
How To Use Emanate In A Sentence

  • This was no obvious gaffe as it would have been had it emanated from the lips of George Bush, oh no, this was perhaps a "knowing casualism". Look, Obama just doesn't make gaffes, OK?
  • The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
  • I am satisfied that this reference did not emanate from anyone representing the ports authority or the dock company.
  • Zlotin heard a lone scream emanate from underneath the balcony, then the chain gun fell silent. CODE BREAKER
  • The sound of loud music emanated from the building.
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  • Two figures stood in a treacherously dangerous position at the edge of a hole from which a pillar of light emanated.
  • I remain a big fan of the engine though - the throaty burble they emanate still sends a chill up my spine each time I hear one.
  • If He emanated from God, is He coeternal and consubstantial with Him, or is He of a similar substance? A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Just a few yards away from the mahal, the strains of Carnatic music emanate from a small shrine.
  • The poem is re-created in glowing phrases — “A rich distilled perfume emanates from it like the breath of genius; a golden cloud envelops it; a honeyed paste of poetic diction encrusts it, like the candied coat of the auricula”. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • Some rooms emanate an air of serenity, while others feel lively and vivacious.
  • Gord Downie is one of the few songwriters whose lyrics still emanate the qualities of poetry and Downie's literary allusions are many.
  • A mood of frustration and intense sadness seems to emanate from him -- of which only I am aware. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Now she set the figure on a pedestal, a blank-faced, bulgy-eyed little goat gazing into space, its wide stubby tail sweeping over its back while it grasped a large baseball in its hand; a sort of ghoulish beauty now emanated from the figure. Antonia Cruz Rafael: the ceramics of Ocumicho, Michoacan
  • Both are mostly transparent to sunlight and are heated in similar ways - largely by infrared radiation that emanates from their surfaces.
  • Much of Afrikaner historical orthodoxy emanated from Stellenbosch University.
  • It says the scheme to register construction and consulting firms emanated from past experiences of the council and now wished to reward firms based on their performance.
  • There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • They emanate a kind of spirit and momentum that forces the viewer to look at the world through the eyes of the artist.
  • From her Oscar-nominated turn in Lorenzo's Oil in 1992 to her Mrs March in Little Women and, more recently, in Stepmom and Anywhere But Here, Sarandon emanates a maternal warmth on screen that few others can touch.
  • Astronomers suspect that the distant emissions may emanate from the same type of nebulas.
  • A low growl, like the sound of sand and gravel rolling around deep within his broad chest, emanated from the beast continuously.
  • The signal, which was buried in archived studies of a pair of small nearby galaxies called the Magellanic Clouds, was extremely strong and so oddly skewed that scientists believe it emanated from a cosmic event that took place about three billion light-years from Earth. Cosmic Ghost Leaves Radio Footprint | Impact Lab
  • Because we are "metaphysically" free, that is to say, our inborn disposition from which they necessarily emanate, is the work of our free will, which specific acts are not. The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur
  • The same bizarre intellectual dissonance emanates from 'brights' when they start prattling on about the probable, in their view, unintentional origin and nature of codes (for even Morse code is, on their view, simply part of the materialist's natural continuum, minds being naturally evolved brains and all, dontchaknow). Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • Its values emanated from the Scottish Kirk, which had thrown out the top-down hierarchy of the Catholic Church and replaced it with governing councils made up of ordinary citizens.
  • Of these rare poetical pieces four are unnoticed by Lowndes; five of them are published anonymously; but their similarity to those with an author's name testifies the source from which the others emanated. Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
  • Ah, but the polluted atmosphere didn't emanate from the ghost either then or earlier," said Hall. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Being an "empath" may explain her wistful connection to the roiling waves of the ocean, the sanctuary it provides, and the sexual urges that seem to emanate from fathoms below … Archive 2007-02-01
  • A pale white glow began to emanate from my body, spreading like the very blood pumping through my veins.
  • Arvid Einer, monitored all radio frequencies available for use, but not a word emanated from those ships. Left to Die
  • To the untrained eye, their movements were only highlighted by the flickers of light that emanated from their swords, but Geoff's eyes could make out each move that they were executing.
