How To Use Emergence In A Sentence

  • The former seems more likely in that the emergence of bichrome pottery is dated to approximately 1550 B.C., or roughtly four centuries prior to the documented arrival of the Peleset ( "Sea-people"). CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • A more specific look is then taken at the Ottoman 'sanjaks' or district provinces, with the Jerusalem sanjak "as a separate entity from the other regions of Syria [being] of tremendous importance for the emergence of Palestine about fifty years later. The Israel/Palestine Question - Book Reveviw
  • One of the main reasons for the emergence of protectionism can be found in the distributive consequences of trade.
  • Its perceptual configurations have been thought to have a special relevance to the emergence of formal artistic qualities which cannot be reduced to a measurable aggregate of more elementary constituents.
  • The direct impact of a long-term imbalanced sex ratio at birth is the emergence of "gradient marriage squeeze," it said. The Times of India
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  • The policies and attitudes of the autocracy virtually ruled out the emergence of a moderate, reformist labour movement.
  • He played a very important role in the emergence and furtherance of ecumenical teaching and thought.
  • However, the use of drug combinations is designed to limit the emergence of multiply drug resistant variants and may suppress plasma viraemia more effectively.
  • By contrast, the authors note the emergence of a specific type of younger man, commonly called otaku or herbivore. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Heads emerge from leaf collars beginning in early July, and flowering commences within days after head emergence.
  • Maize, millet, and sorghum push thorugh the soil with spikelike tips which aid emergence. Chapter 8
  • The need for aphicide should be assessed on crops that are just emerging, but which have already had a pre-emergence herbicide. FWi - All News
  • One might say that the true subject of the horror genre is the struggle for recognition of all that our civilization represses or oppresses, its reemergence dramatized, as in our nightmares, as an object of horror, a matter for terror, and the happy ending (when it exists) typically signifying the restoration of repression. January 2010
  • Instead of millions of vulnerable hosts to evolve within back then, we now have billions of chickens intensively confined in factory farms, arguably the Perfect Storm environment for the emergence and spread of hypervirulent, so-called "predator-type" viruses like H5N1. Kathy Freston: Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
  • It remains one of my favorite artifacts and seems to perfectly encapsulate emergence of new types of social currencies as a part of a reorganization of our lives around social relationships. Boing Boing
  • We have an emergence of resistance in the bollworm in India, she said. Kenya Now Able to Produce, Import GM Foods
  • The author also tells us about the economic history, the changing socio-political milieu and the spatial emergence of Bangalore.
  • A dangerous schism in the Russian party developed with the emergence of the view known as Economism.
  • An election that was initially greeted with general disinterest has since been transformed into one that has gripped the nation, due in no small part to the jolt of energy provided by the unexpected, and game changing, emergence of Nick Clegg and the 'Cleggmania' he inspired. UK Election: Candidates Make Final Push For Votes
  • The ability to steer is particularly important today, with the emergence of a global economy.
  • The clone's awakening after the embryo has been removed from her body opens the possibility for the emergence of a new type of hero by conflating images of rebirth and transformation.
  • In particular, the early parts of cumulative emergence curves at a range of temperatures were superposed when expressed in thermally weighted time, while the late parts diverged.
  • For Fuhrman, the emergence of poetry as fruitful untruth is a source of fascination.
  • For years people have bemoaned the emergence of shareholders as the owners of football clubs.
  • The emergence of transnational money may signify a major turning point in political history and political theory. MANAGING IN TURBULENT TIMES
  • Eventually it allowed the emergence of institutions not too distant from our own political and legal understanding of the term.
  • Furthermore, it made the emergence of a countrywide nationalist movement possible.
  • All patients were monitored for the occurrence of emetic symptoms and possible side effects on three occasions within the first 24 hours after their emergence from general anesthesia.
  • This immediate post-war shortage ushered in what may be identified as the first phase of the emergence of headhunting.
  • I shall view it as a principle that operates without any bias towards the emergence of certain sorts of organ.
