How To Use Emancipation In A Sentence
For a time, the revolt chilled the atmosphere in which they had to operate and stimulated a vigorous debate within their fracturing movement about the appropriate means to effect the desired end of emancipation.
What exactly the government did mean by freedom was hard to discern in the nineteen legislative Acts which together constituted the emancipation.
She belongs to a family descended from free Blacks those released from slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863.
They have not yet found a comparable party of Iranians, however minuscule, to defend the theory of the emancipationist bombing of Iran.
David Bromwich: One More War, Please
The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme.
If, therefore, permanent emancipation is to be attained, the obligation of re-commencing action must be got rid of, i.e., care must be taken that the portions of the route once passed over may not have to be re-trodden.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
The Scottish Socialist Party, the sole ark of salvation to which 128,026 Scots look for emancipation from capitalist helotry, is in meltdown.
McClellan made no secret of his opposition to emancipation.
Earlier this afternoon, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. delivered a stirring commentary on NPR's All Things Considered (originally written for TheRoot. com) in which he compared today to the day after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and shared the reaction of Frederick Douglass,
Erik Ose: Yes We Can, Said Barack Obama, And We Did
Before it was the home of the famous emancipationist, newspaper publisher, Minister to Russia, friend to Abraham Lincoln, founder of the Republican Party — it was the home of a Revolutionary War hero, and the home of many slaves.
Driving directions
On the other hand, the materialist acquireth merit (by action) and (as the consequence thereof) emancipation.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
We explicitly rejected the emancipation of the middle-class "career woman" who was forced to remain childless.
The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
Football has not featured much in the long history of female emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
He was a patriot grappling with questions of emancipation, dependence, neocolonialism, and the creation of a genuine social revolution.
It's not exactly a manifesto of female emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
Along with female emancipation, most western societies have become much more socially mobile in the past 30 years.
Times, Sunday Times
To territorialize the whole South, and place a satrap over every parish and county of it -- saying no word for freedom -- would be a gentle and conciliating procedure compared with the most innocent utterance of a mere sentiment in behalf of emancipation and the elevation of the negro to the status of a man.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 3, March, 1864 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
The arguments used to justify women's equality in the marketplace left feminists open to the charge that female emancipation would desex women.
In this one character, the arc of slow, painful and imperfect female emancipation is being traced.
Times, Sunday Times
Even for those who did not accept these apocalyptic scenarios, emancipation portended a chaotic and terrifying new world.
For some, it is national freedom: emancipation from the colonial yoke.
Christianity Today
It cannot, therefore, be said that the Christian work of emancipation has really 'miscarried': there merely lie two thousand years between the beginning and the completion of the work undertaken by Christ.
Freeland A Social Anticipation
Here is a link to the National Archives site about the Emancipation Proclamation, formally announced by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863.
Kenneth C. Davis: Celebrating Emancipation on Juneteenth (VIDEO)
A substantial number of maladies like inferiority complex, emotionally reactive behavior, lack of responsibility, lack of interest in education, etc. stem from such educational setups, which despite its fame of excellence portrays a Darwinic image of “the survival of the fittest” instead of the Muhammadan image of “the emancipation of the weakest”.
Archive 2007-11-01
Here he stressed Nehru's commitment to the emancipation of women and untouchables, to communal harmony and the maintenance of a united and plural India, and to the fostering of a socialist economics.
He went into that Alliance and there denounced the only true friends of emancipation - the abolitionists.
The country squires were firmly opposed to emancipation.
Emancipation in fact did little in the short run to change the structure of Russian society.
In this process, which we call emancipation, she has in a sense lost sight of the purposes of emancipation.
The Business of Being a Woman
Biko spoke of liberation as both an act of claiming land and legal rights but also an act of psychological emancipation from the chains of the mind where by people internalized the prejudices of the oppressor and then oppresses others the way they have been oppressed.
Open Letter from Sex Worker Advocate to South Africa’s Honorable Premier Nomvula Mokonyane « Bound, Not Gagged
They were ready when Emancipation came, and the amendments to the Constitution followed, to organize the "freedman," instruct and coach him, and place him securely into the Republican fold.
Unwritten History
It is not customary to use the term emancipation for that form of dismissal by which a church is released from parochial jurisdiction, a bishop from subordination to his metropolitan, a monastery or order from the jurisdiction of the bishop, for the purpose of placing such person or body under the ecclesiastical authority next higher in rank, or under the pope himself.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
It is certain that for him, emancipation is no part of a reform program of the church for society.
