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How To Use Embodied In A Sentence

  • I had to join this long queue, that snaked around a couple of times, and as each person left, a disembodied voice said, ‘Cashier number seven, please!’
  • For example, it was embodied in a system of "informal economics". Critical Social Research
  • Why then do we long to embrace incorporeality and flee our embodied natures?
  • It's a striking image of traumatic birth from a monstrous, disembodied womb. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rudyard Kipling's Recessional, in exultant recognition of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, embodied the spirit of that nostalgic period. Responsible Nationhood
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  • Her illegitimate position has rendered her wraithlike and insubstantial, almost disembodied.
  • Likewise, the quality of each sense perception is embodied as a sense consciousness - sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.
  • A disembodied voice emerges from the monitor. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dictionary as a mode of literature is the antithesis of automatic writing, that disembodied burbling of the unconscious.
  • Yet one cannot be too strict in policing the boundaries between these two levels, for in drawing attention to the poetics of articulation, "Mont Blanc" suggests that philosophical argument inevitably relies on representations of an embodied "I," narrative exempla, privileged metaphors, and repeated terms. Rhyming Sensation in 'Mont Blanc'
  • The hereditary president of the Confederation and commander of its troops was the King of Prussia, who embodied the principle of monarchical legitimacy.
  • Christ was quickened, that is to say, was active, in His own spirit state, although His body was inert and in reality dead at the time; and that _in_ that disembodied state He went and preached to the disobedient spirits. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • With a diagram of these printed on the brain he had full command of the phrases which his excogitation had attached to them, and which embodied the ideas in perfect form. My Mark Twain (from Literary Friends and Acquaintance)
  • At all events he recognizes the possibility of conscious receptivity in disembodied spirits. caught up -- (Ac 8: 39). to the third heaven -- even to, &c. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The orientation toward nervous ailments at Steinhof, then, embodied an attempt to fight the marginalization of the asylum on a number of levels.
  • Cameron Diaz kind of sleepwalked through it, but she looked sexy and Ben Stiller perfectly embodied the loser looking for love character. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • In this paper, I will try to show that these contributions fail to articulate an adequate concept of embodied personhood for anthropology because they presuppose impoverished notions of semiosis and language.
  • Drawing on a number of empirical research programs, Shapiro cites examples that appear to support what he calls the embodied mind thesis, viz., that “minds profoundly reflect the bodies in which they are contained” (Shapiro 2004, p. 167). Concepts
  • If there is any likeness at all between the machine and its embodied precursor, the closest analogy to that relationship might be between adults and the babies they once were.
  • For example, it was embodied in a system of "informal economics". Critical Social Research
  • But there was always Leam in the background with whom he had to reckon -- Leam, who wandered through the house in her straight-cut, plain black gown, made in the deepest fashion of mourning devisable, pale, silent, feverish, like an avenging spirit on his track; undoing what he had done if he had profaned an embodied memory of her mother, and as impervious to his anger as he was to her despair. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 097, January, 1876
  • Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
  • Many modern philosophers consider that claims to knowledge of an unembodied consciousness (a God) are too dubious and implausible to be worth considering.
  • In Mortal Coils, an interaction of oneiromancy and mediumism was embodied in multiple projections among slowly twisting ropes, as if something were dimly viewed while transpiring underwater or in a netherworld.
  • The distinction is embodied in all the words that end in -ics: ethics, politics, esthetics, mathematics. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The disembodied voices were most striking - patients' miserable repeated calls for help, muted protests, inarticulate moans, and whimpers.
  • This blend of embodied response and universal import closely resembles Kant's own procedure, for he too insists both on the uniqueness and the communicability of aesthetic judgment. Rhyming Sensation in 'Mont Blanc'
  • The figures of these dances mapped a circuitous route back to Ireland - not just an imagined return but an embodied recovery.
  • The snake makes it wriggle so that the apparently disembodied filament appears to be some kind of succulent worm.
