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How To Use Embarrassing In A Sentence

  • It was so embarrassing, I had to get up in front of hundreds of people and collect this award.
  • As my mom drove me home, after an embarrassing shower of kisses at the bus station, she chattered on and on about how boring her life was without me.
  • IT'S a well-known fact that footballers have embarrassing tastes in music. The Sun
  • Being caught in the middle of someone else's family argument is hideous and embarrassing.
  • From the Rushmorean cover portrait of Bush (which over the headline 'An American Revolutionary' was such a brazen and transparent effort to recall George Washington that it was embarrassing) to the 'Why We Fight' black-and-white portraiture of the aggrieved president sitting somberly at the bedside of the war-wounded, this issue is positively hysterical in its iconolatry. "What kind of a maniac puts eagles in a Christmas tree?": James Wolcott
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  • Though I was on friendlier, more relaxed and affectionate terms with my fellow western-New Yorker John Gardner, who'd published an early short story of mine titled "The Death of Mrs. Sheer" in his literary magazine "MSS" -- and who regarded me, somewhat embarrassingly, as a "major American writer" -- like himself -- it can't be said that John Gardner was a mentor of mine either. Joyce Carol Oates's 'In the Absence of Mentors/Monsters': Narrative Magazine
  • He drinks too much at dinner and makes an embarrassing comment in their company. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It was an embarrassing gaffe by any standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • There have been a few teething problems, sorted out by a computer whiz-kid friend of my husband and - embarrassingly - my eight-year-old daughter.
  • “Aussie slang: drongo – a stupid, inept, awkward or embarrassing person, a dimwit or slow-witted person” A Dumbass By Any Other Name | Motivational Humor from the Motivational Smart Ass!
  • It's honestly embarrassing to listen to, but one should refrain from calling Arrington a brown-noser because who knows? Dan Snyder Mounts Charm Offensive Many Years Too Late
  • Despite all the talk of precision bombing and surgical strikes, ‘collateral damage’ is reaching an embarrassing level.
  • Because to be dribbling drunk in front of a sober person is simply too embarrassing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They slapped the cheeks of their buttocks and made facial parodies that I found embarrassing.
  • These include agoraphobia, the opposite of claustrophobia, when sufferers fear public situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or where help will not be at hand in the event of a panic attack.
  • “I’m not a blinker,” I lie, mostly because it’s embarrassing to be called a blinker. Rules for Secret Keeping
  • Embarrassing yourself in public does not come under the category of self-victimisation. 12.
  • The most embarrassing moment to realize that there is a tongue-twister in the prayer is when you say it aloud for the first time in worship, and the whole congregation snickers.
  • Telling your boss may put him in an embarrassing situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • A day later, Palin elaborated on her support in a race that proved embarrassing to the GOP establishment. Sarah Palin's Election Scorecard
  • My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.
  • My lips parted in my confusion, and I stuttered a bit, embarrassingly, in my need to comprehend exactly what it was he was saying, ‘W-what?’
  • The deletions went beyond the typical commercially sensitive information, to embarrassing findings that the company didn't want released.
  • But dads are supposed to be a bit embarrassing. The Sun
  • To the long-running, uncomfortable faux lovers 'quarrels with Simon Cowell and his equally embarrassing interviews with the singers, he has now added an arsenal of odd behaviors, ranging from petulant snits to flighty overexuberance. It's time for producers to fix 'American Idol,' and here's how
  • It was so stupid, so frustrating, so embarrassingly moronic, that it made her want to tear her hair out.
  • The spectacle of the former naval officers washing their dirty linen in public was distinctly embarrassing.
  • All this fuss has been a bit embarrassing. Times, Sunday Times
  • By 19th-c. standards our political invective is embarrassingly lame. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Of All the Liars, That Have Ever Lived, Since Lying Was First Invented, [Members of the Other Party] Are the Greatest Liars”
  • If anyone would like to email me with their awkward or embarrassing moments, I can post them here anonymously.
