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How To Use Emotionless In A Sentence

  • I don't know where Marlette is," Coughlin said softly in a hollow, emotionless voice. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • I don't wanna tell tales outta school, but the grand dame may very well be a calculating, emotionless killing machine, a veritable monster amongst us lambs.
  • Her voice was flat and emotionless as she shut her eyes again, feeling cool hands and then a damp cloth on her forehead.
  • Dahlia Lithwick reports that it was a very depressing day in the Court, and not just because the conservative men on the bench seemed to think that adults have the authority to treat teenage girls 'bodies as though they were the trunks of cars stopped on the highway and that the girls in question should respond as emotionlessly and unquestioningly as cars. The difference between in loco parentis and loco school principals
  • When I said it out loud I sounded so emotionless, like I didn't care and that it didn't matter.
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  • He spoke in a voice so calm and bland, it stuck in the air like an emotionless reverberation.
  • Swallowing hard, the ashen-faced girl continued, her ‘composed’ voice merely an emotionless monotone.
  • A flat voice might be one that is emotionless or uninflected, and American speech is stereotypically uninflected by comparison to British speech.
  • Whatever Borg repressed in all those years of straight-faced, emotionless tennis, he's thrown on these wildly-patterned, sunglass-requiring briefs. A Rivalry Renewed—Over Drinks
  • He looked at me plainly, his face emotionless, lips flat, eyes spiritless, forehead smooth.
  • The perma-tanned rugby star was desperate to impress after a lacklustre performance last week, but the judges panned his efforts, with his dance being described as "emotionless". WalesOnline - Home
  • Diengo's face then settles back into his emotionless, cold expression.
  • They have years of experience all built around the idea of emotionless, concentrated problem-solving right to the bitter end. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Hidden dialogue and “Touching the Void”
  • “Poor dumb blackfella,” he murmured emotionlessly to his companion as the other man picked up the briefcase. Impossible Places
  • A Petty Officer, with an expression emotionless as that of a traveller in a railway tunnel, sat by the dial manipulating a brass wheel; a few feet away sat a Leading Seaman similarly employed. The Long Trick
  • “I was attacked,” I replied emotionlessly before sitting back on the loveseat. When the Truth Lies
  • Kilkenny noticed the disappointment anyway, despite the scrambler's odd characteristic of rendering voices emotionless during the scrambling and unscrambling process.
  • Bet she could emotionlessly blast a hole through your forehead while linking to a report on windfarms. Political leaks on primetime
  • He kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served.
  • When he did at last speak, his voice was just as flat and emotionless as his eyes.
  • A gnome male named Brink, balding and oddly dangerous looking for one of his race, and a human female now rose, cleaning their blades emotionlessly and efficiently, from the final two kills. The Shattering
  • The hooded figure spoke, his voice deep and emotionless as cold stone.
  • The e-mail I did receive was distant, emotionless, cold and generally left me feeling horrible.
  • Taku's face was emotionless, except for the fury smoldering in his eyes.
  • Her eyes were still hazy and her expression was emotionless. Mind Games
  • Dana's feminine voice grew quite flat and emotionless, and even a little haunting.
  • He had been accused as cold-blooded for such an emotionless image.
  • Poor dumb blackfella, " he murmured emotionlessly to his companion as the other man picked up the briefcase. Impossible Places
  • There's a movie shot: an innocent, 10-year-old child with one spattered line of blood across the face, and perfectly emotionless.
  • When a woman's voice from a car alongside him calls his name, his face is emotionless, blank, dead.
  • I saw my less than perfect figure, pasty face, and emotionless green eyes.
  • As a heartless Londoner who has to negotiate such scenarios several times a day, I remained unmoved and whilst offering an emotionless mouthed apology, I carried on my way without really looking at him.
  • a prissy and emotionless creature...settles into a mold of desiccated snobbery
  • When a woman's voice from a car alongside him calls his name, his face is emotionless, blank, dead.
  • There's such calm intimacy in this tone and very little anger, moving in a dream of emotionless fact.