  • Mr. Eschenbach's bald head, small frame and omnipresent Nehru jackets may remind movie fans of Ian Fleming's fictional villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld—at least as embodied by the actor Donald Pleasence in "You Only Live Twice. Restoring the National's Glory
  • They claimed that disembodied spirits can wander in and out of the minds of the living as easily as a tramp can walk into a house with its doors and windows open.
  • The truths he affirms are encoded in his own poetry, rather than mysteriously embodied in Scripture, and he addresses a cultured but non-Latinate audience unschooled in philosophy.
  • There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery
  • This was an immediate reaction to a widespread strike by millwrights, but passed against the background of fear of radicalism as embodied in the French Revolution.
  • About 100 new channeled works are published each year and it is unlikely that the true and full intent of either the unembodied entity or the channeler are expressed in the copyright notice.
  • The disembodied faces which we see through the darkness are recognisably human, but also immobile, as if physically caught in a state of Beckettian stasis.
  • I will attempt to stay as close as possible to the way that we as embodied beings experience embodiment.
  • And, if categories are not embodied, developmental 'products'. where do you see a link to ontogenesis? Lakoff's View of Metaphors
  • The first formula that bridged the gap was embodied in the Nairobi Declaration of April 1993.
  • Their proposal was embodied in an amendment by Senator Daschle.
  • He is a clever guy, positing that the fact that one thinks presupposes that one surely has a mind, but the existence of one's body is uncertain, because even a disembodied consciousness can imagine a physical form.
  • A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin.
  • With the almost inaudible drums barely maintaining a recognisable rhythm, loops, clicks and disembodied sounds build inside the mass as the lead moves in and out of the drone, always threatening to sink right into the fuzz.
  • By the way, in those times cards were not only a means to beguile the time, but also a symbol of the society structure: hearts embodied the priests, diamonds meant the bourgeoisie, spades represented officers and aristocracy, clubs referred to the peasants.
  • Hugh was the most forceful advocate of the principle which the new papal decree embodied.
  • Succession to the throne is based at present on the principle of male primogeniture, embodied in the Salic law, according to which male heirs take precedence and the right of succession belongs to the eldest son.
  • The nearer they brought him to a disembodied spirit by meagre diet, the holier should be his prayers in their behalf. The Cloister and the Hearth
  • On the soundtrack, disembodied voices form a chorus of simmering urban resentment, describing life on the streets and the widening gulf between rich and poor.
  • The four fundamental interests are embodied in an authoritative code of basic human rights.
  • Just as the Shaman was about to advance upon her downed adversary, however, a disembodied voice echoed in her ears.
  • Seven or eight years after writing "Romeo and Juliet," Shakespeare growing conscious of these changes in his own temperament embodied them in another character, the melancholy "Jaques" in "As You Like It. The Man Shakespeare
  • Ever so slowly she began to relax, at one with her body that had seemed disembodied just a while before.
  • The knowledge of an empiricist's guardian angel would presumably be neither embodied nor built in.
  • But it's Lewis who embodied so much of what was feral and profound about the new music.
  • The same message was echoed by a disembodied voice with metronomic eeriness.
  • This crew is embodied by a builder turned speculator who marries Fonty's daughter in a marvellously comic wedding scene.
  • He presents the bacterial flagellum as the premier example of a biological system that must have been actualized by the form-conferring action of an unembodied intelligent agent.
  • Section 2 is “The two-fold character of the labour embodied in commodities” A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • The ideal of aesthetic athleticism, as embodied in her dancers, is the moving force that steers her work.
  • Several faculty whose work embodied a radical critique of culture were dismissive of the work we did.
  • He struck me as that rare thing: a being who was totally dedicated to, indeed a being who embodied, the very causes he stood for. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • They are notable for their realism: masks are depicted in fine detail and as part of total ensembles, with all the props and accoutrements, not as disembodied head pieces sold to tourists.
  • As Gillen Wood argues, for example, Francis Burney's representation of the experience of listening to a castrato at the opera in Evelina and Cecilia is conspicuously disembodied — any and all description of the castrato's corporeality is absent, being transposed into the sound of his sublime voice. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • We have embodied the highest possible standards in our ethical codes.
