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How To Use Embrace In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, North Norfolk will soon shake off this surreal obsession with the Lib Dems and embrace their NE Cambs neighbour's decent Tory stance. Will Iain Dale have to repay the donations ?
  • It seems to embrace a lot of our speculations here about the willful nature of ideas, and works well for things within our conscious realm, from babies to ballpoints.
  • Why then do we long to embrace incorporeality and flee our embodied natures?
  • McCoy had fully embraced the idea of belated fatherhood his declarations to the contrary notwithstanding. The Better Man
  • Will Ralphie boy have a similar experience and actually convert from his corrupt “moneychanger” fake Christian mentality and embrace more liberal, compassionate Christian beliefs and behaviors? Firedoglake » Safavian Found Guilty
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  • Her lips met his and she revelled in the heat of their embrace.
  • whatsit", and then Dr Watson may decide that dumpreg. exe is itself unresponsive so it launches further instance (s) of dumpreg. exe to report the failure (s) of the previous instance (s), and the system suffers a fatal embrace and hardly ever looks at the mouse and keyboard to see me hammering away in desperation. Forum
  • So maybe BP isn't the best example yet, but clearly businesses that embrace principles of social entrepreneurship--discovering how to "unstick" society when it has gotten stuck, by changing the system--are having widespread impact in making the new buzzphrase "social value" the litmus test for success for not only social entrepreneurs but profit-oriented businesses, too. Marian Salzman: Reinvention, Part II
  • She understands full well that even when some men are given every option to embrace the role of Mr. Mom, they may still need a push.
  • She broke loose from his embrace and crossed to the window.
  • And it broadly defines these extremists as including people who embrace some components of "anticapitalist" or "antiglobalization" ideas. Us Too
  • As she embraced him, she felt his shrunken arms and shuddered; the muscular vibrance that had always been the essence of his personality was completely absent. Empire of Dreams
  • The familiar skyline is superimposed with the outline of two figures in an intimate embrace.
  • Rather than being victim to this silly debate, we should move forward and embrace this interesting and fun addition to sex.
  • But it would embrace a system that showed itself again to be far from ready.
  • But if lawyers and solicitors wish themselves to be identified as men of noble standing and exemplariness then they deserve the kind of reverence they will yield from the public should they decide to embrace Karpal Singh's call to sieve out bad hats. Malaysiakini :: News
  • Many respectable scholars flirt with this stage, and some seem to delight in flaunting their embrace of it; their more staid colleagues are usually indulgent. Did you know that Jews control the Washington Post? [Bumped.] - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • It now embraces most text formats, email messages and HTMLs, multimedia files, web browser histories, bookmarks and favourites.
  • Harry felt in his blood with what calming delight and fulfilment his enemy would embrace the lie that made him the victor.
  • Indeed, though most Americans will embrace some type of solemn memorial today, there is resistance to dwelling on the horrifying tragedies of a year ago.
  • After eight years of a presidency that valued cronyism over brains (or even competence) and embraced an anti-intellectualism apotheosized by Sarah Palin, it's a godsend to have a president who puts a premium on merit. Steven G. Brant: Progressives Deserve to Be Worried About the Obama Administration
  • Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering. Steve Maraboli 
  • Jigeehuu ambled shakily over to it after our first embrace and ladled out half a pint for me in a rice bowl.
  • More and more, African-American iconoclasts reject victimology and embrace American possibility.
  • He embraced a model known as vehicular cycling, which involves training cyclists to operate their bicycles as vehicles. The Texas Observer: In the Current Issue
  • The cast is excellent, and the actors really embrace their characters and have fun with them.
  • It was before the assembled brethren of the Lodge that he exchanged symbolic embraces with Franklin.
  • She embraced her new life and this picture shows how well she has adjusted a year after her arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apple itself has never embraced the kind of all-you-can-eat monthly subscription service at the core of Rhapsody, and the truth is subscription services have never really caught on a big way. Real's Rhapsody music app arrives on iPhone
  • The road meanders high above the waters of lakes and rivers, embraced by the meringue summits of the mountains.
  • Whether that is a message that Oregon parents, students, and teachers will embrace enthusiastically remains to be seen.
