How To Use Emergent In A Sentence
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
She wouldn't get any surgery, and she is going to need emergently, so they try to exhaust all the capabilities of the military trying to find a neurosurgeon and simply could not find one that would come in time.
CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2010
Circumcision is never required “urgently or emergently” to resolve phimosis.
Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
Colossal emergents with overarching crowns a hundred meters across dominated the chlorotic topog'raphy, while smaller yet still gigantic growths fought for a share of life-giving sunlight.
Mid Flinx
Emergent species like the strangler fig (Ficus dugandii) may reach heights of over 60 m while very abundant epiphytes such as Araceae sp and Cyclanthaceae sp. cover the lower parts of tree trunks and ferns help make up the dense understory.
Western Ecuador moist forests

Some mangrove stands are close to tropophilous semi-deciduous seasonal forests, characterized by one or two strata, and heights from 5 to 8 m, with emergent individuals up to 10-12 m.
Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
Too much pressure now could help to derail Indonesia's emergent democracy.
During the Miocene the shelf was intermittently emergent, and the submarine canyons were extended to the shelf area through headward erosion.
The three-card trick relies on what is variously known in psychology as 'emergent norm theory' or 'crowd psychology' or what I like to call 'sheep theory'.
Emergent novelty in a video game is tremendous fun; emergent novelty in our airplane traffic-control system would be a national emergency.
Dipterocarps are a major component of the forest structure and form emergent tree canopies with such species as Dipterocarpus alatus, D. costatus, Hopea odorata, Shorea guiso, S. hypochra, and Anisoptera costata.
Southeastern Indochina dry evergreen forests
As he notes, on this construal, emergent properties will include both relational and non-relational properties.
As the lake recedes, it gives an increasing foothold to ‘emergents’ - cattails, bulrushes and other plant species that grow at the water's edge.
Deep, pluralistic evolution, like intelligence, is an emergent property of a community of dynamics.
The drum emergent water discharge is an important safety prevention of steam boiler.
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in the United Kingdom may provide more lessons than any other recent emergent zoonotic disease episode.
At the end of the day, the only considerable difference between strong 'emergent property' claims and 'dualist' claims of substance or most any other stripe is that the former is supposed to no longer be around once the matter is gone, while the latter's activity is not supposed to be discernible while still existent in the same case.
The Memory Hole
One example of such emergent, distributed computation is the density classification task.
Over large areas, either of two eucalypts, messmate stringybark Eucalyptus obliqua and Smithton peppermint Eucalyptus nitida, is found emergent from rain forest, the former species on the better soils in the east and the latter on the poorer soils mainly in the west.
Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity.
Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
Most vegetation occurs as emergents, or hydrophilic species along the river's edge.
Since no single activity is responsible for undesired emergent properties of complex systems, such problems are intractable to our pluralistic political processes.
As the frontline of seriously sick infant's rescue and treatment, Neonatus intensive care unit has to confront emergent sick infant and impatient family members.
The rest of the parish sketches will devote themselves to anatomizing the differences between this superseded charity and this emergent reform.
I guess in this case, the implicit argument is that the failure - if that's what it is - of Dean's populist revolt should be laid at the feet of the bloggers and the emergent democracy vanguard.
However emergent palustrine wetlands within this ecoregion are the most threatened type along the Gulf Coast.
Western Gulf coastal grasslands
Thus, we shall use the term strategy formation in the rest of this book, not because strategies have to be purely emergent but simply to allow for the fact that they can be, or, more realistically, almost inevitably partially are.
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning
I think a lot of people, especially in the emergent church movement, like that I took to task too much over literalization or legalism.
How to recover from a year of living Biblically « Dating Jesus
Allons explorer le vivant, allons dans de nouveaux territoires où l'on trouve des créatifs émergents qui réinventent une façon de vivre.
Archive 2009-04-10
Consciousness (which is not the same thing as understanding) is likely what we nowadays call an "emergent property" but which in Aristotelian terms did not require a peculiar name.
March 18th, 2009
Over large areas, either of two eucalypts, messmate stringybark Eucalyptus obliqua and Smithton peppermint Eucalyptus nitida, is found emergent from rain forest, the former species on the better soils in the east and the latter on the poorer soils mainly in the west.
Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
In the Ebro basin, flexure of the crust was produced mainly by the Pyrenean load, but also by the emergent thrust sheet of the Aragonese Branch.
The southern and southwestern sectors show the greatest bathymetric variation in the area, with emergent small islands (such as Dos Amigos, Rafael and Juan Bautista), and a great number of submerged rocks.
Isla del Coco Marine and Terrestrial Conservation Area, Costa Rica
Be calm! So one can think straight in emergent situation.
An historical account will be valid or correct, not absolutely, but in relation to a specific emergent context.
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
The mind is once again an emergent property of the brain.
The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
The objectified self is an emergent within the social structures and processes of human intersubjectivity.
Creation, God, the Absolute - it's all the emergent totality of an infinite dynamic process.
But it may well be that intelligence and consciousness are emergent properties rather than located in specific centres of the brain.
The golden stonefly of the Pacific Northwest and the Quill Gordon mayfly of the East both shed their nymphal husks on the bottom and swim to the surface as emergent adults.
Fishing the Dry Fly Wet
Main emergent trees are Nothofagus nitida, Drimys winteri, and Eucryphia cordifolia.
Method Molter Family Need Scale for Emergent and Severe Patients questionnaire was used to investigate the perception of limitation of patients' accompany for 100 family members in ICU.
The most common cause of such a course would be bleeding in the brain from a subdural, or, more emergently, an epidural hematoma.
Be On Alert
Lowering the water levels in spring stimulated emergent vegetation and raising levels in late summer maintained waterfowl feeding areas.
A colony of ants on the move from one nest site to another exhibits the Kafkaesque underside of emergent control.
A team, comprised of a settlement nurse as the primary health care coordinator and a community health representative facilitated the coordination and delivery of non-emergent health services on the Metis settlements.
The emergent self is protean, shifting, cunning, humorous, unencumbered, sometimes angry, but equally capable of accepting its own absurdity and inconsequentiality.
It is contiguous to a scrub shrub/emergent wetland and bordered to the east by an evergreen forested wetland complex.
an emergent republic
The forest canopy is usually between 15-30 m high, but some trees may be as tall as 35 m, although almost no emergents occur.
The uniform canopy is dominated by broadleaf species, mainly kamahi (Weinmannia racemosa) and tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), with some emergent podocarps (e.g., rimu and matai).
Northland temperate forests
The theory of Philosophy, Pedagogics, Psychology , and practice of the project method become base of the emergent curriculum.
There's Bj ö rk and the majestic post-rock swells of Sigur R ó s, of course, but emergent artists from that country are capturing new listeners as well.
Dust of the Old, Boot Up the New
Both parents help build the well-concealed nest, which is a floating platform of weeds anchored to emergent vegetation in shallow water.
By comparing stages of oral language development to similar stages of writing development, parents may better understand the emergent writing process.
Much of this humid rain forest ecoregion has a high canopy (30 to 40 meters (m), with emergents to 50 m), but the region is broken by low canopy (less than 20 m) summer-dry forest with mesophyllous, semidecidous, and xeromorphic elements, and some open campos, or meadows;.
Uatuma-Trombetas moist forests
The sell then, becomes an ideological process, emergent in practices of dramatic performance and socially ritualized behavior.
The emergent behavior is the sum of individual agent behaviors.
Two elderly folk, almost certainly male and female, were standing, wrapped in coats and scarves, faces barely emergent.
Constructs are usually named by their emergent pole.
She is widely perceived as the emergent leader of the movement.
The story is created from the emergent creative process of the community as a whole.
Another set of newly emergent power centres can be found in Iraq's distinct regions.
Times, Sunday Times
The emergent right to receive medical assistance in hastening one's death [is an] inevitable consequence of changes in the causes of death, advances in medical science, and the development of new technologies.
Whose Right to Die?
She gave the premieres of dozens of works by emergent as well as established figures.
Times, Sunday Times
Emergent flies were frozen, pinned with their respective puparia, and sent to specialists for identification.
Thus, from the beginning, Collins is arguing that consciousness is an emergent property, i.e. a property had by the whole, but not by the parts that compose that whole.
Some centers have approached symptomatic pulmonary venous occlusion with emergent surgical thrombectomy, which is associated with a high perioperative mortality.