The old ideas, in the old organisations, represented quite the opposite of social emancipation.
The government found it expedient to slacken the grip of censorship in order to encourage loyal expressions of support for the Emancipation programme.
Both men were equally against slavery: Lundy for gradual emancipation and _colonization_; but Garrison for _immediate and unconditional emancipation_.
History of the Negro Race in America from 1619 to 1880. Vol. 2 (of 2) Negroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens
In the first half of the 19th century there had been giant strides in Catholic emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
In the first half of the 19th century there had been giant strides in Catholic emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
On the contrary, Ionesco's personal opinion about the struggle for progress and human emancipation contains a world weariness that finds expression in almost every one of his plays.
Emancipation was supposed to have settled all that over 150 years ago.
The museum has the inkwell Abraham Lincoln used to write the Emancipation Proclamation.
Smithsonian dispatches curator to collect from Wisconsin debates
The emancipation of the serfs in 1861 left the countryside in deep poverty.
Perhaps the bicycle's most important legacy is its effect upon some women's emancipation.
He wavered and doubted, and to his confidants, with whom he could bluster and talk big, he expressed in no measured terms his detestation of Liberal principles, and especially of Catholic Emancipation.
The Greville Memoirs A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and King William IV, Volume 1 (of 3)
The world identifies Lincoln with emancipation.
The vital role played by women at home in factories and mills and as nurses at the front advanced the case for female emancipation after the war.
Times, Sunday Times
I ask you, do you think, as honest men anxious for the public tranquility, conscious that there are wounds not yet completely cicatrized, that you ought to speak this language at this time to men who are very much disposed to think that, in this very emancipation, they have been saved from their own Parliament by the humanity of their own sovereign?
Irish Wit and Humor Anecdote Biography of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell
Emancipation is the event most associated with Lincoln next to the preservation of the Union.
He identified with the oppressed and exploited everywhere and championed their struggles for emancipation.
When the New York legislature failed to pass an emancipation law, some slaves ran away.
His desire was to foster ‘the emancipation of the word, to create a place where punks and sonneteers can meet and get their stuff out into the open.’
Disgust at this treatment of Africans led to demands for emancipation of the slaves and the abolition of the slave trade in the 19th century.
Following emancipation, we are able to feel with Elisabeth what it must have been like to suddenly have a surname.
To my mind, such false notion of right explains the emancipation of many modern democracies relative to the rights of God and the imprescriptible rights of the human person.
Foundations for Peace
In this one character, the arc of slow, painful and imperfect female emancipation is being traced.
Times, Sunday Times
They understand that it would be of no avail to appeal to an ignorant and bigotedly loyal peasantry on the grounds of political emancipation.
Traditional African masquerade, dating back to the era before emancipation, used rags, paint, and spears to portray an image of a miserable, uncivilised past.
With the advent of Jewish Emancipation, when ghetto walls crumble and the shtetlach begin to dissolve, Jewry-like some wide-eyed anthropologist-enters upon a strange world, to explore a strange people observing a strange halakah They examine this world in dismay, with wonder, anger, and punitive objectivity.
Indymedia Ireland
This history of struggle did not end with the emancipation of the slaves.
The reluctance of the peasants to sign statutory documents reflects their unhappiness about the terms of the Act of Emancipation of 1861.
It has not yet raised the inspiring banner of working class emancipation.
Put positively, at the top now was not the emancipation of the working class or even the liberation of third world peoples from imperialism, but rather democracy, due process, constitutionalism, and human rights.
Since the province was a hotbed of gentry resistance to the emancipation, confrontation looked a real possibility.
While this emancipation from the conditions and episodes of concrete experiences accounts for the remoteness, the "abstractness," of science, it also accounts for its wide and free range of fruitful novel applications in practice.
Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
The National Archives opens the second-half of its year-long Civil War exhibition, which covers the freeing of the slaves and the war's closing battles, with a rare public display of the original Emancipation Proclamation, through Sunday.
Free and easy events: 'Rashomon,' skateboarding in art
Since according to the statutes governing voluntary organizations only men had the right to a consultatory vote, Henriette Goldschmidt at first hesitated to become a member, joining it only after her husband, who saw this proviso as a necessary step towards emancipation, persuaded her to do so.
