we wish to understand, “physics” being only what we call a subset of empirically-based theories. Paul Nelson makes a bizarre argument - The Panda's Thumb
  • All significance thresholds were determined empirically by permutation
  • When discussing limitations of nature (i.e. natural processes would not do X, e.g. convert copper into gold by chemical processes), the common and basic way to test this empirically is to look for exceptional cases that would contradict that hypothesis. Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • “We have also INCREASED revenues to the US Treasury †¦ again empirically measured.” Think Progress » The Attack Dog Presidency
  • this can be empirically tested
  • There may be any number of bizarre things in the world, to which we are either empirically or cognitively closed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In order to characterize empirically the currency softness, we employ two different approaches.
  • The films could be empirically adjusted to different OD (optical density) values by exposing them for various lengths of time to a red darkroom safelight.
  • Although the participants in this study were not therapists or counselors, this report illustrated that humor training can be conducted and evaluated empirically.

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