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How To Use Embattled In A Sentence

  • The embattled mayor explained his position in an interview after the rally.
  • Teenage fighters with rocket-propelled grenades and rifles lurked on bridges or in derelict areas near the main highway leading west toward the embattled town of Fallujah.
  • He needed intelligently and forthrightly to answer her charges and demonstrate sympathy for her embattled position.
  • Embattled against the blessed angelic and archangelic host are the wicked cohorts of the Lords of Darkness. PROBLEM OF EVIL
  • Agha's forces have been pushing from the south against Kandahar while troops loyal to former deputy foreign minister Hamid Karzai have been advancing from the north against the embattled city.
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  • An hour later the army relieves me of the decision by closing the embattled road.
  • Ahead, the three network anchors make a joint appearance, with Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings offering support to an embattled Dan Rather.
  • So powerful had these embattled minorities become, that decent chaps like him had been forced upon the defensive.
  • Forbearing to engage in the open field, where the gain would lie wholly with the enemy, he lay stoutly embattled on ground where the citizens must reap advantage; since, as he doggedly persisted, to march out meant to be surrounded on every side; whereas to stand at bay where every defile gave a coign of vantage, would give him mastery complete. 46 Agesilaus
  • Now, political observers say, there's little chance the embattled congressman will pursue Gracie Mansion, upending the field of hopefuls looking to replace Mr. Bloomberg. Weiner Upends Mayoral Field
  • But why does Wilson feel himself to be so embattled that he needs to drop chippy asides?
  • Argent, a pile throughout embattled azure and in chief three mullets of four points counterchanged.
  • Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
  • As it approached the hangar, the sound system played the grandiose theme tune to Air Force One, a thriller starring Harrison Ford as a tough, embattled president.
  • Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
  • The men matter in reshaping this kind of corporate culture, and simply having a woman's initiative or having nice work-family policies that look really great on paper, they don't ultimately change that corporate culture, which is what leaves women so embattled. Citigroup Slammed With Lawsuit By Former Female Employees
  • There, individuals who are accustomed to, say, the metric system must also be conversant with the imperial system now embattled even in the kingdom of its formerly eponymous empire, Britain pretty much solely for the purpose of taking the American test. The English Is Coming!
  • Old friends were alienated by her increasingly kooky and embattled militance. Early Right-Wing Whackwits
  • The day Iraqi forces around the embattled city to prohibit vehicles from random start, and to prohibit the public through the main roads into the square.
  • The embattled minister refused to be drawn yesterday on accusations that he had deceived the public before the election when he insisted that no spending cuts were planned.
  • Why has he not taken to the US airwaves to support his embattled chief executive, ask the critics. Times, Sunday Times
  • It looked like a training ground move: 1-0 to the embattled manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • MEXICO CITY - Gunmen stormed a birthday party in embattled Ciudad Juarez and killed 13 young people, the latest outrage in a city crippled by warring drug gangs. 13 killed in violence at party in Mexico
  • On Friday, a cease-fire was announced - and immediately violated by US forces - to allow terrified women and children to flee on foot from their homes in the embattled city.
  • The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.
  • Coaching staff: The embattled Tom Coughlin shuffled his staff of necessity and will enter the season with new offensive (Kevin Gilbride) and defensive (Steve Spagnuolo) coordinators. Coughlin, Manning to feel heat if struggles continue
  • It is also home to a thriving, resilient and somewhat embattled, lesbian and gay community, with five gay bars, a gay theatre, and a community centre.
  • But if it keeps a clear focus it might achieve a way forward for our embattled province.
  • John Swinney, the embattled leader of the SNP, was last night facing a new crisis of credibility after two of his own MSPs suggested he should step aside because of his failure to make the party relevant to ordinary voters.
  • Blatter, the embattled president of the governing body, has had other things on his mind but, in Japan and South Korea, the co-hosts can think of little other than the World Cup.
  • Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
  • She quit her government job after her boss criticized her embattled dad, and now she speaks out in his defense for the first time.
  • Other embattled blue chips also were cutting costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • What's more important right now for the embattled labor movement, politics or organizing?
  • In 1429, Joan presented herself to the embattled dauphin as the virgin deliverer of France.
  • the state legislature called for the embattled governor's resignation
  • Amid evidence of rampant corruption, soaring unemployment and deep welfare cuts, watch out as other embattled leaders seek to divert attention from trouble at home. The Sun
  • I will tell you, it's warm -- heartwarming, because I see this tremendous, tremendous effusion of friendship towards Israel as a sister democracy, yes, often embattled by these dark forces of terrorism that embattle all of us. CNN Transcript Sep 22, 2009
  • The disclosure will prove embarrassing to Jack McConnell, the first minister, who resisted calls to withdraw his invitation to the embattled president amid a series of corruption allegations.
