
How To Use Emancipate In A Sentence

  • It literally unlocks the prejudice of so many people, and emancipates them from the dungeon of partial judgment. WHAT IS SAID, NOT WHO SAYS IT
  • The church dates back to the 1830's when recently emancipated slaves were given lands at Kingstown.
  • The slaves were emancipated in 1834 but their living conditions were little better than they had been under slavery, since they had no way to get food and shelter.
  • Slaves were emancipated in 1863, but more than a century passed before the Voting Rights Act became law.
  • Yet in the early decades of the 20th Century, they said, the assumption behind machines had been that "labor is an evil"; the new technological devices did not so much "emancipate" workers, as "evict" them. Agrarianism and the Popular Education Culture
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  • Seeking to 'emancipate' the individual from authority. No, conservatives are not progressives
  • However, this duty ends if the minor gets married or becomes emancipated.
  • To expand the development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must further emancipate our minds.
  • So the vision such nihilists offered 20 th-century man was of a destiny no more elevated than a dog or cat, emancipated from morality other than subservience to the state.
  • The mountains remained mostly unoccupied until the slaves were emancipated in 1838.
  • It is these forces among others which will speed the day when humanity emancipates itself from the mind-forged manacles of servility and superstition. Deepak Chopra: The Atheist's Mistake
  • As a result, Abraham emancipates Hagar and Ishmael and sends them away as freed slaves. Sarah/Sarai: Bible.
  • Perhaps air travel, despite Toynbee, after all emancipates the world centre from a geographical locus, enabling it to respond to other factors - population and economic and military power.
  • This emancipates the creative energies of the people. 'This Is A Real Renaissance'
  • They rejoiced in the change, not merely from sympathy with the disinthralled negroes, but because it had emancipated them from a disheartening surveillance, and opened new fields of usefulness. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Boyishly reared by an emancipated mother and a suicidal father, she is the victim of heredity, environment and her own anachronistic position as an outsider in the new socialist England.
  • In other words, women get emancipated but remain unliberated.
  • The movements to abolish the trade and emancipate the slaves gathered momentum.
  • The German, emancipated from feudalism and kaiserism, is a pretty good citizen. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • By this time writing had been truly emancipated from the state.
  • Basically, it is an African American art form, and it grew up after the slaves were emancipated.
  • Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!
  • One intention of the season, in the words of the powers that be, was to "emancipate" John from his mother, but his stroppy teenager act whenever the subject of Riley came up made him less, not more sympathetic. DVD Times
  • Azawu general secretary Patrick Mkhize said the April 27 poll would not emancipate workers from exploitation because the impending government was not "workerist" orientated. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • GRACE: You mean, like when a child emancipates itself? CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2007
  • For the better security of these new-born civil rights we are now about to pass the greatest and the grandest act in this series of acts that have emancipated a race and disinthralled a nation. History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States
  • Aboriginal people were emancipated in the 1960s.
  • And the freedom of the emancipated slave was relative rather than absolute.
  • Do not seek to "emancipate" yourself -- do not strive to unsex yourself and become a Lucy Stone, or a Rev. Miss The Wedding Guest
  • Laxmi knows that I respect and rever her , for the work she is doing to emancipate the Hijda from gender slavery. 2008 February 26 « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • The sickness was far progressed by that time, and the emancipated retching man that had spoken to a younger boy was only a shadow of his father.
  • a man, with all the moving instincts of a loving and tender heart: and as a ruler, sure of his duty, he spoke the disinthralling edict, when multitudes still doubted: as a man he rejoiced in the glorious prospect of a race emancipated from a bondage more cruel than the grave, and elevated to the privileges of manhood and the opportunity of respect and honor. A Commemorative Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln
  • That is a perfect description of an elaborate contrapuntal texture with ‘emancipated dissonance’.
  • It was to be a shield of freedom to protect the emancipated slave against abuses from the states.
  • Why is it that so many of those whose political creed should be driven by a desire to emancipate those who are suffering choose to object to a course of action which would deliver millions from misery?
  • Etruscan art reveals an aristocratic society in which women enjoyed an emancipated style of life.
  • It seems years before the Scots and Irish (thought to be the first settlers there) arrived, emancipated black slaves had already established a community there.
  • Fabre went on to attack women's clubs, claiming, to much applause, that they were composed of ‘adventuresses, wandering female knights, emancipated girls, and amazons'.
  • Aboriginal people were emancipated in the 1960s.