  • And in the FOR ME column of our imagined list, not in the treasured top slots but up there, would be the gift of Joycean spam upon a digital reemergence: boltmaker stippled scrapy heartedness burgoo overplentiful unended hydrophobous. Eveline | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast
  • I am convinced that the powerful re-emergence of monotypes and woodcuts relates directly to the explosions and reverberations of new technologies.
  • In all experiments, rows produced by paper-ribbon sowing were thinned to one plant per site immediately after seedling emergence.
  • The head of the stock-exchange operator said Hong Kong is working on a plan to boost yuan liquidity in the territory as more investment products denominated in the Chinese currency become available to local investors, underscoring Hong Kong's emergence as an offshore yuan-trading hub. Hong Kong Looks to Yuan Stock Listings
  • Macropodine marsupials (kangaroos and wallabies) offer unique insights into current theories expositing centromere emergence during karyotypic diversification and speciation.
  • There was first the bipolar world order, followed by its negation and the emergence of a unipolar world order.
  • Seed bacterization with Bacillus subtilis AF 1 enhances seedling emergence and nodulation in pigeon pea.
  • The first hint of the emergence of this young woman can already be found in the figure of Rachel, heroine of the aforementioned novel, Ha-Avot ve-ha-Banim (published originally under the title Na’omi). Haskalah Literature: Portrayal of Women.
  • Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carrying Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes: worldwide emergence. SUPERBUG
  • We can imagine an experiment that mimics the conditions just before the emergence of life on Earth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Throughout Europe, republicanism and republican forms of government have been associated with the emergence of strong business classes.
  • The other is the re-emergence of the old cleavages of rich and poor.
  • The artist's reemergence is also marked by recent gallery shows on both coasts.
  • The emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in hospitals is largely attributable to the excessive use of antibiotics and antiseptics causing the bacteria to mutate and provide resistance.
  • The emergence of cognitive science fully embodies the features of the modern interdisciplinary.
  • Slug injury to corn may occur before emergence due to feeding activity on the seeds in the furrow or to severe defoliation soon after emergence.
  • Early in the thirteenth century, the monastic map of western Europe was transformed by the emergence of the mendicant friars.
  • Indeed, avoparcin, a glycopeptide structurally related to vancomycin, was widely used in Europe as a growth promoter from the early 1970s until a recent ban due to the emergence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The only glimmer of hope for these wretched people is the emergence of organised resistance to the present policies.
  • The installation is, above all, a mass-cultural version of individual flanerie, as described by Benjamin, and therefore a place for the emergence of the aura, for 'profane illumination'. Rhizome Inclusive: News, Blog, and Digest
  • During a mass emergence of periodical cicadas, almost any animal, from raccoons to raptors, will prey on them.
  • The emergence of standard languages, as well as literary forms, is intimately connected with socio-political context.
  • Such systematization is all about providing a stable platform for the emergence of what are, I trust, the more interesting sorts of complexity and diversity.
  • Why Everybody Owes Everyone and No One Can Pay ', explains: "Finance, like other forms of human behaviour, underwent a change in the twentieth century, a shift equivalent to the emergence of modernism in the arts - a break with common sense, a turn towards self-referentiality and abstraction and notions that couldn't be explained in workaday English. Johann Hari: How Goldman Sachs Gambled On Starving the Poor - And Won
  • The interest in collisions of high-energy nuclei as a possible route to a new state of nuclear matter began with the emergence of QCD in the late 1970s.
  • It does not have the centralisation of religious authority which can both unify people around a coherent set of values and prevent the emergence of extremes.
  • It will spur corruption and create an oligarchic elite that opposes the emergence of competitive markets.
  • Then the Greeks they groaned and quivered, And they knelt, and moaned, and shivered, As the plunging waters met them, And splashed and overset them; And they call in their emergence Upon countless saints and virgins; And their marrowbones are bended, And they think the world is ended. Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • Vets treat farm animals with antibiotics that can promote the emergence of resistant strains in people. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the past few years have seen the emergence of a dual economy in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darwin's Evolutionism has suffered attacks from the Christian conservatives since its emergence.
  • However, I'm encouraged by the emergence of a new genre of quieter, less gory horror films in the early years of the new century.
