How To Use Emotionlessly In A Sentence

  • Just as emotionlessly as he had received "The Shame of the Sun" did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau. Chapter 43
  • The assembled Generals and Admiral winced as Whitcomb emotionlessly uncuffed the briefcase, spun a pair of combination locks, opened the lid and deposited it on the desk before the president. 365 tomorrows » Roi R. Czechvala : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Just as emotionlessly as he had received "The Shame of the Sun" did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau. Chapter 43
  • “We need to be in the Payment Room within the next twenty minutes,” stated Mr. Cushing emotionlessly, unhooking his briefcase and standing up to leave. Brokers « A Fly in Amber
  • Poor dumb blackfella, " he murmured emotionlessly to his companion as the other man picked up the briefcase. Impossible Places
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  • Bet she could emotionlessly blast a hole through your forehead while linking to a report on windfarms. Political leaks on primetime
  • “I was attacked,” I replied emotionlessly before sitting back on the loveseat. When the Truth Lies
  • “Poor dumb blackfella,” he murmured emotionlessly to his companion as the other man picked up the briefcase. Impossible Places
  • Dahlia Lithwick reports that it was a very depressing day in the Court, and not just because the conservative men on the bench seemed to think that adults have the authority to treat teenage girls 'bodies as though they were the trunks of cars stopped on the highway and that the girls in question should respond as emotionlessly and unquestioningly as cars. The difference between in loco parentis and loco school principals
  • A gnome male named Brink, balding and oddly dangerous looking for one of his race, and a human female now rose, cleaning their blades emotionlessly and efficiently, from the final two kills. The Shattering

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