  • We live in more emancipated times.
  • One family counselor suggested that Sophie be emancipated from her family at 16 years of age.
  • Dixiecrat is the term used in the 1860's for southern democrats who fought Republican President Lincoln as he tried to emancipate the slaves. Eight Edwards delegates now moving to Obama
  • They did it to liberate the people of Iraq, so that 25 million Iraqis would be emancipated from a sadistic regime, the greatest victory for human rights since the defeat of the Soviet Union.
  • Through the Civil War, Sumner and Wilson strongly supported the military, and pushed President Abraham Lincoln to emancipate and enfranchise the slaves.
  • emancipate" the African majority through the attainment of ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Emancipated at last from family expectations, he was free to pursue his own interests.
  • Let us emancipate the student, and give him time and opportunity for the cultivation of his mind, so that in his pupilage he shall not be a puppet in the hands of others, but rather a self-relying and reflecting being.
  • Of course, not everyone is tripping along in a state of emancipated bliss.
  • This graceful development of belief, emancipated from dogma and reducing so many substantial bodies to pale shades, so many articles once held as solid realities to the strange tenuity of dreams, was not the Christianity of Voltaire's time, any more than it was that of the Holy Office. Voltaire
  • In Montreal this has been done, and, as the seignoral rights of succession lapse, it will soon be done every where, for the recent enactments have emancipated many already. Canada and the Canadians Volume I
  • They also magnified the fall in sugar production from the emancipated work force in British colonies.
  • Unlike Douglass and Jacobs, Truth did not spend years living as a fugitive slave, and she had the additional legal protection of being officially emancipated by the state within months of her escape.
  • For Mr. Botstein, Sibelius the symphonist was a progressive in his desire to emancipate music from language and from its narrative, theatrical quality. Nordic Exposure at Bard
  • I have emancipated myself from that so far I have reason to consider false; - I am able to have faith in singleness of motive, and to tread under foot all temptations to expediency. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • Labor - saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery.
  • The 1950s and 1960s were a great transition period in China's history that witnessed millions of women emancipated from family constraints.
  • Veteran comrades must emancipate their minds.
  • Women are still struggling to be fully emancipated.
  • It is these forces among others which will speed the day when humanity emancipates itself from the mind-forged manacles of servility and superstition. Deepak Chopra: The Atheist's Mistake
  • Even the states that permit teenagers to be emancipated from their parents, allowing them to be treated legally as adults, ordinarily mandate that the parents must agree.
  • Notwithstanding he admits their right to this power by implication, he says that I am unfair and uncandid in my deduction, that they can emancipate our slaves, though the word emancipation is not mentioned in it. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • French colonies have used gens de couleur liberes to speak of emancipated black people. What and who is POC/WOC? « Digital immigrant
  • The working class will not be in a position to create a science and an art of its own until it has been fully emancipated from its present class position.
  • When he worked he worked with every particle of energy he possessed, but when he "loafed," as he expressed it, he cast all care to the winds and was like an emancipated school-boy. Peggy Stewart at School
  • A supposedly emancipated market is emasculated by a torrent of trade-distorting subsidies.
  • The 1950s is the moment when we felt ourselves emancipated from the colonial past.
  • If you relied on general American attitudes, you would have waited a long time to emancipate the slaves.
  • By this time writing had been truly emancipated from the state.
  • The prospect of biogenetic intervention opened up by increasing access to the human genome effectively emancipates humankind from the constraints of a finite species, from enslavement to the ‘selfish gene’.
  • The gains of feudalism didn't wither away when the serf was emancipated and became a ‘free’ worker in the new capitalist society.
  • Basically, it is an African American art form, and it grew up after the slaves were emancipated.
  • To emancipate all mankind, we will balk at no sacrifice . even that of our lives.
  • The truth simply is that if some remedy be not soon found for the situation created by these people, who are as stupid as they are mischievous, in a few years we shall be obliged either to decuple the gendarmerie, or to allow every citizen to go about armed with a revolver, in order to protect himself against our much too liberally emancipated young scolos! ' France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • When we decide to do so, we can emancipate the black child from the ghetto and render justice in the workplace.
  • They took advantage of their large estates, and the feeble position of emancipated serfs, to supply urban markets in western Europe.
  • Therefore, we should change the stereotype, emancipate Orient from the disadvantageous ideology of Orientalism.
