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[ US /ˈɛɫvɪs/ ]
  1. street name for lysergic acid diethylamide

How To Use Elvis In A Sentence

  • Darryl James, editor of RapSheet, presents Eminem with this antonomasia: ‘the Elvis of Rap’.
  • To make a Secondary World inside which the green sun will be credible, commanding Secondary Belief, will probably require labour and thought, and will certainly demand a special skill, a kind of elvish craft. Kicking the Hobbit
  • It doesn't always work: Five years ago in the Alps she landed badly on a jump, breaking her pelvis and fracturing a vertebra.
  • Elvis's home has become a shrine for his fans.
  • Several areas of the pelvis and the femur are likely to sustain injuries.
  • The remains include a complete tibia and shoulder blade, as well as parts of a femur, ribs, vertebrae, collarbone and pelvis, as well as an ankle bone.
  • These muscles are sometimes termed the diaphragm of the pelvis. XI. Splanchnology. 2e. The Abdomen
  • Apparently facultatively bipedal, with a toothless bird-like skull sporting large orbits, dinosaur-like cervical vertebrae possessing true pneumatic foramina, and reduced gracile forelimbs and a theropod-like pelvis, Effigia is strikingly like ornithomimosaurs (ostrich dinosaurs) in several details, mostly those concerning the skull and cervical vertebrae. Archive 2006-01-01
  • On Friday Oct. 22 in Atherton, California, Elvis Costello is playing what is likely his first-ever concert with a dress code. Clint Wilder: Elvis Costello's New Economy vs. Big Oil's Old One
  • During the early part of this century, before Caesarean sections were commonplace or indeed safe, pelvimetry (measurements of the maternal pelvis) was frequently employed in an attempt to predict the outcome of labour.
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