  • In this shower the meteors appear to emanate from a point in the constellation of Gemini, hence the name Geminid and are associated with the asteroid Phaethon, suspected to be an extinct comet. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Wood, now 17, began to take Pilates to strengthen her midsection, the area from which a dancer's strength emanates.
  • The Shield utilises these same principles of refraction to deflect the electromagnetic radiation waves that emanate from even the ‘safe’ monitors.
  • On another level, over the last fifteen years many Arab films began to emanate an increasingly self-reflexive attitude to their adoption of various stylistic and generic practices.
  • From my experience, hostility coming from the Left is a direct response to the sanctimonious, oppressive dogma and bigotry that emanates from the political Right.
  • A portrait bust of George Gershwin is shown on a pedestal, and dance music emanates from an unseen source.
  • Pulsing disco music emanated from a DJ station in the middle as skaters whirled by.
  • Of course one is tempted to speculate on the primordial sound that created the universe, the om, from which, in the Indian tradition, the whole of creation emanated.
  • What if I said they all happened to have originally emanated from the Land Down Under?
  • The great surprise is that out of this slim body, a sonorous, powerful voice emanates vibrating with a immense nuances of expression.
  • Besides, much of the film's charm emanates from its setting rather than its kitsch value.
  • Because authority figures emanate an aura of rightness, their actions cannot easily be challenged.
  • Their wish to expand the audience probably emanates from their belief that poetry should be enjoyed and practised by everyone; that poetry needs to be liberated from stultifying analysis.
  • A warm glow emanated from my stomach which was being fuelled by my extremities which felt like frozen chicken parts. A DARKENING STAIN
  • The dust settled, the noise subsided and a glow of lambent light emanated from the chamber that now lay revealed.
  • The strength of nonviolence emanates from an understanding of the origins of power: all power derives from the consent of the governed.
  • The seventh bowl - this must not be taken, Already a cool ethereal breeze Emanates from underneath my arms.
  • A researcher first noticed the signal while holding the animal in his hands: a buzzing sensation seemed to emanate from its body just in front of its forelimbs.
  • Schoolboys cannot understand that this shrinking from danger (I speak of palpable danger), which they call cowardice, nearly always emanates from a superior intellect. The Channings
  • Ah, but the polluted atmosphere didn't emanate from the ghost either then or earlier," said Hall. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The pelvic nerves emanate from the roots of the second through fourth sacral segments of the spinal cord.
  • Zlotin heard a lone scream emanate from underneath the balcony, then the chain gun fell silent. CODE BREAKER
  • He goes on to note that all aeons emanate from it.
  • These days, in contrast, fashion trends emanate from a diverse range of sources.
  • Speed is not the attraction to this style of diving and trips emanate a laid-back feeling which is further enhanced by the crews - nothing gets done in a hurry, and it comes as a huge welcome that nothing needs to be.
  • Steam and smoke emanated from the different ports and hoses that came loose, filling the small area around it with a somewhat vague but visible mist.
  • These are the subtle mind currents which emanate from all living creatures and constitute a part of their aura.
  • Although the ebonized and painted cabinet shown in Plate IX has previously been associated with Godwin, recent research shows that it is far more likely to have emanated from the workshop of Cottier and Company of London.
  • A mood of frustration and intense sadness seems to emanate from him -- of which only I am aware. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • The poem's voice emanated from the world's timeless interior rather than the cities and institutions of its surface, hinting at a renewed oracular vision and attention to the natural order.
  • Leafy veggies which are not sold are stacked into vegetating piles which emanate a stink and consequently create health hazards for denizens.
  • If the book has a shortcoming, it is one that emanates from the source of its strength.
  • We are aware that the earth and the moon emanated from their original star, the sun.
  • And she was bathed in a nimbus of pure white light which seemed to emanate from within her, suffusing the tent with light. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • Its precise pacing, composition and camera movement and the minimalist yet powerful soundtrack reverberates and emanates a mood of incredible mystery and stillness.