  • Alexander II realized that to modernize mean that Russia needed to westernize, so in 1861 he emancipated the serfs from bondage.
  • Your tenement and job remind me of another young woman: Francie Noln in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn; she gets a job in a Manhattan newspaper clipping service and emancipates herself in the process! I scan 2 photographs from the 1970s.
  • The unions were not emancipated from Thatcherite, neo-liberal greed, as everyone thought they would be when they voted for a Labour government in 1997.
  • The proportion of highly placed advisers who had nothing to lose if serfs were emancipated would accordingly diminish.
  • Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!
  • What I say is, he that is emancipated never indulges in that intellectual gladiatorship which is implied by a dialectical disputation for the sake of victory. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Spinster and bluestocking, Niblock is also something of an outsider, an emancipated transgressor in polite Edwardian society, recalling the unsung role of the female intellectual, adventurer and agent in the birth of the modernist period; a mischievous subversion of the Victorian upper class male. Archive 2008-12-01
  • Long emancipated from literal serfdom, the peasants in the last 150 years of the monarchy were also freed from the control and influence of the lord, even as they struggled to secure their small holdings.
  • Mrs. Anton, a twenty-three-year-old college student, was striving to emancipate herself from a highly dependent yet conflictful relationship with her widowed mother. Planned Short-Term Treatment
  • When my baby napped, I felt emancipated, and raced around the house tending to what I thought were important, urgent and essential tasks. Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
  • Guiana 1838 takes the viewer back into the colonial time when slaves were emancipated and the colonial master was finding it difficult to get labour to work the endless fields of cane.
  • The country had been emancipated from thirteen years of middle-level Conservative rule of reasonable efficiency, modest dynamism but small-power idealism.
  • an emancipated young woman pursuing her career
  • Therefore, males are emancipated from mate guarding and parental duties during the incubation period, making this period free for opportunistic extrapair activities.
  • Emancipate urself from ur past. The only way to move forward is to stop looking back!
  • That war preserved the Union and emancipated the slaves.
  • Godard once said that by "ratting" to the police she had emancipated herself. Patricia Zohn: Culture Zohn: The Enduring Magic of Breathless
  • Like emancipated concubines, prisoners of war were enlisted to rationalize the conflict as a civilizing mission.
  • Amongst the latter, were a number of older, emancipated women who took her in as one of themselves. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • At the beginning of the twentieth century the Czars ruled over a population of 164 million, consisting overwhelmingly of peasants who had been emancipated from actual serfdom only a generation earlier.
  • By abstinence from meat and from sexual activity, the soul could be gradually emancipated from its bodily fetters.
  • It is unconscionable to be at this juncture and not go all the way to establishing a system that emancipates humanity from the tyranny of our nation's for-profit health care system. Printing: Now, Let's Get the Health Care Job Done!
  • It is pure social activism, not aimed at helping children gain wisdom, but to "emancipate" them from blind belief in Western civilisation, especially what they might learn from "literature". EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL
  • When we decide to do so, we can emancipate the black child from the ghetto and render justice in the workplace.
  • Males were likely to obtain extrapair paternity while their own social mates were incubating and the males were emancipated from mate guarding and parental duties.
  • Villari regretfully concluded that the “only way an Italian can emancipate himself from this inferior state is to abandon all sense of national pride and to identify completely with the Americans.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • `They can't stand the sight of an emancipated female owl, that's why," said Alba, impatiently. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • The problem of teen homelessness was close to his heart: He left home when he was only 14 to escape an ‘intolerable’ situation, and he became a legally emancipated minor at 16.
  • The Government, which had not yet emancipated itself from the habit of "assorting" its citizens and dividing them into a protected and a tolerated class, set out to elaborate measures for "curbing" the Jews belonging to the latter category. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
  • We live in more emancipated times.
  • Slavery was abolished in Jamaica in 1833; but it was not until 1838 that slaves were actually emancipated.
  • Just to give one very wacky example, suppose a post-Singularity intelligence decided to "emancipate" us all from the limits of human sexuality by setting everyone up with a complete set of both male and female reproductive organs? The Speculist: Posthuman Ethics
  • Finally the arts are now emancipated from the stifling cloak of puritanical hypocrisy.
  • That they endeavour to procure from the National Government the appropriation of adequate funds to aid the voluntary emigration of all emancipated people of colour, to any country where a suitable asylum may be found: and that, as an auxiliary means, they petition the state legislature for the passage of resolutions approbatory of such measure. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • It was to be a shield of freedom to protect the emancipated slave against abuses from the states.