  • These pet owners belong in the doghouse after taking these embarrassing snaps. The Sun
  • I found the whole evening intensely embarrassing.
  • It felt self-indulgent and a bit embarrassing.
  • Hoping to avoid delays and embarrassing publicity, in July the council started quietly pressuring Pike to disengage from the venture.
  • But it does make it very embarrassing when you discover you're not good at things. Times, Sunday Times
  • On his second day in office, President Obama repudiated George W. Bush’s obsessive and destructive secrecy by ordering his government to obey the Freedom of Information Act. He said it should not withhold documents because they are embarrassing, or reveal failures and errors, or “because of speculative or abstract fears. OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT OP ED: Did They Miss the Memo?
  • Your proposal is embarrassingly optimistic, like the product of a child's imagination.
  • In my next scene, I have to dance the hornpipe towards Basil, leading a line of children some of whom are, embarrassingly, as tall as me.
  • Yet there will still embarrassingly long blackouts for the audience to fidget through.
  • Came away with tummy nicely full (hope no-one noticed me in embarrassingly close proximity to the mini-pavlovas for much of the evening!) and a heart newly inspired. Kakiseni at Alexis
  • Nevertheless, all major networks signed on to the war effort with embarrassingly little resistance, the First Amendment taking second place to their fear of public excoriation by the President.
  • My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.
  • I imagine it is very embarrassing for them to be found out for being so secretive.
  • He had a tendency toward hero worship and often gushed embarrassingly in correspondence with his heroes.
  • Depression is seen by many as something shameful or embarrassing, and it's very easy to internalize that attitude.
  • Every one of these embarrassing digressions from a pure focus on gun rights drives away more and more people who don’t agree with the position being pandered to. The Volokh Conspiracy » NRA Convention report
  • Prominent anti-abortion activists in the party had opposed the resolution, because it might prove embarrassing.
  • Otherwise it'd be the most embarrassing thing ever, you know.
  • And the embarrassing is that a considerable number of auction sales phase of the so-called "star property" to live in when broken, complaints, disputes followed.
  • Sex - particularly sexual disease linked to prostitution - was an acutely embarrassing subject to any respectable Victorian woman.
  • As was the manner of his time, his relations with his innumerable mistresses were almost universally cordial, even when disembarrassing himself of them.
  • Work includes pastels by a mad woman from Taree, photographs by someone who really shouldn't be seen in the nude, and a guy who is so past his prime it's just embarrassing.
  • The speech was deeply embarrassing to Cabinet ministers.
  • While embarrassing moments are unavoidable and nothing to be ashamed about, dishonest, vicious or sleazy behavior is well within your control.
  • As a teenager he was really into wrestling (an embarrassing confession!) and a friend at work has lent him a wrestling game for the week.
  • An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground.
  • In an embarrassing climb-down, the Home Secretary lifted the deportation threat.
  • The avatar customization is embarrassingly low-fi, there's no support for playing your own music from an SD card, and every so often you're mistreated to the grinning, spastic image of Bob Greene, pretending to congratulate you on your incredible accomplishments. Pondering An Effort At Exercise Software
  • The spokesman parried cleverly an embarrassing question.
  • And, for a time, he felt nothing but genuine goodwill towards the people he passed - the embarrassing drunks, the bickering couples and grizzling kids, he smiled at them all.
  • Perhaps unsurprisingly, presidential memoirs are usually dull, uninformative and embarrassingly self-congratulatory.
  • I have long held the view that A-Levels are an embarrassing anachronism, just another mechanism for separating the privileged from the unprivileged.
  • "Because it's, um, embarrassing, " I said, trying to act so coy.
  • Liverpool like Fernando Torres and also the non-embarrassing type of Americans, Americans with an air of chino-sporting Massachusetts aristocracy who. Wayne Rooney, Americans and the terrible burden of ambition
  • It is such that an unfortunate circumstance or careless remark can shake feelings of love as can an embarrassing confession, comprised of three little words, reinforce it.
  • Why have we allowed this embarrassing beggarliness to become an annual ritual?
