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How To Use Empirical In A Sentence

  • It has often been pointed out that “Water is H2O” is a necessary truth, but it can only be justified empirically, that is, a posteriori. A Priori Justification and Knowledge
  • Opposed to this is empirical knowledge, or that which is possible only a posteriori, that is, through experience. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • One can conclude that the linkage is a rational interpretation, not contradicted by empirical evidence. Beckwith on ID
  • Although the origins of the experimental child psychology are to be found in Germany, the new empirical and evolutionist child study was practiced mainly in the Anglo-Saxon world.
  • In addition, the English word "metaphysical" is defined to mean something that is outside the realm of empirical verification. Antony Flew dies at 87
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  • Again, that's all nonempirical, so take it all accordingly. Gender differences: New findings, new paper
  • A semiempirical downscaling approach for predicting regional temperature impacts associated with climatic change. Statistical downscaling approach and downscaling of AOGCM climate change projections
  • What can generally be observed empirically is typically a form of irreducible complexity where if a part is taken away then a lack of function results. Assessing Causality
  • A recent empirical test of this hypothesis as applied to surgeons has provided support for it.
  • Viewed dispassionately, the empirical evidence does not support such a position.
  • According to the bequest, the lecture series aims ‘to explicate the concept of the human mind through theory and empirical research.’
  • Last is the empirical formula this is the simplest ratio of atoms in a molecule.
  • This is exactly what empirical evidence finds. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • In that case, such a hypothesis would then have to withstand the rigors of both scientific method (empirically testing and proving or disproving the hypothesis) and peer review.
  • The main ethical problems included the health risks for the transplant recipient (e.g., a substantial risk of hyperacute rejection and graft-versus-host disease), traditional animal ethics issues, concerns about informed consent (complicated by empirical uncertainties and the possibility of legally mandated life-long health surveillance), fair allocation of health care resources, and the public health issue that xenotransplantation would allow viruses to jump the species barrier into humans. Human/Non-Human Chimeras
  • The proposition that this can be taken as a signal is an empirical argument that has not been supported. The Volokh Conspiracy » Tushnet on Lithwick’s Lament
  • While such semi-empirical entities are possible, they are ultimately neither verifiable nor falsifiable because of the continuing technical limitations involved.
  • Now Copernicus' heliocentric theory wasn't exactly new nor was it based on purely empirical observation.
  • However, this is just the inevitable defeasibility of any form of inference that depends on background empirical presuppositions.
  • In the second approach I have analyzed, with the aid of various semiempirical methods, the molecular orbitals of most types of reactive intermediates in organic chemistry-carbonium ions, diradicals, methylenes, benzynes, etc. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
  • In particular, the morphological structures of the evolving dust aggregates and, therefore, their dynamic coupling to the nebular gas motion and their further evolution have hardly been investigated empirically.
  • I apply a variety of computational methods, semiempirical and nonempirical, as well as qualitative arguments, to problems of structure and reactivity of both organic and inorganic molecules of medium size. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
  • An empirically well informed philosopher makes the cognitivist case against pictorialism. His Name Was Do Re Mi
  • Then we are left with an empirical question of understanding how nature and nurture interact.
  • First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.
  • By far the greatest amount of empirical research on democratic attitudes has been done in the United States.
  • In medicine, a host of empirical observations were written up. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • Because natural science can offer empirical proof for its hypotheses, it can verify its claims.
  • What, then, may we say of the role of empirical studies in the domain of ethical research?
  • Drawing on a number of empirical research programs, Shapiro cites examples that appear to support what he calls the embodied mind thesis, viz., that “minds profoundly reflect the bodies in which they are contained” (Shapiro 2004, p. 167). Concepts
  • International empirical evidence attests to the large economy-wide returns from public investment in infrastructure.
  • Like Allen, I would urge you to provide a systematic review of the empirical data supporting your proposal.
  • You don't have to parse the sentences or measure vowel formants or anything time consuming, so the empirical part of the research just took a few minutes.
  • The theory has been borne out by empirical research. Times, Sunday Times
  • The theory of empirical ethics attempts to bridge this gap.