  • The Latin abrazo embrace is performed every time you meet. Communicating In Latin America
  • Traditional Chinese philosophy embraced these as yin and yang, each of which contain the seed of the other.
  • Historically, the prospect of energy savings drove widespread embrace of daylight savings.
  • It was also the introduction of distrust, a sentiment that had only before been embraced by radicals and beatniks, and the realization that all was not well.
  • They embraced and wept and promised to keep in touch.
  • The limited space made our joyful embrace a somewhat gymnastic endeavour. Times, Sunday Times
  • And, as do many manifestos, ultraism embraced many other writers prior to the naming of this movement.
  • The touch of the sea sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.
  • The result is a sector ready to take a positive view of risk and to embrace opportunity. Times, Sunday Times
  • ERC is not averse to change and recognises that it is healthy and necessary to embrace it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buck the trend and embrace pre-owned items, from clothing to furniture to toys. Erin Mahoney Harris: 10 Steps to Becoming a Greener Angeleno
  • The eliminationist project is in many ways the signature of fascism, partly because it proceeds naturally from fascism's embrace of what Oxford Brookes scholar Roger Griffin calls palingenesis, or a Phoenix-like national rebirth, as its core myth. Crooks and Liars
  • It is a role she embraces with regal dignity and a hint of self-conscious reluctance.
  • And when that happens, you will surely see Switzer and Jones locked in an embrace.
  • Either that or a failure to embrace the new. Times, Sunday Times
  • He caught Nina into a tight embrace, holding her close.
  • A great many (not all) liberals adopted embryonic stem cells as a cause for the same reason that they have embraced Global Warming: because they like the policy implications and automatically oppose the Bush Administration, the “neocons” and the “Religious Right”, not because they are willing to follow science whithersoever it leadeth. Stromata Blog:
  • America quickly embraced Pluto and Tombaugh as icons worthy of scientific superstardom, and the rest of the world quickly followed suit.
  • ‘Dumpling’ is a term of affection in English, when used as a metaphor of tenderness for someone embraceable and sweet.
  • ‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
  • There comes a point when you either embrace who and what you are, or condemn yourself to be miserable all your days. Other people will try to make you miserable; don't help them by doing the job yourself. Laurell K. Hamilton 
  • The natives so embraced the pageantry and the promise of the new faith; and centuries later, testament to that Christian hegemony is the ubiquity of an iconolatry, none as dispersed into the bowels of urban and rural religious life as the icon of the Santo Nino.
  • Jack was the first to pull away from their deep embrace.
  • From the 1870s through World War I, most European and Latin American nations as well as Japan and the United States abandoned bimetallic standards, which based currencies on both gold and silver, and embraced the gold standard.
  • Not many leading business thinkers have embraced new technology with your enthusiasm.
  • The novel satirizes the American South before the Civil War, and scathingly examines the South's embrace of slavery, racism, and lynchings.
  • The commonalty differs from the people as a species from its genus; for 'the people' includes the whole aggregate of citizens, among them patricians and senators, while the term 'commonalty' embraces only such citizens as are not patricians or senators. The Institutes of Justinian
  • Public services must embrace the same pace of change. Times, Sunday Times
  • To teach them to embrace dependency on the government is to embrace learned helplessness.
  • Social behaviourism embraces a variety of approaches including symbolic interactionism and social action theory. On Social Behaviorism
  • This only happens when we come penitently to embrace Jesus Christ as our only hope.
  • Purists value keyboard-only emoticons, while younger generations embrace an advanced set of icons - the emoji.
  • When lovers lie on a bed, and embrace each other so closely that the arms and thighs of the one are encircled by the arms and thighs of the other, and are, as it were, rubbing up against them, this is called an embrace like 'the mixture of sesamum seed with rice'. The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana
  • Until we embrace this belief our culture has little hope of surviving beyond its present state of unrestrained hostility.
  • She wants the folks to re-embrace folk taxonomy, to go out into nature and name things for themselves. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Such turbine engines are also called jet engines and they embrace a family of products: turbojets, turbofans, and turboprops.
  • The monks clearly embrace modernity with enthusiasm.