  • It means that we recognize that He was the principle embodied, that His sacrifice in the name of that principle was about making it possible at least positionally for us to be restored in consciousness to our pre-Adamic state in what I call the “grace place.” God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • The communal life embodied in the vine and the branches image presents a strong challenge to contemporary Western models of individual autonomy and privatism.
  • On the first few listens, the songs wash by, disembodied like an ocean.
  • When Laura plays the piano, her adorer stands there, one moment an exanimate statue, the next a disembodied spirit.
  • It involves much 'deeper layers of embodied engagement and reaction', where we are touched 'imaginatively, affectively and existentially'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It's like getting a rubdown from Mickey Mouse's disembodied arm. Youth Radio -- Youth Media International: When Wooo-Sah Isn't Working, Check This Anti-Road Rage Machine
  • In the past, Palin embodied the populist style of the Tea Party movement while espousing a fairly mainstream Republican ideology. Palin's erratic behavior mars 2010 elections
  • If we conclude that the ascription of sensations and feelings to a disembodied spirit does not make sense, it does not obviously follow, as you might think, that we must deny the possibility of disembodied spirits altogether.
  • My Wit-sense of him was confusing, a sensation of both man and horse embodied in one. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • This paper makes an analysis of conceptual metaphor, experientialism and the embodied motivation for metaphor.
  • But the contradictions he embodied as a man and a politician were often evident during his years as president.
  • Luckily for Alan a Llarnian disembodied supermind from a planet in the Canopus system decides to hyperspace him the hell out of there at that time. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Discontent with this secular tendency, Russian philosophy relives the theme of religiousness of philosophy, which is embodied not only by its problem awareness but also its unique method.
  • The assumptions about classical conditioning that are implied by this notion must be rather different from those embodied in the standard model.
  • There are no disembodied brains, divorced from human emotions, hormonal urges and fleshly thoughts, engaged solely in disinterested play of the mind on the eternal verities.
  • Sometimes an idea, instead of springing forcibly into life and dying unembodied, dawns gradually.
  • Each plyer must coordinate his or her actions with others, and they must do it not simply in a reflective, leisurely fashion, but on the fly, in an embodied and urgent manner; the goal is to be able to act and react as a group, ready to face any new contingency that presents itself. I Love the Smell of Burning Crusade in the Morning
  • In 1991, for example, there were no magnetised feet or disembodied voices in the bookshop. Times, Sunday Times
  • To reduce these experiences to simplistic dichotomies and folk concepts erases the complexity of embodied experiences and the cultural logic that underpins them.
  • Beginning 'There is is no longer any Temple of the Sun' there is a disturbing resonance with the recognition by both Lettrists and Situationists that the 33rd degree Masonry embodied the final syllable of the secret word JAHBULON as a reference to the Biblical city of On - more recently Heliopolis - refined by ANONYMOUS to the deceitful (cunning) Albertopolis - a name which covertly draws in the European Monarchical cabbala linking the Kaiser to Ra, the sun-God, rededicated to Osiris, God of the Dead. Brit Lit Blogs
  • In Phèdre voice becomes the place where nocturnal phantasies commingling sexuality, death, and violence are embodied in verbal images.
  • ‘Aunt Jemima of the Ocean Waves’ is a two-part interrogation of the black minstrel tradition embodied by the famous face of Aunt Jemima.
  • We're disembodied voices from the depths of your subconscious, you nimrod.
  • The triumph of God's suffering love, as revealed and embodied in Christ, is a theme that unifies the entire catechism.
  • The change of the arrangement of the hair from the sensuously spilling curls of the Venus to the modest chignon of a Diana produces the same fateful tension embodied in the simultaneously modest and revealing drapery.
  • AlakÚsa Kathß," in which a king's daughter becomes a disembodied evil spirit, haunting during the night a particular choultry (or serai) for travellers, and if they do not answer aright to her cries she strangles them and vampyre-like sucks their blood. Arabian nights. English
  • Her actions reveal the ability for self-aware introspection, as she acts on her awareness of the disjunction between her disembodiment and the humanly embodied knowledge she possesses.
  • Social hierarchy cannot and does not exist without being embodied in meanings and expressed in communications.