Intelligence is an emergent property of person-in-society, not an inborn capability or an epigenetically developed trait of individuals.
emergent repair of an aorta
The important behaviours are emergent, bottom-up, organic.
The true reflection of the reality of development for the emergent economies is in the interests of the pressure groups within the WTO and other world bodies.
They can “… design emergent literacy programs in phonological awareness, memory, retrieval, and vocabulary which significantly improves an individual’s ability to learn to read.”
Literacy News – 906th Edition « News « Literacy News
The answer is that intelligence here is what philosophers call an "emergent property ".
The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
The extensive belt of submerged and emergent littoral macrophytes dampened wave action nearshore, so that fine-grained muds could accumulate in shallow water between the vegetation.
In summer, nesting habitat is small wetlands with emergent vegetation in boreal forests and parklands.
Together, the male and female Western Grebe build a floating nest made of heaps of plant material anchored to emergent vegetation in a shallow area of a marsh.
Written at a time when busily contrapuntal late-baroque composition was giving way to the pared-down elegance of the emergent Classical style, Gretry's opera-comique occupies an intriguing middle ground.
Music review: Opera Lafayette's 'Le Magnifique'
Emergents are the most studied of hydrophytes and probably the most useful to man.
While the local media is more than happy to glorify our emergent hip-hop scene they seem a little more troubled when it comes to dealing with a band who manage to balance indie with its supposed antithesis; bubblegum pop.
This community was dominated by the emergents Polygonum hydropiperoides, Lindernia dubia, Penthorum sedoides, Ludwigia palustris, Echinochloa muricata var. muricata, Scirpus validus, Juncus effusus, and Eleocharis smallii.
And for that matter, life itself is an emergent property, arising from proteins, DNA, and other biomolecules.
The Community responded to the other emergent democracies of Central and Eastern Europe with association agreements and aid.
Like most emergent phenomena, wear is liable to self - reinforce.
Overall, a conception of strong emergence points to hierarchies of existence, and to an ongoing process whereby the universe, presumably as it is indwelt by God and transformed by incarnation, gives rise by an emergent process to new and surprising states of being.
God, Strings, Emergence, and the Future of the World By Nicola Hoggard Creegan
Floating, or built up from the bottom, the nest is a dense mat of plant material anchored to emergent vegetation.
Fish will come to the surface and appear to gulp air, and snails, crayfish, and other organisms may actually climb out on the bank or up on emergent objects.
Circumcision is never required “urgently or emergently” to resolve phimosis.
Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
In addition, high- and low-imagery words produced equivalent hypermnesia and emergent generation effects.
At the centre of this emergent mode of rationality was the negotiation of long-term employment tenure in the immediate post-war years.
If they think consciousness is epiphenomenal, or emergent, or otherwise intimately related to the brain – still no.
Bunny and a Book
The occurrence of radial increases in B. papyrifera and P. strobus, which are often canopy emergents, suggests that it is overall adaptive strategy that is important rather than position (canopy vs. subcanopy) of any individual tree.
In the case of Bush's second term, the decision of the US electorate will undoubtedly, as it already has, impact negatively on fragile and emergent democracies the world over.
With regard to your four ‘options’ for teaching chunks, the issues seem to revolve around the choice of pre-selected vs emergent, and decontextualised vs contextualised.
L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
Colossal emergents with overarching crowns a hundred meters across dominated the chlorotic topography, while smaller yet still gigantic growths fought for a share of life‑giving sunlight.
Mid Flinx
The latter constitute an emergent postmodern transformation based on the resurgent realities of body, nature, and place.
Emergent macrophytes are a major source of organic matter production in freshwater wetlands, and often represent the bulk of the plant material entering the detrital pool.
Most of all biology must produce a post-reductionist theory that takes into account the conscious meaning of ethical issues, something more than a behaviorist calculus of causal mechanics substituting for the emergent self-consciousness of ethical / ethicizing 'man'.
Bog plants, also known as emergent and marginal plants, include some hardy types such as pickerel weed, arrowheads, cattails and yellow water iris; and shorter species including golden-club, parrot's feather and spike rush.
Concepts like "emergent order" have been an obsession of methodological individualists for ages.