  • Two of them wrapped him in an embrace of mateship, holding his arms to his side.
  • Other substitutions included “embrace” for “tackle,” “blucher” for “slush buster,”* “muggings” for “hog wash,” “fearful” for “rough,” “wickedest” for “vilest,” “leer” for “slobber,” “jolly” for “bully,” and “swindle” for “humbug.” Mark Twain
  • Plato had made the bold suggestion that there might be a single axiom system to embrace all knowledge.
  • Sometimes they are organized on a tribal basis, sometimes they embrace people from a number of different tribes.
  • I'll scrunch pomade into my maverick hair and embrace my $30 cut.
  • RBI from the spirit of the times to embrace this colorful!
  • Sanjiang will, on behalf of Liangshan tartary buckwheat, strike to international markets, and embrace a new "firing" era and opportunities for rapid development.
  • No matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions. This is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality.
  • The device was quickly embraced by the medical community and its use expanded beyond acutely ill cardiac patients, before its benefits were actually proven.
  • We must swap carrots for sweet potatoes; shun spinach and embrace kale; forgo oranges and prefer papaya. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your contributions to spectrology embrace methods for the determination of the length of waves in a more exact manner than those hitherto known. Nobel Prize in Physics 1907 - Presentation Speech
  • With such a busy working life and an attitude that embraces stress as a necessary ingredient of life in adland, how important is relaxation?
  • The problem isn't having so many religions or countries, or denominations; the problem is being afraid of and not being able to embrace our differences, and when our differences are played out in tribalism.
  • Yes, 20 years of fantasies of breaking through that Vulcan reserve and being swept up into a passional Vulcan embrace. February 2007
  • The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving junior bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
  • We know little of its holy days and less about its teachings, which embrace sharing this planet in peace with others.
  • This transition was loathed and resisted long before it was grudgingly accepted and finally embraced by Hollywood interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those troops act as a big security blanket for Seoul and Tokyo, and the last thing China wants is for either of those countries to be untethered from the U.S. security embrace.
  • She embraced her new life and this picture shows how well she has adjusted a year after her arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have come to appreciate warm people who embrace you just because they're happy to see you.
  • He reciprocated the embrace, rocking her gently as he pressed kisses into her hair.
  • We have to embrace it and hold our nerve. The Sun
  • Community standards may embrace moral principles or they may not.
  • We come over here because we want to embrace the opportunity of handling these conditions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Energy planners must be nimble enough to embrace these new technologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the tsotsis, the unkempt street ruffians of the 1930s, began to embrace the quest for style in the 1950s.
  • We must embrace our ageing population and the wealth of skills and experience older workers bring. The Sun
  • It is, in short, nearness to God -- the blessed assurance which God Himself can alone give that He is there, whatever our cold doubts may say -- that the everlasting arms are around us, even when we do not feel their quiet and strong embrace. Some Facts of Religion and of Life: Sermons Preached before Her Majesty the Queen in Scotland, 1866-76.
  • As soon as someone tells us how invocations of the supernatural will help us solve a problem, they will be embraced immediately.
  • The exercise to rehabilitate the street kids should be embraced by everyone as Zambia stands to benefit greatly from the initiative.
  • We are not getting into the whys, but rest assured you will enjoy the journey, through all the sun-baked villages, rides atop buses, sad parting at the station, not to forget that fond embrace!
  • Scarlet cackled out loud and broke her embrace.
  • The building is surrounded on three sides by the pink-brown textured walls of old quarry workings, so that the archives are held in a granite embrace.
  • There is a statute and common law offense known as embracery, which is defined to consist "in such practices as lead to affect the administration of justice, _improperly working upon the minds of jurors_. History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II
  • Nick of Time embraces its B-movie qualities with such gusto that it comes off like the kind of cheapie thriller Alfred Hitchcock would have directed to fulfill a studio contract. The Week in DVR: We Heart Ted Williams! Plus, a (Good) Comedy on Comedy Central and Christopher Walken Sports a Mustache of Bad
  • Since their inception in 1977, the name of the game for The Mekons has been experimentation and excursion, and they have even happily embraced the 'folkies'. Tourdates Unsigned Chart
  • Traditional Chinese philosophy embraced these as yin and yang, each of which contain the seed of the other.