  • Vane to "cozen" the Scottish Presbyterian Commissioners in the phraseology of the Solemn League and Covenant; with Samuel Vassall, whose name shares with those of Hampden and Lord Say and Sele the renown of the refusal to pay ship-money, and of courting the suit which might ruin them or emancipate England; with John Venn, who, at the head of six thousand citizens, beset the House of Lords during the trial of Lord Strafford, and whom, with three other Londoners, King Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • The last slave was reportedly emancipated by the EPLF in the late 1970s.
  • I need hardly translate the word belemnite 'for the benefit of the ladies,' as people used to do in the dark and unemancipated eighteenth century; but as our boys have left off learning Greek just as their sisters are beginning to act the 'Antigone' at private theatricals, I may perhaps be pardoned if I explain, 'for the benefit of the gentlemen,' that the word is practically equivalent to javelin-fossil. Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
  • With a camera in hand, she was free to ask the impertinent questions that would emancipate society from its sexual repression.
  • Historical perspective emancipated academics from the restrictions of contemporary viewpoints.
  • These images are contrasted to the modern-looking, emancipated Danish women.
  • The rivers of emancipated men neither disembogue into the ocean of spirit nor evaporate into the abyss of nonentity, but are blended with infinitude as an ontological integer. The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
  • We should not feel provincial, lower class, but must be emancipated with our own voice.
  • Thanks to that separation, business decisions were emancipated from the pressure of moral obligations and personal commitments that guide family life.
  • Though its etymology is uncertain, ghetto is likely derived from either borghetto (”little borough”) or geto (”foundry”) in Venetain dialect which originally described the city’s foundry district, an islet that became gated and guarded when “The Council of Ten” decreed that all Jews reside there from 1516 until 1797 when Napoleon emancipated them. Ghetto Fabulous Typography | Jewschool
  • One recalls that it was Czar Alexander II who emancipated the Russian serfs. Russian President Googles Capitalism
  • Entering a society primarily shaped by these European interests, black women were emancipated from slavery into legally sanctioned inequality.
  • Thy dead, murdered corse is the watchword, and, with God's grace, the victor paean of an emancipated, chastened, glorified Republic! An Address in Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln
  • Belief is the mood which emancipates us from the paralysing dubieties of distraught souls, and leaves us full possession of ourselves by furnishing an unshaken and inexpugnable base for action and thought, and subordinating passion to conviction. Critical Miscellanies, Vol. I Essay 2: Carlyle
  • One family counselor suggested that Sophie be emancipated from her family at 16 years of age.
  • Rebels, as I have come to realise, are never quite emancipated from the people against whom they rebel.
  • He'd gotten emancipated minor status at seventeen and rented a small, run-down place.
  • It ' s not a good sign, or portent, or whatever, that the only affecting character in " Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 " proves to be the emancipated elf Dobby, a bandy-legged, floppy-eared, scrawny-necked and mostly digital creature — based on Toby Jones ' s performance — who yanks really hard at your heartstrings in his hour of distress. '
  • Even after the Civil War, when slaves were emancipated, comparatively few Gullah moved to northern cities.
  • Let us emancipate the student, and give him time and opportunity for the cultivation of his mind, so that in his pupilage he shall not be a puppet in the hands of others, but rather a self-relying and reflecting being.
  • What this form of entertainment has done is to take the woman who had been emancipated from her given traditional roles by the feminists, and relocate her in the domestic arena.
  • Legally, a number of situations exist in which minors are considered emancipated and therefore able to give sole consent for treatment.
  • Threatened by plots, riots, jacquerie, and pressure from the newly emancipated crowds and journalists of Paris, the Assembly quickly moved far beyond the wishes of the people as expressed in the cahiers.
  • Or to put it the other way around, an elaborate contrapuntal texture with emancipated dissonance is a perfect metaphor for the urgent but ineffectual efforts that Pierrot is making.
  • Armed with skills such as metalworking and pottery making, the newly emancipated Texans flourished as weavers, potters, blacksmiths, masons and carpenters.
  • Nearly 25 % of emancipated youth become homeless 2-4 years after leaving foster care.
  • Florina describes herself as a traditional emancipated Romani woman.
  • Without the True Name, no one is emancipated.
  • The newly emancipated peasants could then be hired, very cheaply, for much more profitable enterprises, by the richer landowners.

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