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How To Use Emetic In A Sentence

  • He prefers to purge children of demons by making them take laxatives and emetics.
  • While the Dvorksy essay on "curing" fundamentalism that Stephen links to is well-intentioned George says of the fundamentalists that he wants to "return to them free will, rationality and self-respect" in order to help give their lives "meaning and purpose", I tend to share Stephen's concerns about this kind of memetic engineering. The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
  • Dr.B. is of the opinion that it owes its value to three qualities combined: an acrid, an emetic, and a deobstruent property -- the latter acting on the glandular system. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Sometimes as a social historian one sees currents that recur time and time again in the memetic ocean of man's consciousness, and we wonder what drives them.
  • According to memetics, language itself is a meme and spreads as the carrier of other memes.
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  • Moving to consider a world of different communities, we might think of a liberal society as the memetic equivalent of a bioweapon, or alternatively, as a kind of complex organism with a two stage reproduction cycle. Liberalism as Immune System & Bioweapon
  • They are half finished building a beautiful monastery enclosure and they live a truly monastic-eremetic life. Archive 2006-06-04
  • Wounds were cleaned, broken bones were set, and medicinal emetics were administered.
  • It is worth noting that there haven't yet been many studies to test the safety of anti-emetics in pregnancy, and it is generally best to avoid taking medicines during pregnancy.
  • All patients were monitored for the occurrence of emetic symptoms and possible side effects on three occasions within the first 24 hours after their emergence from general anesthesia.
  • _Cinchona_ supplies us with quinine, while _Ipecacuanha_ produces ipecac, which is an emetic and purgative. All About Coffee
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • The emetic was a disgusting practice of Roman _bon vivants_ who were afraid of indigestion.] [Footnote 3: The verse which Cicero quotes from Lucilius is fairly equivalent to this.] [Footnote 4: Probably by way of salute; or possibly as a precaution.] Cicero Ancient Classics for English Readers
  • He also repeated Judge Woolsey's famous remark about Ulysses being ‘emetic rather than erotic’ though he did not refer the court to his source.
  • The most common eating disorder in athletes involves exercise bulimia - using exercise as a form of weight reduction along with the use of laxatives, emetics, diuretics, and stimulants.
  • St Francis is a saint normally associated with peaceful, eremetic living and an overwhelming empathy for the animal kingdom. Ruth Gledhill - Times Online - WBLG
  • The ork ban was to unify the semetic tribes into a seperate people of heardsmen who tended to flocks of sheep and goats. Think Progress » Maryland Foster Agency Won’t Allow Muslim Mother To Foster A Child
  • Goddamit, I know what an emetic is, and you can stuff your medicine you know where. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • And I learnt that the only emetic known to the Albanian pharmacopoeia is human excrement and water – given in all cases of supposed poisoning; and that the remedy for dipsomania is the same, mixed with rakia. High Albania
  • It's like some kind of emetic factory, or something. CounterPunch
  • Appropriate premedication with anti-emetic agents is important for patient comfort.
  • If patients use this emetic, the emetine that it contains can cause myocardial damage similar to viral myocarditis.
  • Doctors resorted to medications that purged the poison from the body - mercury laxatives, calomel, and emetics such as ipecacuanha.
  • The potential benefits of medicinal Cannabis for people living with cancer include antiemetic effects, appetite stimulation, pain relief, and improved sleep. Russ Belville: Top Ten Cannabis Science Stories of 2011
  • Demonstrating a tongue-in-cheek knowledge of Internet memetics, the title cleverly derives from the popular Simpsons quote The goggles! Goggleburn to Highlight Online Video Hits
  • I believe it impossible for any Jew to be ‘anti-semetic’ because of some (any) belief toward other Jews (orthodox, liberal, etc) unless that Jew is self loathing and in projecting hates Jews in general. The Volokh Conspiracy » U.S. Denying Entry Visas to People Who Work on Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Reactor?
  • ‘Until the development of rapid-onset anti-emetic drug delivery systems, there will likely remain a subpopulation of patients for whom standard antiemetic therapy is ineffective and who suffer from debilitating emesis.’