  • Europeans loved it and embraced its message. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a country where acquaintances embrace when meeting and strangers are greeted with warmth, bonhomie, and a demitasse of rich coffee.
  • Any plans for expanding AmeriCorps (a program he once opposed but now embraces) remain unformulated, perhaps because the idea is too connected to Bill Clinton. The Politics Of Personality
  • Plaits are a great way to embrace the festival vibe, plus they work better with greasier hair. The Sun
  • They lost the capacity to embrace change. The Global Marketplace
  • Until those in Washington turn away from the fraudulent system we have in place due to the universal embracement of keynesian economics it will only continue to get worse. Gregg defends GOP opposition, says Dems moving too far left
  • A broad reading would leave much more to the discretion of Congress, and arguably embrace the kinds of nonofficial failings for which Clinton stood exposed.
  • In scope and breadth it rivals the Jupiter Symphony, especially as it embraces the sequence of affects -- risoluto, espessivo, dolce and Scherzino --- in turn and develops each of its several expositional motifs. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • The reaction against the neo-brutalism of the 1960s and 1970s was to embrace safe conformism instead.
  • His embrace of new problems and perspectives and his energy in expounding his ideas conveyed Edmund S. Phelps - Autobiography
  • He might not embrace viewers, but he certainly doesn't exclude anyone either. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vicki Black writes of the hard but grace-filled task of rediscovering and extending her vocation to the diaconate beyond the altar and beyond her work in religious publishing to embrace the care of her small children at home.
  • Will none of you greet me with the traditional human hug embrace?
  • They embraced her fondly before drawing her to the warmth of the fire. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • I admire the strength of my kinswomen who stayed at home and who later on embraced arranged marriages.
  • For caving -- not compromising, but totally capitulating -- on war funding and and telecom immunity, Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer and the blue dogs they lie down with have been rewarded with the same herpetic embrace that is turning John McCain into a Republican cootie incubator. Marty Kaplan: Bush Gives Dems STDs
  • Ludovic Lesly, “I will embrace him also — though I would have you to know that to understand the service of an ambushment is as necessary to a soldier as it is to a priest to be able to read his breviary.” Quentin Durward
  • Tim's Sri Lankan experiences led him to consider how just as a snake sheds its skin, so too can we shed our fear of otherness, and learn to embrace other cultures.
  • The "embrace" is not for those who disagree about the moral character of homosexual acts and the charade of transgendered manipulations, but for those, like President Obama, who celebrate homosexuality as a worthy equal to heterosexuality (or is it better than heterosexuality??), who insist the only criteria for marriage is "love" (which, for male homosexuals, changes focus often). A couple of thoughts about Obama's "Hey, You're Gay, Hurray!" Day
  • Europeans loved it and embraced its message. Times, Sunday Times
  • Styles as varied as Pop art, minimalism and even performance art embrace the still life style.
  • an island in the embrace of the sea
  • It is the irrationality, the unacceptability, the incredibility of our faith that is its chief attraction and our chief asset, and to embrace that is to turn our critics on their heads, because they cannot accept those terms.
  • He enfolded his daughter into his arms and she welcomed the embrace.
  • Supreme Commander embraces the idea of vastness like a Park Ranger in Alaska. Action Commander | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • And whether he won or not women flung themselves into embraces with him and either kissed him commiseratingly or in a frenzy of delight. The Weapon Shops of Isher
  • She squeaked and tried to get out of his embrace, her face flaming, but he just chuckled and leaned forward to whisper something in her ear.
  • Except to a certain antiquated ideology embraced in biology, which apparently has to be protected in academia by an 'orthodox' priesthood and imposed on society by force of law. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Musicals answered my need to give that inchoate adolescent passion form, to embrace experience and then see a pattern in its marks on me.
  • We are keen to see the industry embrace these ideas and deliver positive change for consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • No wonder, therefore, that the term communicative approach has become so elastic as to embrace any methodology that foregrounds speaking in pairs or small groups. August « 2010 « An A-Z of ELT
  • The term embraces all the many different aspects of a culture that are expressed through food: from the agricultural economy to pickling recipes, from kinship ties to the correct technique for spitting an olive stone into your hand. Delizia!