  • These campaigns all belong to a single strand of counterreform which emanates from one faction of the leadership that is obviously getting weaker as time goes on. The Price China Has Paid: An Interview with Liu Binyan
  • Before Christmas the dulcet tones of Mozart, Handel and a host of other classical composers emanated from the statue of Brunel, in Haveock Square.
  • The concept of world-woman or world spirit emanates from a humble origin - the roots of African American culture that value community and interpersonal relations as measures of success.
  • Experience the warmth that comes toward you, and you become aware that one can emanate this quality.
  • The 'catastrophic consequences' that we coarse bloggers are concerned with emanate from the anthropomorphist phenomenon of recycled bovine excrement being regurgitated from the mouths of lobbyists for further ingestion by the credulous; to influence them into supporting the vested interests of some very wicked ideologues. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • A mood of frustration and intense sadness seems to emanate from him -- of which only I am aware. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • To serve these dimensions of Christ's single salvific agency is to fragment the saving action which emanates from that agency.
  • Moreover, the fuci that are found in the northern extremity of the Florida stream are generally decayed, while those which are seen in the southern extremity appear quite fresh -- this difference would not exist if they emanated from the Gulf. A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
  • The proposal originally emanated from the UN.
  • Ten minutes into our trip a foul smell begins to permeate the carriage; it emanates from the aforementioned toilets.
  • The fish are being proffered—oops, offered—by a cold-hearted functionary of the New York Zoo, while the love emanates from, yes, you guessed it. 'Buck': Champion Tale of a Horse Guru
  • From every act, from every word of the persona he has presented to the camera since the early 1970s, there emanates at once a mediocrity and a magnetic allure.
  • This appeal emanated from the cache, where Langham was vainly struggling with divers quarters of frozen moose. THE PRIESTLY PREROGATIVE
  • Your Honour, the issue of law emanates from what was plainly an error of fact.
  • Stylists at Cartoon Cuts wash as well as cut their customers' hair, dousing the suds with hoses that emanate from the trunks of green fiberglass elephants.
  • You indicated earlier that complaints can emanate from a range of sources, and obviously, complaints can emanate from members of the public, you said that.
  • The signal, which was buried in archived studies of a pair of small nearby galaxies called the Magellanic Clouds, was extremely strong and so oddly skewed that scientists believe it emanated from a cosmic event that took place about three billion light-years from Earth. Cosmic Ghost Leaves Radio Footprint | Impact Lab
  • A personality of smallness and egotism and petty underhandedness seemed to emanate from the letters themselves.
  • Farabi naturalizes prophecy by having the emanated forms received by the imagination pass on to the senses and then out to the air. Arabic and Islamic Psychology and Philosophy of Mind
  • I am satisfied that this reference did not emanate from anyone representing the ports authority or the dock company.
  • As they descended, the light became aqueous and a chill emanated from the forest floor, seeping through the lichen, moss and ferns. FLOATING CITY
  • And she was bathed in a nimbus of pure white light which seemed to emanate from within her, suffusing the tent with light. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • The praise that emanated from the media when his term of office reached its one hundredth day surpassed anything ever said about any other President at so early a point and was notably devoid of restraint and reserve. Back from the Mountains
  • A sound emanated from the stream, the rough, dry scraping of scales over rock.
  • Like any great promoter, Joe Fitzgerald emanates unbridled enthusiasm.
  • Anti-Arab racism does not emanate from a single source, and certainly is not limited to passions stemming from the Arab-Israeli conflict.
  • The new approach was called econometrics, and it emanated, at least at first, from another major intellectual base called the Cowles Commission at the University of Chicago. Economic Principals
  • Animal sounds - the call of birds, the cry of small herbivores and the screams of predators - emanated from the foliage, giving it an ominous, foreboding atmosphere.
  • The idea originally emanated from his brother.
  • You use very distinct and textured musical scores that seem to emanate from the actual source.
  • She was quite plump, and emanated motherly love.
  • He awoke the next morning to the delicious smell that emanated from the fireplace.
  • As he steps away, the pilot hears a deep and powerful burble, which immediately repeats itself and seems to emanate from somewhere in the bowels of the plane.