Henriette Goldschmidt.
IV. vi.80 (450,3) Bear free and patient thoughts] To be melancholy is to have the mind _chained down_ to one painful idea; there is therefore great propriety in exhorting Glo'ster to _free thoughts_, to an emancipation of his soul from grief and despair.
Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
Abraham Lincoln was called a poltroon, a hypocrite, because he was deliberate, painstaking and cautious about issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.
Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D., ("The Black Spurgeon.") Pastor Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, New York City
In the rare cases of lunatic parents most places have emancipation provisions already, which should surely have acceleration clauses to allow for quick decisions in cases like this.
After the Emancipation Proclamation, the Union's strategic goals were too comprehensive and inflexible to be thwarted by a single defeat.
The main thrust of Blight's account details how reconciliationism accommodated itself to the white supremacist narrative, thereby marginalizing the emancipationist vision.
Remembering and Forgetting
Miliutin had begun not only to reduce expenditure, but also to introduce military personnel to the spirit of post-emancipation society.
Outlawing of polygamy and purdah within Islam and a call for the emancipation of Mulsim women also find place in that period.
Freedom was preferable to slavery, and African Americans had gained benefits from emancipation.
It's not exactly a manifesto of female emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
Futurist and functionalist discourses displayed the aeroplane as the emancipation of man, freeing him from earthbound limitations.
She showed her emancipation by piloting an aircraft.
The Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States.
Moreover, nothing is more certain than that the preamble alluded to never included, in the minds of those who framed it, _those who were then pining in bondage_ -- for, in that case, a general emancipation of the slaves would have instantly been proclaimed throughout the United States.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4
In the decades before Emancipation only a few isolated individuals had carried dissent to the point of revolutionary commitment.
Female emancipation has helped to tame aggressive urges.
Times, Sunday Times
But to call him an emancipationist when he voluntarily delayed freeing 200 slaves because it wasn't in HIS interests to do so is positively Orwellian.
Today is the 200th birthday of our greatest President.
Emancipation is not a right that can be curtailed in favour of the interests of the few.
He was also born a slave, worked in mines and as a houseboy after Emancipation, and arrived at the new Hampton black college broke and dirty.
As usual, the most vigorous and effective defense of the particular comes as part of a universalist demand for emancipation.
Given that there are no animals contesting their status as inferiors to mankind, where can a human advocate of animal emancipation possibly go from there?
Since the province was a hotbed of gentry resistance to the emancipation, confrontation looked a real possibility.
The Emancipation Proclamation, by its own terms, did not apply to the Territories.
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The truth is that the emancipation of the slaves was a parliamentary reform, the act of the nation and not of its rulers.
To prepare the terrain for a genuine emancipation, there is a need for founding social sciences and knowledge on bases that are decolonized, denationalized.
Does female emancipation really mean winning the right to dress up in an ill-fitting nurse's costume?
Times, Sunday Times
Notwithstanding he admits their right to this power by implication, he says that I am unfair and uncandid in my deduction, that they can emancipate our slaves, though the word emancipation is not mentioned in it.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Some of the -- the Emancipation Proclamation is the actual proclamation.
Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage
Activists plan to use the international exposure that the driving campaign has gained to organise a wider movement for female emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
It must regain its original role as the vanguard of the working class in its struggle for true emancipation.
Young men have been relieved of all responsibility - in the name of female emancipation.
In modern industrialized societies, the drive to make everything rational and calculable severs reason from the project of human emancipation and reduces it to the status of a tool.
It is the writing of a man who understood that sober, bleak-eyed realism serves the cause of human emancipation more faithfully than starry-eyed Utopia.
The preliminary draft of the Emancipation Proclamation was only part of the trouble.
The steps for accelerating the Catholic emancipation passed without animadversion from the English Ministry; but the dismissal of Mr. Beresford, and his adherents, gave great of - fence to the Cabinet of London.
Peerage of England, genealogical, biographical, and historical
Fairclough chronicles the circumstances in which Southern black educators worked from emancipation to the 1970s.
This state of emancipation is a state beyond mind and matter, where both sensation and perception cease.
Both notions figure into the Emancipation of Re:sonance, a concert series presented in conjunction with the Manhattan New Music Project in which contemporary artists are asked to provide fresh perspectives on works by canonical Austrian composers.