  • So if my ego swells up to the point where it won't quite fit with me down here in my office, will someone please remind me of just how embarrassingly drunk I was at our 4th of July party?
  • Though the film is about sex, there are no embarrassingly frank sex scenes.
  • The writing isn't just mediocre - it's embarrassingly bad.
  • Slater actually does viewers a disservice by being less than embarrassing here.
  • Their pew was well to the front and we were late, so that going down the aisle unushered, with them in the lead -- husband and spouse, husband and spouse, four couples -- we made a procession which became embarrassingly amusing as the preacher simultaneously closed the Scripture lesson with, "And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons 'wives with him into the ark. Strong Hearts
  • What we once enjoyed and maybe even defended against less confused peers can sometimes emerge from the time-fog as a shamefully regrettable “phase” that etches an embarrassing low-water mark for all films (or romances) to follow. Top 10 Classic Movies That Got it Wrong » Scene-Stealers
  • Were they a pair of jeans, they would have a slight and embarrassing boot-cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also highly embarrassing to read DeGroot's confession that he is unacquainted with prior works by Devine, who is arguably one of the most prolific and exciting scholars working in the field of Scottish history.
  • Thieving to the benefit of Labour is OK, but just a bit embarrassing right now, so taihoa, bro.
  • But do you want to know something really embarrassing? Times, Sunday Times
  • It was less awkward, less embarrassing and it was handier. Times, Sunday Times
  • *** I should note that this particular nightmare is kind of embarrassingly humorous in retrospect, because the me-devouring monsters in it were obviously to an adult Muppets with the serial numbers rubbed off and huge scary bloody teeth added****. Making Light: Open thread 136
  • Notwithstanding those performances, Forsyth conceded he may have to do the embarrassing end-of-season forfeit for players who finish the campaign try-less.
  • In 2006 the case was thrown out by California's supreme court, which ruled that this kind of freewheeling babble, albeit offensive and embarrassing when circulated in court documents, was an entirely essential element of the "creative workplace" required to make the show – a show that, in case you needed reminding, was hardly Tramadol Nights in terms of nihilistic edginess. Charlie Brooker: We shouldn't have to feel paranoid about snoops listening in to everything we say
  • Why should old, irrelevant, embarrassing stuff come up on a search engine if anyone enters your name? Times, Sunday Times
  • At the state dinner for over 100 diplomats held at the home of the Japanese Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, the president experienced sudden, violent gastric distress, vomited - as the news reports put it - "copiously" into the lap of Miyazawa and fainted in what was one of the most embarrassing diplomatic incident in the U.S. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Now that I look back at this he might have been making fun of me for not being able to speak my own language very well, which would have been much more embarrassing.
  • Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to "cauterize" the records of potentially embarrassing information. Nice Deb
  • A confession would have been far too embarrassing.
  • Fortunately he didn't turn up, or we might have suffered an embarrassing reverse, as he's probably stronger than us.
  • Just as she was getting the hang of this monarchy lark, along comes another embarrassing chain of events to sink its teeth into the royal posterior.
  • This has proved to be both inconvenient and embarrassing to the mayor.
  • She was appointed to the job in the clumsiest and most embarrassing manner possible, and although she won election in her own right last month, given the quality of the Republican opposition you couldn't call it a popular uprising of support. Dan Collins: Happy Holidays for Ground Zero Heroes
  • I was once on a crowded Muni bus, wherein someone made a loud, rude, and embarrassing sound.
  • As someone with a surfeit of embarrassing '80s hairstyle photo evidence I am all in favour of today's youth facing similar consequences.
  • Pupils are scouring the internet looking for embarrassing photographs of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • We find this fact embarrassing and we rush to deny its relevance, or we excuse our exclusionist practices by reminding ourselves, incessantly, ‘at least we are not like the Americans.’
  • Buckley's novel, by contrast, is embarrassingly superficial.
  • Duncan Fletcher, England's coach, has called for calm after England's embarrassing drubbings in the last two NatWest Series matches.