  • At last Mr. Bessel chanced upon a place where a little crowd of such disembodied silent creatures was gathered, and thrusting through them he saw below a brightly-lit room, and four or five quiet gentlemen and a woman, a stoutish woman dressed in black bombazine and sitting awkwardly in a chair with her head thrown back. Twelve Stories and a Dream, by H. G. Wells
  • Let us suppose that you or I, brethren, should become a free and disembodied spirit.
  • It is an item of faith for philosophers of science that the scientific enterprise is truth-enhancing, in this sense: the community of researchers follows a set of institutionally embodied processes that are well designed to enhancing the comprehensiveness and veridicality of our theories and weeding out the false theories. Scientific misconduct as a principal-agent problem
  • On the other hand, in the context of views such as panentheism, which envision God as embodied in the universe and the universe as existing "within" God, it makes much more sense to work with analogies from human persons to the divine. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Or a disembodied voice saying,'I can see you! The Sun
  • The disembodied voice echoes the knowledge he does have but has never really used.
  • The basic myth is embodied in the "classical" Western in which a hero saves " society " from oppressive villains. Critical Social Research
  • It is what referred to as a disembodied voice that is captured on an audio recorder that you cannot physically hear with your ear at the time. CNN Transcript Oct 30, 2009
  • Appropriating Jungian symbology, the study argues that, for Page, the imagination is a divine faculty whose figures hint at the completeness embodied in the archetype of the God-image.
  • Mr. Sarkozy's proposal, far from being a break with France's recent past, is a continuation of government attempts to improve the lot of workers by punishing business owners, an impulse embodied most infamously by the 35-hour workweek law passed by the administration of Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin. Sarkozy's War on Profit
  • What really surprises me, disturbs me, is when we (people in general) happen to be "tood different", specially that kind of difference embodied by people of the kind of, say, Hitler (typical example of "evilness", sure, but guess we all can think of so many others that are not "alike enough", that are way too distorted reflections in which cannot anymore recognize ourselves). Perhaps the most important experiment ever
  • The post-Cartesian theoretical move in this regard is to avoid mentalist discourses that reify or disembody such shared resources and thereby bifurcate the dynamically embodied person.
  • Indeed, contempt for the acting profession pervades the film, embodied in the figure of Sutter, the studio bondsman on Howard's tail.
  • For Muir, crystal embodied the promise of a life beyond tension and of a body in seamless harmony with its world.
  • For better or worse, the paternalism and condescension towards the public which is embodied in the very idea of a publication ban has been fatally short-circuited.
  • In each case our being embodied explains the confusion of apparent with real properties.
  • The basic myth is embodied in the "classical" Western in which a hero saves " society " from oppressive villains. Critical Social Research
  • The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution.
  • ‘This is your captain speaking,’ said a disembodied voice over the tannoy.
  • A disembodied voice echoed from all corners of the infinite place.
  • In What Happened at Vatican II, O'Malley acknowledges three dominant themes of the council — aggiornamento, ressourcement, and development of doctrine — but, in his telling, the latter two are always in the service of the first, with aggiornamento bearing a convenient resemblance to the dominant habits of thought in the Society of Jesus as embodied in institutions “in the Jesuit tradition” such as Georgetown University. Jesuit: Obama is "the most effective spokesperson" for "the spirit of Vatican II"
  • The sort of celebrity enjoyed by Parker and her contemporaries was a far cry from the often-bratty variety that emerged during the supermodel era of the 1980s and '90s, embodied by Linda ( "We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day") Evangelista and maid-assaulter Naomi Campbell. Lesley M. M. Blume: ICONS OF STYLE SERIES: Suzy Parker, The World's First Supermodel (PHOTOS)
  • The only sort of eye to be found in Dunham's paintings puts in an appearance in Beautiful Dirt Valley: the disembodied eye of heaven hovering in a sickly sky.
  • The first is to identify the inventive concept embodied in the patent in suit.
  • She yelped and heaved her body backwards, and a gruesome, disembodied face appeared - the hand beating the glass.
  • From the shadows came a disembodied voice in Urdu.
  • The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops.
