How To Use Emollient In A Sentence

  • A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
  • The roasted fruit is emollient and used as a poultice in the treatment of gumboils, dental abscesses etc.
  • The native medicaster, having placed the green leaves on the patient's temples, would be brewing a concoction of emollient simples. The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
  • In truth, the party will remain unelectable until it learns how to conduct a conversation with the country, employing a more emollient vocabulary…
  • Very occasionally, emollient creams may sting the skin when first applied to very dry skin.
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  • Traditionally the treatment of atopic dermatitis has included the frequent use of emollients and the intermittent use of topical corticosteroids to control acute flares.
  • The emollient creams make the top layers of skin seem moister for a short time, but the other ingredients are actually drying the skin so you have to use more of the lotion, etc.
  • You must have tried the standard treatment with emollients, which soften the skin and increase its water content.
  • He subsequently traveled to The Hague to make more emollient, if less publicized, remarks.
  • One diplomat said the anti-war camp in fact raised no objections to his proposal last week partly out of deference to his more emollient tone on their plans for European Union defence.
  • Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
  • This easy to apply combination of pure Cocoa Butter and Panthenol (Pro Vitamin B5) in a soothing, emollient base helps relieve sore, cracked nipples associated with breastfeeding.
  • When I talked about security, he gave me an emollient smile and said: ‘I think you'll find it very safe.’
  • Cetearyl, cetyl, and stearyl alcohol also a waxy emollient that adds opacity to color Simple Skin Beauty
  • Under the name _decoctum hordei_, a preparation of barley is included in the [v. 03 p. 0406] British Pharmacopoeia, which is of value as a demulcent and emollient drink in febrile and inflammatory disorders. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • PEG (polyethylene glycol for example, PEG-100 stearate) (also an emollient and surfactant) Simple Skin Beauty
  • While adopting the emollient tones of compassionate Conservatism, he has also toned down the virulent anti-Europeanism.
  • Choose a moisturiser that contains emollients or hyaluronic acid, a natural substance which helps the body's cells retain moisture.
  • What he gets is the poignant, emollient presence of Connelly who looks soulfully at him.
  • These cleansers have more emollients, which help the skin retain moisture.
  • Shaving creams are made up of oils and emollients that help glide the blade across the skin reducing pain and incidents of cutting.
  • Palmitates ethylhexyl, isopropyl, and cetyl palmitates are also emollients Simple Skin Beauty
  • Commonly used in moisturizers, emollients lubricate the skin and give the cosmetic product a smooth, soft feeling.
  • The most likely irritant in emollient creams is the stabiliser propylene glycol.
  • To smooth the hair cuticle and add moisture, she applied a light emollient, Phytologie Phyto 7, prior to blow-drying.
  • Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
  • When sliced, and applied externally, the raw Onion serves by its pungent and essential oil to quicken the circulation, and to redden the skin of the particular surface treated in this way; very usefully so in the case of an unbroken chilblain, or to counteract neuralgic pain; but in its crude state the bulb is not emollient or demulcent. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • When added in proper concentrations, cetyl or stearyl alcohol may also be incorporated in skin cleansing products as emollients.
  • The seeds are used in North America in dysentery and as a galactagogue, and the juice of the leaves as an emollient in diarrhoea and mild dysentery. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Medicines and herbs that are demulcent, emollient, warmly diaphoretic, nervines, antispasmodic, warming and carminative are appropriate for treating Air imbalances.
  • Apply an emollient cream or ointment after washing, bathing or showering and between baths or showers, as often as necessary.
  • Other important prevention strategies include proper hygiene and liberal use of emollients to reduce drying and cracking of the skin.
  • Try using a cleanser with an extra-gentle surfactant such as polysorbate 85 or 60, cocamidropropyl betaine, or caprylic acid, and make sure it has added humectants and emollients. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Glyceryl stearate also an emollient and adds pearlescence Simple Skin Beauty
  • By and large, this approach has proved useful and even emollient.
  • The use of skin emollients or barrier creams to prevent contact dermatitis is receiving new attention.
  • Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
  • For instance, cetyl and cetearyl alcohol are waxy, solid emollients that act as thickeners and emulsifiers in a product, and they moisturize the skin as a by-product. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Some manufacturers have added emollients to their skin cleansers to enhance washing and rinsing activity and to condition skin.