  • The "dovish" Biden position called for relying primarily on assassination, while the "hawkish" McChrystal stance embraced both assassination and more troops. Fred Branfman: Petraeus Must Go: Mass Assassination of Muslims Threatens Us All
  • Science on the reef embraces so many diverse and alluring fields: marine ecology, oceanography, plate tectonics, ethnobiology, and more.
  • This swelling border, added last, embraces all but the lower left corner of the centralized image, canceling out the lingering sense of rational space of "Sketch 1" and pushing the vestiges of the troika, St. George and a mountainous landscape firmly toward abstractness. Complementary Abstractionists
  • So effective is cacao as a pick-me-up that it is being embraced in the party crowd as a healthy alternative to synthetic dance drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book has been embraced by various cultures and intellectual societies in innumerable lands across the globe.
  • Gaugin: The painter who invented his own brand of artistic licence life and work for which he can be reverentially remembered: his extensive travels, his experimentalism and his "primitivist" painting style honed in Tahiti - a bold reaction against the Impressionism embraced by most of his - Articles related to Keira Knightley takes on performance art
  • The tonal range of the earlier embraces the very light and very dark. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has even been co-opted by some who embrace the stereotypes.
  • Embrace Innovative Decisions and Actions Top-performing organizations know the value of innovation for its own sake.
  • Although she was a foreigner, the Jordanian people 25 embraced her as their queen.
  • In fact, when people in Nairobi first hear American yodeler Jimmie Rodgers centuries later, they embrace the familiar sound and pen tribute songs in his honor. A Brief and Incomplete History of Yodeling | Impact Lab
  • More often, Washington and Pretoria are locked in warm embrace.
  • We are also aware of the importance to embrace the efforts of other civic organisations and we welcome the cordial respect and co-operation we have for each other.
  • I wrapped my arms tighter around her as she burrowed deeper in my embrace.
  • To this day I believe it truly was less disillusionment and more an embrace of sober realism that moved me to change.
  • People in this region embraced Christianity the turn of the century.
  • I'm guessing proponents of creationism were eager to shed this image of backwoods ignorance opponents tend to associate with their theories, and leaped to embrace this new spin.
  • Subject areas were progressively expanded to embrace the burgeoning disciplines of ethnomusicology, electronics, performing practice, gender studies and much more besides.
  • Two soft arms wrap around you to remind you of a loved one's embrace. The Sun
  • He begins by noting what should be obvious: Given the centrality of freedom of expression "to an academic community, a university's suing a student for libel constitutes a curious act of self-abnegation, rather like the United Way taking a position against charitable giving, or the National Cattlemen's Beef Association urging that all Americans embrace a vegan diet. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: When Academic Administrators Lose Their Moral Compass
  • He argues that in art and culture the British embrace radical ideas and it's time we did in gardening. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can embrace your fears and become a timid, dispirited, wounded person for years—perhaps for a lifetime—or you can reject your dread and believe what God has said to be true. Recovering From Religious Abuse
  • Lock may leap at the chance to wrestle an alligator, but not all comedians want to embrace their inner Neanderthal. Times, Sunday Times
  • No matter what age, the characteristics of young people always embrace the ideals and illusions. This is not anything wrong, but a valuable quality.
  • The status of oxygen facials - embraced by a growing number of doctors, spas and beauty therapists - is typical of many cosmetic treatments that do not claim to alter the skin.
  • The fight against biopiracy must embrace both legitimate science and social justice if biodiversity itself is not to suffer.
  • Across the board, the creative industries must embrace this, and ensure their product is snackable, but most of all compelling.
  • Faced with uncertain economic climes, we are scurrying back to the warm embrace of the stodgy sweet. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have to identify which of the infinite number of progressive tax schedules they embrace, and then explain why it is best.
  • Despite incontrovertible and growing evidence that there were distinct eras of different creatures, the scientific community embraced the idea of gradualism.
  • Having artfully solved a thorny problem a week ago, the government has now embraced a deal whose terms reek of the bailout it was at such pains to avoid. The Real Cost
  • Embrace exist in a world where these clichés are acceptable - not sick-making or trite but accurate and airtight.