  • These countervailing denominational fears were embodied in legion by Thomas Jefferson in his "Bill For Establishing Religious Freedom": Stuart Whatley: Pulpit Politicking Returns for 2010 Election Cycle
  • Yet many commanded large bodies of troops and simultaneously embodied real political strength and power.
  • Ours is an untrodden field, into which the foot of science has seldom strayed; no historian has embodied our traditions, no poet has sought for inspiration in our groves.
  • Mark Pauline and Rod Brooks have advanced further than most in creating personas for machines, because the creatures are fully embodied.
  • Subject to the provisions of any statute, a contract of marine insurance is inadmissible in evidence unless it is embodied in a marine policy in accordance with this Act.
  • We are ensouled bodies or, if you prefer, embodied souls, with an embodied difference that becomes ‘one flesh’ in marriage.
  • While it's true that ideas must be embodied to be economically useful, it's false to say that there is no distinction between the idea and its physical instantiation.
  • Reason reasserting itself, he has given up the idea of disembodied spirits, convinced that the two figures coming forward are real flesh and blood; the same whose blood he assisted in spilling, and whose flesh he lately believed to be decaying in the obscurity of a cave. The Lone Ranche
  • Beyond the actual physical spaces of global cities lies another metropolis-the virtual city and the disembodied encounter with Cybena.
  • This ambition was embodied in a number of institutions that were set up, or profoundly reformed, at the Liberation.
  • It also criticised what it called the blatant disregard of the principals of consultation embodied in the African National ANC Daily News Briefing
  • That stability was embodied in the Gandhi family.
  • The energy consumed by residents and the embodied energy associated with new building materials might also be compensated for in ways that creatively restore and renew bioregions.
  • Donating blood was an example of a social institution that embodied non-selfish actions by individuals without demeaning the recipient.
  • For example, in Euclidean geometry, the relevant invariants are embodied in quantities that are not altered by geometric transformations such as rotations, dilations, and reflections.
  • I think feminine power is rooted in our willingness to be seen as women and feel good about it -- truly embodied in our feminine sensualities. Tabby Biddle: Fearless Women: Is There Such a Thing?
  • That, and the disembodied voice of the driver when forced to explain the next red signal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why then do we long to embrace incorporeality and flee our embodied natures?
  • China Eximbank has constantly opened new trails to enrich its distinct corporate culture. The Bank organized a series of corporate activities, which embodied the dynamics of the times .
  • Winnie, Beckett’s "hopeful futilitarian" is buried up to her waist in the earth, woken and summoned to bed each day by the same disembodied bell. Audio Interview with actress Tanja Jacobs on playing Winnie in Beckett’s Happy Days
  • In the studioli, this commensurability is embodied in the virtuoso marriage of intarsia and the principles of artificial perspective, developed empirically in the early 15th century by Filippo Brunelleschi and formalized by Leon Battista Alberti in De pictura. 1 Although this work was conceived for the art of painting, it was the intarsiatori, rather than painters, who were first considered the maestri di prospettiva, likely due to a metaphoric kinship between the cut of the intarsist's knife across the wood and the cut of the eye across the latticed surfaces of a perspectivally harnessed space. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • ‘Only ideas embodied in people, machines or goods have economic value,’ they write.
  • To illustrate her point, she gestures to the disembodied insect wings that lie strewn across her work surface -- a tabletop resembling an entomological Guernica of miniature proportions. Farmer's Frankensteinian Fairies
  • The wisdom embodied in a Christian practice is not gnosis, available only to enlightened ones who decode hidden mysteries.
  • Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence.
  • The Romans were taught to believe that the destiny of Rome was the destiny of the world and this became embodied in a civil religion which embraced the genius of the Roman people.
  • It is true that he does not interpret between the brain and music, but he is able to disimprison sound, as no one has ever done with mortal hands, and the piano, when he touches it, becomes a joyous, disembodied thing, a voice and nothing more, but a voice which is music itself. Plays, Acting and Music A Book Of Theory
  • In this way the erotic symbolism of urolagnia and coprolagnia is completely analogous with that dynamic symbolism of the clinging and swinging garments which Herrick has so accurately described, with the complex symbolism of flagellation and its play of the rod against the blushing and trembling nates, with the symbols of sexual strain and stress which are embodied in the foot and the act of treading. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • The paradox of the season is also embodied in tragic romances like the one based on a play written by Tan Xianzu, a coeval of Shakespeare.