  • There are very effective anti-sickness (antiemetic) drugs to prevent or reduce nausea and vomiting (SL!) Hollye Harrington Jacobs: Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: Everything You Wish You Didn't Need to Know
  • The ripe fruit, from which a medicinal tincture is prepared, furnishes euonymin, a golden resin, which is purgative and emetic. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Ayurvedic treatments prescribed by specialists, now increasingly popular in the West, include diet therapy, yoga and ‘internal cleansing’ such as enemas and emetics.
  • It has been argued recently that the mind is a complex of conflicting and complementary memetic patterns seeking to reproduce.
  • The juice is used in emetics, but it's not poisonous really.
  • The thought came to him that the emetic had failed, and that nothing remained but the drugstore. JUST MEAT
  • The heart-warming (for which read emetic) message of this self-regarding tosh is that everyone should follow their dreams.
  • Cannabinoids have been found to have an antiemetic effect...but paradoxically chronic cannabis use results in hyperemesis.
  • Its action on the dopamine-receptors in the chemo-emetic trigger zone produces an anti-emetic effect.
  • Among the more traditional remedies for plague fever were the various organic purgatives, including phlebotomy, diaphoretics, diuretics, emetics, and laxatives.
  • Moreover, the confusion lasting for only 48 hours might have been the result of using antiemetics in a patient who had been vomiting almost hourly for 24 hours.
  • Several nutritional and botanical options exist for the treatment of renal disease, including antioxidants, immune modulators, antimicrobials, anti-emetics, and appetite stimulants.
  • Therefore, liberal use of anti-emetic agents provides substantial relief.
  • It will make him vomit and eject all the contents of his stomach, including poison, which no emetic agent can do - thus saving his life.
  • If the turpeth mineral cannot be obtained, sulphate of copper or sulphate of zinc may be given instead, as directed under the head of Emetics, in The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • I have combined the ancient and modern ideas of thought-forms into the term memetic thought-forms. Memetic Thought-Forms
  • Although not commonly used as an emetic today, the drug is a reliable and rapidly acting substance.
  • The milder kinds are eaten as vegetables; the medium ones used as condiments; and the strongest are inedible but have been used as emetics.
  • Doctors resorted to medications that purged the poison from the body - mercury laxatives, calomel, and emetics such as ipecacuanha.
  • The following are also well-known salts of tartaric acid: potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle salt) (KNaC_ {4} H_ {4} O_ {6}), potassium antimonyl tartrate (tartar emetic) (KSbOC_ {4} H_ {4} O_ {6}). An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • It can have an irritant effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and in large doses will act as an emetic.
  • Nonetheless, care generally remained harsh; hospitals relied on bleedings, purgings, and emetics to calm the disturbed and often locked in basement cells those considered dangerous.
  • Progress has been made in the development of new anti-emetic drugs (emesis = vomiting), particularly the serotonin antagonists which are potent inhibitors of chemotherapy-induced vomiting.
  • He rejected other common medical practices of his day such as purgatives and emetics with opium and mercury-based calomel.
  • The mechanism underlying ginger's anti-emetic activity is not clearly understood, but the aromatic, spasmolytic, carminative, and absorbent properties of ginger suggest it has direct effects on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • In any case, by "memetic," I don't mean anything more technical or fancy than this:Susan Blackmore 2002 re-stated the meme definition as whatever is copied from one person to another person, whether habits, skills, songs, stories, or any other kind of information. How Fear Defines Horror
  • They contain truly novel and "fresh" images -- "the hair-trigger emetic atmosphere of his throat. Style in Fiction
  • If it be low down the gullet, and other means fail, its dislodgment may sometimes be effected by dashing cold water on the spine, or vomiting may be induced by an emetic of sulphate of zinc Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • Many anti-emetics are also sedatives, so it's advisable not to drive or use machinery after taking them.
  • Metoclopramide, droperidol, prochlorperazine, and promethazine are commonly chosen rescue antiemetics.
  • They are emetic rather than erotic.
  • Ethnic Syrians are a mix of Semetic and Indo-European peoples that have occupied the region over time.
  • Benzodiazepines and opioids - current standards of treatment for postoperative pain - have well-known sedative and emetic side effects.
  • For a multiplicity of reasons, it has, in hardy memetic fashion, taken on a life of its own. Boing Boing: September 18, 2005 - September 24, 2005 Archives
  • He advocated enemas, emetics, purgatives and sneezing powders.