  • Just as they did during the first siege of Falluja seven months ago, residents of the Iraqi town of Karma, most of whom have tribal ties with the embattled city, have rallied to the defence of their kinsmen.
  • Families engaged in contentious, highly adversarial, and prolonged conflict before and during divorce often remain embattled afterward as well.
  • But if it keeps a clear focus it might achieve a way forward for our embattled province.
  • But today, barring something utterly insane, the man who forced political journalists to fully mine their thesauri for synonyms for "embattled" will be voted out of his position atop the RNC, possibly in favor of someone who sounds like a character from The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy named Reince Priebus. Michael Steele And The Many, Many People Who Called For His Resignation
  • The projecting porch with its embattled parapet is rendered with local marl and is a late sixteenth-century addition.
  • Shehadeh's family live in the embattled town of Ramallah after being forcibly removed from their original seaside home in Jaffa.
  • Venezuela's embattled President Hugo Chavez has also announced a last-minute decision to appear here on Sunday.
  • The goal now is for the West African force to deploy throughout embattled Monrovia, including rebel-held areas.
  • I see that Thabo will soon come to a decision on what his plans for the embattled Zuma are.
  • The threats were a show of defiance by the embattled leader, whose opponents are demanding his resignation. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's more trouble tonight for the embattled Canberra defence intelligence establishment.
  • No wonder the embattled president felt able to declare icily that in the future: ‘I shall be a little more prudent, particularly in the choice of those people who work directly with me.’
  • However, it appears that there has been a resurgence of narco-terrorism in that embattled land, particularly in so-called Liberated Territories.
  • The recently concluded petition to recall our embattled mayor failed miserably. BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!
  • I was afraid that all my nerdtalk and geekspeak would be lost in the wilds of fandom, either avoided by people afraid of the difficulty, or embattled by people unclear on the difference between fiction and reality. Nerdtalk and Geekspeak: My Life Among the Fans
  • But sales have been flat for the embattled company, whose CEO was recently ousted.
  • More photos and interactive graphics The body of Homero Salcido, the coordinator of the so-called C-5 center, which houses federal police, naval, army, and state and municipal anticrime intelligence officials, was found Monday in his burning Grand Cherokee car in the center of Monterrey, the capital of embattled Nuevo Leon state, officials said. In Mexico, Anti-Drug Leader Is Killed
  • The embattled security company Blackwater, which became known as the privatised face of warfare in The Guardian World News
  • Which, surely, ought to be a source of encouragement to the embattled spear-chucker as he prepares himself for round six. Times, Sunday Times
  • an embattled castle
  • It is this embattled romanticism that surfaces in Orwell's text in the form of paranoia.
  • The artillery attack was a violation of the unilateral cease-fire announced by the LTTE themselves to allow civilians to move out of the embattled zone, the statement said.
  • [Footnote: The inner ward, or ballium, which (according to Quinault) was defended by ten towers, connected by an embattled stone wall about thirty feet in height and eight feet thick, on the summit of which was a footway; now demolished to make way for the famous gardens.] Gallantry Dizain des Fetes Galantes
  • On Sunday, Obama promised to make "midcourse corrections" to reinvigorate his embattled domestic agenda in the face of a testier American public and more combative Congress. Obama's India Trip: President Greeted With Grandeur, Tough Questions
  • A witness said the security forces arrived in the morning with armor-plated vehicles and shot at the women, who were waving palm fronds in protest against Ivory Coast's embattled president, Laurent Gbagbo. Female Marchers Killed in Ivory Coast
  • Though the embattled Minister welcomed the inquiry, the news that the ethics watchdog is to hold a preliminary inquiry has substantially increased the pressure upon him.
  • The embattled president had to resign.
  • These sites were still towns, but very different from those of the 2nd century - no longer the local centres and garden-cities of a Romanising gentry, but heavily defended outposts of an embattled empire.
  • John Swinney, the embattled leader of the Scottish National Party, is facing a bitter struggle to push through a series of key party reforms that are seen as vital to his credibility.
  • The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.
  • The embattled security company Blackwater, which became known as the privatised face of warfare in Iraq, faces new legal difficulties after its former ... Iraq Updates - Latest News
  • On Daemus's command the Hawk set off toward the nearest embattled contingent, led by a bristling vanguard of pikemen. Dust and Blood
  • Or else it becomes an increasingly embattled stance, out of touch with the world.
  • So powerful had these embattled minorities become, that decent chaps like him had been forced upon the defensive.
  • Another gate delivered them into the second court, grass-grown, and more wild than the first, where, as she surveyed through the twilight its desolation — its lofty walls, overtopt with briony, moss and nightshade, and the embattled towers that rose above, — long-suffering and murder came to her thoughts. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • South African officials said on Sunday they had made no offer of asylum to Haiti's embattled leader, despite reports that President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was headed here after fleeing his country.