  • His therapeutics was a purely empirical one, uninfuenced by pathology or clinical diagnosis. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy.
  • Or maybe any conceivable account is translatable into cognitive theory, which then loses all empirical content.
  • A detailed empirical study of changes in American religious affiliation; looks at trends in the major religious denominations and sects. Sociology
  • The empirical formula can be obtained from the elemental analysis of a substance.
  • Thus, the objective of this article is to empirically test the market power motive of vertical integration-a different objective from that of Bhuyan.
  • You can't apply probabilistic methods to a phenomenon where there is no empirical evidence.
  • There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.
  • The theoretical arguments receive empirical support from private systems elsewhere.
  • A reasoning becomes plausible if it is logical and if there is empirical support.
  • Here now is the extreme limit of all moral inquiry, and it is of great importance to determine it even on this account, in order that reason may not on the one hand, to the prejudice of morals, seek about in the world of sense for the supreme motive and an interest comprehensible but empirical; and on the other hand, that it may not impotently flap its wings without being able to move in the (for it) empty space of transcendent concepts which we call the intelligible world, and so lose itself amidst chimeras. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals. Third Section: Transition from Metaphysic of Morals to the Critique of Pure Practical Reason.
  • Pareto stresses the non-logical parts of human life, and he provides empirical examples of this in his writing.
  • As a clear example of an untestable, unscientific, hypothesis that is perfectly consistent with empirical observations, consider solipsism.
  • So the question is an empirical one - and reports such as this one suggest that, at least given current technology, investing in a nationwide ballistics imaging database would be a serious misallocation of resources.
  • I like to call it beginner's luck and invoke the empirical evidence at horse racing tracks and Las Vegas casinos.
  • In the absence of accurate accounting, political debate over some of the most momentous issues of the age is proceeding in an empirical vacuum, and has become much more confused and desultory than it needs to be.
  • This is exactly what empirical evidence finds. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • The first part presents the empirical data and main findings of the research. Critical Social Research
  • The implications of such claims, needless to say, are a far cry from traditionary assumptions about romance being a tissue of impossible fantasies and history being a discourse of empirical truth.
  • We have also INCREASED revenues to the US Treasury … again empirically measured. Think Progress » The Attack Dog Presidency
  • Mature creation is sometimes inappropriately referred to as "appearance of age"; however the latter term fallaciously implies that age can be seen or otherwise empirically measured. Answers in Genesis Articles
  • When invasive infection of a burn wound is suspected, empirical systemic antimicrobial treatment must be started.
  • Empirical evidence for other arguments: when someone uses a known mark like APPLE for unrelated goods, that has some market preclusion effects on Apple, because it prevents Apple from moving into that market later. IPSC: Trademark
  • Reasons suggested for the poor outcome in clinic cases include that they have more severe problems, come from more distressed families, and receive less empirically supported interventions from staff with heavier caseloads.
  • The affirmation of a proposition is not itself a proposition; it is the determination of an empirical fact, viz., the fulfillment of the intention expressed by the proposition.
  • Students will be encouraged to develop field or empirical research projects that could be pursued in Spring 2004 as the Faculty Seminar continues, and possibly in a longer-term time frame.
  • Harvard - Unitarian culture found spiritual and intellectual confirmation in empirical proof, scientific progress, and material success.
  • But is there any empirical evidence to suggest that it does? The Times Literary Supplement
  • An empirical test of the relative decline of legislative power is especially difficult.
  • Empirically speaking, a governor's career is far better suited than a senator seat to have a tilt at the presidency.
  • I'm informed from a usually reliable source that a factoid is an empirical claim that is often repeated but is in fact false.
  • How this study may contribute to theoretical and empirical work both on equal opportunities and the study of management and organisations.