  • The results revealed that the timing of pigmentation of compound eyes and adult emergence were delayed by treatment of KK-42 before 36th hours after pupation.
  • I've also been cheered up by the unexpected emergence of some physalis plants I'd convinced myself had died when I transplanted them.
  • Neither a minimum effort to embrace this "second choice plot" with a clear, social commitment as a real attach to prohibition and its social putrefactive actions or the need to put on top of emergence priorities the drugs law reform and definitively send the DEAs and the Reagans/Dubya philosophy to the horrors cellar.... Werner Herzog’s Bad Lieutenant Added To Toronto Fest Lineup | /Film
  • Reformation studies were at that time preoccupied with tracing the intellectual and political origins of the movement - the survival of Lollardy, the challenge to scholasticism, the emergence of the centralised Tudor state.
  • The title chimes with his managerial re-emergence at West Bromwich Albion after a torrid 191 days in charge of Liverpool. Roy Hodgson has no self-pity after his re-emergence at West Brom
  • The late twentieth century saw the emergence of another class, a small group of businesspeople.
  • Organisms obtained from these animals, when inoculated into uninfected animals, proved to be unresponsive to atovaquone therapy, suggesting the emergence of drug resistance.
  • Given Trendelenburg's special emphasis in presenting the Leibnizian system, his significance for the mathematical reception of Leibniz's ideas in the context of the emergence of formal mathematics and mathematical logic in the second half of the 19th century is astonishing. Leibniz's Influence on 19th Century Logic
  • The team's left-winger admitted he was surprised at the sudden emergence of positive tests against top players.
  • Glyphosate-resistant weeds can also be attacked in corn and grain sorghum with Syngenta herbicides such as Halex GT, a postemergence herbicide with three modes of action; Lexar, which also has three modes of action; and Bicep. Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
  • Unfortunately, for the following half century and beyond, with the emergence of the International Style, the skyscraper form became a victim of its success. Heights of Fancy
  • There is also a new enforcement factor at work, which is the emergence of global markets attuned to fiscal responsibility.
  • Movement of animals and disease vectors is perhaps one of the most common causes of disease emergence globally.
  • At the anterior end of the nucleus of the abducent nerve they make a second bend, and run downward and forward through the pons to their point of emergence between the olive and the inferior peduncle. IX. Neurology. 5g. The Facial Nerve
  • The emergence of antibiotic resistance is a product of natural selection. Times, Sunday Times
  • The incidence of diseases of marine organisms and the emergence of new pathogens is increasing, and some of these, such as ciguatera, harm human health. Ecosystems and Human Well-being Synthesis~ Summary for Decision-makers
  • Such a response alone would achieve the compensatory effect needed to adjust the onset of emergence to latitude, but without the need to invoke genetic heterogeneity between populations.
  • Simultaneous with the burst of colors, the human witness would have seen the emergence of an astronomical number of atoms in the form of a rotating, black disciform concretion. Invasion
  • Everyone agrees there is a lot more to do, but for now he has made Naples the most exciting of all Italian cities to visit, in the first flush of its re-emergence: dynamic, unselfconscious, and as distinctive as it has always been.
  • The reasons for his sudden emergence as a real power in the land were essentially political.
  • Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
  • And they are very far from any thought that their licentious groupings would provide an avenue for the emergence of a patriarch with a retinue of teen-wives.
  • The third is the emergence of new attitudes, usually described as postmodernist, which challenge the Church's traditional ascription of authority to the Bible.
  • For theoretical physicists the emergence of experimental evidence could be a welcome culture shock. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 2008, the FDA warned that patients on all antiepileptic drugs should be "monitored for the emergence or worsening of depression, suicidal thoughts or behavior, or any unusual changes in mood or behavior," and warnings on drug labels were soon required. Martha Rosenberg: Moms-To-Be: Are You Taking This Dangerous Drug?
  • This championship has seen a re-emergence of an attacking game long dormant, but there have been worrying signs too. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a trend for alcohol limits to become tighter - a trend more related to the increasing sobriety of the wider political climate than to the emergence of epidemiological evidence justifying a more abstemious policy.