  • And from that center you can choose to reidentify with your higher self, which is where all the higher qualities like unconditional love, joy, compassion, and courage emanate from. Love For No Reason
  • Her touch at his arm seemed to emanate a warmth which spread from there and throughout his body.
  • It is disturbing when these guns may well have emanated from British military sources.
  • Imagine if you will how it might feel to put your feet into Carmen's imprints and recall the pulsating rhythm that must have emanated from such animated feet. Guest Blogger Polly Guerin on Carmen Miranda
  • Zlotin heard a lone scream emanate from underneath the balcony, then the chain gun fell silent. CODE BREAKER
  • In what was easily one of their best collections in recent memory, Max and Lubov Azria sent out a fluid, almost scarf-like, collection of color-blocked pieces that, when broken down to its core, emanated from a simple black, long-sleeved T-shirt. Jim Shi: New York Fashion Week, Day One: BCBG Max Azria, Richard Chai Love, Vena Cava, Ports 1961 & L.A.M.B. (PHOTOS)
  • Clouds of fire emanate from the mouth of a performer in Barranquilla, Colombia, on Sunday.
  • These chemicals can emanate certain poisonous gases.
  • Its radiant splendor emanates from the Lord Jesus Christ transfigured in this holy place.
  • Her alien croaks and gurgles emanate from deep within her barely moving throat.
  • She gently intonates the high notes in order to allow the full bass to emanate crisply and without effort.
  • The handscroll format allows emotions to emanate with each unrolling, like the mists exhaled by the landscape and water.
  • Angry voices emanated from the room.
  • If we introduce two terms and call the person from whom the sexual attraction emanates the _sexual object_, and the action towards which the impulse strives the _sexual aim_, then the scientifically examined experience shows us many deviations in reference to both sexual object and sexual aim, the relations of which to the accepted standard require thorough investigation. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • This energy emanated from a medium traditionally associated with nourishing food and nurturing femininity.
  • Much of the mystic vampire appeal certainly emanates from the overt sexuality of the core image of a male vampire sucking the blood of a nubile maiden.
  • The throaty cheer that emanates from the gut is the soundtrack. - Holding the line
  • The source of all sovereignty lies essentially in the Nation. No corporate body , no individual may exercise any authority that does not expressly emanate from it.
  • There suddenly erupted an outburst of noise that didn't emanate from an audio system, although it echoed the same aggressive sentiments.
  • The seventh bowl - this must not be taken, Already a cool ethereal breeze Emanates from underneath my arms.
  • And she was bathed in a nimbus of pure white light which seemed to emanate from within her, suffusing the tent with light. SHARDS OF A BROKEN CROWN
  • This is far from the first occasion that stories have emanated from the midland county about internal ructions.
  • While the near-autistic reserve of Wilson's intent powers of observation may put off some viewers - Damon, often shielded behind large horn-rims, is playing the most passive of characters - yet the power of the central dilemma grows from the analysis of how power can emanate more from concealment than display .... GreenCine Daily: The Good Shepherd.
  • What else can one expect with the rhythmic beats, sonorous sounds and the passion that emanated as they went about weaving magic ecstatically on their instruments.
  • The phrase "daylight robbery" is said to have emanated from this period. Windows could be boarded up as tenants try to avoid benefits penalties
  • Kim was an exuberant, charismatic woman who emanated a warmth and generosity that was instantly recognizable.
  • Let's face it, it's no wonder we lack the words to describe the complex, fleeting sensations that emanate from a glass of wine.
  • Unfortunately, the gowns don't emanate the same elegance that Armani is so known for.
  • The perfume emanated by the exudation of the Amytis agallochum issues out of the bodies. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 4 Books 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18
  • Sometimes the inferior power emanates in its totality from the superior, in which case the entire potence of the former is founded upon the potence of the latter, so that obedience is due to the higher at all times and without exceptions. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Water emanates from this hole in the ground
  • For today's tyros, cast your eyes across the Atlantic, where Eggers, Lethem, Franzen et al emanate a buzz that is more than publishers' wishful thinking.