  • This leads Demopoulos and Friedman to conclude that reducing a theory to its Ramsey sentence is equivalent to reducing it to its empirical consequences, and thus that: “Russell's realism collapses into a version of phenomenalism or strict empiricism after all: all theories with the same observational consequences will be equally true” (1985, 635). Structural Realism
  • Thus, since there are no competing hypotheses, it is a mistake to think that mathematics receives confirmational support from empirical evidence in the way other scientific hypotheses do. Indispensability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mathematics
  • Sometimes policy makers, including those who piously invoke the idea of "data-driven" practice, pursue initiatives they favor regardless of the fact that no empirical support for them exists (e.g., high-stakes testing) or even when the research suggests the policy in question is counterproductive (e.g., forcing struggling students to repeat a grade). Do tests really help students learn -- or was a new study misreported? -- Kohn
  • This is not only a matter of empirical observation but of internal logic. Politics, Planning and the State
  • A company that manufactures photocopiers obviously holds to a descriptive core belief consistent with this empirical reality.
  • He's identifying the ungrammatical strings that the grammar should not describe; he's doing modern empirical synchronic syntax.
  • I think people understand the issue pretty well, since what they mean when they talk about intelligence and freewill is human-like intelligence and freewill, and all of us have an intimate, empirical idea about what that means even if they might not be able to articulate it to your satisfaction. Bunny and a Book
  • Dan - Eratosthenes lived around 200BC, and provided the most solid empirical proof of the spherical nature of the Earth. The world used to be flat.
  • What this article has tried to illuminate is a dual condition in which psychology — in a piecemeal way in the course of the early part of the nineteenth century — is emerging as an empirical science for the study of the individual mind, but is also at this point becoming a new forum for a humanist metaphysics of the individual. Psychology in Search of Psyches: Friedrich Schelling, Gotthilf Schubert and the Obscurities of the Romantic Soul
  • However, genomics is empirical and directly testable, of course. Approaches Determine Outcomes
  • First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.
  • Moreover, the empirical evidence on the effect of egalitarianism on capital formation is uncertain.
  • Which mathematical theory best describes real space is an empirical issue, not decidable independently of physical considerations.
  • Using China's province-level panel data from 1985 to 1997, this paper explores the empirical relationship between firm size and innovation.
  • Admittedly, whether this is correct is an empirical question, and we cannot claim to know the answer.
  • But the empirical evidence is far flimsier when it comes to the first two elements of the package. Times, Sunday Times
  • Empirical research and computational models in mental arithmetic established that, during mental calculation, features of problems affect children's strategy choices.
  • The present bibliography does not include all of the approximately 3,900 diffusion publications 75 percent empirical and 25 percent nonempirical currently available, as such a complete bibliography would itself constitute a very large book. Diffusion of Innovations
  • This book attempts to present a large mass of empirical evidence to support the model. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • This contrasts with the common image of scientists being objective and impartial analysts who allow the empirical facts to speak for themselves.
  • No empirical phenomena seem to demand a notion of backward causation for our understanding of them.
  • Marriage may not be always be fashionable, yet empirical evidence shows that couples who marry are more likely to enjoy durable relationships than cohabiting couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • The training promises to provide empirical evidence of incremental improvements in staff effectiveness.
  • These are empirical questions rather than theoretical ones, and the issues seem mundane.
  • In terms of government legislation, empirical research has indicated that a consensual model is indeed more applicable.
  • Mohanty 1995), such as the transcendental-phenomenological method, the phenomenological structure of time-consciousness, the fundamental role of the notion of intersubjectivity in our conceptual system, the horizon-structure of our singular empirical thought, and more. Edmund Husserl
  • On the other hand, industries that rely more on empirical rather than scientific knowledge do less research.
  • These empirical difficulties tell us something important about the nature of support structures between grandparent and grandchild.
  • The empirical model for explaining delinquencies is similar to the one for explaining bankruptcies.
  • It will focus on the valuation of assets in these markets, the empirical evidence on asset valuation models, and strategies that can be employed to achieve various investment goals.
  • These insights are said to be made a priori and Austrian reasoning is thus deductive, not inductive, or empirical.
  • Theories explaining differences lack a solid empirical foundation, seriously risking the distortion of reality. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • An article was judged as empirical if it manipulated some type of raw data in its analysis.