  • _ -- Wash out the stomach freely; a hypodermic injection of apomorphine as an emetic, followed by hypodermic injections of pilocarpine or morphine. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Emetica valide expufgant vifcera, nee vitae viribus adco funefta, folida corroborant; imprimis A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
  • The men cleansed themselves with ceremonial bathing and by fasting and drinking a strong emetic potion which they called ‘medicine.’
  • Deoxynivalenol is often called vomitoxin because of its strong emetic effect on the animal.
  • He also consecrated the sacred emetics (the button-snake root and the cassina or black-drink) by pouring a little of them into the fire. The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
  • The one account I began reading caused me to reflect on the proper candidate for Carthusian eremetic life, as well as for other forms of contemplative life. Archive 2006-10-22
  • It is diaphoretic, febrifuge (gets rid of fevers), emetic (in large doses), and laxative.
  • Scientists, journalists, ministers, and now bloggers - really anyone who proselytizes ideas - could be described as a memetic engineer. The Speculist: The Danger of "Memetic Engineering"
  • The doctors and nurses will provide you with a prescription for medicines to help control the nausea and vomiting called anti-emetics.
  • Accordingly, the expedition's medical kit contains substances to induce vomiting (ipecac, white vitriol, tartar emetic) and to loosen the bowels (jalap, rhubarb, cream of tartar, Glauber's salts, calomel, magnesia, assafoetida).
  • In a few cases which have come under my observation, I have found this and the senega snakeroot (Polygala senega) convenient and useful prescriptions in this disease; the latter, with tartar emetic solution, to promote expectoration; and the former, with flaxseed tea, as a stimulant diaphoretic, combining them with spirits of turpentine when it has assumed the typhoid form. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • In some cities doctors have administered emetics to alleged crack dealers at the request of police or court officials.
  • But of course, an emetic is out of the question in the present case. THE REJUVENATION OF MAJOR RATHBONE
  • Physicians helped the patient either by raising the body temperature with drugs to help ‘cook the ill humor’ or by assisting to expel it through bloodletting, purges or laxatives, emetics or pukes, and sudorifics or perspirants.
  • This is tonic, diaphoretic, aperient, and possesses some antiperiodic properties; the warm infusion is emetic. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • The film's carnage is emetic, not exploitative.
  • He was given an emetic after eating poisonous berries.
  • Ipecacuanha is the most certain in its effect from five grains to thirty; white vitriol is the most expeditious in its effect, from twenty grains to thirty dissolved in warm water; but emetic tartar, antimonium tartarizatum, from one grain to four to sane people, and from thence to twenty to insane patients, will answer most of the useful purposes of emetics; but nothing equals the digitalis purpurea for the purpose of absorbing water from the cellular membrane in the anasarca pulmonum, or hydrops pectoris. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • _ -- An emetic of apomorphine; demulcent drinks, such as barley-water, white of egg and water, linseed-tea and gruel (but not oils), with a hypodermic injection of morphine to allay pain. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • My enfeebled stomach, harrowed and irritated with medicinal compounds, with ipecac, colocynth, tartar-emetic, quinine, and such things, protested against the coarse food. How I Found Livingstone
  • Stop therapy if side-effects are severe and seek medical assistance Give prescribed anti-emetics.
  • This is followed by up to two quarts of warm salted water or strong licorice tea which in such high dosage is emetic.
  • Dawkins first came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centered view of evolution and introduced the term meme, helping found the field of memetics. Archive 2007-11-25
  • -- This euphorbiaceous plant has an acrid, milky, bitter juice; the root is emetic, and the dried branches are used medicinally. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture
  • Mooden Sheriff ascribes its emetic properties to the pulp alone, the epicarp and seeds being inactive according to his authority. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • If he ate flour in any form or however combined, in the smallest quantity, in two minutes or less he would have painful itching over the whole body, accompanied by severe colic and tormina in the bowels, great sickness in the stomach, and continued vomiting, which he declared was ten times as distressing as the symptoms caused by the ingestion of tartar emetic. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Early tolerance develops not only to the pleasurable euphoriant effects of heroin, but also to the analgesic, sedative, emetic, and respiratory depressant effects.