  • Regardless of how the mistake was made, the lashings could be a sign Iran is pushing back against the international outcry over Ashtiani's jailing and death sentence, and a message that the embattled woman herself will be punished further because of the publicity. Main page collection
  • Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
  • Some of the other most common lines of partition are engrailed, invected, wavy, nebuly, indented, dancetty, embattled, raguly, dovetailed, and potenty.
  • The embattled minister refused to be drawn yesterday on accusations that he had deceived the public before the election when he insisted that no spending cuts were planned.
  • Ward Carroll, an aviator who flew with Honors, called the embattled officer "one of the good guys" but said he doesn't expect him to be the commander of the Enterprise when it deploys this month. USS Enterprise Video Scandal: Racy Clips Raise Questions About Navy Culture
  • Here was no mere embattled tribe clinging hard to existence, but a great and glorious empire.
  • A quick poll revealed that the embattled veteran, featuring a sword, taiaha, crown, and lion is more than adequate to represent the army's brand frontage.
  • The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.
  • With their country weakened from decades of war, embattled from the ineffective rule of the new king and vulnerable to insurgencies from within and threats from afar, Robin and his men heed a call to ever greater adventure. Final Epic Robin Hood Movie Trailer | /Film
  • And what Republicans recall is that in each of those contests, the embattled party lost the national election.
  • Similarly, when neoconservative ideologues speak of needing to rebuild an embattled US hegemony and legitimacy, they aren't impotently expatiating.
  • Instead, they presented their embattled manager with a performance of bullish resolve. Times, Sunday Times
  • The catastrophic results followed another day of turmoil for the embattled Premier. The Sun
  • Both sides say they want to try to reach a political settlement in the embattled north and east of the island.
  • If the embattled President was flying a kite, the reaction should be an obvious warning. Times, Sunday Times
  • A recipe for disaster or exactly what the embattled retailer needs? Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be awkward for the embattled Speaker to preside over the affairs of the House during the course of the investigation.
  • Amid evidence of rampant corruption, soaring unemployment and deep welfare cuts, watch out as other embattled leaders seek to divert attention from trouble at home. The Sun
  • Just a mile from where Marines and rebels are busy killing each other in this embattled city, other American troops are getting on fine with locals, making medical house calls and sharing home-cooked meals.
  • This week's Forward reports on an interesting interview with him in which his train of thought is on full display: ‘Embattled academic Tony Judt defends call for binational state.’
  • The embattled charity said the decision to re-employ the man as a consultant was a 'serious error'. The Sun
  • Amid evidence of rampant corruption, soaring unemployment and deep welfare cuts, watch out as other embattled leaders seek to divert attention from trouble at home. The Sun
  • You know you really getting me kind of vex; here it is you are relaxing in your swivel chair, one finger on your lips staring at the ceiling… don't you have any compassion for this embattled lady?
  • The day Iraqi forces around the embattled city to prohibit vehicles from random start, and to prohibit the public through the main roads into the square.
  • Embattled mega church preacher Bishop Eddie Long came as close to confessing his sexual debauchery as any debaucher could come without actually confessing. Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Eddie Long Can Repent By Apologizing for Gay Bashing
  • Indonesia saw the peacekeeping force as a standing army ready to go to any embattled country to help to restore civil order.
  • Rebellion after rebellion had to be put down and the embattled dynasty was forced to rely increasingly on Chinese militia as the standard of the purely Manchu units had declined dramatically.
  • Yet there are stirrings of new life in the embattled record industry. Times, Sunday Times
  • The embattled prince is now facing calls to be questioned under oath about his alleged involvement. The Sun
  • It emerged last night that Ireland's national emergency plan for nuclear accidents has been under review for almost five years - three more than embattled Minister of State Joe Jacob claimed.
  • The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.
  • Some of the other most common lines of partition are engrailed, invected, wavy, nebuly, indented, dancetty, embattled, raguly, dovetailed, and potenty.
  • A tenuous peace deal between the American occupation forces and the embattled city of Falluja got off to a slow and sometimes chaotic start on Tuesday.
  • It was then, probably, that the towers were made along the embattled walls, and especially one of those peculiar towers called a barbican, contrived so as to give an outlook on approaching foes. Chatterbox, 1906
  • Will the GOP electorate be so engaged when they aren't responding to so many attacks and supporting an embattled leader?
  • But O, build it strong and stanch, And to the lines and the treacherous rocks look well as you launch Over the foamy tops of the waves, and their foam-sprent sides, Over the hidden reefs, and through the embattled tides, Onward rushes the raft, with many a lurch and leap, -- Lord! if it strike him loose from the hold he scarce can keep! Complete March Family Trilogy
  • The five-bay hammerbeam roof, resting on an embattled and moulded wall plate, has cambered collars, angels, and armorial bosses.