Woods, a self confessed ‘old bebopper’, was deeply in thrall to the work of Charlie Parker, but the ERM's remit included nods to the emergent avant garde.
The forest canopy is largely open, with few emergent trees.
In asking how to think theologically and metphysically about science and human existence, Clayton mentions as one option what he calls radically emergent theism.
Archive 2009-05-01
Saying "Iran looms as an emergent, dangerous challenge," he emphasized the resolve of the international community to "see an end to Iran's effort to weaponize its nuclear program.
The emergent principles of thermodynamics, which were introduced to describe macroscopic systems such as steam engines and refrigerators, were eventually derived from the submicroscopic atomic theory of matter.
Victor Stenger: The Hubris of Holism
There's a lot of nonurgent, nonemergent use of ERs because, let's face it, we're pretty quick, open 24/7, board-certified in emergency medicine and because of federal law, we have to see everybody who shows up," he says.
Easing ER Wait Times
It was Ray who first used the phrase "cultural creatives" to describe a significant segment of the American population that he identified as pioneering, or otherwise contributing to, a newly emergent integralist culture in the United States...
Newly emergent communities will employ the tools of democracy to acquire power, and having done so, will preserve democratic institutions that served them so well.
But the emergent event presents itself as discontinuous, as a disruption without conditions.
The mind is once again an emergent property of the brain.
The Descent of Mind - the how and why of intelligence
Over the past 20 years, incentives have been used to successfully encourage other emergent and existing nuclear weapons powers to forswear the bomb, making the world a much safer place.
Graves "emergent, cyclical, double-helix model of biopsychosocial systems" and their processes and patterns which, in fact, are the manner in which the human species appears to have emerged over time, with the expectation that such a dynamic will continue into the future.
Don Beck on Third Tier and Spirit in SDi
At present this emergent ‘citizens' media’ is reactive rather than pro-active, but things could change quickly.
the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution
But of course, masculinity is not an independent social structure: it is, in Connell's terms, an emergent characteristic of gender, a culture's organization of the reproductive arena.
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
Emergent norm theory describes a rational process of social and psychological adaptation to a truly novel circumstance.
Feather morphology is an emergent feature of these processes, plus the assembly mechanism inherent in the follicle.
Under this kind of circumstance, how to practice effective project management turns to be an emergent topic for study and research.
It's quite another to deftly juggle the nuances of presidential behavior in a newly emergent democracy.
This may be because emergent variation is only motivated by interactional requirement.
C is for Conditional (the Third) « An A-Z of ELT
It is consistent with qualitative research methods that the focus of the study may be further shaped in process by the emergent findings.
In a short period of rapid theoretical development the emergent core of regional planning principles and practices strengthened considerably.
A colony of ants on the move from one nest site to another exhibits the Kafkaesque underside of emergent control.
Frequently on a 24-hour basis, one medical officer and two nurse anesthetists managed four patients undergoing emergent surgery for abdominal, chest, and extremity wounds in the OR.
In contrast, the emergent open world economy will (so runs the globalist promise) yield prosperity, liberty, democracy, and peace for all humanity.
Even so, I firmly believe that the consequences of handedness can provide a credible basis for our emergent freedom.
At the centre of this emergent mode of rationality was the negotiation of long-term employment tenure in the immediate post-war years.
Making the actual raw CAD files available under a Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 license is a brilliant first step that clearly and legally allows others to emergently build upon VIA's open innovation.
VIA OpenBook Mini-Note Reference Design
Two emergent artists whose idiosyncracy, skill and vision stand out, sell for prices that are reasonable in comparison to others -- a sumptuous Natalie Djurberg's Venice Biennale "claymation" films is "still cheap" at £14,000, for one of an edition of four.
New Statesman
Scattered emergents include hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), lacebark tree (Brachychiton discolor), and crow's ash (Flindersia australis).
Eastern Australian temperate forests
Another set of newly emergent power centres can be found in Iraq's distinct regions.
Times, Sunday Times
They prefer clear water in small lakes and ponds that are not overwhelmed with submergent and emergent vegetation and which do not support populations of fish.
Human languages fall into four groups: inflecting ones as in Anglo-American, positional as in Chinese, agglutinative as in Old Turkish, polysynthetic (sentence units) as in Eskimo-to which, of course, we now add alien structures as wildly odd and as nearly impossible for the human brain as non-repetitive or emergent Venetian.