  • Amongst other, the forenamed Robert of Canturburie was one, who before his comming ouer was a moonke in the abbeie of Gemeticum in Normandie, and being by the king first aduanced to gouerne the sée of London, was after made archbishop of Canturburie, and bare great rule vnder the king, so that he could not auoid the enuie of diuerse noble men, and speciallie of earle Goodwine, as shall appéere. Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (8 of 8) The Eight Booke of the Historie of England
  • The three of us, mum, sister and I, were thoroughly ill - the constant churning motion of the ship combined with the smell of oil and metal and ozone and kippers in the dark combined to make a pungent emetic.
  • (iii) Try to contain the vomiting with an antemetic (an anti-vomiting medicine, eg Gravol, etc). Stabroek News
  • Probably they need to get something out of their system (that's the folklore, anyway) and grass for some reason is a non-poisonous emetic.
  • For pudding, we shared a cardamom and saffron kulfi, which was emetically coloured and confidently flavoured. Times, Sunday Times
  • Oral fluids and antiemetic suppositories, if needed, should result in an uneventful recovery in about 36 hours.
  • Furthermore, the specifics of Said's concept of Orientalism won't feature as strongly in the book, if only to avoid confusion, although I will still go with the intertextuality in coining the memetic taxon of "Orientalist memes" - which I won't restrict to representations of Middle Eastern cultures. Thinkers' Podium
  • What this, the passage about Lori's suicide and many others reveal about the future Archbishop is deeply encouraging in terms of insights into this sensitive, intellectual and complex figure considered possibly by some as more suited to an eremetic life of cloistered academia but whose witness as a man "other than" or "apart from" the materialism and consumerist ambition of so much of the British establishment, is one of which we are all surely in need. Anglican Mainstream
  • -- If heart-burn is attended with sickness at the stomach and a constant hawking up of a tough phlegm, it will be necessary to cleanse the stomach with a gentle emetic, such as ipecac or indian physic. The Cherokee Physician, or Indian Guide to Health, as Given by Richard Foreman, a Cherokee Doctor; Comprising a Brief View of Anatomy, With General Rules for Preserving Health without the Use of Medicines. The Diseases of the U. States, with Their Symptom
  • I desperately dosed myself up with just about everything I could find in the magic medical pack the BBC issues to journalists travelling abroad - antibiotics, anti-emetics, Auntie Ediths - you name it, I took it.
  • (link) I wonder what kind of memetic hazard the Letter People songs are. Mrissa: It's an old dance injury.
  • And first she pulled all their teeth out; and then she bled them all round: and then she dosed them with calomel, and jalap, and salts and senna, and brimstone and treacle; and horrible faces they made; and then she gave them a great emetic of mustard and water, and no basons; and began all over again; and that was the way she spent the morning. The Water Babies
  • In inflammatory fevers with great arterial action, as the stomach is not always affected with torpor, and as there is a direct sympathy between the stomach and heart, some people have believed, that nauseating doses of some emetic drug, as of antimonium tartarizatum, have been administered with advantage, abating by direct sympathy the actions of the heart. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • It is probable, that when mild emetics are given, as ipecacuanha, or antimonium tartarizatum, or infusion of chamomile, they are rejected by an inverted motion of the stomach and oesophagus in consequence of disagreeable sensation, as dust is excluded from the eye; and these actions having by previous habit been found effectual, and that hence there is no exhaustion of the sensorial power of irritation. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • At each step of the way, there's a memetic code (memes operating as the business equivalent of genes), competition, and evolution.
  • Therefore, an anti-emetic (a drug that prevents vomiting) is usually given to avoid these side effects.
  • It was doubtless in order to relieve this saccharine and "mellisonant" monotony that he thought fit to intersperse these interminable droppings of natural or artificial perfume with others of the rankest and most intolerable odour: but a diet of alternate sweetmeats and emetics is for the average of eaters and drinkers no less unpalatable than unwholesome. The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2
  • He understands that Dame Nature is a great healer, who is to be assisted rather than coerced; and he dislikes resorting to violent remedies, such as bleedings and strong emetics. A Day in Old Athens; a Picture of Athenian Life
  • Treatment is the use of emetics if the patient is not too weak.