NYT > Home Page
He introduced comprehensive education, women's emancipation legislation, and reforms in higher education.
They complete the transformation of croppers into objects by casting them as ‘slaves’ in need of ‘emancipation.’
But an important element of the critical theory method is to identify - and, if possible, nurture - tendencies that exist within the present conjuncture that point in the direction of emancipation.
And such of your slaves as seek a writing (of emancipation), write it for them if ye are aware of aught of good in them.
Some deal with war or politics, some deal with the bittersweet issues surrounding emancipation.
Lincoln may not have emerged from his log cabin clutching the Emancipation Proclamation, but what is remarkable about the man is the tenacity with which he held certain core principles and ideas throughout his life.
The Path To Proclamation
For some, it is national freedom: emancipation from the colonial yoke.
Christianity Today
The term emancipation is also applied to the release of a secular ecclesiastic from his diocese, or of a regular from obedience and submission to his former superior, because of election to the episcopate.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
Any potential growth in Catholic emancipation will, likewise, now take place in a context where Catholic are inevitably a marginal group.
Lincoln had officially issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, but it had taken two more years of Union victories to end the war and for this news to reach slaves in remote sections of the country.
Kenneth C. Davis: Celebrating Emancipation on Juneteenth (VIDEO)
There is one point to which I have not yet adverted, which is, Whether the question of emancipation is likely to produce a separation between the Northern and Southern states?
Diary in America, Series One
They may reject the idea that the emancipation of women consists in the wearing of mini-skirts or the baring of midriffs, but still be concerned with promoting the further equality of women.
The newspaper crusaded against emancipation in the months leading up to the draft riots.
It is the youngest of the truly mass cultural forms, born after female emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
The parallel is now plain to the reader: the corpuscle is the Yogi, bent on liberation: the heat which warms him is the Divine Love, centered in his heart, his initiations are the successive emancipations into higher and higher spaces, till he attains
Four-Dimensional Vistas
Page 16 seller warrants that the title hereby made shall perfectly convey the said slaves to the said Robert B. Minturn, for the purpose of their emancipation: and that all further proper deeds or instruments on behalf of the sellers shall be made and executed so as fully to carry out the said purposes of these presents.
A Family Redeemed from Bondage; Being Rev. Edmond Kelley, (the Author,) His Wife, and Four Children
Fundamentalism is a revolt against modernity and one of the characteristics of modernity has been the emancipation of women.
He is for no half-measures, -- he avows himself a free-soiler, an emancipationist, an abolitionist, a colonizationist.
The Negro and the Nation A History of American Slavery and Enfranchisement
At a different scale, we may invoke female emancipation to explain the declining populations of Europe.
The emancipation of the serfs in Russia in 1861 had given a huge boost to the development of capitalism.
Village life and the peasant outlook were conditioned by the administrative arrangements adopted at Emancipation.
Emancipation enormously raised the stature of the Union cause internationally.
The Emancipation of Re:sonance continues through Feb. 14 at the Austrian Cultural Forum, 11 East 52nd Street, Manhattan; 212 319-5300,
NYT > Home Page
The emancipation of the slaves was fought for and won by the slaves themselves.
Take the most broadly transformational political acts in the history of the U.S. -- the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the approval of the 14th Amendment in the 1860s, women's suffrage in 1920, the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of the mid-1960s, the establishment of the EPA and the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act in the early 1970s, to name a few.
Philip Radford: Why Did the Climate Bill Die? Because We Still Don't Have a Real Climate Movement
Art's emancipation from its autotelic confinement reappropriates ‘the product of art [which] is the tool for the direct or indirect social action.’
In this sense, both Aquinas's summae represent a further and almost complete emancipation from a textual order to a logical order.
Literary Forms of Medieval Philosophy
Some called the annulment “a ruling handed down in Kandahar” and “a real fatwa against the emancipation of women,” the BBC said.
Appeals Court Overrules Annulment Based on Virginity
The simple fact of announcing his intention to proclaim emancipation back in September had created more public anger than Lincoln had anticipated.
We hear also that the people have already in many instances exhibited that propensity common to the habits of common life, which we call squatting, and to which we have always looked forward as one of the evils likely to accompany their emancipation, and calling for the earliest and most serious attention of our Legislature.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
In the person of our heroine we are presented with a plea for emancipation.