  • But as long as the political monopoly of the slaveholders was broken, enfranchised blacks would have the power to prevent the re-emergence of aristocracy and inequality.
  • Winnicott, in his work with psychotics, became interested in the early developmental processes that facilitate the emergence of personhood.
  • In opposition to the Newtonian mechanistic view of nature he sees nature as an organic system of opposed forces with a built-in telos towards the emergence of consciousness.
  • We suspect that many losses after emergence were due to avian predators.
  • After emergence, dalapon at 5 kg/ha may be applied for grass control, provided a shield is used. Chapter 37
  • The emergence of steam-driven, steel-plated warships created the need for specialized engineering officers in the navy.
  • As the two main schools in the sociology of science, the emergence and development process of Mertonian school and Edinburgh school have indiscerptible connect ion and great difference.
  • Fall 2002 is marked by a retro look, which is highlighted by the re-emergence of corduroys, only these cords have thin ridges rather than the thicker ones that were popular last year.
  • Their imagery of the painter's canvas implies an alternative, that of pentimento, or the eventual emergence of an underlying image in a painting that grows transparent with age.
  • Jay Hakkinen, the most accomplished U.S. biathlete until Burke's emergence, missed seven and finished 76th. Biathlete Tim Burke, U.S. team perplexed by performance
  • It was, at one point, America's popular music, and you know, it gets kind of superseded with the emergence of rock 'n' and roll and some would say rhythm and blues before then, but it was very popular, and she was a popular singer; never had the popularity of someone like Ella Fitzgerald because of the kinds of artistic choices and the artistic integrity that she had, but certainly she was a popular singer. Remembering Billie, 'With Love From Dee Dee'
  • As a result, we found that the emergence of electrical conductivity on the doped polyacetylene was due to the creation of carbocations or positively charged solitons associated with withdrawing of p electrons from polyacetylene by the dopant when iodine was used as an acceptor dopant. Hideki Shirakawa - Autobiography
  • Similarly, the drive to topple God from his throne (or decentre him as a universal referent for all knowledge) is closely bound up with the emergence of freedom as a key political value in Liberalism.
  • Hence, the sudden emergence of what seems like the whole ant populace. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the herbicide was used after emergence, the effect of 56% MCPA-sodium wettable powder on broad-leaved weed was higher (92.14%). However, that was lower(-29.7%) to gramineous weed.
  • At first sight, the emergence of the EU as a regional grouping seems to be in contradiction with the direction and thrust of globalization.
  • The late Neoproterozoic is an important period of biological evolution; and the emergence of metazoa is a representative event, which marked the history of biology evolution having entered a new era.
  • USAN has been allied with the moderate wing of the national board, which has come to dominate during the past two years with the emergence of the Unite for Strength faction in Hollywood as it has taken over for the hardline Membership First faction.
  • In essence, these programs fostered the emergence of local government professionals who were more capable of making public-private partnerships work.
  • It was no coincidence that the emergence of astrobiology as a respected and, soon after, a hot field of research occurred in the mid- and late 1990s—right as it became clear that the discovery of the first extrasolar planet, 51 Pegasi, would be followed by many more. First Contact
  • Slowly, I began to feel the emergence of a first-person ownership of my mixed-blood, immigrant heritage.
  • The emergence of the overclass means that lots of people can enjoy the security of being liberated from necessity and the freedom to pursue happiness.
  • The fear is that like chloroquine, an older class of antimalarial drug that has lost its power, artemisinin will be rendered useless through the emergence of resistant parasites. Jeffrey L. Sturchio: Malaria: Solid Success but No Time for Complacence
  • We see the emergence of these men and women of conscience as a positive and hopeful sign.
  • So perhaps we should stop predicting the emergence of an illiterate, story-less generation whose only evolutionary advantage will be double-jointed Xbox thumbs. Don't fear the Reader: how technology can benefit children's books
  • Flowering date was marked by emergence of the first panicle from the leaf sheath.