  • This approach is broadly statistical in nature, as it involves corpus analysis to determine the empirical likelihood of various syntactic combinations.
  • This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.
  • Now that you have considered these empirical studies, you should be more capable of undertaking your own study.
  • The empirically observed mutations are thus neither favored nor disfavored by natural selection.
  • My political culture is empirical rather than abstract.
  • An empirical research is taken with data from manufacturing in China to verify aforesaid postulation and compare with overseas practice.
  • The empirical research on this issue tends to confirm that relative wage differentials affect labour migration. Competing in a Global Economy
  • The empirical investigations of Modigliani and Miller 2 were conducted on examples of oil and electric utility companies.
  • Note the lack of direct empirical support and the abstract character of the argument.
  • Because we can, as he believes, detect absolute acceleration empirically, we are entitled to believe in the existence of absolute velocity - absolute change of position - and therewith in the existence of absolute space.
  • The concept of Newtonian elastic collisions among molecules of a gas suffices to bind together in one theory the empirical laws of Boyle, Charles, and Graham.
  • A detailed empirical study of changes in American religious affiliation; looks at trends in the major religious denominations and sects. Sociology
  • The idea of progress embodies the faith - for it is a faith, not the result of any kind of empirical inquiry - that the advance that has occurred in science can be replicated in ethics and politics.
  • To date, fisheries literature has suggested three approaches to this problem: the use of regionally specific climate projections that can be coupled directly to knowledge of the physiological limits of the species; the use of empirical relationships relating local climate (weather) to measurements of species or stock dynamics (e.g., abundance, size, growth rate, fecundity) and comparison of population success temporally (e.g., from a period of climatically variable years) or spatially (e.g., locales representing the extremes of variation in weather conditions such as latitudinal clines); and the use of current distributional data and known or inferred thermal preferences to shift ecological residency zones into geographic positions that reflect probable future climate regimes. Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
  • They comment on, gloss, and interpret his writings, and spend too little time in empirical observation and investigation.
  • Inherently every artwork desires identity with itself, an identity that in empirical reality is violently forced on all objects as identity with the subject and is thus travestied.
  • On the empirical side, however, he came nearer to the truth.
  • From our point of view perhaps the most important of these emerged from empirical (experimental or observational ) research. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • As you point out, it can be problematic when a model is accepted because of its simplicity in spite of of empirical data which points out that the model is a poor predicter. Verification r2 Revealed!!! « Climate Audit
  • Sound empirical research is particularly lacking on risk estimation and typologies of children who set fires.
  • These judgments, when known, constitute knowledge that is based on nothing empirical.
  • The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
  • It is in large part an empirical question, and issues and studies bearing on the topic are considered in chapter 7.
  • He's the man who correlated the theory of optimum tonicity with the relaxation technique that Korzybski had developed empirically. The Worlds Of Robert A Heinlein
  • New methods in glottochronology provide logical and empirical proof that the second assumption is true.
  • CLEAR welcomes submissions dealing with current issues and problems in legal education, presenting empirical studies on legal education and action research projects carried out by professors, examining new trends in adult education or new methods of instruction including but not limited to learning technologies, and discussing faculty or university reports dealing with issues such as curricular reforms and access to legal education. July 2006
  • All these instruments give and require haptic feedback - music is a physical universe and the only way through it is for the improviser to engage in an endless assortment of empirical tests.
  • The theory of weighted empirical processes is an important element for(generalized) nonparametric likelihood ratio goodness of fit test.
  • In any case, it is impossible to verify empirically whether an impulse is resistible.
  • These empirical difficulties tell us something important about the nature of support structures between grandparent and grandchild.
  • Previous empirical studies have neglected this allometry effect when investigating the relationship between the ratio of male size to female size and the size of females, for example in reptiles, birds, or mammals.
  • Such empirical studies of the sensitivity of results will no doubt be further developed.
  • Surely there is empirical evidence for supernatural claims or there is not. Times, Sunday Times
  • The objective of this article is to describe several of the more widely used machine learning classifiers that may have utility when used with empirical population genetics data.