The notion that Lee was an emancipationist, however, is complete nonsense.
Today is the 200th birthday of our greatest President.
That is, Moore's metaphors and images attempt a certain seduction of the readerthey claim to invite the reader to lift the veil covering the stereotyped mysterious East, and simultaneously use the veil to cover Moore's "homefelt" inspiration in writing the tales, his desire for Catholic emancipation.
Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
In the ground-breaking ensemble pieces 1898 and Kantrimiusik, familiar scales and arpeggios are combined with oompah rhythms and the emancipation of the consonance was complete.
Actually the majority of the essay regards the question of women's emancipation.
He insists that emancipation was perhaps the single most significant act ever carried out by a US president.
But Lincoln gets no credit for the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation, because he didn't do it out of the pure goodness of his heart?
It is pretended, that I am retarding the cause of emancipation by the coarseness of my invective, and the precipitancy of my measures.
Football has not featured much in the long history of female emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
Learning how to serve had begun to yield to women's changing aspirations and increasing economic emancipation.
The Civil War, with its swashbuckling heroes, its staggering toll, and its consequence of emancipation, is the culmination of an unorthodox intellectual journey.
WalMart and the Civil War
In the decades before Emancipation only a few isolated individuals had carried dissent to the point of revolutionary commitment.
The practical circumstances of this ‘emancipation’ could not be sustained in the hypostasising jargon of meaning.
The Senate was helpless before the Austrian engineers in 1745, and the emancipation of the city was due wholly to a popular emeute.
Travels through France and Italy
Since emancipation, countless people have written about the cruelties of slavery but does anyone actually know how this abominable procedure started?
They also offer joyous, kidlike emancipation from the lonely work of conditioning.
Retelling the myth of emancipation from slavery impels you to reclaim the story of your wider self.
Along with female emancipation, most western societies have become much more socially mobile in the past 30 years.
Times, Sunday Times
At that time, complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice.
He wanted to push for rights for his people and ultimately called for Catholic emancipation.
Henry VII's belated sale of charters, granting whole communities in north Wales the status of freeborn Englishmen, anticipated the more general emancipation of the Welsh in 1536.
I believe that the sending back of that money to the United States, will do more to unrivet the fetters, to break the chains of the bondman, and to hasten the day of emancipation, than years of lecturing by the most eloquent abolitionists.
Uncle Tom's Companions: Or, Facts Stranger Than Fiction. A Supplement to Uncle Tom's Cabin: Being Startling Incidents in the Lives of Celebrated Fugitive Slaves.
As we see more of the same action and reaction, the overall story, like all stories of the emancipation of unfree labour, is not for romantics.
As readers and writers, legislators and city council members, farmers and dockhands, workers and employers, Northern men and women responded to this question with a public debate over the possible outcomes of emancipation.
All of us need something to poetize and idealise our life a little - something which we value for more than its use and which is a symbol of our emancipation from the mere materialism and deathly drudgery of daily life.
Great Regulars: All of us in India seem to be passing through
Our subject, of course, was how to represent the story of slavery from the slave trade to emancipation in six hours.
But there is also self-reflection in the emancipation-oriented sense, self-reflection as releasing the subject from dependence on hypostatized powers.
Beyond the task of extricating women's liberation from the straightjacket of male-conceived leftist 'certainties' concerning emancipation, 'neofeminists', as the mass organisations sometimes referred to them, emphasised the distinct, equally systematic exploitation of women by men, adding women's sexuality and reproductive function as key sites of a power struggle, in addition to the relatively well-theorised impact of the capitalist mode of production on gender relations.
Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
The vital role played by women at home in factories and mills and as nurses at the front advanced the case for female emancipation after the war.
Times, Sunday Times
He wants it to be a party of social reform and emancipation.
Times, Sunday Times
The preliminary draft of the Emancipation Proclamation was only part of the trouble.
The Understanding of the man unconversant with Yoga can never be directed towards Emancipation.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation.
They applaud female emancipation and, where it occurs, female leadership.
Times, Sunday Times
This is the 29th year that Caribbean culture is fêted in Montreal, a celebration coinciding with carnivals all over North America that took form after the emancipation of slaves in Trinidad and Tobago.
The nobility were the men who reaped the most benefits from the emancipation of the serfs and the subsequent increase in agricultural productivity.
