How To Use Emblematical In A Sentence
Scholem tells us that Benjamin always had ‘a pronounced sense of the emblematical,’ which is perhaps why he appeals to us today, absorbed as we are in the hermeneutics of signs.
The relics of those delicacies were not yet removed, either from the table or from the scorched countenance of Affery, who, with the kitchen toasting – fork still in her hand, looked like a sort of allegorical personage; except that she had a considerable advantage over the general run of such personages in point of significant emblematical purpose.
Little Dorrit
“No, sir,” said the stranger, as he felt the emblematical skin curiously.
The Magic Skin
“By which Temple?” said the Marquis of Montserrat, whose love of sarcasm often outran his policy and discretion; “swearest thou by that on the hill of Zion, which was built by King Solomon, or by that symbolical, emblematical edifice, which is said to be spoken of in the councils held in the vaults of your Preceptories, as something which infers the aggrandizement of thy valiant and venerable Order?”
The Talisman
Herein two journeymen incessantly chip, while other two journeymen, who face each other, incessantly saw stone; dipping as regularly in and out of their sheltering sentry – boxes, as if they were mechanical figures emblematical of
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
In antiquity, everything is emblematical and figurative.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Middlemas was excited by the simple kindness of his master, and poured forth his thanks with the greater profusion, that he was free from the terror of the emblematical collar and chain, which a moment before seemed to glisten in the hand of his guardian, and gape to enclose his neck.
The Surgeon's Daughter
After the analysis and calculation to an emblematical hypothesis, we made further improvement to the model. The result validated the rationality of the model.
The great marquee of the chief was particularly distinguished with this kind of emblematical emblazonment -- being literally covered with signs and figures, like the patterns upon a carpet.
The Wild Huntress Love in the Wilderness
Columbine was emblematical of forsaken lovers.] [Footnote IV. 27: _There's rue for you; and here's some for me: -- we may call it herb of grace o 'Sundays: _] Probably a quibble is meant here, as _rue_ anciently signified the same as
Using the humanistic technique of history and reminiscence, this article traces the idiosyncracies of the pythagorean philosophy: the refusal to put law in writing, the use of hieroglyphs, the dependence upon oracular judgment, the belief in multiple lives, askesis and akousmata, and places them at the root of what is most emblematically common law.
Archive 2008-04-01
In Egypt the emblematical worship of animals succeeded to the doctrines of Thaut.
A Philosophical Dictionary
The period during which the Abbacy remained vacant, was a state of mourning, or, as their emblematical phrase expressed it, of widowhood;
The Abbot
Sistine chapel, to deposit it in the Capella Paolina, another chapel in the Vatican; — a ceremony emblematical of the entombment of the
Pictures from Italy
The garland, or festoon, which is carried through, and sustained, as before stated, by each of the four figures, is composed of every flower indigenous to this part of the land, and introduced emblematically to the time in which they severally bloom.
Young Americans Abroad Vacation in Europe: Travels in England, France, Holland, Belgium, Prussia and Switzerland
In the crown cavetto of the cornice is an Egyptian winged globe, entwined with serpents, emblematical of time and eternity; and on the faci below is engraved the following line: --
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 273, September 15, 1827
Shakespeare, even though it should appear trite; which illustrates the emblematical meaning often conveyed in these floral tributes; and at the same time possesses that magic of language and appositeness of imagery for which he stands pre-eminent.
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
During the disputes between the two countries, Dr. Franklin invented a little emblematical design, intended to represent the supposed state of Great Britain and her colonies.
This is done to create an awe and respect towards him in the eye of the vulgar; but lest it should elevate him too much in his own opinion, in order to his humiliation he receives every evening in private, from a kind of beadle, a gentle kick on his posteriors; besides which he wears a ring in his nose, somewhat resembling that we ring our pigs with, and a chain round his neck not unlike that worn by our aldermen; both which I suppose to be emblematical, but heard not the reasons of either assigned.
The History of the Life of the Late Mr Jonathan Wild the Great
Emblematical of the season are gold and silver, prayer-book markers, and rosaries with beads of precious metals or garnets.