  • There was a dankness in the air, a smell of creeping poverty which emanated from the beggars and rose to enfold them all. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • All of these constituents are aromatic indicating that the cinnamon oil, the oil of anise star and the linalool oil of aloe wood all emanate from the powder composition.
  • The combination emanated both heady romance and lightheartedness, two things she lacked entirely.
  • Certainly this particular attempt, and its successors which emanated from that same headquarters, enjoyed none of the carefully planned supporting processes which were triggered off by the attentat of 20th July, 1944. Barbarossa
  • She briefly hesitates once again, as I feel a strange sensation that seems to emanate from where her hand touches my chest.
  • Then a light emanated from the self-subsisting form by the order of God, the splendor of which spread upon the heaven, moving from point to point, and caused the material form (_i.e. _, the inferior, so-called penetrable form) to change its place. A History of Mediaeval Jewish Philosophy
  • We can see if you are spiritually evolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light.
  • It is a perfect cosmopolite in essence and in action; it has nothing local or limitary in its nature; it participates the character of the soul from which it emanated. Uncollected Prose
  • And at least some of them emanate from right wing political lobbies funded by big business interests who want to avoid being sued for malpractice.
  • This so-called news emanated from a deal that consumer-products giant Unilever signed recently with a Silicon Valley company called Ampere Life Sciences. Arlene Weintraub: Anti-Aging Ice Cream? Stop the Presses!
  • The base of the polyp becomes fixed to the substrate and stolons emanate from the aboral pole of the primary polyp.
  • The rumor emanated from your department.
  • His face emanates a still fury, sweat pouring freely from it as the door gently, excruciatingly, closes.
  • Effective use of space emanates a subtle feeling of comfort.
  • What attracted my attention was the air of quiet confidence and serenity that emanated from her.
  • He'd always had his mother, a sobering figure who emanated love and protection around her youngest son, her baby.
  • Howls of protest emanated from the Digital Entertainment Group reception in the Bellagio Thursday night. Best in home theater honored at CES
  • An effective illusionistic device, the lattice seems to emanate from the center of the canvas, playfully lending the work a sense of depth.
  • The strength he emanated and his confidence were sexy but she knew she would never find him physically appealing.
  • We live on the 16th floor of the tallest apartment block in Gabrovo where throughout the day, the aroma of 15 floors of collective gases from unflushed commodes waft upwards and emanate from our drains.
  • For spirits to appear, for ectoplasm to emanate, for UFOs to descend, darkness is essential.
  • Intelligence and cunning emanated from him.
  • This intimate seaside village was built in the 1800s to be a resort for wealthy San Diegans, yet it emanates a feeling of relaxed welcome to all who visit.
  • Control is understood as one's being the source whence her actions emanate.
  • These are the subtle mind currents which emanate from all living creatures and constitute a part of their aura.
  • It appears to emanate from the formulation of a rather artificial linguistic paradox.
  • Similarly, in hearing a sound emanate from an object, the object remains intact and the experience is of sound waves vibrating in the ear.
  • This man is Riders of Rebus who like a modern day mariachi emanates unpretentious, rocking pop tunes with spiky guitars and quirky melodies.
  • According to his theosophic system, God, as Divine Man, is infinite love and infinite wisdom, from whom emanate the two worlds of nature and spirit, distinct but closely related.
  • In a first-class 'dioptric' apparatus the light emanates from a lamp with several concentric wicks, the flame of which, being kindled by a very active draught, attains to great intensity. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • Moths bob around in balls of phosphorescent light, and the day's heat emanates from the ground.
  • The idea originally emanated from his brother.
  • Trudeau, who at age 40 still lived with his mother, emanated an attractive temptation to revolt against custom, to fight the status quo.
  • The logic, or the justification, in support of this procedure emanates from caducity of life and indeed of the whole creation at large.
  • He had painted her for the duomo in Arezzo, a very strong and majestic image from which her power and leadership emanated. The Poet Prince
  • There were multiple scorches on the hull and smoke and sparks continued to emanate from various sections of it.
  • Black's student Daniel Rutherford called this gas mephitic air instead: mephitis is a noxious emission in legend, thought to emanate from the earth and cause pestilence.