  • Now the embattled Minister, Amanda Vanstone, has unveiled an overhaul of the Immigration Department's processes, including improved health services for detainees.
  • Bush reached out yuk—hate that phrase—RB Friday to support longtime ally Musharraf, calling the embattled Pakistani president to assure him of continued US backing. 31 « May « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Allies of Charles Kennedy last night rallied around their embattled leader as he pondered whether to sue over new claims his drinking has affected his performance in the job.
  • The incident has had the nation abuzz - who kidnapped Dacer and why? - and is one more headache for the embattled President Joseph Estrada, currently mired in an impeachment trial.
  • For some time, European nations have faced the task of incorporating migrants from these and other parts of embattled sites in the world.
  • From its inception, the alliance was tenuous: concessions were made on all accounts in order for agreement to be reached among its intricately intermarried and perpetually embattled members. 161 Francesco Sforza, previously a condottiere employed by the Visconti, was installed as duke of Milan to protect the territory from possible dynastic claims made by the French king. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Publicly, the embattled House Majority Leader enjoys the near-unanimous support of Republican lawmakers.
  • I felt it was my duty to shine a light into the dark corners of embattled streets and offer a little illumination. Times, Sunday Times
  • The embattled president had to resign.
  • It became clear that freethought campus groups to take just one example of a secular space, by providing a safe place for conversation, by engaging in socialization activities, changing individuals' social networks, and creating a feeling of holding embattled viewpoints, fosters secular identity formation. Amarnath Amarasingam: With Reason On Their Side: Is Secularism A Movement?
  • The shield was -- Per fesse embattled, ar. and sa., three falcons, belted, countercharged -- a _bend_ sinister. Notes and Queries, Number 47, September 21, 1850
  • In the space of two years, Gilbert's reputation had changed from embattled loser to hardened survivor, and the word was out that he was looking for more acquisitions.
  • Embattled Republican candidate Herman Cain set a deadline of Wednesday next week for deciding whether to stay in the race amid a welter of sex allegations. Herman Cain sets deadline for deciding whether to stay in race
  • Montgomery (father of Elizabeth from "Bewitched", and a decorated PT boat Captain himself during the conflict) delivers a remarkably human, unmannered performance as the embattled but stoic Brickley, while the Duke cements his own growing stardom with a charismatic turn as Ryan. John Farr: For Memorial Day, the Best War Movies Ever
  • It was a clenched fist of triumph, rather than the rigid digit, which he raised at the end of a night where his embattled, nervous side scraped through as a result of his single magnificent contribution to the game.
  • But we all know the embattled financially knackered rail service is again going to walk away from this with no one held accountable.
  • The Taubman's embattled executive director, David Mickenberg, is now trying some folksier exhibits after town-hall meetings with the public. Roadside Kitsch Is Fun, but Is It Art? Virginia Museum Sure Hopes So
  • After the landing, They were tasked with patrolling the coastal highway leading back to Beruit and knocking out any terrorists fleeing north or moving south to reinforce the embattled forces in Lebanon.
  • In defense, embattled slaveholders clung ever more fiercely to a paternalistic rhetoric that posited slaves as inherently inferior and permanently dependent.
  • I think I'm out of the running for national and Pac-10 Coach of the Year," embattled Bruins coach Steve Lavin joked. NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball - UCLA vs. Arizona
  • Banks in Asia and elsewhere have been cutting credit lines and exposures to embattled European banks during the past few months. Times, Sunday Times
  • The poll found that the embattled Tory leader's personal rating is on the slide as his party is convulsed by fresh in-fighting.
  • Foremost through the sparkling sea shoots on the gay, embattled, bantering bow, but only to drag dark Ahab after it, where he broods within his sternward cabin, builded over the dead water of the wake, and further on, hunted by its wolfish gurglings. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • an embattled city
  • But there are others, scoundrels, who masquerade under the cloak of the blockader for their own selfish gains, and I call down the just wrath and vengeance of an embattled people, fighting in the justest of Causes, on these human vultures who bring in satins and laces when our men are dying for want of quinine, who load their boats with tea and wines when our heroes are writhing for lack of morphia. Gone with the Wind
  • He needed intelligently and forthrightly to answer her charges and demonstrate sympathy for her embattled position.
  • An embattled railway executive from Scotland was last week in France.
  • But a group of students have mobilised support for the embattled woman, organising a press conference.
  • The poll found that the embattled Tory leader's personal rating is on the slide as his party is convulsed by fresh in-fighting.
  • We now learn that the unit will go through the embattled city after all.
  • Helped by the near-surrender of the home side, the Bulls were able to take full advantage of the space and unleash the full range of their arsenal on the embattled Halifax defences.

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