Village life and the peasant outlook were conditioned by the administrative arrangements adopted at Emancipation.
They turned to Dutch religious rituals to sanctify their marriages and to validate their babies as Christians to enhance their chances for emancipation.
It was a habit which remained a stand-by of abolitionists in the campaigns for emancipation and against apprenticeship.
Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation.
Since that day, many have been the demonstrations of grateful joy and gladness on the glorious anniversary of the emancipation of slaves on the West India Islands; and yet, in this boasted "land of the free, and home of the brave;" this famous and declared _free_ Republic, -- the
Twenty-Two Years a Slave, and Forty Years a Freeman Embracing a Correspondence of Several Years, While President of Wilberforce Colony, London, Canada West
Its installation required the bisection of the western gallery, where slaves sat from 1721 until the emancipation proclamation was read in 1834.
The early 20th century women's movement fought for the political emancipation of women.
The social repercussions of Emancipation and accelerated economic development gave rise to a range of diverse pressures upon the regime.
Some say the serfs were better before emancipation; some say things became better after emancipation.
The only real revolution is in the enlightenment of the mind and the improvement of character, the only real emancipation is individual, and the only real revolutionists are philosophers and saints.
One could even say the story implies that emancipation is not properly a woman's pursuit or destiny.
Certain others benefited from deliberate and conscious acts of emancipation.
How is it that something that used to be a serious symbol of female emancipation has suddenly become a vapid fashion trend?
Times, Sunday Times
The ineradicable divisions of Guelf and Ghibelline were a heavy price to pay for a step forward on the path of emancipation; nor was the ecclesiastical revolution, which tended to Italianize the Papacy, while it magnified its cosmopolitan ascendency, other than a source of evil to the nation.
Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots
Big Maggie heralds a new emancipation in Irish society.
Female emancipation has helped to tame aggressive urges.
Times, Sunday Times
Go ask the very slaves of the inventor of Central American Colonization (that devout apostle of _political philanthropy_, and most zealous advocate of emancipation), go ask _his slaves_ their opinion of the merits of their master's invention, and their faces will kindle with the half ingenuous blush of conscious degradation, as they denounce his project, as the last device of insolence to degrade and oppress them.
The Right of American Slavery
The organized system of plunder and anarchy, exercised under different forms more or less sanguinary, produced no permanent result beyond an incontestible proof that the versatility of the French nation, and its puny suppleness of character, utterly incapacitate it for that energetic enterprise without which there can be no hope of permanent emancipation from national slavery.
Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Volume 7
But exclufive of this event, the alarmingnefs of which the French have endeavoured in vain to ex* tenuate, ftrong indications foon appeared in a vari - ety of inftances, how incredibly fhort of their ex - pectations thofe benefits would prove, which they were fo fanguine in promifing themfelves upon the emancipation of the Britifh Colonies from their dc» pendcnce on the parent ftate.
History of the war with America, France, Spain, and Holland : commencing in 1775 and ending in 1783
In the postemancipation period of American history, sexual exploration and deviations from white heteronormative codes represented avenues of personal freedom.
For the landed nobility, the impact of Emancipation was deeply disturbing.
DORA BOUCHOCHA, TUNISIAN FILM PRODUCER: The majority of Tunisian films were made after independence, and for those early filmmaker, the preoccupation was the colonial oppression, the war of independence, and then they moved on to the (inaudible), female emancipation and the advent of modernity (ph).
CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2006
But the 'emancipationist' sees this in a very different light.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
His advocacy of Catholic emancipation courted defeat in 1807.
He spurns the notion that modernization as such is the ticket to emancipation and happiness.
By contrast the French Revolution in its Jacobin phase came to support a policy of general slave emancipation (the Decree of Pluviose An 2, February 1794).
Librarian's Holiday
In a way, their contrasting lives tell the story of female emancipation as vividly as the history of the suffragettes.
Times, Sunday Times
The social repercussions of Emancipation and accelerated economic development gave rise to a range of diverse pressures upon the regime.
Emancipation changed the nature of plantation mistresses' work but not the plantation's schedule.
Hell, what would the emancipationist think, who used to stand on the front porch of his Italianate home, his hands stained with newsprint after firing off another broadside round of anti-slavery screeds, surveying all the lands around him?
Driving directions
It was southern secession that precipitated emancipation and an end to federal support of slavery.