  • The emergence of Britain's drug and gun culture had impacted on his force to such an extent that ‘something had to give’.
  • This conference presents papers from academics and postgraduates working in disciplines as diverse as Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, Film Studies, Palaeontology, Zoology, Theatre, and Theoretical Physics: on the Emergence of the Posthuman Subject. Ballardian » The Emergence of the Posthuman Subject
  • The styles were then removed from each flower just above the point of emergence from the hypanthium and passed to the evaluator.
  • This outbreak illustrates how factors such as weather and demographic changes can affect the emergence of public health problems from infectious diseases.
  • The emergence of small Japanese cars in the 1970s challenged the US and European manufacturers.
  • It is noteworthy that until that late period those treat - ing the subject did not, as a rule, trouble to make any theoretical distinction between abiogenesis and heterogenesis, it being apparently just as easy for them to imagine the sudden emergence of life from such inorganic substances as mud or water, as its nonrepro - ductive derivation from organic matter, whether living or dead. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • Cycles are common, with deeper water bioclastic limestones at their base, followed by shallow marine oolitic limestones and lagoonal calcareous mudstones, with palaeokarstic horizons representing emergence at their top.
  • We will soon see the re-emergence of class warfare as Britain becomes a nation for the rich and privileged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women played an important role in the emergence of Poland's modern political movements and the elaboration of their ideologies.
  • This is notably true before the emergence in his poetry of the dogmatising tones that mar some of the poems that follow The Waste Land.
  • Already, we are witnessing the emergence of this shift in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Despite the decline of gatekeeping arrangements and the emergence of hospitalists and disease management programmes, US primary care physicians do not seem to be unduly concerned about their changing work roles.
  • So part of this campaign and this kind of reemergence of the Taliban, how in the world could something like this happen? CNN Transcript Jun 14, 2008
  • Neither a minimum effort to embrace this “second choice plot” with a clear, social commitment as a real attach to prohibition and its social putrefactive actions or the need to put on top of emergence priorities the drugs law reform and definitively send the DEAs and the Reagans/Dubya philosophy to the horrors cellar…. Nicolas Cage is Werner Herzog’s BAD LIEUTENANT | Obsessed With Film
  • No one I’ve spoken to — even when they support the public option — thinks that its reemergence is good news for health-care reform. Friday Friday Night Night « Gerry Canavan
  • A fourth was to attack the social problem not directly but indirectly, by blaming a particular scapegoat for its emergence.
  • In addition, such distinctness enhances the between-group variance so essential to group selection and emergence of a higher-level unit.
  • I am not convinced that the principle of natural selection alone makes the emergence of rational beings probable.
  • The master-planned, classical idea of architecture soon meets with the emergence of Modern architecture.
  • Climate change, he indicated, “will make scarce resources, clean water, viable agricultural land even scarcer”—and this will “make the emergence of violent conflict more rather than less likely. OpEdNews - Quicklink: The Coming Resource Wars
  • Historically, the emergence of parliament as the source of legal authority was a huge gain for humanity.
  • There are good reasons to promote the reemergence of the landline phone.
  • The emergence of geoeconomics as the main determinant of interstate relations requires the availability of adequate naval power to secure sea lines of communication against interference or interdiction by hostile navies.
  • For anime fans, this is a landmark production seen as marking the full emergence of otaku culture.
  • She is an archaeologist and palaeoethnobotanist whose principal research interests are the investigation of plant domestication, the development of agricultural landscapes, and the emergence of complex societies in the Americas.
  • Organisation theorists suggest that the latter type of arrangement is more conducive to the emergence of original ideas. 2 Evaluation.
  • The crafty Lethington, the deep and dark Morton, have held secret council with me, and Grange and Lindsay have owned, that in the field I did the devoir of a gallant knight — but let the emergence be passed when they need my head and hand, and they only know me as son of the obscure portioner of Glendearg.” The Abbot
  • A year on from their emergence into the public eye, we are swamped with soporific, overwrought, piano-led rock played by lip-trembling white boys with messy hair, student debts and fey voices.