  • And there's no honour, Merthyr, in a ghost's fighting, because he's shotproof; so I won't say what the valiant disembodied 'I' may do by-and-by. Vittoria — Volume 8
  • These three theophanies, or manifestations of the divinity of Christ are subtlety embodied within the liturgy for the feast of the Epiphany, which enlightens and deepens our prayer. Archive 2006-12-31
  • Its adherents see in every individual species of animal and plant an 'embodied creative thought,' the material expression of a _definite first cause_ (causa finalis), acting for a set purpose. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • The code of chivalry that embodied the knightly ideals - honor, generosity and courtesy - became the code of honor of the gentleman, and the foundation of fencing etiquette.
  • Thus, in the dialectical, penetrative understanding embodied in the play, the retributive logic remains, but not merely in the form of physical violence.
  • The evening's organiser introduced us to ‘Suzy’ - the disembodied head of a mannequin to whom we were entrusted with looking after for the evening.
  • Other house of horror staples were abundant: Murky lighting that gave you just enough visual information to imagine the worst, water that dripped from the ceiling that turned into blood, candles and flashlights that disembodied faces and ambient noise that made it feel as if someone – or a lot of someones — were whispering in your ear. London Theater Journal: Close Quarters Magnify the Unease in ‘Relocated’ - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • The figure is of a head resting on two legs, a "wan smile " on its disembodied face. The Passion of Michel Foucault
  • The court is now able to winnow the grain from the chaff, as the Photo Production reasoning is embodied in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, s. 9.
  • Against such descriptions, he juxtaposes the opinions of racists, embodied in the seedy character of Wilkes, the boastful character of Williams, and in the ‘other hangers-on’ and ‘tars’ at the Virginian tavern and Marine Coffee-House.
  • They are the naked face of savage capitalism evolved to its ultimate and inevitable state, which is embodied by corporatism, monopolism, cronyism, imperialism, and fuck-everyone-but-the-rich-ism. Shouting at the Devil:
  • It's a striking image of traumatic birth from a monstrous, disembodied womb. Times, Sunday Times
  • These texts, in part as a result of this Gnostic foundation, contain speakers whose disembodied voices we hear through the walls of their prisons.
  • What is resisted in both Nietzsche's embodied/embedded perspectivism and his elitism is universalism.
  • All of the things that you say Studs embodied is exactly what society needs more of. alan wieder Says: So Long, Studs…
  • He is known, not only for his incredible musical skill, but also as someone who embodied an essence of spirituality, an essence of Ras Tafari. Book Explores Early Work of Bob Marley
  • In Italy and Germany they expressed a desire for national unity and an opposition to the feudal particularism that was embodied in the many small states that then divided these nations.
  • And there it was, large as three fists, venae cavae and aorta thicker than thumbs, a disembodied moose heart lying next to the vacuum sealer. Casualty
  • She is strangely dissociated from her husband, whose disembodied voice, imperviously reciting poetry, ‘struck close upon her ears.’
  • The existing industrial cluster theories were made a brief review and then a new research findings that industrial cluster category is embodied exteriorly by industrial characteristics was given.
  • Eventually, when I stepped into the second room, I realised that four table-top game stations were pumping incessant shots into the front room, where they became disembodied echoes.
  • In his subscription newsletter, Gilman observed two stylistic camps among the top reds, one epitomized by Lafite that is suave and seductive from the get-go, and another, more structured style requiring bottle aging, embodied by Latour and Petrus. 2010 April | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The major economic challenge today is bringing prosperity to the under-developed world and the prevailing orthodoxy today for global development is embodied by Jeff Sachs. de Soto is the antidote for Sachs in the same way that Freidman was the antodote for Galbraith. Who Is the Successor to Milton Friedman?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • War and emergencies are the acid tests of constitutionalism, especially of the type embodied in our written Constitution.