  • Yaupon; cassina; emetic-holly; grows near the seacoast; Newbern. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • An animal with renal failure that is vomiting may benefit from herbs that calm the digestive tract and function as anti-emetics, such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger, and wild bergamot.
  • Brunvand describes different approaches to contemporary legends, including the Freudian, the Fortean, the memetic, the linguistic, and the sociological.
  • Preparations of antimony, as emetic tartar, antimonium tartarizatum, wine of antimony. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • There's an of menace to her voice, so I pick a site without too many emetic pictures of hand-holding couples on beaches at sunset and start the laborious sign-up process. Diary of a separation
  • Appropriate premedication with anti-emetic agents is important for patient comfort.
  • With the depersonalisation of this agency, the paring away of anthropomorphic characteristics, Dick escapes a literalist symbolism of divine and sentient beings to offer us a more realistic picture of this type of memetic entity, not a sentient being as such, but a simulacrum of one, a model and a program running in his imagination. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART THREE
  • The memetic approach is to ask why these particular memes spread.
  • They were the most intelligent animals of their time, but they never developed the use of tools or a memetic noosphere.
  • It can have an irritant effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and in large doses will act as an emetic.
  • Take Stanley, a therapist, who presided over the death of a patient who swallowed 15 Seconal tablets (a barbiturate), but who failed to take an anti-emetic, to prevent vomiting.
  • Memetics is a scientific theory unifying biology, psychology, and cognitive science.
  • These are potent alpha-adrenergic and dopaminergic blocking agents that cause depression of the central nervous system, hypotensive activity and antispasmodic, antihistaminic, analgesic, sedative, and anti-emetic activity. Jakarta IMC Newswire
  • Take of Spanish flies 1 oz., gum euphorbium 3 drachms, tartar emetic 1 oz., rosin 3 oz.; mix and pulverize, and then mix them with a half lb. of lard. The Arabian Art of Taming and Training Wild and Vicious Horses
  • The general died after a short illness, but the symptoms, taken as a whole, _bore no resemblance_ to those observed in poisoning with antimony; and but for the alleged discovery after death of tartar emetic in the stomach, _no suspicion of poisoning_ would probably have arisen .... Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • Make sure your pets don't eat grass that has been exposed to fertilizers or pesticides… it can make them really sick beyond the emetic effect.
  • Well, we drop the alcohol by volume to 7.5 per cent, we up the anti-emetics to avoid vomiting, and we keep the same great flavour.
  • Premedication with appropriate anti-emetic therapy should be given as well as attention to appropriate hydration.
  • One of the most unfortunate and best known examples of this was the mild sedative and anti-emetic Thalidomide.
  • I like their line incl use of word memetic, damn I better get that into a sentence tomorrow (email if u are able to tomorrow - maybe when u speak to marketing: The new brand campaign is so memetic. RocketBoom H264 Ads $11,700. 7 Days to Go
  • His persona there is what I suppose you would call roguish, impish, twinkling or some similarly emetic term and he simply cannot afford to get Private Eye involved in anything remotely controversial or interesting because of the danger that his mainstream audience would drop him as fast as Gerald Ratner's customers dropped him if they found out that he was mixed in in any real world nastiness like proper investigative journalism. Iain Dale's Diary
  • But remember the emetic which is given at _first_ is _pure Ipecacuanha Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • This happens, he argues, through a process of 'memetic' transmission. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In the United States we have two Camaldolese foundations, both different congregations with different expressions of the eremetic life. June 19: Feast of St. Romuald
  • Do the critics know that it is taken along with anti-emetic tablets?
  • It's emetic action is probably caused by veratroidine and a resin.
  • Early tolerance develops not only to the pleasurable euphoriant effects of heroin, but also to the analgesic, sedative, emetic, and respiratory depressant effects.
  • A retrospective evaluation of the financial impact of ketorolac in hospital inpatients showed that it was associated with reduced lengths of stay and reduced use of narcotic, antipruritic, and antiemetic drugs.
  • I wonder if Wikis or games based on this method would be subject to "memetic" attacks. Virtual (Wikipediac) Worlds?
  • In cases of poisoning by veratrine the stomach tube should be used or an emetic administered.
  • This is followed by up to two quarts of warm salted water or strong licorice tea which in such high dosage is emetic.