  • Accessed Jan. Fluhr JW, et al. Emollients, moisturizers, and keratolytic agents in psoriasis. All Topics
  • It is an incredibly emollient skin-shielding cream - perfect for preventing chapped skin.
  • Use an emollient for dry skin.
  • If you're feeling a touch post-prandial, a good soak in this relaxing emollient will be most reviving. Times, Sunday Times
  • No doubt there'll be some spurious, nebulous rhetoric about rights and responsibilities, respect, choice and other such middle class emollients.
  • Almond oil is used as an emollient because of its ability to soften the skin.
  • True, as we said from the start, the minister's emollient words in January had to be set to one side to ensure a seriously flawed and dangerous bill was radically restructured.
  • A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
  • The central character is a deceptively emollient senior figure in a Conservative Government.
  • The bombings and attempted bombings in London have brought home to the American public that we face implacable enemies unwilling to be appeased by even the most emollient diplomacy.
  • Señor Villablanca, the wealthy rubber concessionist, reposed his fat figure on two chairs, with an emollient smile beaming upon his chocolate-coloured face. Whirligigs
  • Mr Bush now has an opportunity to revamp his reputation by adopting a more emollient style.
  • If you have really dry skin, says Rogers, ‘use emollient lotions with humectants such as urea lactate, then apply moisturizing cream to seal in moisture.’
  • Glyceryl stearate also an emollient and adds pearlescence Simple Skin Beauty
  • Care should be taken to keep the skin hydrated with emollients, and fingernails should be trimmed to avoid skin damage from itching. Liver Disease and Alagille Syndrome
  • The noble Lord's emollient talents were therefore deployed to save the stalled bill by cutting a deal with the Tory leader in the lords.
  • The steroid should always be applied to the skin first and the emollient moisturizer applied after to all of the skin.
  • For great results, use rich emollients or more body oils in addition to moisturizer; they'll offer long lasting, soothing and softening effects for your feet.
  • The use of skin emollients or barrier creams to prevent contact dermatitis is receiving new attention.
  • For short term relief, I usually recommend using a rich emollient like Aquaphor for dry, reddened skin. Simple Skin Beauty
  • They come to us all, the aches and irritations of age such as backpain, arthritis, children and ads where emollient voiceovers pussyfoot around a condition they euphemise as ‘blocked wind’.
  • Using lotions or emollients as soap substitutes may be helpful.
  • A major disadvantage of alcohols is their drying effect, although some newer preparations contain emollients to minimize skin drying.
  • To minimize irritation from shaving, use a new blade and an emollient shave cream that contains moisturizing ingredients.
  • But, apart from some emollient phrases from the Association of British Insurers, the industry's leading companies were at best muted in their joy at learning that these two types of insurance are to be given a thorough going-over.
  • Avoid soap, which can be drying, and instead wash with aqueous cream or an emollient wash.
  • Commonly used in moisturizers, emollients lubricate the skin and give the cosmetic product a smooth, soft feeling.
  • Wendy is more pragmatic, gently chiding staff who do not serve customers quickly enough, and acting as an emollient to those whose egos have been bruised by her father's irascibility.
  • Try either of these creams, which are both emollient treatments providing relief from nappy rash without the use of preservatives and steroids that can weaken a baby's soft, delicate skin.
  • His advice to fellow sufferers: be meticulous about applying emollients on newly washed skin that is still slightly damp.
  • Also, look for finishing creams with emollients and serums that soften the hair cuticle.
  • However, water followed by the application of oil such as a moisturizer (also known as an emollient or lubricant) is of great benefit for dry skin.
  • Visiting Downing Street earlier in the day, Mr Obama was at once emollient, self-critical and articulate, in a way that put an initially bashful Gordon Brown at his ease.
  • Children in the potent arm used 0.1% betamethasone valerate twice daily for three consecutive days, followed by a base emollient only for four days.
  • Also, look for finishing creams with emollients and serums that soften the hair cuticle.
  • He anoints his body with an endless series of unguents, emollients, lubricants, and conditioners.
  • In addition to this, liberal use of emollient creams such as aqueous cream is important - at least four times a day, more if possible.