  • Disembodied voices could be heard in the darkness.
  • Uniforms and regimental colours initially embodied the colonel's armorial bearings and livery, but soon took on the state's symbols.
  • In fact, the combination of traits embodied in the kinkajou make it a rare meal for any predator.
  • The mandate of heaven can be embodied in such humdrum entities as building codes.
  • Incidentally, Tennyson’s “samite” (inMorte d’Arthur, as worn by the disembodied arm that belongs to the Lady of the Lake) was a brilliantly contrived exercise in etymological archaeology, and strictly speakingmeant (via the Latin samitum and, in turn, the Greek hexamiton) a six-ply silk brocade incorporating gold and silver threads, much in vogue during the Middle Ages, but let us not be deflected. Further Pavlova
  • And that the state of disembodiedness is eternal on account of its not having actions for its cause, we have already explained. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
  • The second is a dirty buzz carved from the crude hum of electric motors as amplified by dirty magnetic coils and pockmarked by amorphous rattles and disembodied thuds.
  • Physically, she brilliantly embodied the shrewd, sharp-eyed, owlish spinster, while also conveying her intuitive acumen and razor-sharp mind.
  • In Mortal Coils, an interaction of oneiromancy and mediumism was embodied in multiple projections among slowly twisting ropes, as if something were dimly viewed while transpiring underwater or in a netherworld.
  • We sit through 75 minutes of disembodied voices, recordings of dead writers musing on the afterlife and the void. Times, Sunday Times
  • As the lights dim, a disembodied voice warns: ‘For those of a nervous disposition, white Lycra and platform boots are worn in this show.’
  • In all cryptographs based upon the use of rotatable cipher wheels, means are embodied within the cryptograph for automatically changing the rotatory portions of the cipher wheels during the course of enciphering or deciphering a message.
  • Alsop explained: "For me, the main motivation is to get beyond the image of Beethoven as this disembodied bust, to give people insight into this man who lives upstairs or next door, who writes this incredible music, but is such a tortured soul. CSI: Beethoven from Baltimore Symphony
  • Then there's the idea of disembodied breasts fighting each other ( "My ta-tas could beat up your ta-tas") which not only pointlessly brings up violence (this time woman v. woman or breast v. breast) but seems counterproductive to the idea of breast cancer research. Feminist blogs
  • A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin.
  • This figuration needs to be balanced with ‘a consideration of the protensive dimension of the living through of embodied norms in praxis’.
  • Like Roberts, Barker propels us into the embodied life of ritual and, again like the mystics, analogises God's love for humanity as a sexual union.
  • The distinction is embodied in all the words that end in -ics: ethics, politics, esthetics, mathematics. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • His tail - seemingly disembodied from his body - trails behind him like a submarine conning tower.
  • Attributing specified complexity to intelligence for biological systems is regarded as problematic because such an intelligence would in all likelihood have to be unembodied.
  • One of the most ambitious of the Presbyterian preachers who embodied the new ministerial style was the Reverend Lyman Beecher.
  • The plot itself is pretty good - the vampires are still unused to their sudden ascendance and have ambiguous feelings about it, embodied in the two brothers, one a grunt in the human-hunting army who seems content with the way humans are treated, the other a haematologist who tolerates the situation as a temporary measure but has many regrets. Archive 2010-02-01
  • I am looking for a point between recognition of the human touch and distant and disembodied sounds.
  • But both, to gauge by the squalid setting, by the way they spring to attention at the sounding of a disembodied voice that issues from the dumbwaiter, are low men on the totem pole. James Scarborough: Hollywood Fringe: The Dumb Waiter, Vespertine Productions & Girl Band in the Men's Room, Dirty Blonde Productions
  • One easy way architects can reduce embodied energy is to specify local materials.
  • An extension of these ideas is embodied in the theory of ALLISON concerning carcinogenesis.
  • In his mythology, those who use the Ring will become disembodied wraiths, but will still have physical as well as spiritual powers.
  • Another morning, another disembodied mouse head at the top of the stairs. Times, Sunday Times

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