  • On the other hand, the criticism of airlines did not emanate from statistics but from personal experience.
  • Morale operations include all measures of subversion, other than physical, used to create confusion and division, and to undermine the morale and the political unity of the enemy through any means from within, or purporting to emanate within, enemy countries; or from bases within areas where action and counteraction may be effective against the enemy. A Covert Affair
  • Outside the mandala the requestor was the emanated body of Vajrapani, King Suchandra of Shambhala. Kalachakra Initiations by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
  • Ah, but the polluted atmosphere didn't emanate from the ghost either then or earlier," said Hall. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Snowy herons skimmed low over the water, and choruses of warbling frogs emanated from clusters of lily pads.
  • But the curved spine stiffened, the voice was no longer shaky, and an inner unholy light emanated from suddenly bottomless eyes while a barely perceptible dark aura sprang to malev - olent life around him. The Day of the Dissonance
  • Are they cosmical, and do they emanate from consequent changes in our elemental electrodynamical conditions? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a low light inside the house, which emanates through the front windows and out onto the veranda.
  • The rules making up this body of law emanate from sources of international law (treaties, customary law, etc.)
  • The idea emanated from a discussion we had the other day.
  • The perikaryon of a microglial cell is irregular in shape, and, if elongated, the few processes emanate from both of its poles.
  • The water that emanated from the cloth disguised itself as beads of sweat which he would mop up with his loin cloth. GYPSY MASALA
  • Most attacks of remorse or conscience in their strongest form emanates from that source.
  • But in the middle of the gallery, there's a circular seating area from which emanate the sounds of various female monologues.
  • I can think of hundreds of possible scenarios in which a single violent act could lead to a chain reaction of unstoppably escalating violence, particularly with the growing regional, religious and racial polarization and the constant warning by the radical right of the emanate danger posed by the Democratic party. Unarmed, This Time
  • Those sonorous words did not emanate from Donald Graham or Arthur Sulzberger Jr., but from William Dean Singleton, one of the most controversial figures in the newspaper world.
  • Kandinsky's ideas for non-representational art emanate from several different sources.
  • Rather, it emanates from an ethical self-understanding of the species shared by all moral persons. Globe and Mail
  • Sometimes spirit voices seem to emanate from the trumpet.
  • The rumor emanated from Chicago.
  • From these and Harms's other works, there emanates a feeling of exuberance, self-deprecating humor and cheerful absurdity.
  • When the ear — that is, the auditory imagination — is no longer conditioned by the body, and the membrane of the loudspeaker disappears into the dust, along with the entire universe, the only thing to survive, in so far as it is 'idea', will be the spiritual force which emanates from my music. — Archive 2007-12-01
  • He had bright, flinty eyes and an air of silent confidence - one of those men whose alpha status seems to emanate from their pores, their rank in any group somehow implicit, beyond question.
  • In consequence, the present firman, which is ornamented at the head with our 'Hoomaioon' (sign-manual), and emanates from our Imperial Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume I Comprising Their Life and Work as Recorded in Their Diaries From 1812 to 1883
  • For instance, Mrs. Pertonwaithe and Mrs. Wickson exercised tremendous social power in the university town, and from them emanated the sentiment that I was a too-forward and self-assertive young woman with a mischievous penchant for officiousness and interference in other persons 'affairs. Chapter 6: Adumbrations
  • A warm glow emanated from my stomach which was being fuelled by my extremities which felt like frozen chicken parts. A DARKENING STAIN
  • Prejudice makes me expect that nutty health scares emanate from the USA, but the original article in this case was German.
  • Bhogji village in Osmanabad district could be detected by the smells that emanated from it.
  • The lineage of the Negro has been directly traced through Cush to Ham; hence, to argue the total moral depravity of the sons of Ham is but to concede the total moral depravity of the entire human race, as emanated from Noah in the postdiluvian age. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • At first I expressed some perplexity at the questions having emanated from her royal highness, and I told her afterwards that I understood cabalism, but that I could not interpret the meaning of the answers obtained through it, and that her highness must ask new questions likely to render the answers easier to be understood. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt

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