  • The man sitting to her left with the black ooze dripping from his pores was quite intimidating with his stolid, emotionless face.
  • There was a cruel scar on her emotionless face, a tantalizing jumpsuit with armor covering the vitals, and a sense of power and ambition radiating from her.
  • That also rends into tatters the shreds of my emotionless image, wouldn't you say?
  • The assembled Generals and Admiral winced as Whitcomb emotionlessly uncuffed the briefcase, spun a pair of combination locks, opened the lid and deposited it on the desk before the president. 365 tomorrows » Roi R. Czechvala : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Without longing we are empty, emotionless shells, mere objects floating on the wishy-washy surface of life.
  • His face was emotionless, but inside was a maelstrom of hurt, sadness, anger, and pain.
  • ‘You did,’ Alysia accused, her tone faltering from its usual emotionless monotony.
  • Just as emotionlessly as he had received "The Shame of the Sun" did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau. Chapter 43
  • Machines bleep, robots whir, and speakers drone emotionless commands like so many HAL 9000s.
  • Swallowing hard, the ashen-faced girl continued, her ‘composed’ voice merely an emotionless monotone.
  • The Asians are sometimes known as emotionless mixed-up emotion Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Taku's face was emotionless, except for the fury smoldering in his eyes.
  • He jerked his head out of her grip, and regarded her again with that emotionless gaze of his.
  • The room was dark, but Tessa could make out his defeated expression, his eyes emotionless and hollow.
  • That description was far too flat and emotionless and pain-free.
  • Her voice was flat and emotionless and Ryder wanted to kick himself for making her sound like that.
  • The court clerk, a slight woman of about fifty, her expression emotionless and professional, rotated the box and, when it had stopped, opened the top, looked away so that the jurors could be assured this was random, and took out the first card. Just Take My Heart
  • Michael Phillips was mostly "emotionless" during the interview and matter-of-factly described his life to Drukteinis, according to the report, including that he had lived with his grandfather for more than a year after having problems at home. local, state, business and sports news
  • The red bandanna covered the rider's face concealing all but his icy emotionless eyes.
  • He described Conley as "emotionless" when he was interviewed by police. ABC News: Top Stories
  • Almost all alien races use a t-pack that translates their native language into a cold, emotionless Terran, but this beachball had evidently learned Terran, and even two words into it I could detect not only a thick accent but also a sense of urgency. Archive 2010-06-01
  • Cold and clinical to the point of boredom, filled with emotionless commentary and business jargon, it was difficult to tell what effect this character was meant to have.
  • he kept his emotionless objectivity and faith in the cause he served
  • “We need to be in the Payment Room within the next twenty minutes,” stated Mr. Cushing emotionlessly, unhooking his briefcase and standing up to leave. Brokers « A Fly in Amber
  • I could see him yet, could see the anger dying in his eyes, the disbelief, the astonishment, the emotionless mask. THE LONELY SEA
  • She looked just as frightened as I felt, but I chose to remain calm and emotionless.
  • They have more than a hold," Cadmus said, his voice emotionless. GALILEE
  • “I am Nyx,” Nyx replied, keeping his voice carefully cold and emotionless, just as the previous leader had taught him. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Kuro’s Review Forum
  • Her voice was flat and emotionless and Ryder wanted to kick himself for making her sound like that.
  • The film was very funny, with a young punk kid teaching an emotionless robot how to be more human, creating many funny and moving moments.
  • Just as emotionlessly as he had received "The Shame of the Sun" did he read the reviews of it that came in weekly from the clipping bureau. Chapter 43
  • He grunted in agonizing pain, and looked at the unremorseful Ryuko with malice and hate in his formerly emotionless eyes.
  • Cooper said his little speech with ice in his voice, but otherwise emotionless and calm.
  • With an emotionless flicker of a smile, Fiera gave Snug a gentle squeeze.
  • A chill of fear runs down my spine as I see a small hint of anger upon Matt's face, even though he is trying to keep it emotionless.

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