  • He leaned out over the small rail and was about to embrace the blackness when a truck came rumbling along the road.
  • This message embraces all creations, including the unborn.
  • Will China be able to embrace the hurly burly of the entrepreneurial marketplace?
  • Why do some conservationists still not embrace the sustainable use paradigm?
  • The human spirit is not dead. It lives on in secret.... It has come to believe that compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind. Albert Schweitzer 
  • The moollah armed them, the companions embraced, and they set out on their journey amid the acclamations of the whole crowd. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • Cumbrian gamekeepers and stalkers have embraced Government plans to scrap archaic laws stopping the sale of game all year round.
  • It requires a mindset that can embrace something other than polarities and binaries (including so-called subverted or queered binaries, which are still binaries if you believe they have a basis in reality). Archive 2009-05-01
  • But prayer, generally considered, embraces all the above-mentioned parts; when, however, we distinguish one part against another, _prayer_, properly speaking, means the uplifting of the mind to God. On Prayer and The Contemplative Life
  • As we said elsewhere, this readiness to accept and embrace corruption and plunder of the public purse goes deep.
  • FN#509] One of them was sitting in the court of justice of the kazi's embrace; the second was the precious gem of the bazaar-master's diadem of compliance; and the third was the beazle and ornament of the signet-ring of the life and soul of the superintendent of police. Arabian nights. English
  • Since the 1980s, debates among progressives have increasingly embraced the concept of multiculturalism.
  • A draw-string allowed the pyjamas to comfortably embrace a great girth, and also to drop at a moments notice.
  • The film's success enabled him to establish his own studio, which attracted many animators keen to embrace Williams' perfectionist approach.
  • This transition was loathed and resisted long before it was grudgingly accepted and finally embraced by Hollywood interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a spiritual and philosophical subtext to the design of the buildings which goes so far as to embrace geomancy, human biology, cosmology and lines of force.
  • Their twin USPs are, first, their cleverly constructed harmonies, which offset the affectlessness of Roxanne Clifford's voice, and, second, that they eschew the twee and embrace the gothic, be it suicide (Beachy Head), romance with the afterlife (Found Love in a Graveyard), or simply nameless dread (Bad Feeling). Veronica Falls: Veronica Falls – review
  • Then two or three men together seized hold of him and embraced him, until gradually he became calm.
  • The farmer even has a halo formed by his tipped back sombrero, and the holiness of this revolutionary embrace is reinforced by its association with the embrace of Joachim and Anna in Giotto’s Arena Chapel in Padua. Jose Clemente Orozco and Diego Rivera - The Murals
  • And therewithall I embraced my friend Socrates and kissed him: but hee smelling the stinke of the pisse wherewith those Hagges had embrued me, thrust me away and sayd, Clense thy selfe from this filthy odour, and then he began gently to enquire, how that noysome sent hapned unto mee. The Golden Asse
  • She embraced her new life and this picture shows how well she has adjusted a year after her arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could cap off an immense performance that has embraced all types of offensive records and included the development of a dynamic defense.
  • After hours spent quelling the fire with cold water, ‘he succumbed to a fever so malign that in just a few days he expired in the icy embrace of death.’
  • She threw herself into his protective embrace and began bawling.
  • It would be inquiring too curiously to ask whether Camilla, when she embraced him, discerned that he had fortified his courage that morning with a glass of curacoa. He Knew He Was Right
  • After a long, rather painful embracement Sara pulled back.
  • And yet surely it is a vision worth celebrating, worth giving thanks for if we see it in terms of the embrace of the intellect by the church as issuing in that confident freedom, that liberty not to be manipulated, not to be bullied, not to be deluded, which is celebrated in our epistle. Archbishop Celebrates Selwyn College's 125th Anniversary
  • The profession of agrology embraces all those who are qualified to teach or practice the science and art of agriculture or to conduct related scientific experiments and research.
  • We invest here because of the the country's readiness to embrace new ideas from people across the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • City Vision, a gallimaufry of old communists, Greens, and Labour activists, now embraces him.
  • She held her son to her in an affectionate embrace.

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