  • In a recent study, ginger failed to demonstrate an anti-emetic effect following laparoscopic surgery.
  • (Carter Papers: An Inventory .... ") [86] Given Carter's inventive and phonetic spelling, it is difficult to know what this word may be, but" ipecac "seems most likely as it is an emetic that had come into use in the previous century; it fits the context. Robert Carter Diary, 1726
  • King was taken inside and an emetic administered, when he vomited up a quantity of the poison. SUICIDE
  • The decoction and infusion of this were considered emetic, and great relief was said to have been afforded by it in periodical headaches, vertigoes, etc.; one scruple of the fresh or one drachm of the dried root and leaves was employed as an emetic and cathartic. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • In the medical lore of Europe during the Middle Ages, pastes, emetics, purgatives, emmenagogues, sternutators, convulsants, clysters, physical maneuvers, and pessaries are mentioned.
  • He advocated enemas, emetics, purgatives and sneezing powders.
  • This diagram takes into account that weblogs have different levels of insight within them, and that information is often replicated (either by active memetic spread or because the insights are simple and common).
  • Space precludes a full, emetic account of the family visit to the London Tate Gallery.
  • Clearly, this meme was not going to be one that ‘replicates by symbiotically infecting human minds and altering their behaviour ‘, and I would become a laughing stock wherever memeticists foregather.’
  • So, to restore the patient's physiological balance, doctors needed to bleed their patients or to prescribe laxative, emetic or sudorific medication.
  • Third, each story and poem has, if available, a short epilogue from Zelazny himself explaining his own feelings about it, and also a glossary of literary references (most of which are accurate, though I wouldn't be surprised if the Miller whose writing has emetic effects is Henry rather than Arthur). Linkspam for 24-8-2009
  • The bride was induced to drink hot water till it was, she declared, on a level with her neck, then I gave her a hypodermic injection of that wonderful emetic apomorphia. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • Meta-analysis has documented the value of psycho educational information in reducing hospital length of stay; medical complications; use of pain, anxiety, and anti-emetic medications; and productive time lost after discharge.
  • Doctors resorted to medications that purged the poison from the body - mercury laxatives, calomel, and emetics such as ipecacuanha.
  • He reeks with emetic language that can only make grown men long for a quiet corner, an aspidistra, a handkerchief, and the old heave-ho. Liberace…King of Glitter’s Museum sight-seer attraction in Vegas! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • The authors concluded, ‘Because anti-emetic interventions are similarly effective and act independently, the safest or least expensive should be used first’.
  • Somewhere in childhood - around the age of seven - I had glugged from a bottle of Bell's, mistaking it for ginger ale, an incident which established an emetic aversion to the stuff.
  • Progress has been made in the development of new anti-emetic drugs, particularly the serotonin antagonists which are potent inhibitors of chemotherapy-induced vomiting.
  • Lu never used expensive anti-emetic medicine as recommended by doctors, and got through six chemotherapy sessions.
  • In fact it is now a well-established scientific fact that dagga is a powerful anti-emetic (remedy for vomiting).
  • Letters sections in newspapers became fora for anyone for whom the mere mention of a cassock is emetic.
  • The deaths of charismatic modern figures such as Haile Selassie, Elvis Presley and Princess Diana offer other opportunities to study the rapid rise of cults and their subsequent memetic evolution. The God Delusion
  • They wish to vomit in private and probably will refuse an anti-emetic medication.
  • A potential complication, dystonic reactions-oculogyric crisis, must be considered when prescribing anti-emetics.
  • It displays diuretic, anodyne, styptic, digestive, antihelminthic, expectorant, antipyretic, and antiemetic properties.
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting are common and usually managed using oral antiemetics, rehydration solutions, and antidiarrhoeal agents.
  • ” He also consecrated the sacred emetics (the button-snake root and the cassina or black-drink) by pouring a little of them into the fire. Chapter 50. Eating the God. § 1. The Sacrament of First-Fruits
  • It isn't much fun in the dive boat with people throwing up all over you, and they can get narked on their cocktail of anti-emetic pills.
  • It is widely known that cannabis is the most effective anti-emetic (vomit-stopping) drug ever encountered.