  • If the farmer chooses a nonresistant variety and the spring emergence of adult sawflies is large, there is only a 1-to 2-week period in which to spray insecticides.
  • Patients who had a reemergence of depression lost all psychosocial gains made during treatment.
  • Later emergence does not exclude biological explanation, but it is crucial to a social or biosocial explanation.
  • It was a period of extraordinary economic transformation in the United States - the emergence of industries, railroads, and telegraphs - the first signs of a modern industrial America.
  • Plus it brings Jack in as a POV character which completely fucks with his slow emergence from spearcarrier to hero. Notes From The Geek Show
  • Wheat crops should be managed to have a leaf canopy sufficient to intercept most of the sunlight during the final phases of development: ear emergence through to the end of grain fill.
  • Applied postemergence, Flexstar GT controls the same annual weeds glyphosate does. Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
  • As water migrates to the soil surface, it replenishes soil water around the seed and new roots during the critical germination and emergence period.
  • They emerge early in the year and have short, synchronous emergence periods.
  • With careful, economic and compelling prose they follow the virus from its first emergence to its containment.
  • We are now looking to target meadowgrass with a different approach to IPU and are looking to recommend Liberator (DFF + flufenacet) + pendimethalin at the peri-emergence / early post emergence stage. FWi - All News
  • IT does not need elaborating that the emergence of the subcontinent from colonial rule and subsequent division into two entities were at a great human cost.
  • The development of Skolithos trace fossils on the upper surface of some beds suggests periodical emergence into an intertidal zone.
  • The emergence of specific-purpose vehicles like PPPs has changed infrastructure investment, but the need for government borrowing is still substantial.
  • This album was Everlast's re-emergence as a solo artist after his tour with the hard-edged Irish rap group, House of Pain.
  • More importantly, the soil moved by the water over the seed is composed of fine soil particles that are tightly packed, increasing the potential for crusting and making emergence slower and more difficult.
  • The intermingled sable and silver of the armed, "majestical" ghost link him with England's lost dark/fair consensus, and with its militant reemergence in the alliance of persecuted Catholics and Puritans under tolerationist Essex. 'The One and Only'
  • More recent work suggests that the cell wall hydrolase, pectin methyl esterase, plays a role in weakening of the megagametophyte, allowing radicle emergence and the completion of germination.
  • There are, though, exceptional talents within the schools and the emergence of one titanic school above them should not be seen as an indication that they are failing Scotland.
  • More interesting is her emergence amid a new wave of goth-pop stars - among them Canadian band Austra and her upcoming UK tourmate EMA, aka singer-songwriter Erika M Anderson. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In both cases it would be interesting not only to see what effect the emergence of a pro-devolution and pro-European centre-right party would have on the Tory share of the vote, but also to see what reception such a party would receive overall. EPP candidates needed
  • The cardinal principle upon which his attempt rests is the doctrine, already foreshadowed by Iamblichus and others, that in the process of emanation there are always three subordinate stages, or moments, namely the original (mone), emergence from the original (proodos), and return to the original (epistrophe). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This in turn led to the aesthetics of expressionism, and also to the emergence of gnostic theosophy, which similarly sought to controvert nihilism rather than allow the human will to be vanquished.
  • His emergence gives long-suffering fans something to cheer in what feels a bleak time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concurrent with this shift is the emergence of the individual psyche, the Self, the subconscious, psychoanalysis, symbology, dream interpretation, Humanism, and the rising popularity of Eastern Mysticism in the West.
  • At emergence, the seeker may reconstruct the ego under the Will, that the ego will in totality reflect the true light.
  • We use the emergence of these patterns as hypotheses that may be investigated in real fish schools.
  • This is brought to the fore by that stupid and ignorant piece in The Sunday Telegraph where correspondent Sean Rayment is quivering with excitement over the emergence in theatre of something entirely new to him, "the armour-piercing 'explosively formed projectile' or EFP, also known as a shaped charge. Tip of the iceberg
  • Secondly, the continuing decline in living standards has led to a level of desperation and social degradation that provides a fruitful basis for the emergence of right-wing demagogues.