  • They preferred to go out generally without the falconer, a Dutchman, who had been taken into the service of Sir Nicholas thirty years before when things had been more prosperous; it was less embarrassing so; but they would have a lad to carry the "cadge," and a pony following them to carry the game. By What Authority?
  • Clinton was forced to withdraw several nominees due to embarrassing revelations over their political stances or child-care issues.
  • The idea of having her name romantically linked to anyone—especially Hephaestus—was just so embarrassing. Aphrodite the Beauty
  • Is he covering up something more embarrassing or just plain silly? Times, Sunday Times
  • None was found but the ratcatchers themselves ended up embarrassingly trapped. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole affair ranged from poignant to embarrassing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stunned by the awkward interruption, the cringing star was quick to explain: "That is so embarrassing! That is my phone."
  • Jezebel. com and were deconstructed by business bloggers: "The iPad: protecting your data from embarrassing incidents," "So will the 64GB one be called the Maxi-Pad?" and "Can I get a scented iPad for when my data feels not-so-fresh? Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • ‘It was embarrassing showing parents around the draughty old ones with their leaky roofs,’ he said.
  • If discussing mixed messages would be embarrassing, then publicly testing for the validity of these explanations would be even more so.
  • I'm a young, shy, gay male with a very embarrassing problem.
  • The embarrassing gaffe was contained in a pledge to deliver apprenticeships. The Sun
  • Once the company is delisted, surgery can be conducted without embarrassing media coverage. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find it a bit embarrassing talking about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is he covering up something more embarrassing or just plain silly? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is something uniquely embarrassing about turning up at a wedding in the same outfit as another guest. Times, Sunday Times
  • A child from a Christian home can be put in an embarrassing situation if asked to read aloud a passage including swear words and blasphemy.
  • And of course we should continue to take these awful, embarrassing and harmless photos.
  • It clearly looks like it fits in tonally with X-Men: The Last Stand, which was embarrassing to watch. SDCC – Last Thoughts « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • Could it perchance be that we aren't producing the right stuff, because we don't have enough of a rugby culture, because an embarrassingly small number of new recruits has been attracted by successive ‘strategies’ laid out by the blazers?
  • As a former public figure who was what I called 'nuked', the object of a public 'outing' about an embarrassing personal activity, I have some sympathy for the Palins. My Take on Covering Potentially Taboo Topics Like Bristol Palin's Baby on OEN
  • That Rock Band gives you its now embarrassingly too-familiar skronk on every missed note is key to sustaining the illusion that you're participating in the performance, even just by slapping a thumb onto a glass sheet. Boing Boing
  • There is nothing, indeed, that makes the judicious grieve more than maladroit flattery, which is as embarrassing to the victim as the clumsy caresses of the horse in the fable who tried to emulate the dog's gambols about his master.
  • It wouldn't be embarrassing; just a little drinks thing to set up Sara, an unattached girlfriend, and a single, scarily attractive psychiatrist I'd met at a party and didn't want to go to waste.
  • Mike HarveyOswestry, Shropshire• In the euphoria of seeing the government forced into an embarrassing "yew turn" on the half-baked forest sell-off plan Letters, 18 February, there is a danger that real damage to the Forestry Commission will go unnoticed. Letters: When the rot set in at the Forestry Commission
  • You'll leak at embarrassing moments, and you may be on the receiving end of less than supportive comments from ignorant co-workers.
  • Possible sanctions range from an embarrassing public rebuke to a fine and imprisonment. Times, Sunday Times
  • I had to make the most embarrassing call to the ambulance service at 7am. The Sun
  • Bennie and Walter play-act in a repetitive chant, as Ruth embarrassingly answers the door to let in George Murchison.
  • What is the most embarrassing album in your collection? The Sun
  • As Sartre once noted, "The existentialist … finds it extremely embarrassing that God does not exist, for there disappears with him all possibility of finding values in an intelligible heaven."
  • She decided to obliterate her rather embarrassing question about love - Roy, you wretch, make up your complex little mind, will you? SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • She always dredges up that embarrassing story.