  • This wasn't a ragbag of promises and emollient phrases designed to patch up a political problem, as some previous ones have been.
  • Some of the medicinal properties are emollient, demulcent, laxative, source of linoleic acid; cold-pressed oil is used in salves for muscle pains; leaves in tea are astringent and antiseptic; may lower blood sugar in diabetes and dilate coronary arteries to improve blood circulation. Common Medicinal Herbs with Curative Properties
  • Apply an emollient cream or ointment after washing, bathing or showering and between baths or showers, as often as necessary.
  • Even the emollient secretary of state, is bitter: he believes they have double-crossed him in the UN Security Council.
  • National sovereignty although to world environment of depravation negative have a responsibility, the sovereign state also is a global environment emollient conservator in the meantime.
  • Try using a cleanser with an extra-gentle surfactant such as polysorbate 85 or 60, cocamidropropyl betaine, or caprylic acid, and make sure it has added humectants and emollients. Simple Skin Beauty
  • If emollients alone don't treat the condition, the next step is to use a steroid cream or ointment.
  • After the final wet dressing, apply emollient to the still moist skin to seal the water in the skin before it evaporates.
  • He found the French in surprisingly emollient mood.
  • A deliciously rich source of moisture extracted from the fruit of the Karite tree, shea butter is a natural fat that is often used as an emollient base for a variety of hair and skin products.
  • Another less well-known ingredient that acts as an emollient and humectant is sorbitol, a sugar-like crystalline derived from certain fruits, such as apples, pears and cherries.
  • At the local carabinieri station, an officer was more emollient: ‘By the end of the month everything should be resolved.’
  • He was smooth, glib, emollient, full of promises that your hands can't quite grip onto.
  • When strongly acid it has no mean operation in rendering the expectoration more easy, for by bringing up the sputa, which occasion troublesome hawking, and rendering them more slippery, and, as it were, clearing the windpipe with a feather, it relieves the lungs and proves emollient to them; and when it succeeds in producing these effects it must do much good. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Though events and the effluxion of time would soon sweep this away, one does wonder if there had been a more emollient response from Parliament and the British Government and greater willingness to compromise whether matters might have turned out rather differently. American Democracy or European Oligarchy?
  • My hands are so soft and tender from avoidance of manual toil that I could be a spokesmodel for overpriced emollients.
  • They'll spout a lot of emollient guff and sensible criticism of the government, which you can even find yourself nodding along to when they're on Question Time.
  • Use emollients even when the skin feels better.
  • Recurrence of this benign but often malodorous condition is prevented by skin care with emollients.
  • The most likely irritant in emollient creams is the stabiliser propylene glycol.
  • Sebaceous glands secrete sebum, and in skin they are thought to have bacteriostatic, emollient, and barrier functions in humans.
  • There are several tar based shampoos and emollient preparations that you can buy over - the - counter.
  • Emollients in alcohol-based hand antiseptics have been shown to reduce complaints of drying, irritation, and itching by health care workers.
  • You want to use soothing creams with emollients such as shea butter or olive oil and anti-inflammatory ingredients such as cucumber, aloe, and allantoin. Simple Skin Beauty
  • I use many different emollients for the conditioning that your hair needs, plus I add in the extra goodies like panthenol, hydrolyzed wheat protein and cocoa butter. Interview with Arcadia Aromatics
  • In a note to Ell. Bot., 505, it is also said that the fresh root is applied with advantage as an emollient and discutient to inflamed surfaces. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Keeping the skin moisturised between attacks, and including the use of emollients in daily routines can also control eczema.
  • He surely must have noticed it but, as the writer suggests, he was probably an emollient sort of character, a man never happy about getting into rows.
  • These are usually emollients, which soothe, smooth and hydrate the skin.
  • It gets Andrew a new editor and the group a much more emollient senior manager who can lift morale.
  • In particular, I was attracted to their Olive Scrub, which they describe as a gentle exfoliant that also moisturizes since it contains olive oil and other natural emollients. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • A luxurious night cream, providing the skin with a meaningful, vitaminised, built-in emollient system.
  • Keeping areas moisturized with topical emollients or urea can be beneficial.

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