  • In short, Mr. Outside has been succeeded by Mr. Inside; and the story of Ratzinger's emergence as the Church's leader reveals the ways in which his pontificate is likely to affect the Church as a whole. The Year of two Popes
  • The conclusion of World War II saw the emergence of the US as the unchallenged and pre-eminent capitalist power.
  • Albert the archaeology student was in the university library, slumped over an untidy heap of palynological textbooks that traced the emergence of the emmer and the einkorn on the Fertile Crescent some six or seven thousand years ago.
  • I'm beginning to suspect, rather, that we are witnessing the emergence of a new but still largely formless language that will one day be the language of the world.
  • On the point of losing everything to the rebels, the king's triumphant emergence in the theater of war helps push back the enemy and offers a possibility of victory.
  • In his book mentioned previously, J.S.M. Ward tells of a Roman sarcophagus in the Bardo Museum, Tunis, showing the emergence of Jonah from the whale that swallowed him for three days, and making the Sign of Preservation – in effect, indicating that his life was saved. Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The FDA has called the overuse of antibiotics in food animals "a serious public health threat," linking it to the emergence of super-scary superbugs like MRSA. Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Is Organic Milk A Hoax?
  • Assess the impact of modern medical devices on the emergence and prevention of nosocomial infections.
  • Over the past few seasons, the seeds of the Big 12's emergence have been planted.
  • Leaf flushing started 2 weeks after shoot emergence and was complete within 4 weeks of shoot emergence.
  • Early metazoan evolution, prior to the emergence of the clade that gave rise to crown taxa, involved a number of innovations.
  • She chronicles the emergence of the independent tondo in Florence in the 1430s and its relatively brief apogee from 1480 to 1515.
  • We will soon see the re-emergence of class warfare as Britain becomes a nation for the rich and privileged. Times, Sunday Times
  • No, what's really disturbing about the whole phenomenon is the emergence of a new breed of hoary old pop marketing men who don't even feel the need to pretend they are anything else.
  • Both know that the emergence of the fracking industry in America has changed the whole refinery business. Times, Sunday Times
  • But rock took a back seat in the last two decades because of the predominance of electronic music, as well as the emergence of strains like grunge rock and hip-hop, which did not appeal to mainstream Indian viewers.
  • This is perhaps what renders an actor mad, seeing in her or himself the subject of a pure possibility, of the eventual and unconditioned emergence of an unknown movement or affect.
  • They note the emergence of large private business in the post-bellum U.S. following the courts' reinterpretation of shareholding companies as a legal person.
  • The eserine has so depressed the action of the esterase at the nerve endings, that the acetylcholine liberated by a single nerve volley lingers there, and reexcites the muscle at each emergence from successive refractory periods, until the concentration falls at last below the stimulation threshold. Sir Henry Dale - Nobel Lecture
  • This change suggests the emergence, in salt-treated plants, of a new linkage between stem height and size of the last-expanded leaves.
  • The risks are far from over in Iraq, especially given Iran's desire to keep ethnic strife aboil and prevent the emergence of a strong, democratically elected and Shiite-dominated government. Iraq's Casualty Decline
  • Over time, with the emergence of smaller houses to suit the nuclear family, they were discarded as unwieldy and old fashioned.
  • However, because in this case transferred genes as a group must provide an immediate benefit to the host, selfish operon model would require grouping and cotransfer of multiple genes involved in flagellar assembly and would therefore not explain emergence of selective pairing between chemotaxis genes. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • None the less, it is a step forward and will stimulate debate about the emergence of neurology from the closet of esoteric and untreatable syndromes.
  • From its true emergence, algebra can be seen as a theory of equations solved by means of radicals, and of algebraic calculations on related expressions.
  • But that first age of banking oligarchs came to an end with the passage of significant banking regulation in response to the Great Depression; the reemergence of an American financial oligarchy is quite recent. The Quiet Coup
  • Sealed worker brood was taken from the experimental colonies and incubated until adult emergence.
  • He explained that there may be a time lag between the creation of a favourable entrepreneurial environment and the emergence of an entrepreneurial class.

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