Double Star
Contrary to systems that could be under-stood by old-fashioned reductionism, these dynamic systems exhibited emergent behavior.
In a short period of rapid theoretical development the emergent core of regional planning principles and practices strengthened considerably.
A colony of ants on the move from one nest site to another exhibits the Kafkaesque underside of emergent control.
The results indicate that how to combine the three factors to achieve higher efficiency and good uniformity of emergent light will be the focus of future research.
Active and agile, they forage in emergent vegetation along shorelines and in wet, shallow, muddy areas, mainly by dabbling their bills at the water's surface.
The creation of these late orders of chivalry proliferated in European nations in the 19th century and was emulated by emergent aspirant nations in their spheres of influence.
There has been a tendency for newspapers to represent both existing political parties and emergent ones.
The journey from melodic constructiveness to harmonic oneness accrues through a process of opening upon origin, or "source," as itself the endlessly shifting, endlessly emergent containment of one thing in and as all other things.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
The contrast between resultants, like the weight of a macroscopic object, and emergents, like an object's colour, seems intuitive enough; but on examination, it is very hard to make precise.
He found what might serve-a certain epiphytic orchid that nestled in the crotch formed by the great lower limbs of an emergent.
While the local media is more than happy to glorify our emergent hip-hop scene they seem a little more troubled when it comes to dealing with a band who manage to balance indie with its supposed antithesis: bubblegum pop.
In the emergent tradition, identified with “liberation” theology, certain aspects of marginalism are retained, while the residual tradition completely rejects marginalism.
The Neoconservative Response Part One
Ephrin B2 is the entry receptor for Nipah virus, an emergent deadly paramyxovirus.
The number of live emergent spiderlings was used as a measure of fecundity.
United States, denominations now are only one of multiple options along with independent churches, megachurches, emergent churches and a variety of non-denominational, interchurch coalitions.
ABP News
The emergent behavior is the sum of individual agent behaviors.
They are emergent, multivalent signifiers in search of an open interpretation, one related to the building task, the site and the language of the particular architecture.
Forget postmodernism, the emergent church may be infecting us with a real evil.
The canopy is 30-35 m tall, with emergent Agathis atropurpurea on the upper slopes.
The emergent event is an unexpected disruption of continuity, an inhibition of passage.
The Second Chapter introduces the emergent power and correlative theories.
As the child accepts that bodily products such as excrement and vomit are tabooed as repugnant and dirty, simultaneously it begins to form concepts of cleanliness and propriety that work toward defining the emergent sense of selfhood.
It was noted some time ago, by Thomas Nagel (1979), that the denial of radical emergentism coupled with nonreductionism seems to entail panpsychism.
This evolving and emergent property of grammar is not recognised in static formalist grammars like TG grammar, which tend to imply that the structures they so elegantly diagrammitise are set in stone.
X is for X-bar Theory « An A-Z of ELT
The more mature forest reached a canopy height of 25-30 m, with emergent trees to 40 m.
Inland wetlands can be differentiated by their dominant vegetation: emergent vegetation wetlands, scrub shrub wetlands, and forested wetlands.
This inter - and multi-disciplinary conference aims to examine, explore and critically engage with the issues and implications created by the growing adoption of information technologies for inter-human communication and focus on examination of the continuing impact of emergent cybermedia for human communication and culture.
Ethical Technology
‘For an emergent tiger economy, the Philippines is back once more to being the sick man of Asia,’ she said.
The emergent self is protean, shifting, cunning, humorous, unencumbered, sometimes angry, but equally capable of accepting its own absurdity and inconsequentiality.
But some age well, offering emergent woody shrubs, like buttonbush, which add to the diversity of food and cover.
Beaver-Dam Ducks
On the other hand, newly hatched ducklings are very dependent on emerging insects encountered on the water surface or on emergent plants, availability of which may be weather dependent.
Jar - tests were made to study the proper emergent treatment technologies of treating algae pollution raw water.
Adult circumcision required urgently or emergently for things like phimosis (a "stuck" foreskin that can't be retracted) or a paraphimosis (a foreskin stuck in the retracted position) is a huge undertaking compared to the two minute procedure for a neonate.
Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
Most of all, Adam offers an intelligent contribution to recent discussions of emergent democracy - challenging us to imagine a world of flow and ethics.
Since independence, an emergent class structure has become apparent in urban sectors with radical differences in wealth between the rich and poor.
Industrialism's strident emergent element nestles comfortably in a cosy neo-pastoralist structure of feeling.
Well thank goodness -- I feel better knowing that she could tap that fund any time she feels that an animal freeway overpass emergently needs putting-up in someplace like, say, Ephrata, WA.
Sound Politics: Mrs. Gregoire's budget
Modern European languages such as French and English became symbols of modernity, in particular of the newly emergent European nation-states, at the same time as they were associated with urbanity, finery, and higher social status.
In AdS/CFT, not only the bulk spacetime but also the bulk diffeomorphism group are emergent: the CFT fields are completely invariant under the bulk diffeomorphisms (this is also what happens in the much more common phenomenon of emergent gauge symmetry).
Guest Blogger: Joe Polchinski on the String Debates
As it turned out, the surgery was not emergently needed after all.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Whose Decision Is It, Anyway?
The main vegetation type of this ecoregion is Atlantic semi-deciduous forest, with an emergent strata 35 m tall.
Parañá-Paraíba interior forests
Nests are made of grass, and are usually lashed to cattails, bulrushes, or other emergent vegetation close to the water.
Sims was called upon to care emergently for a white woman who fell from her horse and who was in great pelvic pain.
The Invention of the Sims Speculum - Surgical Improvisation
Frequently on a 24-hour basis, one medical officer and two nurse anesthetists managed four patients undergoing emergent surgery for abdominal, chest, and extremity wounds in the OR.
It seems a great shame that there is an almost total absence of awareness of the emergent East Asian music scene, especially that of China, in Europe and America.
However, it is thought that the Lower Palaeozoic inliers to the southeast (Kildare and Leinster Massif) were emergent at the time of mineralization.
Joseph's tax affairs (his whole reason for schlepping his emergent family to Bethlehem) must have been thrown into disarray by the sudden acquisition of gold that would be very hard to account for.
Emergent instruction a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.
During this process, emergent themes were identified.
As a pianist he was a child prodigy who studied with Mozart, and was well-established in Vienna well before Beethoven arrived to sweep all before him, an emergent colossus bestriding the classical-romantic divide.
We can bootstrap emergent democracy by using the tools to develop the tools and create concrete examples of emergent democracy.
Resistance is not defined as a circumscribed set of actions, but is rather a state of mind, an emergent construct that refuses to be awed by the power of the Olympics and its corporate sponsors or the levels of government that actively do their bidding. - News for the rest of us
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The molecular extinction coefficient is equal to the ratio of the log of the intensity of the incident and emergent light.
Review emergent management strategies being used by organized sports leagues, as well as early intervention means, such as pharmacologic treatment, hypothermia and surgery.
ResearchChannel On-Air Schedule
If there exists legal exceptional circumstances such as emergent ˉ cy, the duty of disclosure of medical practitioner.
As they sought to mediate the journalized discussions of who the new learners are, what literacies they need, and what pedagogies we use to teach them, they were surprised at the emergent tensions that pointed to an urgent need to address the shifting nature of learning, literacies, librarianship, and our understandings about knowledge and knowledge-construction.
October 2008
His confessions of guilt are merely a thin cover for re-emergent desires within the German ruling class.
Canvasbacks and redheads will nest over water using emergent plants, such as cattails and bulrushes.
Today's pop philosophers can't help but see signs of hope for the human organism in the emergent organization of slime mold, and a predestiny of collective intelligence in the models of evolution proposed by biologists.
Furthermore, these emergent qualities are causally relevant to the physical - they are not epiphenomenal.
The most frequently emergent macrophytes used are reeds, bulrushes, cattails, rushes and sedges.
There's a nearly null set of deep insight into emergent functionality that's reduced to useful practice.
Both male and female help build a floating nest made of plant material and anchored to emergent vegetation.
However, that allows for the possibility that consciousness, as an emergent property, can take us in a new direction, exhibit behaviours which far exceed the relatively small change which produced it.
Results: Concluded the principles of dealing with emergent laryngotracheal trauma and the proceedings need to pay attention.