  • To a person in such a state give to drink water and as much boiled hydromel of a watery consistence as he will take; and if the mouth be bitter, it may be advantageous to administer an emetic and clyster; and if these things do not loosen the bowels, purge with the boiled milk of asses. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • In surgical settings at high risk for emesis, a prophylactic perioperative antiemetic is useful.
  • Worried about the side effects of the medication, Claudia researched the indications for use of the drug and found that it was an anti-psychotic, anti-emetic mental health prescription drug.
  • The number of emetic episodes on the worst day were dependent on the cisplatin regimen.
  • The similia principle had a prior history in medicine, from Hippocrates in Ancient Greece -- who noted, for example, that recurrent vomiting could be treated with an emetic (such as ipecacuanha) that would be expected to make it worse -- to folk medicine. ( Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • A trip to the medical doctor in September of 1895 could involve the taking of medicines such as calomel (mercury chloride) or tarter emetic to induce vomiting or create a laxative effect, or if one suffered a cough, a dose of opium could calm it quick. Chiropractic News
  • Angelica said patiently, `But just in case, I can give you an emetic. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Additional therapy can consist of dietary restriction, anti-emetics (anti-vomiting), anti-diarrheals, and broad spectrum antibiotics to prevent secondary infections.
  • She had been given anti-emetic medication before getting up, so the nurse gave her a cool cloth and sat holding her steady in a sitting, head-down position.
  • It’s like some kind of emetic factory, or something. The Perils of Being Right and Wrong
  • All episodes of emetic symptoms during the first 24 hours after anesthesia were recorded.
  • Several antiemetics, such as metoclopramide, chlorpromazine, prochlorperazine, and promethazine, are regarded as safe for use during pregnancy.
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Eight understory species clustered together, but two understory species, P. emetica and P. ipecacuanha, both with unusually high root: shoot ratios, were positioned far from the centroid for understory species.
  • Propofol's inherent anti-emetic properties allow earlier discharge of patients, even when emesis occurs in the PACU.
  • The berries have been shown to have an emetic effect.
  • As for all those emetic messages in the newspapers --- give me a break. RESCUING ROSE
  • Touchstone looked again, then followed, fighting the nausea that rose in him, coming in waves like repeated doses of an emetic. SABRIEL
  • Clearly, this meme was not going to be one that ‘replicates by symbiotically infecting human minds and altering their behaviour ‘, and I would become a laughing stock wherever memeticists foregather.’
  • Gastric lavage, emetics, activated charcoal, cathartics, etc., should be used when indicated.
  • Cucurbitacins are oxygenated tetracyclic triterpenes that have been shown to have emetic, antineoplastic, and cytotoxic effects on herbivores, resulting in feeding and oviposition deterrence and reduced growth of consumers.
  • These are potent alpha-adrenergic and dopaminergic blocking agents that cause depression of the central nervous system, hypotensive activity and antispasmodic, antihistaminic, analgesic, sedative, and anti-emetic activity. Undefined
  • It is diaphoretic, febrifuge (gets rid of fevers), emetic (in large doses), and laxative.
  • Various parts of the elder have long been used in traditional medicine as a diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent, laxative, and emetic.
  • But today, through the proper use of anti-emetic drugs, you can stop nausea becoming a major issue, though you cannot get rid of it completely.
  • Napoleon had been treated for a long time with tartar emetics, and the day he died he had been given a huge dose of calomer as a purgative.
  • Emetic herbs include bayberry, boneset, buckthorn, culver, false unicorn, lobelia, mandrake, mistletoe, mustard seed, pleurisy, quassia, rue and senega
  • The overuse of bleeding, mercury, arsenic, opium, emetics, and purgatives weakened patients almost as much as the diseases of the day.
  • = Tartar Emetic = (tartarized antimony, potassio-tartrate of antimony) occurs as a white powder, or in yellowish-white efflorescent crystals. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Napoleon had been treated for a long time with tartar emetics, and the day he died he had been given a huge dose of calomer as a purgative.
  • The roots, and to some extent the leaves, are used in medicine; the inner bark and all the herbaceous parts are nauseously bitter; it is regarded as a purgative, emetic, and alexipharmic; in overdoses it is an acrid poison. Catalogue of Economic Plants in the Collection of the U. S. Department of Agriculture

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