How To Use Emmet In A Sentence
As the Magpies turned up the heat, Wilkinson netted again but his effort was disallowed because Emmett's pinpoint cross was deemed to have swerved out of play.
Object To study the shape feature of the children ? ? s corneal surface emmetropia with and corneal topography.
Tenors Hugo Vera (Philemon) and Scott Scully (Aret, his son) pushed their voices more than necessary in the small Emmett Robinson Theatre; Monica Yunus was a poignant Baucis and Shannon Kessler Dooley (Narcissa, the daughter-in-law), though indisposed, offered a good sense of the most florid of the vocal parts.
Passion and Precision
To me, this means that questions about Marcus Bachmann's alleged belief in the "curability" of homosexuality, which is a rather fringe sentiment, is more politically relevant than Emmett Ford's conviction on corruption charges.
MN-06: Does GOPer Bachmann's Husband "Ungay" Homosexuals?
It was during the war that Emmett gained national prominence for his most famous song, which today is known as the anthem of Southern racism, but for Emmett was actually a wish to be a slave:
A Renegade History of the United States

Of these, the farthest to the East is the Baltimore Pike, which passes by the East entrance to the Cemetery; the farthest to the West is the Emmetsburg road, which is wholly outside of our line of battle, but near the Cemetery, is within a hundred yards of it; the Taneytown road is between these, running nearly due North and South, by the Eastern base of Round Top, by the Western side of the Cemetery, and uniting with the Emmetsburg road between the Cemetery and the town.
Haskell's Account of the Battle of Gettysburg. Paras. 26-50
A new laundrette will soon be opened in Emmett Street where the Credit Union first did business.
To learn what happened to Emmett, to see the pictures of his body, to think about the horror of his final hours ... the brain shuts down, the heart cannot bear it.
A Wreath For Emmett Till
At birth, most infants are hyperopic, but when the eyes grow they usually become less hyperopic and by age 5-8 years emmetropic.
ConclusionSclera of high myopia is more flexibly and its load bearing capacity is lower than emmetropia.
Twilight Rocks, so the music made for it, like Paramore's Decode, must be AWESOME! brittcullen (10/19/2008 8: 34: 50 PM) uhhhh kellan lutz is absolutely adorable and so sweet and definitely the PERFECT emmett cullen. amazing!!! but i agree with '11~Team~Edward~21', if you are a twi-hater [hehe] just stray away from reading the articles that are CLEARLY about it. no one is forcing you to read them ... but anyhooooo, thanks for all the great news
Kellan Lutz On The Book Rock Of ‘Twilight’ And ‘Harry Potter’ » MTV Movies Blog
Martin Nevin, chairman of County Carlow Historical and Archeological Society and Brian Cleary, chairman of the Robert Emmet commemoration committee delivered orations at the commemoration.
It was made by no professing poet, but by some obscure rhymer of the streets, written immediately after the exile of John Mitchel, the greatest disciple of Emmet in the last century.
Later Articles and Reviews
Peter Coyote reads a bit from his essay about Emmett Grogan at Book Passage and then discusses is own path from the "bland East coast suburbs" to the heart of 60s counterculture, and about the current cultural moment.
Just because you knew the guy personally … .. on February 14, 2009 at 11: 13 pm | Reply emmet
Are they going to be on sale?! darcy4life (1/29/2009 11: 22: 23 AM) i would totaly buy an emmet doll
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Son of Imelda and Tom, Emmet showed great artistic talent and ability from a very early age.
Ted gets ever more gooey over Emmett, who is initially unreceptive but ultimately smitten.
Other faculties have been developed or have appeared needful for communal safety and prosperity, and thus it has come about that the government of these emmet societies, as with bees, hornets, and wasps, is really a gynarchy, or government by females.
The quality of EMMET Tools to be reached or exceed standard of U. S. ANSI, Germany DIN and Standard of China National.
The quartet, dressed as slaves, sang songs and told jokes in black dialect and did their best to perform the dances that Emmett had seen on the streets of Cincinnati, on Kentucky plantations, and on the steamboats that plied the Ohio River.
A Renegade History of the United States
And that's too bad, when you recall the class and comparative refinement of such gridiron heroes as Barry Sanders and Emmett Smith and how they comported themselves following a score.
“The baker told me yesterday,” continued Enoch, shaking out another emmet that had run merrily up his thigh,
Under the Greenwood Tree
‘Because I said so’, Emmett replied with some asperity.
This was a one-sided contest which ended on a final scoreline of Scartaglin 2-12, Listowel Emmets - 3.
Asca then raced into a two-goal lead within 10 minutes when David O ' Callaghan and Emmet Daly scored.
The spokesman said a street scrubber and vacuum cleaner washes St Patrick's Street and Emmet Place only.
Now, 50 years after his death, Emmett Till has inspired a documentary aimed at righting a historic wrong.
The only REAL vampire in the cullen family is Jasper I believe.. or was tha emmet? whoever was the civil war dude
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HAHHAHHA! yeah, twilighters lets make a band called emmet and the cullends with lumberjacks!
Kellan Lutz On The Book Rock Of ‘Twilight’ And ‘Harry Potter’ » MTV Movies Blog
Robert Emmett was a republican hero of the early 19th century who had sacrificially martyred himself for Ireland's cause.