  • The imbroglio was motivated by the pan-green camp's embarrassing defeat in the showdown, as the pan-blue alliance used its numerical advantage to change the order of nine bills on the agenda.
  • But dads are supposed to be a bit embarrassing. The Sun
  • I'M a flop in bed and it's so embarrassing. The Sun
  • Is the topic potentially embarrassing or uncomfortable?
  • She comforted herself at first with the thought that with the brawling, deafening stream between them, there would be no chance for embarrassing conversation.
  • But it does make it very embarrassing when you discover you're not good at things. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their implications would be only an embarrassing distraction, oddly disjoined from the prevailing paths of technical investigation.
  • Prince Harry's wild partying is embarrassing the family! Mark Pasetsky: Teen Moms, Kardashians & Michael Douglas Cover This Week's Celebrity Weeklies
  • A date with Amy Winehouse gives you an embarrassing stiffie. Eric Broder: Your Winter Horoscope
  • But the joke extended to Wisconsin on Wednesday, when Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers weighed in on Sanchez's tight-fitting shirt, a fur coat and white pants—calling the getup "embarrassing. Former Local Players Die in Russian Crash
  • “It would be worse than embarrassing,” he wrote, “if you should get tied into drawn-out conversations which would in the long run prove unsuccessful.” Eisenhower 1956
  • Send something embarrassing you want to pull back? Christianity Today
  • My mother's presence made the situation even more embarrassing.
  • The reason there's been such a concerted effort to keep information under wraps now seems obvious: it's because that information is embarrassing.
  • Quite a few (almost all?) problems in that domain are what can be called embarrassingly parallel - be it Structural Mechanics, Fluid dynamics, or Virtual Modeling. Sun Bloggers
  • This is embarrassing for New Labour, still seen as an urban movement governing for city and townsfolk.
  • Even Jeremiah Wright, an embarrassing pastor who would probably have brought down a less-deft political prestidigitator, will not do in Barack Obama. Obama's Other Radical Friends
  • Telling your boss may put him in an embarrassing situation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The American journalist hired by the Vatican to improve its tarnished image after a series of embarrassing leaks said yesterday that he relished the task. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such attempts typically produce hollow clones who mirror one another in an embarrassing spectacle of political pandering. Christianity Today
  • There are plenty of new, better-than-ever concealers to hide everything from embarrassing blemishes to undereye circles.
  • He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.
  • She went from 'telic' to 'intelligent design' to 'creationism' to 'teaching religious doctrine in schools' embarrassingly in record time. A Case of Mistaken Identity?
  • This is a little embarrassing, but I have a confession to make.
  • Her disapproval silenced Margaret's urge to ask the woman for help reattaching her fingertip; though it was life threatening, it was also embarrassing.
  • He had a tendency toward hero worship and often gushed embarrassingly in correspondence with his heroes.
  • She wanted something "reliable, good value and not as embarrassing as my knackered old Nissan Micra".
  • It was a statement that was patently false, and an embarrassing public demonstration of his weakness as university leader.
  • Pupils are scouring the internet looking for embarrassing photographs of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • While many students take it in stride, the test raises anxieties for non-swimmers or those who fear embarrassing failure in front of their new peers.
  • This EU ruling puts Britain in a very embarrassing position.
  • He gets perverse satisfaction from embarrassing people.
  • To begin with the whole idea is horribly embarrassing because it inevitably means the pelvic walk and a confident swagger. Fools Rush In - A Call to Christian Clowning
  • It's a bog-standard question for an interview, but he looks at me as if I've asked something slightly embarrassing.
  • The Senator made an embarrassing retreat from his earlier position.
  • Reading mainstream superhero books, with their immoderate physiques, in public can be ‘embarrassing, frankly.’
  • Is it possible that she really intends to defend the ridiculously tragic misadventures of our embarrassing Commander in Chief?
  • Certainly the petty political squabbles could prove embarrassing if extensively reported on.