  • There have been two important changes in the recent empirical studies of political participation.
  • There is some empirical support for the proposition that the likelihood of attack decreases with size.
  • The breaking stresses of stems are comparatively easy to measure empirically.
  • This book represents the single most significant attempt in print to supply the English ‘economy of makeshifts’ with a solid, empirical basis.
  • Views like this smack more of a priori epistemological ideals than of empirical findings.
  • The magnetopause shown in the movie is based upon the empirical model of Petrinec and Russell.
  • The scientific realist, though no Kantian, may be ready, by way of making his maximum concession, with a reply modelled on Kant's combination of empirical realism with transcendental idealism.
  • Britain, by contrast, has a distinct orientation toward the empirical approach.
  • The question of whether science causes harm might seem to be an empirical rather than a philosophical one.
  • This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.
  • I can speculate about how I know about reality, but no bracketing of current empirical certainties is required.
  • If neuroscientists are just calling the same thing by a different name then we can make positive empirically testable statements about the "soul": It is material (conforms to prior knowledge of basic physico-chemical principles), localizable (to patterns of interactions of CNS with its environment), analyzable (is composed of identifiable parts, each subserving a particular function), predictable, and, of course, evolved over billions of yrs. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • ‘Picturesque associationism and the ‘esemplastic’ romantic imagination here replace the empirical obsession of eighteenth-century travel writing’.
  • Still , some empirical data are beginning to emerge. Prof.
  • In more general terms, operationalism can be seen as a strategy for increasing the empirical content of scientific theories. Operationalism
  • The choice of ordinate arises from the empirical observation that A2B 1 is required for chaos.
  • The question of whether science causes harm might seem to be an empirical rather than a philosophical one.
  • The holist program seems to entail that one can continue to add to beliefs about Beauty, where one is deploying the empirical concept, until one in a proper justificatory exercise acquires all the appropriately related beliefs about properties. Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology
  • The use of empirically based cues to mistaken memories was similar for both inaccurate and accurate judges.
  • The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
  • Comte had also no small sympathy with the Oriental theocracies, as he calls the sacerdotal castes, who indeed often deserved it by their early services to intellect and civilization; by the aid they gave to the establishment of regular government, the valuable though empirical knowledge they accumulated, and the height to which they helped to carry some of the useful arts. Auguste Comte and Positivism
  • Empirical studies reveal that investor protection affects capital market assessment and cushion capacity in a country.
  • Furthermore, empirically speaking, "perfect" guys have one tragic flaw: timing.
  • The novice could acquire all sorts of medical expertise empirically by working alongside the barber-surgeon, the partera, and the curandero. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • The point was to provide an actual, analyzable, empirical case where the thesis-antithesis-synthesis example you provided could be tested. More Polling Deflates Notion Of Left "Angry" With Obama's Cabinet Picks
  • And second, two experiments were conducted in an attempt to reproduce empirically the confederating function of humor hypothesised in groups facing such situations.
  • This approach to self-justification is the practical equivalent of psychosis insofar as it is a refutation of empirical reality, a refutation of human reason and a denial of human history.
  • Its root assumptions, such as (to quote Dr. Mollinger) "that conscious and unconscious phenomena function under different modes" and "that psychic energy is distributed and transformed," are unamenable to empirical testing, yet they exert a controlling influence over the whole of metapsychology. High Tide
  • The goal of the present project is to empirically establish behavioral correlates of what is referred to in the analytic literature as the ‘anal stage’ of libidinal or psychosexual development.
  • Many of these constants must simply be observed empirically.
  • The main research methods include empirical formula, physical simulation, numerical simulation and field measurement.
  • This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.
  • Anything that could not be said unequivocally by the voice of reason belonged to empirical singularity, to the private sphere, and had nothing to do with genuine education.
  • Calvin tried to work with a concept of mystical real presence that avoided the empirical absurdities of transubstantiation with regard to the Eucharist.
  • In speaking of a social contract, therefore, we are referring not to an actual agreement between empirical selves, but to a hypothetical agreement between purely noumenal beings.