He is now the father of two children, a boy and a girl, whose vision (tested repeatedly and fully) is emmetropic in both eyes, so that they have not inherited the congenital optical defect of their father.
Essays on Life, Art and Science
A second try followed four minutes into injury time when from a five metre scrum Cill Dara drove back Portlaoise and in the ensuing pileup Emmett Fitzpatrick got the touch.
The physical properties were tested by laser diffractometry , light transmission, field emission scanning microscopy and Brunauer - Emmett - Teller ( BET ).
For as ESOP teacheth, even the fly hath her spleen, and the emmet [ant] is not without her choler; and both together many times find means whereby, though the eagle lays her eggs in JUPITER'S lap, yet by one way or other, she escapeth not requital of her wrong done [to] the emmet.
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Just seconds into the second half, Emmet Doherty fisted on a delivery from outfield into the path of Jacko Kiely and his brilliantly taken angled shot billowed the net.
I would really love to hear some topical radio shows about Parnell and Robert Emmet and people like that rather than the gombeen gobshites we have to hear about every day these days.
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Emmett said in court that his lavish lifestyle came from businesses he ran selling second-hand cars and double-glazing.
The whole Virginia Minstrels chorus joins in while cakewalking in line behind Emmett.
In "Back to the Future II", Dr. Emmet Brown (Chisthopher Loyd) improved the Delorian and made it not only fly, but also move with garbage. That's right; garbage fuel.
Section 23 is due to end next year but the Emmet Road scheme allows purchasers to claim relief in the current tax year.
June 6th, 2008 5: 30 pm ET oh!! this is easy "NO" emmet ireland
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With the deep tones of a bugle signalling the end of the remembrance service in the background, Emmett said in a trembling voice that his journey back to the camp brought closure for him.
Emmett ran a good race to finish in fifth place with a ‘Personal Best’ of 4 minutes 2 seconds.
The Government is resorting to the excessive use of parliamentary guillotines to quickly push through controversial legislation, according to Labour chief whip Emmet Stagg.
Emmetsberger J, Bukhari N, Zhang Y, Levine JM, et al. (2008) tPA-mediated generation of plasmin is catalyzed by the proteoglycan NG2.
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But howsoeuer the matter went, archbishop Robert was glad to depart out of the realme, and going to Rome, made complaint in the court there, of the iniuries that were offred him: but in returning through Normandie, he died in the abbeie of Gemmeticum, where he had bene moonke before his comming into England.
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) The Eight Booke of the Historie of England
In the long run I will support Twilight as long as Rob and Kristen are in it; any hulky guy could play Emmett, but Ashley IS Alice, she would be very hard to replace and make it believeable.
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Not as I knows of: but a lot of us was catched up all to oncet—Nichol White, ironmonger, and mine hostess of the White Hart, and Emmet Wilson, and Collet Pardue's man, and Fishwick, the flesher, and me.
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Blackface minstrelsy is now often considered to be antiblack parody, and some of it certainly was, but scholars have recently begun to see the songs of Dan Emmett and many other performers in the genre as expressions of desire for the freedoms they saw in the culture of the slaves.
A Renegade History of the United States
The learned Sanskritist, H.H. Wilson, quotes the name Pippilika = ant-gold, given by the people of Little Thibet to the precious dust thrown up in the emmet heaps.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Emmett ran a good race to finish in fifth place with a ‘Personal Best’ of 4 minutes 2 seconds.
When Emmet first heard this song he is reputed to have said ‘oh that I were at the head of twenty thousand men marching to that air’.
After 23 minutes Naas suffered a blow when prop Emmet Dalton was given a yellow card and sin-binned for ten minutes for killing a ball in a ruck after the referee had warned both captains.
When Smith, a retired nurse, isn't tutoring at the local elementary school, she spends her days at the local senior center, where she met her second husband Emmett.
By 1803, he had teamed up with Robert Emmet and together they planned another insurrection.
Blackface minstrelsy is now often considered to be antiblack parody, and some of it certainly was, but scholars have recently begun to see the songs of Dan Emmett and many other performers in the genre as expressions of desire for the freedoms they saw in the culture of the slaves.
A Renegade History of the United States
I peeked across the cafeteria toward Emmett, grateful that he wasn't looking my way.
Melissa on Apr 11, 2008 sorry im a little bit over sensative about these books lol and edward is a junior along with alice and bella. rosalie, emmet, and jasper are all seniors btw luv the article lecia on Apr 13, 2008
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Emmett's new exhibition has met with a favourable response from critics.
I met Emmett two years ago when I moved to New York and took a job at Art Business News as an associate editor.
Slow music stared, and then Emmet broke into song with his sweet voice.
Sometimes with a guy like that, you just play 'hym' defense - hope you miss," Sampson said about Emmett.
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And let him be a man that hath a care of all things that are created, even unto the tiny emmet that creepeth along the ground.
The Epic of Kings
Note 12: Perry, Haight-Ashbury, 125; the handbill is replicated in Emmett Grogan, Ringolevio: A Life Played for Keeps, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1972), 247.
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
The car had gone about four miles before Emmet returned, and so absorbed had Leigh become that his reappearance was a surprise.
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Emmett's new exhibition has met with a favourable response from critics.