  • The level of public ignorance on this issue is incredibility embarrassing considering Russian-like people living in Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, Sweden, etc. are watching it. Specter faces angry crowd at town hall meeting
  • Having a premier who controls the media and puts soldiers on the streets while the police are rounding up immigrants and Gypsies is less embarrassing than having to hold a general election once a fortnight; even if that premier loses the immunity from legal prosecution he gave himself and ends up being dragged through the courts and convicted for perjury snd corruption. Archive 2009-10-01
  • To an adolescent, there is nothing in the world more embarrassing than a parent. Dave Barry 
  • The embarrassing technical gaffe was in the first episode of the new series. The Sun
  • Indeed, the triggering event was an embarrassing error, which precipitated a scandal of regal proportions.
  • In view of that betrayal, was it too embarrassing to make a fuss on his behalf? Times, Sunday Times
  • As with all the best American comedies, the sharpness of the script made the average British sitcom seem embarrassingly flat-footed.
  • My cheeks prickled with heat at the embarrassing circumstances we were caught in.
  • It was so embarrassing, I had to get up in front of hundreds of people and collect this award.
  • And bad basketball without drama and suspense is not only beyond embarrassing, but even worse, beyond boring.
  • She was glad to be wearing something else; the nightgown was embarrassingly short and was hiked up even higher now that she was on the horse.
  • Whether it's a duck-pout 'selfie' or a picture of a pet duck, their desire to over-share every aspect of their lives can be embarrassing at times.
  • Usually you're the soul of tact and discretion and rarely find yourself in an embarrassing position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why have we allowed this embarrassing beggarliness to become an annual ritual? January 2006
  • Most people consider elimination to be a very private bodily function and therefore find it an embarrassing subject to discuss with hospital staff.
  • Gun laws stigmatize the mere act of buying a firearm with an embarrassing ‘background’ check.
  • This now sounds embarrassingly quaint, but many modernists have sought such authority from museums.
  • Well now, I must admit this is a new one on me; not something I had ever heard of before and at this point in time I am undecided whether to feel embarrassingly demure and uneducated or fiercely proud and superior.
  • Send something embarrassing you want to pull back? Christianity Today
  • The few truly affecting moments are overwhelmed by the embarrassing cheese.
  • He would prefer not to risk another embarrassing defeat.
  • Sudoku appears, in addition to the tribute-to-Cosmo series of embarrassing stories, like a girl who "farted" in a lineup and laughed "because I didn't want to act like I did it. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Prominent anti-abortion activists in the party had opposed the resolution, because it might prove embarrassing.
  • My only complaint is when Dad gets overexcited in these conversations and talks several times too loud -- pretty embarrassing for a teenager. The 'Trip': So Far, So Good for Both of Us
  • It is sad that such eminent judges who found themselves in some embarrassing situation had to resort to such tactics.
  • Unfortunately for Urquhart, the only way to break through the media clamor is to have his most embarrassing gaffe resurrected. Tom Noyes: Glen Urquhart Struggles To Escape Shadow Of Christine O'Donnell
  • Again, all my mates have read it and I haven't, which can lead to an embarrassing conversational hiatus in the pub.
  • I hoped he would not connect me with that now-embarrassing review I'd written seven years earlier.
  • Somebody with such potential for embarrassing gaffes should forget about the White House. Times, Sunday Times
  • That resulted in two stomach pumpings in the same week, and a more unfortunate and embarrassing incident of severe diarrhoea after swallowing 16 laxative pills.
  • Not only is this an embarrassing problem for you but it is also a potentially dangerous one.
  • A drug, which has only been previously tested in animals, is given to a small number of healthy and disease-free people, mostly men, often unemployed, who then undergo painful, embarrassing and risky procedures? for money. The unacceptable face of medical research
  • Eventually, Davey Johnson, the Mets manager, stopped pitching Sisk at Shea, an embarrassing decision that the ballplayer glumly accepted. The One Met Their Fans Most Loved to Hate
  • In 1995 an embarrassing conversation between a lighthouse and an aircraft carrier was recorded by the Chief of Naval Operations, the transcript of which leaked out to the general public.

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