  • Since there is no useful theory as to how graphology might work, it is not surprising that there is no empirical evidence that any graphological characteristics significantly correlate with any interesting personality trait.
  • Literature searches on the conveyance of respect in addressing family members in therapy yielded no articles of an empirical nature or otherwise.
  • The empirical results indicate that a tax cut produces revenue and incentives to save.
  • Marriage may not be always be fashionable, yet empirical evidence shows that couples who marry are more likely to enjoy durable relationships than cohabiting couples. Times, Sunday Times
  • The equation between good methods and traditional empirical methods is stronger in feminist psychology which addresses subjects from less powerful social groups.
  • The thalassic peoples here in the Equatorial Zone are fairly good empirical, teaspoon-measure, chemists. Uller Uprising
  • No significant distinction would then remain between Kant's position (that we can have knowledge of phenomena) and the empirical idealism that he claims to reject.
  • Empirically a scientific fact has a higher probability of being correct, and should be considered on that basis.
  • At the onset of symptoms, most patients will be treated empirically with tetracycline, doxycycline, or chloramphenicol to cover for other tick-borne diseases.
  • An efficient algorithm for Ewald summation calculations for the multistate empirical valence bond model is also introduced.
  • The chapter on ‘egoistic suicide’ is, of course, full of empirical instantiations of this reasoning.
  • Taken in the first sense, the term possession signifies rational possession; and, in the second sense, it must mean empirical possession. The Science of Right
  • But let me say loud and clear that this idea is theoretical and to my knowledge has not been studied empirically.
  • Here now is the extreme limit of all moral inquiry, and it is of great importance to determine it even on this account, in order that reason may not on the one band, to the prejudice of morals, seek about in the world of sense for the supreme motive and an interest comprehensible but empirical; and on the other hand, that it may not impotently flap its wings without being able to move in the (for it) empty space of transcendent concepts which we call the intelligible world, and so lose itself amidst chimeras. The Afghan Tragedy
  • There is however a very large distance between these long-run theoretical considerations and empirical implementation.
  • Empirical antibiotic treatment is often indicated for preterm infants who seem well but who have specific risk factors for systemic infection, such as prolonged rupture of amniotic membranes.
  • The present investigation is significant for three reasons: landfill crisis, limited effectiveness of government policies in the presence of market power, and theoretical and empirical contributions to the theory of oligopsony.
  • But despite their opposition to Kant, empirical and genetic psychologists eventually reinforced the tendency to phenomenalize time and thus to weaken its ontological status. TIME
  • What this means is that there is no way that any hypothesis drawn from Marxist theory can be disproved by empirical investigation.
  • This leads to a dilemma that was articulated by Steven French and Michael Redhead (1988); either quantum particles are not individuals, or they are individuals but the principle of individuation that applies to them must make reference to some kind of empirically transcendent haecceity, bare particularity or the like. Structural Realism
  • We need empirically valid theories of how business operations operate, of how investment decisions are actually made.
  • In this work, the empirical dependances of superconducting parameters and phonon spectrum parameters on the Hall Coefficient, and the problem on the Tc in amorphous non-transition metals are studied.
  • The equation between good methods and traditional empirical methods is stronger in feminist psychology which addresses subjects from less powerful social groups.
  • Theories, case studies, empirical studies, therapy session transcripts and treatment protocols are generously offered throughout this work.
  • His experiment with the kite was the best in foolhardy empirical research. Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
  • An Empirical Research on the Health Index Forecasting of Zhe Jang Province with Semiparametric Regression Model.
  • Building on the work of Feagin, Phinney and Chavira formulated an empirically derived typology of ethnic minority adolescents' responses to racial discrimination.
  • Such reasons should be empirically based and not just speculative.
  • It also recognizes an exterior dimension, which can be quantified objectively and measured empirically.
  • This article, from the perspective of logic, systematically analyzes the meaningfulness of the truthfulness of premise and its influence on the effectiveness of our empirical accounting research.
  • In medicine, a host of empirical observations were written up. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity

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